EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - UNEMPLOYED MEMBERS of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY seeking employment for themselves are allowed in one calendar year 3 ...
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EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION RAT Κ S (to l>« p u i d in a d v a n c e a c c o m p a n y i n g copy i n s t r u c t i o n s ) : Display a d v e r t i s e m e n t s §17 p e r c o l u m n inch, (space u n l i m i t e d ) . N o agency o r c a s l u l i s c o u n t s . S t a n d a r d s e t t i n g 20c a word, m i n i m u m c h a r g e $4.00 e a c h ; i n c l u d e 5 w o r d s for l»ox ad.*lrcss D i s c o u n t s a n d a l l o w a n c e s t o A. C S_ memliers on s t a n d a r d s e t " S i t u a t i o n s W a n t e d " a d v e r t i s e m e n t s o n l y . S Κ NI) a d v e r t i s e m e n t s with remittance to C H E M I C A L and E N G I N E E R I N G N E W S , 332 West 42nd St N3\v York 18, Ν . Υ., to reach there not later than the deadline of 10:00 A.M. o n Thursday, eighteen days preceding the date of publication. In printing those advertisements the. SOCIKTV assumes no obligations; a^ to­ 1;NI!11PL0VKD M E M B E R S of t h e AMERICAN- C H E M I C A L SOCIETY seeking qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employe rs nor cinployi nent for themselves are allowed in one calendar year 3 standard does the SOCIETY have information concerning t h e position advertis;ed. or un noun c e m e n t s * free (one per issue) and 3 more a t 10 cents per word. in regard to those seetcing e m p l o y m e n t . Excess words and further announcements at fidl rate. EMPLOYED M E M B E R S of the SOCIKTY seeking new positions are per­ -O mit ted 3 standard a n n o u n c e m e n t s * (one p'>r issue) during the calendar year at 10cents per word. Excess words and further announcements at full rate. Those replying t o announcements: should send copies: and not original loeu* Standard announcement is 45 words plus 5-word box address or advertiser's nd all merits. Advertising circuhirs will n o t be forwardc I and to t iianiPund address. letters will be opened at t h e forwarding oflice.





lluroaiiiK PLACEMENT

in the

To ι η Coffer, Employment Counsellor, 20 W. Jack­ son Hlvcl.. Chicago 4, 111. GOOD E M P L O Y M E N T AGENCY SERVICE •for tech ni cal, executive, and sales positions. Chemical Dept., Position Securing Bureau, Inc. (Agency >, 45 John Street, New York.

Industrial Positions PHYSICAL CHEMISTS—several research Ph.LVs up t o ό years postdoctoral. Interest : thermodynamics, kinetic theory, inorganic chem­ istry. Experience: techniques, purification and manipulation of gases, high vacuum, medium high pressures ; experiments low temperatures ; bench scale process testing most desirable. One vacancy requires experience counters and tracer techniques inorganic systems. Include complete data, dtite available, salary required. Location Summit. N. J . area. Our employees notified of this nd. Box 13-y-5, C . & E. NT., Eastern, Pa. JUNIOR PHYSICIST—B.S. 2-4 years "research cxperienoe or M.S. speetrographic work and in­ strument, development. Include complete data, date available, salary required. Location Summit. N". J. area, Our employees notified of this ad. Box H-X-5, G & Ε. 1ST., Easton, Pa. " ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T , P h . D . For de­ velopment of new analytical methods in medium sized pharmaceutical plant, located in midwest. Young man with executive potentialities pre­ ferred, Familiarity with standard and instru­ mental met hods desirable. Permanent position. Professional and personal data, salary expected and date available should be submitted in first letter, Box 16-y-5, C . & Ε . N . , Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL C H E M I S T wanted for research employing dielectric measurements on liquid and solid diolectric materials. Ph.D. degree and ex­ perience in electrical measurements required. E x ­ perience desired, b u t not essential in surface chemist r-y or high polymers. Age up to 35. Good opportunity for fundamental research anil advancement. Send photograph, complete history and salary desired with first, application. Loca­ tion: Detroit. Box 20-F-6, C . & E. NT., Easton, Pa.

D I R E C T O R F O R A N E W RESEARCH D E P A R T M E N T wanted by one of our clients, an expanding integrated petroleum products companylocated in the Southwest. Applicants s h o u l d preferably be under 40 years of age and have a Ph.D. degree or its equivalent i n chemistry or chemical engineering. Research experience in petroleum o r a related industry is desirable but not essential. Submit qualifications, a detailed account of experience, a n d salary requirement t o :

A r t l j u r B_ ïïtttle, ï r i c 30 Memorial Drive

Cambridge 4 2 , Massachusetts

PHYSICAL OR PHYSICAL ORGANIC C H E M I S T wanted for research on. resins and high polymers. P h . D . or equivalent required, with experience in resin, plastics or rubber tech­ nology. Application of fundamental principles involved with good opportunity for advancement. Age up to 40. Send photograph, complete history, and salary desired with first application. Loca­ tion: Detroit. Rox 19-F-6, C. & Ε. N . , Easton, P a .


A well-established, nationally-known and financially responsible concern is planning to manufacture a product involving pres­ sure-sensitive adhesives. Men with ex­ perience in tape preferred, as many of t h e problems involved will bear a direct r e ­ lationship to tape. An excellent opportunity for men who c a n fulfill requirements and are willing to take the responsibility of getting a new division going at top speed. The organization will build up as fast as possible but the leader selected would have an opportunity to build up his own organization. Replies will be confidential and handled b y top management of company. Salaries to be commensurate with ability and experi­ ence of individuals selected. Give experi­ ence, references, professional and per­ sonal information. Box 22-H-6, C. 8c E. N.„ E a s t o n , P a . PHYSICAL C H E M I S T wanted for research employing ultraviolet and infra-red spectro­ photometry. B.S. or M.S. degree required, with experience in spectrophotometry or electroplat­ ing desirable. Age up to 30. Good opportunity for advancement. Send photograph, complete history and salary desired with first application. Location : Detroit. Box 18-N-5, C. & Ε. N . , Easton, P a . ANALYTICAL CHEMIST": Wide experience; for established consulting laboratories; salary plus commission on work completed. Immediate. Box 12-11-6, C. & Ε. N . , Easton, P a .

tyai+Ί AfxplicaiiOH, uutlt tUa AGS REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE can b e inspected by employers a t a n y o£ t h e following offices : Chicago 1 1 , Illinois Room 744 3 5 East Wacker Drive

New York 17', New York 60 East 42nd Street Room 720

Washington 6, D. C. 1155 16th St., N.W.

ENTOMOLOGIST—BIOLOGIST : Biologist, with entomology, plant pathology, or horticul­ tural background to participate in team con­ ducting product development, market .surveys, and field evaluation on agricultural chemicals. Considerable scope and challenge for man with interest in economic aspects of insecticides, fungi­ cides, and herbicides. Ability to plan program,, obtain grower cooperation and contact station investigators is highly essential. Prefer man tinder 35 years. Please state age, education. «>xperienee. a n d references. Box 17-N-5. C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . CIIKMICAL PROCESS E N G I N E E R : Medium size corporation with several plants throughout t h e country engaged in processing operations has opening for graduate engineer. Must have 5 years experience in performing independent work in the design of unit operations and unit process equipment, and in the collection and correlation of commercial pilot plant data. Petroleum in­ dustry experience preferred. Chicago area loca­ tion. Give full details in reply. Application will b e held in strict con Γ den ce. I3ox 13-F-6, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. P a .

CHIEF CHEMIST O u t st an d i n g m a n to supervise analytical laboratory employing ap­ proximately 2 0 people. Must have r e a l administrative ability, mature j u d g m e n t a n d skill in r e p o r t writing. E x p e r i e n c e in food a n d / o r fermen­ tation industries desirable. Salary c o m m e n s u r a t e with e x p e r i e n c e a n d ability. Give complete r e s u m e of education a n d e x p e r i e n c e in first letter. Address B o x 2 1 - H - 6 , C. & Ε . Ν., E a s t o n , P a .

Attn: Regional Employment Clearing House 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington 6 , D. C.

ASSISTANT D I R E C T O R O F R E S E A R C H : Pharmaceutical manufacturer in New York area h a s opening for young P h . D . Biochemistry or bacteriology major with some medical or p h a r m a ­ ceutical research experience. Unlimited advance­ ment possibilities for well-adjusted individual. Salary $5,000. Write giving complete résumé of experience, schooling and publications t o : Box 10-II-6, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , P h . D . Preferably with experience i n synthetic drugs. Salary commensu­ r a t e with background and qualifications. Drug house located in Philadelphia. Reply to : Box 16-H-6, C. & E. N„ Easton, P a . ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T . Organic chemist with resin experience t o supervise small analyti­ cal laboratory in east. Please submit complete d a t a including salary desired, references, and en­ close recent snapshot. Box 23-11-6, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a .


( C o n t i n u e d o n p a g e 1765)

Registration, i n t n e clearing house is available w i t h o u t c h a r g e t o a l l A m e r i c a n Chemical Society m e m b e r s a n d p a i d s t u d e n t affiliates. All employers are invited to c o n s u l t records o n file. For application

forms write to:






(Situations Open C o n t i n u e d )

RESEARCH DIRECTOR For Water Conditioning Field. Chemist Or Chemical Engineer, Age 3Q-35, Ph.D. Degree Desirable. Previous Research Experience As Supervisor O r Assistant Director. Must Be Able To Plan Research Pro­ grams And Direct Staff. Should Possess Some Knowledge Of Water Technology. Philadelphia Area. Box 13-H-6, C . & Ε . Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T for developmental research and supervisory work in research laboraR>: ν of established Philadelphia pharmaceutical company. Should have P h . D . or M . S . with equ valent training and experience. Must have good working knowledge and experience in stand­ ard analytical and instrumental methods. Some experience or training in pharmaceutical and bio­ chemical methods preferred but not essential. Must have highest references. Permanent posi­ tion for person with initiative and ability. Sub­ mit professional a n d personal data in first letter, including salary expected and when available. Box 15-F-6, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . CHEMIST—organic, previous experience pre­ ferred. Small dy-estuff plant in southern New York state. First letter of application state age, education, experience, marital status and enclose photograph. Box l l - H - 6 , C. & E. N \ , Easton, Pa.


Opportunity a s a Senior Chemist for appli­ cation research in extruded a n d molded flexible industrial plastics. Must Have a well rounded plastics background, with, a working knowledge of mold design. A good personality a n d ability to work with, suppliers and co-workers is essential. A real opportunity for a progressive individual with imagination and drive. Preferably between 30 a n d 40 years of age. Location Northern New Jersey. In reply please sub­ mit complete resume with references, a small non-retixrnable picture, and salary requirements. Box 29-H-6^ C. & Ε. Κ . , E a s t o n , P a .

T E A C H I N G F E L L O W S H I P S in chemical engineering beginning September, 1949, leading to λΐ.8. and P h . D . degrees. 8 t o 12 semester hours of graduate courses permitted. Working time 15 to 22 clock hours per week. Salarv «750 to $1500 for 9 months. Tuition fees $24.000 per semester. Housing for veterans available. Send photograph, transcript, letters of reference t o : Head, Department of Chemical Engineering, Oklahoma A. & Λ1. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. G R A D U A T E A S S I S T A N T S H I P S , instructional, with good opportunities for research fellowships later. Stipend varies with service; free tuition and breakage; special arrangements for veterans. Minimum requirement: A.C.S.-approvcd Bache­ lor's degree, with Β average, or equivalent train­ ing. Direct letters and transcripts to A. B. Burg, University of Southern California. Los Angeles 7, California. I N S T R U C T O R S H I P S A N D G R A D U A T E AS^ S I S T A N T S H I P S in chemistry available for year 1949--50. Salary $3000 and SS00 to $1000, respec­ tively. Former require Master's b u t both permit study toward P h . D . Interested in employing young lady with organic or biochemistry major as instructor to teach nurses. Write Head, Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T : Instructor or assistant professor, University of Richmond, start­ ing September, 1949. M.S. or P h . D . degree re­ quired. Salary based on advanced training and experience. Research opportunities. Apply to Department of Chemistry, University of Richr nond, Virginia. C O L L E G E T E A C H E R , with P h . D . in organic and with teaching experience, to conduct courses in organic and beginning chemistry. Applicant should not be more t h a n 40 to 45 "years of age. preferably younger, because of benefits in retire­ ment system. Rank of assistant or associate professor, with salary up to $4500 for nine months, plus summer teaching at same rate, to start, depending on qualifications. Beginning Septem­ ber. Submit statement, references and recent photo t o : H. W. Gould, NOrthern Illinois State Teachers College, D e K a l b , Illinois. G R A D U A T E A S S I S T A N T S : September 1949. P a r t time work leading to Master's degree. Mini­ mum of $80 per month, from nine to twelve hours of assisting. Send personal data, t r a n ­ script, photograph, and recommendations to E. Wertheim, D e p a r t m e n t of Chemistry, U n i versity of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. BIOCHEMIST : Assistant professorship in medical school in upper South. Half time teach­ ing—half time research. Beginning salary as of September 1, S4.500. Box 20-H-6, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a .




TEACHING F E L L O W S H I P S îïî chemistry. Available September 1949. Permit 9 hours graduate study, require half-time laboratory instruction. Stipend $1200 per school year. Head, Department of Chemistry, North Carolina State College, Raleigh, North Carolina.

T E A C H I N G P O S I T I O N : Ph.E>. in Chemical Engineering June, 1949; 27, married. Good back­ ground in unit operations and physical chemistry. Specialized in kinetics, thermodynamics and catalysis. Research solvent extraction. Good knowledge of industrial measuring instruments. Can teach scientific Russian. Uox 308-J-5, C. A E . N., Easton, P a . RESEARCH CHEMIST: Ph.D. Organic Major with 11 years industrial experience in plastics, polymerization, chlorination, hydrogénation and organic synthesis; last 2 years on government synthetic rubber program. Patents, publications. C a n plan and do research. Prefer academic or industrial research, teaching. Age 38, married ; immediately available. Pox 320-L-5, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a . P L A S T I C C O A T I N G S C H E M I S T : 10 years intense industrial and engineering experience. Plant manager, production, sales, product d e ­ velopment, laboratory supervision, 3 years own plant coating fibre, yarn, textiles, paper, formu­ lation plastic coatings—lacquers, latex, disper­ sions, pigments, dyes, adhesives, etc. Interested management, development, technical service or sales. Box 332-L-5, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST: P h . D . August 1949, large midwest university. Minor, organic chemistry. Young m a n . Interests in nutrition and inter­ mediary metabolism. Industrial and teaching experience. Desires industrial research or aca­ demic research position. Box 301-N-5, C . & Ε . Ν . , Easton, Pa. O R G A N I C C H E M I S T : M.S., May 1949, age 26, married. T w o years experience in aromatic hydrocarbon research. Extensive course in or­ ganic synthesis. Reserve air fovee officer. D e ­ sires position in research or development. "Vvesl coast preferred b u t not essential. Available June 1. Box 305-N-5, C . & Ε . Ν . , Easton, P a . C H E M I S T , B.S., 37. Diversified experience in organic research and development, thermosetting resins, resin emulsions, latex and solvent rubber based adhesives and coatings. Formulation and fundamental research. Desire position in r e ­ search or development where broad experience can be of use. Box 319-N-5, C . & Ε . Ν . , Easton, P a .



TECHNICAL SERVICE D I R E C T O R : A large chemical corporation producing industrial chemicals wants experienced man for this posi­ tion. Must have chemical education in addition to at least ten years experience in sales and service work with initiative and ability t o re­ lieve executive officer of responsibilities concerned with technical service administration and custo­ mer developniPivt. Salary commensurate with re­ sponsibility and excellent opportunity for further advancement in an aggressive growing organiza­ tion. Box 15-H-6, C teaching assistant in quantitative chemistry. Prepared to teach inorganic or quantitative analy­ sis. Western or southern location preferred. Available Septemher. Box 321-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . C H E M I S T , ANALYTICAL· B.S.—1932. 16years experience in general analyses, developmem of new procedures and industrial investigations. Specialized in organic analyses, gas analyses, infra-red spectrophotometry, polarography, other instrumental methods. Experience obtained in rubber, organic chemical and motor fuel fields. Prefer _ New Jersey, Philadelphia, Metropolitan New York location. Box 322- Ν 5, C. & Ε. N . , Easton, P a . SOAP P R O D U C T I O N MANAGER—Middle aiçrd, with 30 years experience in soap making, glycerine recovery, oil refining and blending of fats, desires position where extensive experiene·:n this field is required. Box 323-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . CHEMICAL ENGINEER. Four years'" ex­ perience in research and pilot plant. Bachelor's tl.'irr-i'e in chemical engineering and chemistry. A stable person capable of working with people and taking responsibility. Prefer development and production. Age 31, single, no geographical I nutations. Hox 324-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . ΪΝΓDU S T R I A L C H E M I S T : Twelve years in dust rial experience in development of lubricating «tils, resinous emulsions and emulsifiers, plasticizers for natural and synthetic resins and elastomers. Desires position in product development and/or technical service. Married, two children, age 36. Location Northwest, East or Midwest. Box 326-N-5, C . & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . O R G A N I C C H E M I S T , Ph.D." 1947, 10 years diversified experience research, product and proc­ ess development: organic synthesis, plastics, impregnation of leather, aliphatic acids. Age 33, married, Sigma Xi, ex-naval officer. Desires responsible position where initiative and good sense of economics is appreciated. Available immcdiatelv. Box 329-N-5, C. & Ε . Ν . , Easton, P a . CHEMIST: B.S. June 49. Age 21, "single. No industrial experience. Courses in qualitative organic analysis and quantitative biochemistry. Will accept sales or industrial position. N o geographical limitations. Available after June 4. Box 333-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa. _ P L A N T M A N A G E R of 4 years backed by 10 years chemical research in waxes and oils. Prefer permanent position in carbon paper or business forms manufacturing, in Cleveland o r East. Aire 37. Box 339-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . T E A C H I N G , with facilities for reasonable program physical, chemical, and/or physicoanaiytical research. Physical chemist, P h . D . . with 10 years industrial, chemical, and textile research, and teaching. Experienced in instru­ mentation and microscopy. Age 34, family. P r e ­ fer South, southwest, Pacific coast. Available September. Box 348-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . NIOrtE for LESS—If nine years experience in chemical production and administration with good results in obtaining peak production a t minimum costs can be profitably utilized b y your company, I have it to offer. Experience covers most unit processes. B.S.Ch.E. 1940. Box 34S-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . M I C K O C H E M I S T , twelve years experience, mostly in U.S., in teaching, research and analy­ sis desires industrial or academic position. P h . D . 1938, publications. Organic, inorganic, micros­ copy. Chinese National, refugee form Commu­ nist invasion. Interview impossible to arrange, b u t can furnish extensive references of highest type. Salary, location no object. Box 352-N-5, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . TEACHING POSITION OR POSTDOC­ TORAL· F E L L O W S H I P desired by physics^, chemist, P h . D . , September 1949, outstanding • •astern university. Research in high polymers. 3 years teaching experience in physical. Age 24. single. Prefers northeast or midwest. Avail­ able in September. Sigma Xi, Phi Lambda Tpsilon, American Institute of Chemists. Box 306-F-6, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a .

(Continued o n page 1766) 1765

(Situations Wauled Continued) T E C H N I C A L W R I T I N G , ABSTRACTING, translating literature and patent research. Woman. A . M . Columbia and additional gradu­ ate study; physical chemistry major, organic, physics minors; thorough knowledge German, French. Two years industrial experience, two vears teaching fellowship. Available August. Box 30S-F-6, C . & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . R E S E A R C H ORGANIC C H E M I S T : M.S. 1946, D.Sc. June 1949. Five years industrial research in printing inks, dispersions, and allied problems. Graduate work on chlorinations, a d ­ hesion, high-polymers, and synthesis of diene ^nd vinyl monomers. Age 33, single. Desire academic or industrial research. Available July 1st. Box 310-F-6, C . & Ε. N., Easton, F a . ORGANIC C H E M I S T , Chemical engineer, ex­ perienced in the manufacture of fine organic •heniicals. Al^o experienced in engineering and production supervision. Age 30, B.S. ; B.Ch.E., aggressive, congenial, industrious. Available im­ mediately, will consider any location except New York City. Box 311-F-6, C . & L. ST., Easton, P a . E X E C U T I V E CHEMIST—M.S. Pre-Doctorttte study, bacteriology minor, desires responsible position. Twenty years diversified industrial, teaching, consulting, supervisory experience, syn­ thetic rubber, beverage, fermentation industry, control laboratory, pilot plant operation, r e ­ search. Weli-omo other fields, consider any loca­ tion. Honor societies, excellent references. Avail­ able immediately. Frederick Gibson, 4502 Stanford Avenue, Seattle, Washington. CHEMIST—B.S., 28, veteran, 6 years experi­ ence, pharmaceuticals, crude drugs, alkaloids, tablets, vitamins. Complete ampule know-how, control, research and development, formulation, inorganic, organic quantitative analysis, electrophotometric, P H meters, etc., excellent references, available immediately, will accept out of town, married. Box 320-F-6. C . & E. X., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER, 24, married, B.Ch.E. 1945. Lack 3 hours for M.Ch.E. Gradu­ ate research chemical fertilizers. 1 year experi­ ence lube oil research. Seeking research or pro­ duction work i n New York area. Available im­ mediately. Box 323-F-6, C . & E. X . , Easton, P a . CHEMICAL ENGINEER—D.Ch.E., 28, m a r ­ ried. Phi Lambda Upsilon, Sigma Xi. Four years' industrial experience (two in petroleum). Interested in process design, technical service, product applications, or manufacturing. Will consider any field. Prefer Northeast. Box 324-F-6, C . & E. 1ST., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER—TECHNOLOGIST : M.S.E., 1937. 5 years pilot plant and process development operation, organic synthesis. 7 years supervisor and group leader. Experienced pilot plant design, operation, production, petro­ chemicals. Versed catalysis, distillation, filtra­ tion, crystallization, hydrogénation. Available β weeks notice. Prefer west coast, b u t locate anywhere. Box 329-F-6, C . & E. N . t Easton, P a . T E X T I L E C H E M I S T , B.S. 1936. 12 years experience formulating textile coatings, im­ pregnations, wetting agents. Extensive experi­ ence with flame proof rigid and flexible coatings. Last position, 5 years duration, supervised laboratory, chemical division of large textile finishing plant. Technical consultant. Interested technical sales, laboratory or supervisory position. Box 331-F-6, C . & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa. ^ CHEMIST—M.A. 5 years varied experience in vegetable drying oils and proteins. Age 27, m a r ­ ried, one child. Willing to invest in future. Location immaterial, available immediately, ref­ erences. Box 332-F-6. C . & E. NT., Easton, P a . ORGANIC C H E M I S T , M.S. University of Chicago, 1949. Excellent theoretical background in organic chemistry. Available July 15, 1949, for position in an industrial laboratory in Chicago area. Age 23, veteran, married. Box 333-F-6, C . & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa. ORGANIC C H E M I S T , P h . D . June 1949, d e ­ sires commensurate industrial position, preferably in research. Inorganic minor. Able lab man, good background, publications. Two years' war­ time research on Manhattan Project. Age 28, married. Will consider any locality. Will ac­ cept post-doctorate research fellowship if salary permits. Box 334-F-6, C . & Ε. Ν - ., Easton, P a . ORGANIC CHEMIST—Ph.D. August 1949. Desires research position with organic or p h a r ­ maceutical firm. Veteran of Chemical Warfare Service, age 27, married, one child. Location immaterial. Previous industrial experience. Thesis on diazo compounds. Available August 1949. Box 351-F-6. C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa. PRECIOUS METALS AND P L A T I N G : Chemist-engineer, rxterisivo cxpcrien.ee manu­ facturing gold plating solutions and salts, as­ saying, refining, plating on metals and plastics. Executive position or partnership. Box 3.54-F-6, C . & E. NT., Easton. Pa.


ORGANIC CHEMIST. P h . D . August, 1949, from University o f Wisconsin. Available Sep­ tember. Married, veteran, age 26. Biochemistry minor. Two years teaching experience. Sigma Xi. Good scholastic record. Thesis on syn­ thesis of alicyclic amino alcohols. Desires in­ dustrial position in research or development with opportunity for advancement Box 335-F-6, C. & E. N~., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER—Completing Mas­ ter's degree. Research fellow in high polymers Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn. 1 year ex­ perience synthetic glasses, polyester resin syn­ thesis and testing. 3 V 2 years electroplating production, development and consulting. 1 year atmospheric pollution, "bacteria warfare studies. Ambitious, creative. Veteran, age 25, married. Box 336-F-6, C. & E. NT., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH S XJPER VISOR—Pharmaceutical and biochemistry, Ph.D. 5 years supervisor i n ­ dustrial research i n agricultural and food prod­ ucts including cereals, oils and fats, tanning processes and enzrymes. 8 years teaching of pharmaceutical a n d organic chemistry. Phar­ macology minor. Desires position in institutional or industrial resear-ch, o r teaching position with research opportunities. Wide interests; some executive experience. Age 35 ; location immate­ rial. Box 341-F-6, C. & E. N \ , Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D., June, 1949, married, age 30. Two and one-half years in­ dustrial experience inorganic chlorinations; aca­ demic research in carbohydrate field. Minor: fats a n d oils; Sigma X i . Desire research or development work ; prefer midwest or west. Box 350-F-6, C. & E. N . , Easton, Pa. P H Y S I C A L - O R G A N I C P h . D . Three years industrial development a n d improvement of ana­ lytical methods. One year industrial process development. Six 3reais college teaching. Prefer industrial fundamental or applied research, or academic position with, research opportunity. Location secondary. Available September 1949. Box 300-H-6, C. & E. NT.. Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL ENTGItfEER: B.E. Yale Uni­ versity, age 25, 1 year administrative and 2V2 years laboratory and pilot plant development work in antibiotics, solvent extraction and soaps. Desire position either in development or produc­ tion. Available immediately. Box 301-H-6, C. & E. N . , Èaston, Pa. ORGANTC CHEZVIIST, M.S. Age 26, veteran, married. Two years varied experience including emulsions, fungicides, research and development. Desires fundamental research position in east. Available on month's notice. Box 302-H-6, C. & E. NT., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL R E S E A R C H C H E M I S T : B.S. Credits toward M . S . Eight years experience in research and analvsis o n micro-, macro- and instrumental methods. .Principally organic. Supervisory experience. Veteran. Reserve officer. Age 32. Married. Responsible position desired. Box 304-H-6, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . INORGANIC CHEMIST, B.S. 1949. Desires position in laboratory as " quantitative chemist or outside as salesman. Previous training in or­ ganic and physical chemistry. Veteran. Mar­ ried. Age 28. Locate in- east or midwest. Box 305-H-6, C. & Ε. Ν ., Easton, P a . CHEMICAL E N O W K E R , B.S., M.I.T. .'49. Young graduate desires s t a r t in sales engineering. Willing to train and eager to demonstrate ability. Mid-west preferred. Box 306-H-6. C. & Ε. Ν"., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL—RESEARCH C H E M I S T : 10 years experience in ixidustry and research institute, 4 years supervisory capacity. Gas purific^hon, coal by-products, distillation, hydrogénation, alkylation. Development of new analytical methods; chemical treatment of woolen textiles. Capable of assuming responsible position. E x cellent references, Available immediately. New York area preferred. Box 307-H-6, C. & E. NT., Easton, Pa. ENGINEER—Seelcs position to utilize combination of chemical engineering education and metallurgical experience. Honor graduate, B.S. Graduate studies. Active in social, fraternal, honorary societies. Development experience ; metals casting, processing, testing. Group leader status. Excellent rocord. Available late Fall. Box 308-H-6, C. & E. NT., Easton, P a . ORGANIC CHEIMIST, Sc.D. 1948; diploma in technical chemistry 1944, "apprenticed to a pharmacist 1940. (Studies in Switzerland). Age 28, single. Speaks fluently German and French. Some practice and excellent references. Desire position in production or development work. Location immaterial. Available Julv 1949. Box 309-H-6, C. & E. N . , Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL C H E M I S T : Ph.D., June 1949. Organic minor. Veteran, single, age 26. Desires research position o r teaching position with o p portunity for some research. West preferred. 3 years teaching experience. Sigma Xi membership. Excellent references. Box 31Q-H-6. C. .T., fine chemicals. F a m i l i a r w i t h process c a l c u l a t i o n s , l a y o u t s , flow­ s h e e t s , e s t i m a t e s , e q u i p m e n t s p e c i f i c a t i o n s , in­ s t a l l a t i o n , operation. I n t e r e s t e d process design d e v e l o p m e n t - e n g i n e e r i n g o r chemical f i r m . B o x 3 3 9 - H - 6 , C. & Ε . Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . RAYON AND T E X T I L E C H E M I S T , B.S. T w e l v e y e a r s diversified e x p e r i e n c e — m a j o r com­ p a n i e s — t e x t i l e processing, s y n t h e t i c f i b e r m a n u ­ f a c t u r e , t e s t i n g vegetable· p r o t e i n s , d e v e l o p m e n t t e x t i l e sizes, chemical specialties, resins, p a t e n t s . D e s i r e responsible position in p r o g r e s s i v e o r ­ g a n i z a t i o n w h e r e iningination a n d b r o a d p r a c t i c a l b a c k g r o u n d can be fully u t i l i z e d . M a r r i e d , ago

CHEMICAL ENGINEER: B.Ch.E., October '47, single, 2 5 , v e t e r a n . E x p e r i e n c e has i n v o l v e d I V a y e a r s o f p r o d u c t i o n a n d control w o r k in pharmaceutical a n d water treating fields. Am s u r e m y engineering b a c k g r o u n d can b e easily a d a p t e d to your i n d u s t r y o r b u s i n e s s . Salary secondary. Will l o c a t e a n y w h e r e . Available immediately. B o x 3 4 3 - H - 6 , C.