EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 6, 2010 - Non-display insertions by EMPLOYED Society members seeking a change in position, and all non-display insertions by Student Affiliates of...
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EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION MEMBERS of the Society who arc UNEMPLOYED, and who so state when they request a situation wanted classified advertisement, shall be allowed, without charge, three non-display insertions in a calendar year, not to exceed 50 words each (45 words plus 5-word box address or advertiser's name and address), and not more than one per issue. Excess words charged at 25 cents per word, no minimum charge. This rate applies only for situations wanted advertisements. Additional insertions after the 3 free ones may be made at 25 cents per word. Non-display insertions by EMPLOYED Society members seeking a change in position, and all non-display insertions by Student Affiliates of the Society, shall be accepted at 25 cents per word for each insertion made, no minimum charge. Individuals placing situations wanted advertisements should indicate in a letter of transmittal whether or not they arc members of the Society to insure appearance of the advertisement in the proper classification. Nonmcmbers of the Society are charged 80 cents per word, minimum charge $12. In printing these advertisements the Society assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospective employees or responsibility of employers, nor does the Society have information concerning the position advertised, or in regard to those seeking employment. Those replying to announcements should send copies and not original documents. Every reasonable effort will be made to prevent forwarding of advertising circulars. Employers desiring applications on company forms should send duplicate copies. The ACS expects that each user of this section consider himself morally obligated to acknowledge all replies to his advertisement.





Specialists in the placement of chemists ana engineers for industry. Interested in ca« reer growth? Let us refer you to the right job with expanding c l i e n t s . Employer pays our placement f e e . Send resume in confidence. E . G. Taylor

• • • •

SEND advertisements with remittance to CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING NEWS, 430 Park Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10022, to reach there not later than the deadline of 9:00 A. M. on Friday, 17 days preceding the date of publication.

Expanding electrochemical group in our Central Research Division has an opening for an electrochemist interested in inorganic and organic electrode process. Challenging assignments await the man with an advanced degree or 1 to 10 years experience related to battery, fuel cell or electrolyte capacitor technology. Located in Stamford, Conn.-Cyanamid's well-equipped laboratories offer a stimulating professional environment in an outstanding residential community rich in cultural and recreational opportunities. Please reply in confidence to DR. R. W. STAFFORD

Placement Bureaus •

RATES: Display advertisements $70 per column inch (space unlimited). Lower rates on contract basis. Minimum display space, o n e inch, with inch units thereafter. Agency commission and cash discount allowed on display ads only. Standard setting 80 cents a word, minimum charge $12 each. Include 5 words for box address. Advertisements from outside the U.S. should be accompanied by information stating the New York bank which will issue a bank draft in U.S. funds. The advertisement will be run in the nearest publication date following receipt of the bank draft.


1406 Chestnut Street, P h i l a d e l p h i a , P a . 1 9 1 1 0

C^L_ C l T A i V A i k r J I > J ^ b Are YOU the ACTIVE ELEMENT in a n INERT COMPANY W e a r e t h e catalyst for that n e w position t o m a t c h your t a l e n t s . Confidential S e r v i c e — N O FEE. S e n d y o u r r e s u m e n o w to C h e m . Div. LAWRENCE PERSONNEL P h i l a . , P a . 19107 1015 C h e s t n u t S t .





Chemical & Biomedical Instruments


[ CHEMISTS · CHEMICAL ENGINEERS · SALESMEN | BS/MS/PhD-Local, National, International A Reputation Built on Professional Performance |

F & M Scientific is a fast paced company in the field of chemical and biomedical instrumentation, including gas chromatographs and other newly designed instruments. sales positions in St. Louis, Pittsburgh and other locations throughout the U.S. Positions involve sales to industry, research labs, universities, hospitals, and governmental agencies. Degree in Chemistry or related fields and knowledge of gas chromatography required. Sales experience desired.


Please Send

agency 501 5th Ave., NYC, N.Y. 10017 (212) YU 6-3950




C ^ ^ H I J — -

YOUR R E S U M E PROFESSIONALLY R E w r i t t e n t o open m o r e e m p l o y e r s ' floors t o y o u . Send present résumé a n d $10. E x e c u t i v e R é s u m é s , D e p t . C , 744 B r o a d Street, Newark, N . J . NATION-WIDE. FULL-SCOPE PERSONnel facilities for c h e m i s t s , chemical engineers B . S . to P h . D . level in all functions. Professional c o n fidential service. ^ P h o n e : M r . H a w k i n s (212) 349-3800, o r send résumés. F a n n i n g Personnel Agency, 180 B r o a d w a y , N . Y . , N.Y. 10038.

An Eoual Opportunity W A * ^ : * ^ ^

In Confidence

To MR. C. A.


F & M SCIENTIFIC CORP. ROUTE 41 & STARR RD. — AVONDALE, PA. An Equal Opportunity Employer


Career opportunities open at all levels for research and development personnel at new

BURGESS RESEARCH CENTER C h a l l e n g i n g projects a n d o p p o r t u n i t i e s for professional a d v a n c e m e n t a v a i l a b l e a t a l l l e v e l s for chemists a n d c h e m i c a l e n g i n e e r s . B a c k g r o u n d s i n p h y s i c a l c h e m i s t r y , e l e c t r o c h e m i s t r y , m e t a l l u r g y preferred. A fifty-year l e a d e r in t h e m a n u f a c t u r e of b a t t e r i e s , B u r g e s s Battery C o m p a n y h a s o p e n e d a r e s e a r c h c e n t e r to s p e a r h e a d its l o n g r a n g e g r o w t h p r o g r a m .

Industrial Positions

Similar o p e n i n g s a r e also a v a i l a b l e with C a n a d i a n affiliate.

ANALYTICAL C H E M I S T : C O M P R E H E N sive, n o n - r o u t i n e analysis of - 1 t y p e s of m e t e o r ites, m e t e o r i t e minerals, e t c . S o m e m e t h o d d e v e l o p m e n t . O p p o r t u n i t y for professional g r o w t h . B.S. w i t h several years of diversified experience or M . S . required. F a m i l i a r i t y w i t h classical rock analysis p r o c e d u r e s helpful. C o n t a c t : R o y S. C l a r k e , Division of M e t e o r i t e s , S m i t h sonian I n s t i t u t i o n , W a s h i n g t o n , D . C .

For full details, s e n d a post c a r d with y o u r N a m e a n d A d d r e s s to Director of R e s e a r c h

1 1 1 1 1




REGIONAL EMPLOYMENT CLEARING HOUSE with records at t h e following offices:

Washington, D.C. 20036 EMPLOYERS. Visit one of these offices t o f i n d well-qualified chemists and chemical engineers. Applications are on file for your review b u t not obtainable by mail. Try this e m p l o y m e n t aid at no charge t o y o u r c o m p a n y . In t u r n , t h e American Chemical Society insists t h a t no user m a k e a placement charge against registrants.

1155 S i x t e e n t h S t . , N.W. R E p u b l i c 7-3337

Chicago, Illinois 60601 86 E. R a n d o l p h S t . , R o o m 404 C E n t r a l 6-3036

MEMBERS AND STUDENT AFFILIATES OF THE ACS. Your applications will be available t o employers in search of all types of technical personnel. There is no charge for t h i s e m p l o y m e n t aid of t h e Society.

New York, New York 10017 733 T h i r d A v e n u e

T N 7-3161

For application forms write to: AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 Attn.:



OCT. 12,


Regional E m p l o y m e n t C l e a r i n g House

M E L P A R ' S Research Division has IMM EDI A TE OPENINGS FOR . . . M BIOCHEMISTS • BIOPHYSICISTS • VIROLOGISTS • MICROBIOLOGISTS • IMMUNOLOGIST-IMMUNOCHEMISTS Melpar, an expanding and progressive industrial research organization in the Washington, D.C. area, has a fast moving program of research in a wide range of scientific disciplines. There is an immediate need for scientists and instrumentation engineers who have an active interest and experience or training in: • • • •

Antigen-Antibody Reactions Bacterial Physiology Enzymatic Mechanisms & Kinetics Enzyme Active Site Studies


Microbial Genetics Nucleic Acid Studies Virus Physical Properties Viral Host Parasite Interaction Biochemical Processors

Electrochemical Monitors Fluorescence Instrumentation Optical Design Collection & Fractionation Systems


Qualified persons who are interested in partici­ pating in challenging projects ranging from basic research to the exploration of life detection tech­ niques are invited to submit resumes to: Clarence Endsley—Professional Placement



3462 Arlington Blvd. Falls Church, Va. an equal opportunity employer

ORGANIC RESEARCH ^ • Speculative • Process D e v e l o p m e n t • Product D e v e l o p m e n t As a result of expansion, a number of openings (B.S., M.S. & Ph.D.) are available in the re­ search department of a well-established com­ pany undergoing growth and diversification. Location will be at our new laboratories being erected at Dighton, Mass. (35 miles from Boston). Academic background and ability more important than experience. Write in confidence for employment application to Technical Manager

I.C.I. (ORGANICS) INC. 55 Canal St. Providence, Rhode Island A Manufacturing subsidiary of Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Great Britain

FLUOROCARBON SOLVENT CLEANING SPECIALIST • Major Chemicals Company offers attractive opportunity in new tech­ nological center, suburban Philadelphia, for a chemist or chemical engineer experienced in industrial and precision solvent cleaning operations. Provides involvement in both field and laboratory work, including product development, applications research, and technical service to fluorocarbon solvent customers. Forward resumes and salary data, on confidential basis, to: TECHNICAL EMPLOYMENT MANAGER


applied research chemists are making news inside XEROX Wouldn't

you like to join


But don't expect the technology you apply to receive widespread publicity right awây. The public w i l l learn about what you'll be doing in due time—when your contribution is unveiled along w i t h the device or system it makes possible, maybe a f e w years from today. This is the w a y w e operate at Xerox, one organization that's enjoyed the benefits of a major commitment to fundamental and applied research. W e ' r e not about to change that policy. If you can meet the qualifications, w h y not come along w i t h us? PhD (or M S w i t h more substantial experience) in physical chemistry to engage in exploratory research on surface chemistry and its application to electrostatic imaging. M S or BS in Chemistry, w i t h a physics minor preferred, w i t h interest and experience in the field of novel photoconductors as applied to xerography. 3 years' experience in organic coating required. These positions are in Rochester, N e w York. Please forward your résumé, including salary history, in confidence to: M r . Donald Zrebiec, Xerox Corporation, Dept. C E N - 1 0 2 , P.O. Box 1 5 4 0 , Rochester, N e w York 1 4 6 0 3 .

XEROX A n Equal O p p o r t u n i t y Employer



12, 196 4 C&EN


PROCESS INVESTIGATION Ambitious, cost conscious chemical engi­ neer required by fast growing vinyl resins producer. Stability & personal growth assured for right man. Resume to Mgr. Process Investigation

PATENT LIAISON SUPERVISOR An OUTSTANDING O P P O R T U N I T Y now exists at our new technical center located near Richmond, Virginia. Advanced degree or equivalent experience in Chem­ istry, Chemical Engineering, or related field. Patent agent, attorney or patent experience preferred. Ex­ perience in synthetic fiber field required. Dem­ onstrated supervisory experience or capacity. Send resume in confidence to: DR. W. H. MAGUIGAN, Dept. CEN,

FIBERS DIVISION P.O. Box 831, Hopewell, Virginia A n Equal Opportunity Employer

CARY CHEMICALS I N C . P.O. Box 129 F l e m i n g t o n , N.J. An equal opportunity employer

PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST | H Key position for an experienced chemist in pharmaceutical Product Development. Refer resumes to: Mr. Robert A. Hallman, William H. Rorer, Inc. 500 Virginia Drive, Ft. Washington, Pa. (Suburban Phila.) An equal opportunity employer.

LABORATORY DIRECTOR PLASTICS Furane Plastics, Inc. specializing in Epoxy Resins, Urethane Resins and Furane Resins, is seeking a young capable individual to direct laboratory activities. He will be responsible for a group of 15 men concerned with formula­ tion of Resins for requirements in Electronic, Building Products and Aerospace Industries. A real opportunity offered for the right individual. Please reply in confidence on professional and educational experience, as well as publications and patents to: Mr. Ε. Μ. Lang

FURANE PLASTICS, INC. 4516 Brazil Street Los Angeles, Calif., 90039

NEW PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Sinclair Petrochemicals, Inc. has need of an exceptional individual to introduce a recently commercialized specialty resin into new markets. Individual should have a degree in Chemistry or related field and 3 to 5 years experience in one or more of the follow­ ing: Floor polishes, Emulsion polymers, Paper coatings and Textile sizes. This is an excellent opportunity for an imaginative and technically oriented person who enjoys personal contact with other technical people. Send resume of experience and training to: Employment Dept.

Sinclair Oil Corporation 600 5th Ave., N.Y.C., N.Y. 10020

Chemists For research on extraction and separation of rare and refractory metals at the bench and pilot plant level. 2 to 4 years experience in inorganic chemistry required. This is a unique opportunity to join a well established company offering a broad fringe benefit program. Please send résumé of your education, experience and earnings to: Personnel Department

Κ A W Ε C Κ I Chemical


B O Y E R T O W N , P A . 19512

An equal opportunity employer.

COMPUTER ENGINEERS Positions available in


PROCESS DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST Challenging Opportunities Ph.D. organic chemistry major, chem engineering minor, with 3 to 5 years in­ dustrial R & D experience in broad organic synthesis with polymer aspects, suc­ cessful plant process introduction and process improvement. Will represent top chemical theory and know-how at the Production Location, at: WESTERN KENTUCKY.

He will consult and advise with the staff of senior chemical and operating en­ gineers, in addition to initiating and carrying out his own program of research and development. He will be challenged by the opportunity to work in a new field of acetylenic derivatives and polymeric materials, and will be a strong chemical liaison with the R & D groups, at our north-east Central Research Locations.

EXCELLENT BENEFITS. Send resume in confidence, including salary requirements, to: MR. B. ROSS YATES

GENERAL ANILINE & FILM CORP. 140 W. 51st St., New York, Ν. Υ. 10020 An Equal Opportunity Employer





196 4

for graduate mechanical, civil or chemical engineers with 2-3 years design or process engineering ex­ perience in the petrochemical field. Must have strong mathematics back­ ground and interest in computer applications to engineering prob­ lems. Computer background de­ sirable but not required. Please send confidential résumé to: Mr. Frank L e a c h Employment Office

FLUOR CORP. ENGINEERS—CONSTRUCTORS 2500 S o . A t l a n t i c B l v d . Los A n g e l e s , Calif. 90022 (213) A N g e l u s 2-6111

! I 1


SALES OPPORTUNITY GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY SPECIALIST Progressive manufacturer of Gas Chromatography Prod­ u c t s h a s r e s p o n s i b l e Sales Positions open for Chemists experienced in the operation, application and sale of chroma­ tography equipment. Compensation commensurate with ability, generous fringe benefits. Submit detailed resume to

W. D. RUNNE Professional and Technical Placement BARBER-COLMAN COMPANY Rockford, Illinois An equal opportunities employer

PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Expanding research and product development activities have created several opportunities for Pharmacists at B.S. to Ph.D. levels in ethical pharmaceutical product develop­ ment research. Upstate New York. Box 24-H-10, C. & Ε. N., Easton, Pa. Equal Opportunity Employer

PROCESS ENGINEER Riverside Cement Company requires a Process Engineer for their Manufacturing Department in Southern California. Re­ quires BS in Chemical Engineering and operating and engineering experience in Portland Cement or related industries, with demonstrated effectiveness in solving operating problems and cost reduction. Knowledge of control engineering and of operating and equipment costs an advan­ tage. Salary open. All applications will be acknowledged. Send résumé indicating salary requirements to G. A. Wood, P . O. Box 832, Riverside, California.

PLASTICS Processing Personnel Cadillac, the nation's largest executive placement service has men who know your discipline and can find you a better job. Here are a few of the hundred of positions now open. Polymerization P r o c e s s e s . . . $12,000 P o l y m e r Extrusion $ 8,000 Melt P o l y m e r Process E x p . . . $14,000 Synthetic Fibres Exp $12,000 PVC Resins Process Exp $10,000 PVC Film Process Exp $14,000 Petrochemical Process E x p . . $11,000 Chem. Eng. Molded Plastics. $12,000 Contact us in absolute confidence. Client companies pay all costs. ferry Camper

CADILLAC ASSOCIATES, INC. 29 E. Madison Bldg., Chicago 2 , Illinois F i n a n c i a l 6-9400

Owens-Illinois, a leading manufacturer of plastic containers has immediate need for experienced engineers for Process Development and Materials Formulating to define equipment requirements, evaluate raw materials and establish test procedures. Need 3-5 years experience in PVC formulations, equipment and processes. Attractive starting salary, many plus benefits and excellent growth opportunity. Send complete résumé in confidence to: Director, Specialised Recruiting Personnel Selection & D e v e l o p m e n t Dept. C.


Toledo, Ohio 43601

Chemists and chemical engineers, B.S. or Ch.E. to work in catalyst development and pilot testing. Analytical group leader having responsibility of method development for research and quality control. Requires good background in inorganic chemistry and instrumental analysis. Chemist to work in analytical group with research and quality control. Requires B.S. in chemistry and up to three years experience desired. CATALYSTS AND CHEMICALS INC., P.O. BOX 86, Louisville, Kentucky.

BIOCHEMIST BONE RESEARCH Ph.D. required and general background in analytical and physical chemical methodology. Salary commensurate with experience. U.C.L.A. Send résumés to: Dr. M. R. UrUt, 1019 Gayley A v e n u e , Los A n g e l e s , California 90024

ANALYTICAL CHEMIST A new position has been established for an analytical chemist, preferably at the Ph.D. level or equivalent. Will be required to develop and improve methods for analysis of steroidal pharmaceuticals and dosage forms. Should be familiar with the latest analytical techniques and all instrumentation required. Some industrial experience desirable. The position will be at our West Coast research facility. Submit your resume in complete confidence, including salary requirement, to: Personnel Manager Research Division

SYNTEX CORPORATION 701 Welch Road Palo Alto, California

? Τ

ττ f τττ τ •

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chemical production supervisor Want to go further. . .faster? Here is a real growth position in a company in which your ability can be recognized quickly... a company in which planned diversification is opening up promotional opportunities. The position requires a graduate Chemical Engineer with at least 2 years production experience in the chemical industry. Re­ sponsibility will involve the direction of all line operations for both continuous unit and batch operations in the production of high quality chemicals, to include supervision of personnel, production costs, quality, safety, etc. Pioneer since 1904 in high purity chemicals for laboratory use, J. T. Baker is today a leading producer of pharmaceutical chemicals, laboratory reagents, and fine industrial chemicals, with an expanding product line in organic chemicals and plastics. To arrange interview appointment, write com' pie te background details in confidence to Mr. Thomas J. Mulderig.

• J. T. BAKER τ

τττ τ •Ι*


Phillipsburg, New Jersey An Equal Opportunity Employer

Market Development Manager

Chem degree, with strong experience in market development. Seek out opportuni­ ties for new chem products, supervise development of new products to fill op­ portunities, prove them in the field. Salary $15,000 to $25,000. Give details of back­ ground. Write Box 34-H-10, C. & E. N - , Easton, P a . ORGANIC CHEMIST Masters Degree, or Bachelors Degree and equivalent experience, to work in exploratory research group. Previous experience in photochemistry or office duplicating field helpful but not necessary. AH qualified applicants will receive consideration. At­ tractive employee benefits. Well equipped labora­ tories. Interested applicants please send detailed resume of experience, education and salary require­ ments to Personnel Relations Division, A. B. Dick Company, 5700 W. Touhy Avenue, Chicago 48, Illinois


R e q u i r e c h e m i c a l e n g i n e e r w i t h b a c k g r o u n d i n cryogenic p l a n t o p e r a t i o n s . P o s i t i o n e n t a i l s c o n s i d e r a b l e travel t o p l a n t s col­ l e c t i n g a n d c o r r e l a t i n g o p e r a t i n g d a t a a s well a s t r o u b l e s h o o t ­ ing and startup. • Permanent type position • Excellent employee benefits Send resume in confidence t o : R. F . Hardy, C E N 1012

H Y D R O C A R B O N R E S E A R C H , INC. 115 Broadway, New York 6

A n equal opportunity employer

OCT. 12, 1964 C&EN


CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Career opportunities are available with this expanding organization for B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. Chemical Engineers in Process Development. Strong technical background required with potential as project leader. Assignments will include economic evaluations, design, supervision of installation and operation of pilot plants and data correlation. Products cover exceptionally wide range of organic chemicals involv­ ing all types of unit operations and unit processes. Positions are open in our modern Research and Development Center at BUFFALO, N.Y. This cosmopolitan city offers college and uni­ versity facilities, a variety of cultural and recreational activities and excellent suburban living conditions.

SALARY COMMENSURATE WITH TRAINING & EXPERIENCE LIBERAL BENEFIT ARRANGEMENT Prompt, confidential attention will be given to resumes submitted to Manager of Research-Administration, Research and Development Department CEN1012

NATIONAL ANILINE DIVISION P. O . Box 1069, Buïalo 5, Ν . Υ.

An Equal Opportunity


|IF YOU WANT TO ADVANCE! I IN THE GROWING FIELD ( I OF AROMA CHEMISTRY I A major manufacturer of perfume compounds has a n opening in its rapidly expanding research department for a bench chemist.

WE WOULD LIKE: • A background in Aroma Chemistry and 2 to 8 years experience in synthetic organic chemistry. • However, if you have a significant parallel background and experience we will consider you.

WE OFFER: • • • •

Salary commensurate with your experience. Excellent opportunity for advancement. Good research facilities. Modem plant and excellent working conditions. • Broad benefits program. Send Resume In Detail Or Phone For Appointment To: Dr. Jerome G . K a u f m a n , Research Director

CRYOGENICS ENGINEER B.S. degree in Chemical Engineering specializing in cryogenics. 3-5 years cryo­ genics experience. Position with mid-conti­ nent company. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume in confidence to Box 17-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . An equal opportunity employer


RESEARCH BIOCHEMIST Supervise and assist in planning research on enzyme systems in neoplasia at large general hospital as part of research pro­ gram. Also some teaching responsibility toward research oriented physicians includ­ ing house staff. Requires ability to be creative & PhD in chemistry. Salary open depending upon experience and qualifica­ tions. Send résumé to Personnel Department, Hartford Hospital, 80 Seymour Street, Hartford, Connecticut

OPPORTUNITIES IN BEAUTIFUL SAN FRANCISCO Bechtel Corporation, a leader in thefieldof Refinery and Chemical Engineering has im­ mediate openings in the San Francisco Home Office for:

Project Engineers, graduate mechanical or chemical, exi>erienced at project supervisory level on major design programs related to petrochem­ ical, refineries, power plants, industrial plants.

Instrumentation Graduate chemical, mechanical or electrical engineers with experience with an engineering company on instrumentation design applica­ tion as related to refineries, petrochemical plants.

CHEMICAL ENGINEER Challenging opportunity with a commercially oriented chemical company for a Process Development Engineer. This position is for bench scale development of new organic polymers and chemicals. Candidates should have a BS or MS in Chemical Engineering. 0-5 years' experience in process development or pilot plant operations. Interested applicants should submit résumé and a copy of their transcript to: PERSONNEL MANAGER

Structural Engineers, draftsmen and designers with design experience on refineries, chemical plants, power stations or other heavy industrial plants. Send complete resume to Manager of Employ­ ment, P. O. Box 3965, San Francisco, Cali­ fornia, or contact our New York office, Mr. Paul Keating, 485 Lexington Avenue; in Houston, Mr. J. D. Braddick, 1300 Main Street.

Bechtel Corporation An Equal Opportunity Employer



OCT. 12, 196 4



CHEMICAL OPERATIONS 780 N. CLINTON AVE. TRENTON, N. J. 08607 An Equal Opportunity Employer ORGANIC CHEMIST, P h . D . Research in synthesis of new organic fluorine compounds. Analytical experience desirable. Research publishable. Academic atmosphere. Competitive salaries. Send resume to: Maremont Corporation Research Division

3016 E. Foothill Blvd. Pasadena, California An equal opportunity employer

FLEUROMA Division of Universal O i l Products C o m p a n y , (Inc.) 4 3 - 2 3 37th A v e n u e Long Island City 1 , N e w York A r e a Code ( 2 1 2 ) - R A 1 - 8 2 8 2

ASSISTANT TO SALES MANAGER LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS Excellent opportunity, with well established Eastern manufacturer of high reputation, for amoitious and active person to maintain nation-wide contact with scientific supply dealer organization. Familiarity with laboratory instrumentation essential. Box 55-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . CHEMIST, ORGANIC: T A K E COMPLETE charge, process development and participate in management. Small, well-established company, location New York City. Better than average op­ portunity and compensation. Our staff knows of this ad. Box 30-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

DEVELOPMENT CHEMIST: NEEDED TO fill important position in our research and de­ velopment department. Projects will be in field of thermosetting resins and will require both pure chemical investigation and customer contacts and servicing. Resin experience not required but must have good organic chemistry background and be creative and personable. Company is one of national and international leaders in field of phenolic, epoxy, and melamine resins and mold­ ing materials. Plastics Engineering Co., Research Department, Sheboygan, Wisconsin. ORGANIC CHEMIST^ M.A. OR P h . D . preferred with three to ten years experience in organic synthesis of chemicals or pharmaceuticals for challenging career opportunity with medium sized New Jersey multi-product manufacturer. Salary open. Send complete résumé in confidence to: Box 37-H-10, C. ά Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. SENIOR PROCESS E N G I N E E R : TO D i ­ rect processing of new propellant formulations, scheduling and coordinating work, designing, checking out new equipment and procedures, and establishing quality control tests and operating procedures. Requires B.S. in chemistry or chemi­ cal engineering, three to ten years applicable ex­ perience. Send your résumé t o : Director, Professional Personnel, Dept. 607, Atlantic Research Corporation, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. (Suburb of Washington, D.C.) An equal opportunity employer. FOOD TECHNOLOGIST & C H E M I S T : E x perienced individual for development work on salad dressings, table syrups, condiments, etc., for institutional use. Eastern Location. Salary open. Box 36-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.



I ! I I ! I

Graduate Chemical Engineer. Minimum five years experience industrial water treatment. For position as staff engineer in firm of consulting engineers and chemists specializing in water and waste water treatment. Salary open. Send résumé to J. K. Rice CYRUS WM. RICE & COMPANY 15 Noble A v e . , Pittsburgh, P a . 15205

CHEMICAL ENGINEERS Sun Oil Company, one of the pioneers and leaders in the petroleum industry, has the following immediate openings for qualified chemical engineers: P R O C E S S D E S I G N — W o r k includes design of new plants, specifying process equipment, determining optimum process conditions and co­ ordinating specific details with vendors and construction companies. B.S. or M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering required. 2 to 10 years in process design, or process experience in pilot or commercial plants preferred. Several positions available. Location: Philadelphia, Pa.



ual will handle a wide variety of challenging engineering projects, including consultation on plant operations, process improvement, equip­ ment design and economic studies. B.S. or M.S. degree in Chemical Engineering required. No experience necessary but up to 5 years in petro­ leum or chemical plant operations will be con­ sidered. Several positions available. Locations: Marcus Hook, Pa. and Toledo, Ohio.

PROCESS DEVELOPMENT-Positkm embraces all phases of R&D chemical engineering studies (including pilot plant operations) leading to the design and optimum operation of new petroleum and chemical processes. B.S. or M.S. in Chemical Engineering required. No experience needed. Several openings. Location: Marcus Hook, Pa.

Many other career opportunities for Chemical Engineers. Write in confidence to Mr. Earl J. Pearce.



An Equal Opportunity Employer CHEMSOL, INC. SPECIALIZES IN D E veloping markets for chemical by-products and needs another chemist or chemical engineer with process experience for market development. Must be willing to travel. Write in detail t o : Marvin H. Mahan, President, Chemsol, Inc., 60 Prince Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey. CHEMISTS: NEEDED TO MANUFAOture analytical reagents, synthesize various organic compounds-both bench and production scale-and perform quality control of finished products. Small growing company with international market in pleasant, mid western university town. Send résumé t o : Hach Chemical Company, Box 907, Ames, Iowa. CHEMICAL SALESMAN : TEXTILE finishing, polyester resins, organic intermediates. Chemical sales openings in Southeast and South. Chemical manufacturing division of a large textile company would like to review qualifications of experienced salesmen in the above fields. Excellent compensation arrangement, automobile and expenses furnished. Replv to : Box 33-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. DEVELOPMENT E N G I N E E R : NATIONally known food processor has attractive position available on development engineering staff. Position requires graduate chemical or food en­ gineer. Food processing experience desirable. Diversity of product lines and processing methods provides challenging work. Salary commensurate with experience. Outstanding fringe benefit pro­ gram including educational assistance available. Send résumé including salary requirements t o : Universal Foods Corp., 325 N. 27th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208, Atten : R. F . Dale. An Equal Opportunity Employer. C H E M I S T : COLLEGE GRADUATE. D E velopment work on chemical metal specialties (rust preventives, pickling additives, lubricants). Experienced man with original ideas preferred. Send résumé t o : W. J. Thorn, Harry Miller Corp., 4th & Bristol Streets, Philadelphia 40, Pa.

CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R : PLANT EXPANsion has created opening as production supervisor for individual with three to ten years experience, preferably in distillation and catalysis. Some construction experience helpful but not mandatory. New construction and start-up ; Good salary, excellent benefit program. Résumé and salary requirements t o : Personnel Mgr., Nepera Chemical Co., Inc., Route 32, Harriman, New York. An equal opportunity employer. C H E M I S T : BIOCHEMIST TO WORK ON research program on arterio sclerosis (synthesis and biological investigation of phospholipids). Masters degree or equivalent experience preferred. Program approved by U.S.P.H.S. Write giving qualifications to : . Personnel Department, Elyria Memorial Hospital, Elyria, Ohio. PHARMACOLOGISTS: EXCELLENT O p portunities for applicants expecting Ph.D. withm next few months or preferably Ph.D. applicants with one to five years experience, to inaugurate and expand chemical screening program and methods design in research department of ethical drug manufacturing subsidiary of large chemical manufacturer. Write to : Mr. A. G. Worton, Warren-Teed Pharmaceuticals Inc., (Subsidiary of Rohm & Haas Company), 582 West Goodale Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215.

Academic Positions

DEPARTMENT OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH D.S.I.R. welcomes applications from young British honours graduates in science and technology at present in North America who wish to re-establish themselves in the U.K. for postdoctoral. NATO and DSIR SCIENCE FELLOWSHIPS tenable in UNIVERSITIES, COLLEGES AND OTHER APPROVED LABORATORIES IN THE UNITED KINGDOM Further details may be obtained from the United Kingdom Scientific Mission, British Embassy, 3100 Massachusetts Avenue, N. W., Washington 8, D.C., quoting reference. C/E. Applications from candidates in Canada should reach U.K.S.M. by 15th November 1964. The closing date for candidates in the U.S.A. is 1st January, 1965. (Recruitment to D.S.I.R. Research Laboratories is covered by a similar operation of the Civil Service Commission, to whom enquiries should be addressed as directed in their current advertisements.) POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP: OCTOber 1964 or after, for organic chemist. Research on metal chelates as reagents in organic syntheses. Salary £ 1000 plus F.S.S.U. The Registrar, University College, Cathays Park, Cardiff, S. Wales. Ph.D. FOR RESEARCH ON INSTRUMENtal applications of lasers. Teaching and research responsibility at M.S. and Ph.D. level in interdisciplinary academic program of instrumental sciences. Large expanding program in research on application of all types of lasers to instrumentation. Position immediately available. Rank and salary commensurate with qualifications. Head, Electronics & Instrumentation, University of Arkansas, Graduate Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 3017, Little Rock, Arkansas. POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS : STRUCture elucidation and syntheses of steroids and antibiotics, reaction mechanism. NMR, EPR, ORD, radio active tracer techniques. Western New York Metropolitan area. $5500 to $7500, depending on experience. Box 29-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) CHEMICAL MARKETING: Ph.D. C H E M ist with chemical market research background de­ sires position in market research, commercial de­ velopment, or economic analysis and planning. New York City or vicinity currently required. Résumé available. Box 310-J-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. M.S. COLLOID C H E M I S T : 15 YEARS D i ­ versified product development experience in poly­ mers, pigments, emulsions, protective coatings, insulations, printed circuitry and specialties. Project management and administrative responsi­ bilities. Some customer contact. Would also con­ sider investment opportunity. Box 300-L-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL EDITOR-WRITER: FEmale: single; B.S., chemistry; strong industrial laboratory background, largely cosmetics ; thor­ oughly experienced all phases and stages editorial and production, books and magazines; knowledge advertising color imposition ; language facility ; seeks responsible position science magazine, techni­ cal publisher advertising agency, or rewriting re­ ports. New York City only. Box 309-L-9, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. OPERATIONS/DISTRIBUTION MGR. Proven in high level manufacturing and marketing management for major organic chemical pro­ ducer. Creator and director of national and in­ ternational distribution system. Achieved, sig­ nificant profit improvement through production and inventory planning, customer services, market and traffic studies, materials handling develop­ ment. Box 303-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST : B.S. 25 YEARS E X P E R I E N C E conducting and supervising development and for­ mulation of composite materials. Complete familiarity with solubilization, plasticizations and cure characteristics of resins, proteins, latices and rubbers in a wide variety of binder systems. Ex­ cellent record of achievement, job stability. New York-New Jersey metropolitan area. Box 307-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. PRODUCTION SUPERVISION: AGE 34, B.S. chem. 1964, U.S. citizen, chief chemist, hydrometallurgical uranium mill sup't. ; presently lead-silver refinery sup't. Overseas contract ex­ pires September 1965. Prefers West or New Eng­ land. William H. Darlington, Tsumeb, South West Africa. ORGANIC RESEARCH C H E M I S T : Ph.D., age 36. Available immediately for employment in New York City—New Jersey area. Two years in­ dustrial plus five years teaching experience. Organic synthesis, stereochemistry, theoretical organic chemistry, UV and I R analytical meth­ ods, product development. Box 312-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. INORGANIC C H E M I S T : Ph.D. FIVE years industrial experience in thin films of semiconductive, metallic and dielectric materials for electronic use. Vacuum, sputtering and chemical depositions. Background in high temperature chemistry and x-ray diffraction. Seeks position in solid state research. Box 314-F-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. RADIOCHEMIST : M.S., 26, STRONG I N terest in nuclear chemistry and radiochemistry. Graduate work concentrated in physical chemistry. Research in ion-exchange use of radiotracer techniques. Three years of intermittent indus­ trial experience in analytical laboratories. Have filed petition for U.S. citizenship which will be granted December 1964. Available immediately. Reply to : 4505-E, Graystone Ct., Kansas City, Missouri, 64150. Phone: 816-741-5355. SR. RESEARCH C H E M I S T : ORGANIC, Ph.D. 15 years experience in research on natural products—isolation, structure and conformation determination, synthesis, pharmaceutical applica­ tions. Publications and patents. Five languages. Age 42. Desires research or R&D position pref­ erably in medicinal chemistry or pharmacognosy in Greater Boston area. N. A. Starkovsky, 29 Beaver Road, Weston, Mass. 02193.

CHEMIST: Ph.D., TO DEVELOP R E search program in pesticide chemistry (synthesis, metabolites, etc.). Faculty status, major eastern university. Please supply curriculum vitae and salary requirements. Box 33-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

BIOCHEMIST: Ph.D., 43. SEVEN YEARS head research European pharmaceutical com­ pany, five years university. Background includes nucleic acid and protein biosynthesis, mecha­ nism of action of anticancer compounds. Five languages, publications. Desires challenging posi­ tion in research institute or university on the West Coast. Available now. Box 300-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIPS AVAILABLE January 1965. Fluorine containing polymers and heterocyclic fluorocarbon derivatives. Lead to M.S. or Ph.D. $3600/12 months. Send complete information to : Dr. Henry C. Brown, 406 Reed Laboratory, Uni­ versity of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.

ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. AGE 35. D E sires academic position. Prefers western location. Three years experience as a teaching assistant, six years industrial research. Publications and patents. Box 310-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.


12, 1964



PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMIST: RECENT Ph.D. with honors, University of Paris, age 26 married, three publications: dependence of re­ activity on structure in electrophilic additions to olefins; French, English, Hungarian; new emigrant, Hungarian refugee. Seeks industrial or academic position. A. Schwarcz, c/o J. Sandor, 83-35, 139th Street, Kew Gardens, New York. EUROPEAN ASSIGNMENT DESIRED : Ph.D. Industrial and academic background. Marketing and research experience in Europe. Publications. Petrochemicals, catalysis, polymer­ ization, additives, pharmaceuticals. Seeks posi­ tion research - development, marketing, etc. Would accept representation of U. S. firms. French, German fluently, some Italian. Box 303-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. P R O F I T - M A K E R : Ph.D. CHEMIST, PRODucts and processes in hydrocarbons and hetero­ cyclics. Patents. Wants challenging industrial research position. Box 304-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. MICROSCOPIST, LIGHT, ELECTRON. Ph.D., F.R.M.S. with broad academic and re­ search development. Pharmaceuticals, polymers, propellants, Publications. Desires research or academic position. Box 305-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T : B.S. 1952 AGE 38. SEVERAL years of Q.C. in confectionary, baked pet foods, crackers, and industrial diamonds. No geograph­ ical restrictions. Box 306-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. MANAGEMENT: CHEMICAL ENGINEER B.S. Ch.E., M.S. Ind. Mgmt. 27 years of pro­ gressive industrial experience in all phases of organic chemicals manufacturing and manage­ ment. Desires to relocate to a management position with growth opportunities and long term association. Specialties. Organic insect­ icides and isocyanates. Box 307-H-10, C. ά Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ACADEMIC POSITION : ADMINISTRAtive or teaching. September 1965. Ten years each - industrial research, teaching. Department Chairman, Three years colleges. Ph.D. organic, B.S. chemical engineering. Box 308-H-10, C. & E. N. t Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL SALES: B.S. 1954. SALES AND research background. Have successfully sold high priced analytical instruments. Desires position in sales with opportunity for financial and management advancement. No objection to travel, best of references. Edward J. Sheehan, 370 Madison Hill Road, Clark, New Jersey. Phone: 201-388-7472. AGGRESSIVE CHEMICAL ENGINEER seeks management position with progressive com­ pany. B.S.Ch.E. 1951. Eight years heavy chem­ ical experience: phosphates, potash, soda ash, borates. Six years mineral wool insulation both glass and rock wool. Currently production superintendent for insulation manufacturer. Box 310-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL C H E M I S T : PH.D. 1961. THREE years experience in N.M.R., U.V., and I.R. spectroscopy. Two years experience in measure­ ment of dielectric properties of gases. Seeking research position in these or related fields. Also two years experience in comouter programming. Box 311-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

ASSOCIATIONS Continued from page 88

The New York State Council for the Advancement of Industrial Research and Development will hold a meeting at the University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., Nov. 9 and 10. Theme will be University and Indus­ try: Partners in Education and Re­ search. The conference is designed to provide a forum for representatives of industry and education to discuss continuing education for engineers and scientists in industry.

Southern Weed Conference will be held Jan. 19 to 21, 1965, at Hotel Adolphus, Dallas, Tex. Dr. A. D. Worsham of North Carolina State Col­ lege, Raleigh, N.C., is in charge of the program.

Society of Rheology will hold its win­ ter meeting Jan. 28 and 29, 1965, at the Miramar Hotel-Motel, Santa Bar­ bara, Calif. The West Coast Gordon

ΑΠΕΝΤΙ0Ν, MEMBERS AND SUBSCRIBERS Whenever you write to the American Chemical Society about your membership or subscription, please include your C&EN address label to ensure prompt service

SITUATIONS WANTED (Nonmembers) CHEMICAL ENGINEER : 1964 GRADUATE, seeks position in New York City area. Inter­ ested in design or research and development. Box 600-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

ATTACH LABEL HERE To change your address, please give us five weeks' advance notice. Place maga­ zine address label here. Print your NEW address below. If you have any question about your subscription or membership, place your magazine label here and clip this form to your letter.

MISCELLANEOUS Advertising of Classifications Not Included in Directories On Preceding Pages

Effective Date of Change of Address

PUBLICATIONS—SALE, WANTED BACK ISSUES OF NEARLY ALL VOLUMES of ACS journals are available promptly from the American Chemical Society. Write for quotations on volumes and sets. Special Issues Sales Department, ACS, 1155-16th St., N.W., Washington, P . C . 20036. TRANSLATIONS ABSTRACTS EXPERTLY DONE FROM Russian, Polish, German and French. Litera­ ture searched, translations. Nominal charge. Box 900-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR BUY-IN, MIMEOGRAPH plant-paste inks. Location Long Island. Box 901-H-10, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

118 C&EN OCT. 12, 1964

New Address:


Local Address



Zip Code

Mail to the American Chemical Society, 1155—16th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036

Conference on Polymers will be held at the same place the following week. Papers are invited and prospective au­ thors should write R. S. Porter, Cali­ fornia Research Corp., 576 Standard Ave., Richmond, Calif. 94802.

Canadian Pulp and Paper Association,

technical section, will hold its 51st annual meeting Jan. 26 to 29, 1965, at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, Mont­ real. Write Douglas Jones, Manager, Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, 2280 Sun Life Bldg., Montreal 2, Que.

The 5th International Symposium on High Speed Testing will be held March 8 and 9, 1965, at the Sheraton Plaza Hotel, Boston. The series is designed to highlight studies of rate sensitivity of all types of materials and thus en­ hance the science of solid state rhe­ ology. For further details write Ross H. Supnik, Plas-Tech Equipment Corp., 4 Mercer Rd., Natick, Mass. 01762.

International Symposium on Fission Product Release and Transport Under Accident Conditions will be held April 5 to 7, 1965, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Deadline for submission of 500-word abstracts is Jan. 15, 1965. Submit papers for presentation to C. J. Barton, Oak Ridge National Labora­ tory, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37831. Symposium on Work and Time Studies in Technical Information sponsored by the American Chemical Society's Di­ vision of Chemical Literature will be held in Detroit, Mich., in April 1965. Four copies of 200-word abstracts should be sent by Dec. 15, 1964, to Dr. Stephen J. Tauber, Information Technology Division, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234. The 8th European Congress on Molec­ ular Spectroscopy will be held Aug. 14 to 20, 1965, in Copenhagen, Den­ mark. Sponsors are the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences. For further details contact the congress headquarters, Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen, Denmark.



78 1 C. K. Williams & Co., Inc Newark, Posner and Mitchell,

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G. M. Basford Co.

Weekley and Valenti,


Ross Roy, Inc.

99 1 1 1

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Leo Burnett Co., Inc.

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Walker Brooks ù- Associates, D'Arcy Advertising Co.

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Ben Sackheim,


Buchcn Advertising,


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Gardner Advertising Co., Inc. Morton Salt Co Needham, Louis 6- Brorby, Inc.


46 Wolff Associates,




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82 89


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1 1 J

Great Britain and Western Europe . . . Brayton Nichols, The American Magazine Group, 44 Conduit Street, London W. 1, England, Telephone—Regent 4714

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1 1 1

Braun and Miller


J. M. Mathes, Inc.

Fuller 6- Smith ir Ross, Inc.


Houston 77006 . . . Frank N. Vickrey, Richard Clothier, McDonald-Thompson, Inc., 3130 Southwest Freeway, (Area Code 713) 529-6711




Charles Bowes Advertising,


SALES REPRESENTATIVES Chicago 60602 . . . Laurence O. Roberts, Robert N. Sillars, Jr., I l l W. Washing, ton St., (Area Code 312) 726-8497

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Wilk Advertising,



1 1

1 1

Gaynor & Ducas, Inc.

Richardson, Thomas 6- Bushman, Hazard Advertising Co., Inc.

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64 57

1 1



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5 8


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