EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Discounts and allowances to A. C. S. members on standard set "Situations Wanted" advertisements only. SEND advertisements with remittanc...
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R A T E S (to b e paid in a d v a n c e a c c o m p a n y i n g c o p y i n s t r u c t i o n s ) : D i s p l a y a d v e r t i s e m e n t s §25 p e r c o l u m n i n c h ( s p a c e u n l i m i t e d ) . M i n i m u m d i s play s p a c e , o n e i n c h , w i t h a d v e r t i s e m e n t s a c c e p t e d in m u l t i p l e s of o n e - h a l f - i n c h u n i t » t h e r e a f t e r . N o a g e n c y or c a s h d i s c o u n t s . S t a n d a r d s e t t i n g 30 c e n t s a w o r d , m i n i m u m c h a r g e $5 e a c h . I n c l u d e 5 w o r d s for box a d d r e s s . D i s c o u n t s a n d a l l o w a n c e s t o Society m e m b e r s o n standard—set " S i t u a t i o n s W a n t e d " a d v e r t i s e m e n t s only. S E N D advertisements with remittance to C H E M I C A L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G N E W S , 430 Park Avenue, New York 2 2 , N. Y . , to reach there n o t later than the deadline of 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, 18 d a y s preceding the date of publication. I n printing these advertisements the S O C I E T Y assumes no obligations as t o U N E M P L O Y E D M E M B E R S of the SOCIETY shall be allowed, w i t h o u t qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers, nor charge, three non-display insertions in a calendar year, not to exceed 50 words does t h e SOCIETY have information concerning the position advertised, o r each (45 words plus 5-word box address or advertiser's name a n d address), in regard to those seeking employment. and n o t more than one per issue. Excess words charged a t 50 per cent discount from t h e standard rates, no minimum charge. All other non-display -O insertions by SOCIETY members looking for positions, and all non-display Those replying to announcements s h o u l d send copies and n o t original docuinsertions by Student Affiliates of the SOCIETY, shall be accepted a t 50 p e r m e n t s . Advertising circulars will not be forwarded and to t h a t end all cent discount from s t a n d a r d rates for each insertion made, no m i n i m u m charge. letters will be opened a t the forwarding office. T h e ACS r e q u e s t s t h a t e a c h u s e r of t h i s section c o n s i d e r h i m s e l f m o r a l l y o b l i g a t e d t o a c k n o w l e d g e all r e p l i e s t o fais a d v e r t i s e m e n t .



Placement Bureaus

Experienced m a n familiar with formation, properties, and filtration of aerosols wanted by:

CHEMISTS—ENGINEERS An active, confidential service: Interview at your convenience. Call, write or wire: Gladys Hunting- (Consultant) Drake Personnel, I n c . R o o m 1009 7 W. M a d i s o n St., C h i c a g o 2, 111.


EXECUTIVES, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AND C H E M I S T S with exceptional background* of experience should use our confidential and individual method of contacting responsible employers. No limit to territory. We negotiate all overtures. Established 1915. The National Business Bourse, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Illinois. FOR D I S C E R N I N G P L A C E M E N T in the midwest write: Tom Coffer, Employment Counsellor, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4, Illinois.



RUBBER CHEMICALS DEVELOPMENT Opportunities for chemists under 33 with several years experience in rubber emulsion polymerization or rubber compounding. Work will include development of elastomers and associated chemicals, and evaluation and formulation of latex emulsion paints. Position is essentially in research, but may lead to sales and technical service. Please write giving personal and work history to: Employment Supervisor Shell D e v e l o p m e n t C o m p a n y E m e r y v i l l e , California

R i c h m o n d 15, Va.

A t t e n t i o n : R . W . Norris Personnel Dept.

CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Graduates with minimum 3 years' process design e x p e r i e n c e in oil refinery ox surface oil prodixcing facilities. For New York office. Must, However, be willing to re­ locate in foreign operation at some future date. Also Chemical, Mechanical and Electrical Engineers with comparable or related ex­ perience axe needed for process a n d project work in A r a b i a . Assignments a n d salary commensurate with experience and training. Write giving full particulars regarding personal history and work experience. Please include telephone number. Recruiting

CHEMICAL ENGINEER OR CHEMIST with a liking for the business side of the chemical industry, for planing team of a well-established eastern chemical company. This man will (1) like to work at a desk; (2) have a working knowledge of statistical methods; (3) be familiar with either product cost or market analysis techniques; (4) have 2-4 years industrial experience. Résumé held in confidence. Box l l - J - 2 , C. & Ε. Ν . , Eastort, P a .



Leading scientific organization requires y o u n g c h e m i s t s and chemical engineers for expanding technical serv­ ice to sales in field of a d d i ­ t i v e s for p e t r o l : a m p r o d u c t s . Experience in fuels and lubricants development desirable but not essential. Assignments include l a b o r a t o r y s t u d i e s on product development and application and t e c h n i c a l c o n t a c t s with customers. Please send complete résumé to:





505 Park A v e n u e N e w York 2 2 , N e w Y o r k

PROCESS ENGINEERS A , few positions available for men w i t h a degree in chemical engineering and 3 to 5 years experience in process design a n d development for oil or chemical plant units. A d d i t i o n a l prerequisites are the initiative and ability to comple­ ment the staff o f top calibre men already in the organization one w i t h an international record of achievement in the petroleum a n d chemical industries. If you're interested in a perma­ nent, stimulating career, send a complete résumé, including sala r y requirements, to M r . R. L. Stacom-

M. W. KELLOGG CO. 225 Broadway New York 7, Ν. Υ.


Supervisor, Box









RESEARCH C H E M I S T S CHEMICAL ENGINEER UNUSUAL OPENING Exceptional opportunity with small well established engineering firm for young chemical engineer—preferably major com­ pany or equivalent experience. Good educational background and 3 years or more experience with modern refinery processing a n d design, especially catalytic cracking and general refinery economics. Activities very diversified in desirable U. S. location. Some b u t not continuous traveling. This position offers outstanding opportu­ nity for ambitious and resourceful engineer w h o can take responsibility for many diverse activities in petroleum refining and chemical fields. Salary commensurate with ability.



1'hl) or equivalent in organicpolymer-vinyl and condensa­ tion polymerization, with rela­ tion to solid propellants for rockets; S yearn' expérience in organic-polymer and at least ι year in organic-synthesis.

For chemical analysis of mate­ rials and propellants related to rocket research. ΒS in chemis­ try: graduate studies desirable 1 to S years' experience in in­ dustrial analytical chemistry


Λ/.S in chemical engineering, 2 to i years in rocket field work­ ing on rocket engineering and propellant chemistry. Experi­ ence in propellant selection and evaluation. Work assign­ ment trill he to acetimulale and disseminate data on propel­ lants of propellant properties, corrosion testing and motor evaluation of propellants.



MS in mathematics; chemis­ try, physics or engineering background desirable. For mathematical analysis of chem­ istry, physics and engineering problems related to liquids and solid propellant rockets and their applications.

BS or MS in chemical engi­ neering. Experienced in Solid Rocket Propellants. interior ballistics and solid propellant processing techniques.

CHEMICAL ENGINEER (R 118) Λ/.s' in chemical engineering 2 to S years' experience in pilot plant or pre-pilot plant engi­ neering. Assignment irill he pre-pilot plant study on new chemical processes and chemi­ cal engineering of organic re­ actions.

Give Y o u r Career A Powerful Boost through Rocketry with

REACTION MOTORS Reaction M o t o r s c a n provide t h e extra thrust to accelerate your career, through the newest, most advanced field in t h e science of flight—rocketry. Acknowledged leader in rocket develop­ ment and research of new fuels a n d processes. Reaction Motors is a young, vigorous organization of young, imagin­ ative chemists, physicists, and engineers


REACTION MOTORS, INC, "First in Rocket Power"





Large southern New England chemical manu­ facturer has openings in its production a n d de­ velopment departments. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Must be under age 3 5 , draft exempt, no physical defects. Reply giving all details of education and experience. All r e ­ plies will b e kept confidential. Box 10-L-2, C. & Ε . N., E a s t o n , Pa. ADHESIVES C H E M I S T : Chemist with ex­ perience or interest in adhesives or allipd mate­ rials, rubber, resins, etc., needed for adhesives research and development assignment b y largo national manufacturer located in eastern Pennsyl­ vania. Write giving age, salary» experience t o : Box 15-F-3, C." & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa.


Opportunity for study and experimentation with progressive well-established concern in the nation's third fastest growing industry. Leading pulp and paper manufacturer has openings for men with Ph.D. degrees in


who a r e capable of assuming individual responsibility for problems in pulping, study of mineral pigments, formulation and application of mineral coatings, or process development in paper and paperboard manufacture. New well-equipped laboratories and pilot plant in pleasani midwest town of 28,000, 45 miles south of Columbus, Ohio. All inquiries held in strictest confidence. C o n t a c t R. L . Warner THE MEAD CORPORATION Chillicothe, Ohio

3 3, N O . 10

w h o s e w o r k encompasses every phase of rocketry, and w h o s e engines have set all records for "firsts" in the field. T h e opportunities for you are as b i g as the field itself. Located i n Rockaway, N . J., at the foot­ hills of the R a m a p o Mountains, R M I offers an ideal environment for family living in a year-round vacation area.

IF YOU'RE INTERESTED . . . IF YOU QUALIFY . . . Send complete resume including salary requirements to: EMPLOYMENT MANAGER Please indicate job number in your application





B.S. or M.S. with strong background i n organic and inorganic plus experience in cellulose chemistry. Opportunity available in an expand­ ing pulp and paper mill. Age 25—35 years with. 2-5 years experience in pulp and paper chemicals and fibers. Good salary, benefits and advancement opportunities. Send resume to Director of Personnel. WEST VIRGINIA P U L P & PAPER CO. LUKE, MARYLAND

C e l a n e s e Corporation of A m e r i c a P. O. Box 8 Clarkwood, T e x a s Attention: Business Manager

Λ/.S in chemistry preferred: major field in physical chemis­ try irith up to 2 years' experi­ ence. For study of physical properties of rocket field and to conduct laboratory combustion research and phase rule study.

Λ/.S or equivalent in chemistry; organic major, inorganic minor; experienced in re­ search, organic or physical chemistry. Ability to urrite well for technical planning and proposals in rocket chemistry research and development, wxth regards to liquids and solid propellants for rocket applica­ tion.

B o x 39-1,-2, C. & Ε. N . , Easton, P a .

Openings exist for chemists for work in instrumental analysis group employing latest physical instru­ ments. Mathematical aptitude de­ sirable. Chemists needed also for analytical research group. Qualifications include good theo­ retical background and academic record, 0 to 4 years successful ex­ perience. AU degree levels con­ sidered. Vacancies also exist for physical and organic research chemists, chemical engineers for process engi­ neering design and pilot plant design and supervision. Air conditioned laboratories and offices located on outskirts of Corpus Christi, Texas. Responses should include complete resume of back­ ground and experience. Mail to:




7. 1 9 5 5


N . Y. C.

SENIOR RESEARCH BIOCHEMIST Research laboratory of Eastern Pharmaceutical Manufacturer desires Ph.D. in biochemistry or physio­ logical chemistry including broad background i n basic medical sciences. Opportunity for eventual adminis­ trative responsibilities. Industrial experience helpful. Send complete record of education and experience.

Box 3 9 - Γ - 3 , C. & Ε. N . , Easton, P a .

PHYSICAL OR INORGANIC CHEMIST For process metallurgical research in rare metals. METALLURGIST For alloy development in nuclear energy and high temperature appli­ cations. For both positions, graduate training and experience in research desired. Submit complete resume to: THE BRUSH BERYLLIUM COMPANY 4301 P e r k i n s A v e n u e C l e v e l a n d 3, Ohio

(Continued on page 1042) 1041

(Situations Open, Continued)

CHEMISTS OR CHEMICAL ENGINEERS B.S. for positions with. Laboratory of major oil company. Research on petroleum drilling and production chemistry. Training in colloid chemistry desirable. Research on causes and prevention of corrosion of petroleum production and transportation equip­ ment. Training in electrochemistry desirable. Salary open. Positions permanent. Write: Box 34-L-2, C. & E. N - , Easton, P a .



E n g i n e e r s w i t h experience i n d e c o r a t i v e or i n d u s t r i a l p h e n o l i c a n d m e l a m i n e l a m i n a t e or i n jphenol o r m e l a m i n e f o r m a l d e liyde resin s y n t h e s i s will find -this a n excellent o p p o r t u n i t y i n an expanding organization located i n Southeastern United States. Send complete resume and salary requirements to : C. B . L e a p e , Trafford M i c a r t a , Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Trafford, P e n n s y l v a n i a

ORGANIC RESEARCH CHEMIST GROUP LEADER Chicago, III. Strong organic background, high polymers experience. Quality conscious and positive interest in instrumentation. Advanced de­ gree or equivalent in experience preferred. W a l l a c e Λ. Ericlcson & Co. 842 N o . Wells St.

CHEMISTS AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Excellent opportunities for inorganic ch.emists in research, process develop­ ment, quality control and production; and for chemical engineers who are qualified for process development, pro­ duction or engineering design. W"ork i s related to the expanding opera­ tions of a long established midwestern cHemical company and will provide opportunities at most levels of experi­ ence. Applicants must b e eligible for security clearance b y AEC and should submit complete resume of personal data, education, previous experience, salary received, and references. All replies will be treated in confidence. B o x 49-1,-2, C . & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a .


CHROMATOGRAPHER Chemist having experience with all types of chromatography to implement a program leading to the total separation of complex mixtures wanted by:

Man thoroughly experienced in testing and evaluation of plastics, including polyesters, vinyls, epoxy, phenolic, etc., for use in field of moldings, adhesives, laminants, foams, etc. Applicant should have sufficient training and experience to make recommendations concerning possible industrial applications of new polymers developed in our Research Laboratories. Graduate chemists, chemical engineers or physical chemists desiring further information should, forward résumé, photo and salary requirements to:



Mr. C. M. Jackson, D e v o e a n d R a y n o l d s Company, I n c . , P. O . Box 328, L o u i s v i l l e , Kentucky CHEMICAL ENGINEER: Midwest company has opening for graduate Chemical Engineer, 25—35, who has had at least 3 years of processing experience, preferably in field of filtration. Seek a man who has interest in sales and will be willing to learn by starting in sales office. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Submit complete résumé and salary desired. Box 12-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν"., Easton, Pa.

"Well-established eastern chemical company n e e d s a man for its planning team who has a chemical engineering or ch.emi.cal background, and training or experience in chemical process industries marketing research. H e should feel equally at home at a desk or i n the field. A g e 25-40: position o n team depends on a g e and experience. Resume held in confidence. Reply to

MAJOR INTEGRATED MIDWESTERN BOARD MILL AND COVERTING PLANT— has position for paper making or chemical engi­ neering graduate. Prefer 23 to 32 age bracket with two to three years experience in coatings and colors. Complete responsibility of coating proc­ ess and product development. Unusual oppor­ tunity for qualified person in expanding company. Send résumé and recent snapshot to : Box 17-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν"., Easton. Pa. CHEMIST, CHEMICAL ENGINEER OR PHYSICIST; B.S. or advanced degree with sev­ eral years experience, preferably in textile re­ search. For research and development in syn­ thetic fiber spinning, development of processes for production of new fibers and improving ex­ isting fibers. Permanent position in growing re­ search laboratory located in a pleasant residential area of northern New Jersey. Please send résumé, in confidence to Box 18-F-3, C. & E. NT., Easton, Pa.

Box 2 2 - J - 2 , C. & Ε. N . , E a s t o n , P a .


CHEMIST—DEVELOPMENT : Eastern Pharmaceutical Manufacturer desires Ph.D. in organic chemistry for chemical development work in small group using latest pilot plant equipment. Send complete résumé. Box 36-F-3, C. & E. 1ST., Easton, Pa.

Development and application of analytical metHods to organic com­ pounds. Functional group and microanalysis. New laboratory with modern facilities. Send details of education, experience, and salary expected to:


Employment Manager Olin rVlathieson Chemical Corporation New H a v e n \r C o n n e c t i c u t

Ph.D. or Equivalent 35-40 To Direct Research Laboratory Involving Pulp and Paper Technology Pulp and Paper Operating Experience Desirable


Write or Phone

Personnel Department- WEST VIRGINIA PULP AND PAPER COMPANY 230 Park Ave., New York 17, New York • MUrray Hill 6-8400


R i c h m o n d 15, V a .

Attention: R- W. PJorris P e r s o n n e l Dept.

MS or equivalent with interest in synthesis as well as fundamental studies of reactions. An excellent starting salary and benefits for person who combines theoretical knowledge with ex­ perimental dexterity. This is a new position. Give complete personal information, academic background, experience, and salary desired. Location northern Ohio. Company is a leader i n its field, with heavy emphasis on development. B o x 3 6 - 1 - 2 , C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a .


A N D Ε Ν G Ι Ν4 Ε Ε R I N G


WANTED MECHANICAL ENGINEER For plant maintenance super­ vision, college g r a d u a t e , five or more years e x p e r i e n c e i n industry for modern, e x p a n d ­



Engineers needed with up to ten years' experience for research in high speed combustion and fluid dynamics pertaining to jet propulsion. Work broadly covers the field from fundamental research to engine design. Opportunity for a career with a leading petroleum research company. Give full and specific details of education, desired salary, availability date, and references. All inquiries will be considered promptly and held confidential. ESSO RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING COMPANY ( F o r m e r l y S t a n d a r d Oil D e v e l o p m e n t C o m p a n y )

Personnel Division P. O. Box 51 Linden, N. J .

i n g heavy chemical manufac­ turer in O h i o Valley,


Virginia p a n h a n d l e . Box 46-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν . , E a s l o n , Pa.


CHEMIST: Grade 8, $259 to $346 per month. Requirements : College graduate with chemistry major. No experience required. CHEMIST, Grade 11, $326 to $435 per month. Requirements: College graduate with chemistry major, three years experience. Must have Grade C Surface Water Supply Operator's license. Openings in City of Dallas, Water Purification Plant. Civil Service Department, Room 412. City Hall, Dallas, Texas. PATENT ADMINISTRATOR—Eastern ethical Pharmaceutical manufacturer needs M.S. or Ph.D. in chemistry for liaison between research scientists and outside patent counsel. Law de­ gree or extensive patent experience not required. Age 28 to 35. Liberal benefit program. Send complete personal data. Box 34-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa.

Chemists in the Following Fields: STARCH, SUGAR, FERMENTATION PAPER, TEXTILES ADHESIVES, ANALYSIS Clinton Foods I n c .

LITERATURE SCIENTIST: B.S. in pre­ clinical sciences (microbiology, bio-chemistry) or psychology to work closely with research proj­ ect teams of Eastern Manufacturer. Literature searching experience desirable. Age 25 to 35. Liberal benefit program. Send complete résumé. Box 35-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa.

Corn P r o c e s s i n g D i v i s i o n Clinton, Iowa

CHEMICAL ENGINEER, PHARMACEUTI­ CAL: Short term overseas assignment on staff of American consulting firm to report on justi­ fication for establishing pharmaceutical manu­ facturing facilities. Box 45-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, Pa.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT SALESMAN Small, expanding company requires services of young engineer or chemist, Ph.D. preferred. Duties will consist primarily in selling research and development services of our organization. Must be able to generate ideas, write proposals and take them to the right people. Box 31-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a .

RESPONSIBLE POSITION IN PETROLEUM RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Ph.D. chemist with about 10 years experience in petroleum and petro­ chemicals sought for position as leader of research and development activities for prominent eastern petroleum refiner. Preference will be given to appli­ cants whose experience includes heavy oils and lubricants. Responsi­ bilities will include research, process and product development, and tech­ nical service for manufacturing and sales. Give complete details of educa­ tion, experience, desired salary, availability, and references. Confidential handling of course. Box 3Q-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν . , Eastern, P a .

PLASTISOL CHEMIST: Experienced. Plant vicinity, New York. Box 42-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

SALES REPRESENTATIVE : Century-old national manufacturer and importer, supplier of raw materials to Paper Mills desires sales repre­ sentative with technical knowledge of paper in­ dustry. Sales experience useful; however eager­ ness and ability to sell essential. Applicants must be willing to locate east or mid-west. Send com­ plete information on education, experience and salary desired. All replies confidential. Our employees have been informed of this advertise­ ment. Box 47-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. FOOD TECHNOLOGIST: For a position in the Research and Development Division of a large package manufacturer located in Central Ohio. Duties include work on packaging prob­ lems with customers and development work on our products. Position requires a good back­ ground in Chemistry, Bacteriology and Foods. Should have 3 to 8 years' experience, be able to meet customers and supervise employees. If you are interested in a permanent connection which offers excellent opportunity, send complete details of experience. All replies confidential. Box 48-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL SALES: Manufacturer of pre­ cision equipment for laboratory and production use, desires midwestrrn representative. Will headquarter in Chicago and travel midwest. Technical background necessary. Send complete résumé of qualifications to : Sales Manager, The Torsion Balance Company, Clifton, New Jersey.

CHEMIST, ANALYTICAL Unusual opportunity for young college graduate with major in chemistry in research and development laboratories of nationally known manufacturer on Chicago's north side. Salary commensurate with experience. In replying, please state age, education, experience, and salary requirement. Box 2 1 - F - 3 , C. & Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .

RESEARCH CHEMIST Excellent opportunity for Ph.D. in organic or biochemistry. Practical experience i n product development necessary. Submit full particulars in detailed résumé to: Froedtert M a l t Corporation, B o x 712, Milwaukee 1 , Wisconsin

EXCEPTIONAL· OPPORTUNITY For a man with. Industrial Finish, selling, Laboratory, or manufacturing experience, to become interested in management and ownership of well-established factory with national distribution. Principal owner wishes to retire and will offer part or all of his interest to men who, from experience and ability, are capable of successfully operating the factory. Payments for stock can be arranged over a period of years. No investment will be required for the first year or until present owner is satisfied that h e is turning; the management over to capable men. Give full information in first letter regarding- Industrial Finish background, compensation expected, etc., which will b e held in strict confidence. Address: Box 5 2 - F - 3 , C. & Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .

ORGANIC RESEARCH CHEMIST For product development work in the field of plastics. Location—Metropolitan N e w York. Give age, education, background and industrial experience. Box 5 5 - L - 2 , C. & Ε. N . , Easton, Pa.

CHEMICAL ENGINEER SALES OPPORTUNITY Well known Southwestern business firm needs & chemical engineer with refining background for sales position. If you are 25 to 40, have the desire to sell, are intelligent and willing to work hard, this job offers real moneymaking opportunity. In your reply, please give your complete education and business history, whether or not you would be willing to relocate. Address Box 28-F—3, C. St Ε . Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .



Unusual opportunity for a man with an Organic Chemical background, for research and develop­ ment on sizing compounds and dyeing solutions for synthetic fibers. Location: Eastern Seaboard. Submit complete resume'including age. educa­ tion, background and complete Industrial ex­ perience : Box 54-L-2, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.


' M.S. or equivalent, with analytical experi­ ence, for methods development and analysis of complex mixtures and formulations.





Familiar with modern analytical methods using such equipment as spectrographs, X-Ray, etc. After training will locate in Atlanta, Georgia or Chicago, Illinois. Also Assistant Sales Manager to locate at home office. These permanent positions offered by a leading instrument manufacturer with home office and plant in East. Send complete resume of education and experience. Box 12-F-2, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

to do exploratory research, on stimulating polymer and organic chemical problems. Re­ cent graduate President of manufacturing on specialized management programs in the fields of maintenance and combustion engineering. Qualified applicant for maintenance position must nave at lea-st 10 years experience in the field of plant engineering planning preventive maintenance a n d cost reduction programs. Must be capable of organizing, administering, and evaluating maintenance programs of multi-plsnt operations. Qualified applicant for combustion position must have prove>n experience in direct heat a n d drying applications and in industrial a n d process crombxxstion. Must be familiar with most typées of fuel a n d combustion instrumentation. Chicago Headquarters. Position will require some travel t o company plants. In replying, state age, education, experience, and salary requirements. Box 20-F-3, C . & ET. H.r E a s t o n , P a . R t ' B R E R C H E M I S T : A n excellent opportunity for a graduate chemist with 3 to 8 years expérience in Rubber Compounding, Developing and Testing, particularly- on light colored mechanical goods. We a r e located in a pleasant community in Central Ohio. Ple-a.se send a complete résumé of personal hist ory and experience. All replies confidential. Box 49-F--3. C. & E. 1SJ., Eastern, P a . F O R M U L A T O R S : R u b b e r , paint, and tile. Men having 2 years minimum industrial experience plus B.S., or the equivalent in industrial experience, for developmental work with active medium sized raw materials supplier of long standing. Travel not required. Individuals must be mature, have initiât ive a n d deep interest in building higher places :for t heniselves and their organization in their chosen field. Send summary of education aand experience, expected salary, and photograph. Neville Chemical Co., Pittsburgh 25, Penna. GRADUATE CHEMICAL, "ENGINEER—for research involving fund.amental studies in, and production of. polymeric materials for structural adhesives. Eventually handle with minimum supervision problems yegnrdinp initiation and development of new polymeric adhesives. Please send résumé of training and experience. Box 369, Erie, Pennsylv- ania. FLAVOR CHEMIST = Midwestern city. Adequate training plus mirsimum 3 years experience in flavor compounding. Starting salary based upon education and experience. Send résumé. This is not a replacement, b u t part of a planned expansion program. Fries & Fries, Inc., 110 Έ. 70th Street, Cincinnati 16. Ohio. P A T E N T AND L I B R A R Y ASSISTANT: Manufacturer of Organic Chemicals located in Western New York Stst INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH :

Chemical leader with outstanding record of productive research and development on low budget. Broad surface chemistry (abrasives, adhesives, E.P. lubricants, reinforced plastics, corrosion control, metal surface treating, detergents, etc.), organic synthesis, and government contacts. "Most results per dollar." Ph.D., 44. Box 335-F-3, C. & E. N., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC C H E M I S T : B.S.. 1952. Veteran. 30 months experience in steroid hormone production, development and organic preparations. 6 months in paints. Desire position with, future in biochemistry, organic, or food technology. Would also consider pharmaceutical sales. Prefer Chicago or suburban area. Box 336-F-3, C. & E. N.. Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T : B.S.. 1950. Age 28, draft exempt. Five years diversified experience in all phases of analytical chemistry. Two and one-half years as group leader in modern analytical laboratory. Desire challenging position with progressive company. Prefer m id-west location. Available immediately. Box 337-F-3. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa. C H E M I S T : M.S., also Ch.E. 10 years diversi­ fied research, development, production, control, pilot plant, technical service, market research ex­ perience, including 6 years fine organios and pharmaceuticals with elevation to chief chemist : 2Vs years metallic soaps, gelling agents, pro­ tective coatings, etc. Seeks challenging position. Box 338-F-3. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa. DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH C H E M ­ I S T : B.S.. 1950. Fordham University. 5 years industrial experience with plastics, elastomers. adhesives and textile finishes. Plant trouble shooting experience, color matching with piaments and dyes. Interested in product and process development or technical servicp. Avail­ able immediatelv. Will relocate. Box 339-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton, Pa. RESEARCH LEADER: in large chemical company desires to apply broad experience in emulsifying agents and organic chemicals in­ cluding phenols, amides, esters, anrnes. and epoxides to plastics, coatings, or chemical spe­ cialties fields. Organic P h . D . Familv. Eleven 3'ears synthesis, process development, product testing, and administrative experience. Profit making ideas, patents, publications. Prefer grow­ ing midwest firm. Box 340-F-3. C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton, Pa. I N S T R U M E N T SALES: B. Ch.E. Six years consumer product laboratory experience. Con­ siderable instrumentation background. Prefer position in instrument development and/or sales. Publications. Married, veteran. Box 341-F-3, C. & E. N. t Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T : A.B. Wants responsible position in production or development which would lead eventually to management responsibility. Have supervised research, pilot plant development, pro­ duction during seventeen years of broad experi­ ence in proteins, amino acids, uranium recoverv. ion exchange, solvent extraction. Available im­ mediately. Draft exempt. Salary open. Box 342-F-3. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa. LATEX CHEMIST—CHEMICAL ENGI­ N E E R : Age 39, married, family. 17 years laboratory and production experience on textile coatings, paper saturants, adhesives and general latex applications. Reg. Prof. Ens:.. Mass. New England preferred but not essential. Box 343-F-3, C. ά Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST : Ph.D. Large experience in organic synthesis, particularly in textile chemicals, surface active compounds, thermo­ setting resins, intermediates. Research super­ visor. Desires responsible position. Box 344-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa. CHEMTCAL ENGINEER : Ph.D. Three years tenchme. Unit operations and enecineering thermodynamics for graduates and undergradu­ ates. Extensive research background. Publica­ tions. Desires teaching or industrial position in East or Midwest. Box 345-F-3, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. CATALYTIC CHEMIST : 12 technical publica­ tions in 12 years of supervisory fuels research and catalvst production. Age 35. Box 346-F-3. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC C H E M I S T : B.S., 29, married. Graduate credits. Four years industrial experi­ ence in polymers, organic synthesis, pharma­ ceuticals. Supervisory experience. Desires re­ sponsible, permanent position in New Jersey. Box 347-F-3. C. & E. N. t Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T : Eight years experience in quality control, development, and research in foods, beverages, fermentations. Age 37. Seeks re­ sponsible position with possibility for advance­ ment. Box 350-F-3. C.