EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical ... - ACS Publications

Nov 5, 2010 - Discounts and allowances to Society members on standard-set "Situation Wanted" advertisements only . SEND advertisements with, remittanc...
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R A T E S (to b e paid in a d v a n c e a c c o m p a n y i n g c o p y i n s t r u c t i o n s ) : D i s p l a y a d v e r t i s e m e n t s $20 p e r c o l u m n i n c h (space U n l i m i t e d ) . Minimum d i s p l a y s p a c e , one inch. A d v e r t i s e m e n t s a c c e p t e d i n m u l t i p l e s of o n e - h a l f i n c h u n i t s . N o a g e n c y o r c a s h d i s c o u n t s . S t a n d a r d s e t t i n g 25c; a word, m i n i m u m c h a r g e $4 e a c h . I n c l u d e 5 w o r d s for box a d d r e s s . D i s c o u n t s a n d a l l o w a n c e s t o Society m e m b e r s on s t a n d a r d - s e t " S i t u a t i o n · W a n t e d " a d v e r t i s e m e n t s only. S E N D advertisements with, remittance to C H E M I C A L and E N G I N E E R I N G N E W S , 332 West 42nd St., New York 18, Ν. Υ., to reach there not later than the deadline of 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, 18 d a y s preceding the date of publication. In printing these advertisements the SOCIETY assumes no obligations a s to U N E M P L O Y E D M E M B E R S of the SOCIETY shall be allowed, without qualifications ef prospective employees or responsibility of employers, nor charge, three non-display insertions i n a calendar year, n o t to exceed 5Q words does the SOCIETY have information concerning t h e position a d v e r t i s e d , or each (45 words plus 5-word box address or advertiser's name and address), in regard tb those seeking employment. and not more than one per issue; all other non-display insertions by SOCIETY Ο Ο members looking for pesitions, and all non-display insertions by Student Those replying to announcements should send copies and not original docu­ Affiliates of the SOCIETY, ehall be accepted at 50 per cent discount from ments. Advertising circulars will not be forwarded and to tha-t end all letters will be opened at the forwarding office. standard rates.

SITUATIONS Ο Ρ EM Placement Ilnrcaus



P O S I T I O N S : For experienced Engineers in •all brandies of engineering, Chemists and Physicists in diversified fields a t all levels; »lso Technical Salesmen and Sales Engineers, Technical Market Research and Development. Confidential service. Send or bring 3 resumes. Recent snapshots helpful but not essential. Position Securing Bureau, Inc. (Agency), 45 John Street, New York 38. Ν.Ύ.

National organization seeks capable g r a d u a t e engi­ n e e r with e x p e r i e n c e in viscose rayon manufacture or related e x p e r i e n c e . H e a d q u a r t e r s New York. Salary open. Send complete resume including a g e and salary data.

Industrial Positions

B o x CEN 698, 221 W. 41st S t . , N . Y . C. 18

WANTED O n e Top-Grade M a n

Growing Research and Development Depart­ ment of major chemical manufacturer will add one man of carefully specified qualifications in the near future. Have You: 1. A recent, a brand-new, or a prospective Ph.D. degree? 2. A distinctly above-average academic record? 3. An interest and background primarily in the physical-inorganic field? 4. An abiding interest and proven skill in Vtrue" research, but no scorn for the "industrial viewpoint"? 5. An aggressive approach, (to research)? 6. A wide range of non-professional interests? 7. No objection to moving to the West Coast? If so, we would be pleased to hear from you et once. Box 17-H-12, C. & Ε. Ν . , Eastern, P a . ORGANIC CHEMIST—Broad background in synthesis and development of plasticizers, syn­ thetic resins, etc. Must be aggressive and imaginative individual able to work with mini­ mum supervision. Please give all details of ex­ perience, salary desired, and photo if possible. Location—New York urea. Box 10-L-12, C. & Ε. ZNT., Easton, Pa.

CHEMIST For eastern New York manufacturer to work in field of adhesive formulation. Experi­ ence in paint or varnish industry will be considered as equivalent to experience in adhesives. Prefer 2 t o 5 years of industrial experience in these fields. Box 19-1-12, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, P a . TECHNICAL SALES—Chemist with broad background in vinyl resin stabilization and com­ pounding. Must be able to head up technical sales on stabilizers for vinyl resins and other polymers. In reply give all details of experience, salary desired, and photo, if possible. Loca­ tion in New York area. Box ll-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R — F o r research and product development with well known company located in Eastern Pennsylvania. Some experi­ ence preferred. Submit complete resume and salary requirements in first letter. Box 13-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

QUARRY SUPERINTENDENT Must have experience in small-quarry o p ­ erating methods in non-metallic minerals.

PLANT SUPERINTENDENT Must have experience in operation of crushing, grinding and size-separation equipment in chemical or non-metallic mineral industries. Completely new operation by longestablished multi-plant organization. Salaries open. Location: Lake Champlain area, New York- Reply:

GODFREY L. CABOT, I N C . 4 9 Beach St., Boston 1 1 , Mass. ATT: MR. A . L. HALL

ORGANIC CHEMIST—A competent organic synthesist with good theoretical background is required for laboratory work in the field of industrial chemicals. Should have P h . D . or equivalent experience. Reply completely in first letter; indicate references, salary expected; re­ turnable photograph. Stauffer Chemical Company, Eastern Research Division, Chauncey, N.Y. (Westchesxer County).

R E S I N C H E M I S T : Broad background in de­ velopment and application of synthetic resins of all types. Desire aggressive and imaginative individual to initiate and carry through product development programs to manufacturing stages. Please give details of education, experience and salary requirements. Location in N; ew York area. Box 33-N-7, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a .

CHEMICAL ENGINEERS RESPONSIBLE POSITIONS a r e a v a i l a b l e in the e x p a n d i n g petrochemical field for PROCESS AND DESIGN PROJECT ENGI­ NEERS. QUALIFICATIONS include k n o w l e d g e of thermodynamics a n d physical chemistry . . . and u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e fundamentals of unit operation. Should b e able to p r e p a r e heat a n d material b a l a n c e s , process flow sheets . . . To d e s i g n fractionators, pipe-still heaters . . . To develop economics of processes. Desire e n g i n e e r s with experience in process d e s i g n of petroleum refinery or p e t r o c h e m i c a l plants a n d recent g r a d u a t e s with w o r k in this field. Ideal working conditions . . . g o o d salaries . . . excellent opportunities . . . r e s p o n s i b l e positions. Write Personnel Director Research and D e v e l o p m e n t Department Phillips P e t r o l e u m C o m p a n y Bartlesville, O k l a h o m a

VINYL CHEMIST Experienced in formulation and factory processing· of calendered vinyl film and sheetings. Good opportunity with old estab­ lished firm expanding into plastics field. State details of experience in reply. All replies confidential, Box 1 3 - H - l ? , C. & E . N . , E a s t o n , P a . T E C H N I C A L SALES—Chemist with broad background in protective coatings involving all types of formulations, Must be aggressive and imaginative and able t o do development work in driers and auxiliaries for paint industry. Will probably head up technical sales. Please give all details of experience, salary desired, etc. and photo if possible. Location—New York area. Box 12--L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.


GROUP LEADER Ph.D. Physical or Inorganic Chemist, with 3-5 years successful postdoctoral experi­ ence, for a responsible position directing several projects in the research and de­ velopment department of a large chernical manufacturer. Reply in confidence to Box 3 0 - L - U , C. & Ε. Ν . , Easton, P a . C H E M I S T OR C H E M I C A L ENGINEER: Some industrial experience required for an ex­ panding Chemical Division in a plant located in Central New Jersey. Give brief but com­ plete background of experience, education and salary desired. Box 21-L-12. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton. Pa.


C H E M I S T : Position with laboratory appara­ tus house. Will be trained in general off le procedure. Prefer some laboratory training. Excellent opportunity for aggressive young man. State age, qualifications. Box 20-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, P a . LABORATORY C H E M I S T : Excellent oppor­ tunity with established organization for young chemist. Experience in textile resins desirable but not essential. Please give details of educa­ tion, experience and salary req.uiremen.ts. Loca­ tion in Charlotte, N . C . Box 34-N-7, C. & Ε . N., Easton, P a -







For apparatus development. Successful applicant will Have opportunity to use chemical engineering, organic chemistry, electronics, and optics or any other talents he may have. Position requires initiative and use of hands as well as head. Permanent position with an old, well established company. Box 18-L-12, C. Sc Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .

Manufacturer of dry batteries, w h o i s th.e recogn i z e d leader in t h e field, h a s openüxgs for n e w gradu a t e s in tlxe field of chemistry or physics at $250 p e r month. Higher p a y i n g positions available t o experienced electrochemists.

CHEMICAL ENGINEER FOR PROCESS DEVELOPMENT: Medium sized chemical com­ pany offers unusual opportunity to qualified chemical engineer in the field of organic syn­ theses and specialty manufacture. Four or five y*»ars of experience in process development and pilot planting are required. Some field experi­ ence and general business training would be help­ ful. The man must be able to develop his own motive power, and to recognize the commercially significant among the technically possible. He must be able to work closely with management in an expanding research and development progrnm. Opportunity will eventually be provided to sharp in the growth of the new department. Box 26-L—12. C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton. Pa. P e r m a n e n t Positions Open t o

ENGINEERS T E X T I L E CHEMIST: Established organization engaged in tfcke development of specialty compounds for sizing, finishing and printing desires aggressive research and. development man with five to eight years' experience. Please give details of education, experience and salary requirements. Loralion in N#*\v York area. Box 35-Ν 7. C. & K . .V.. East on, Pa.


in Jet

California Institute of Technology l e t P*op>ulsion L a b o r a t o r y 4800 O a k Ο ί ο ν « D r i v e P a i a i e n i 3 , California COSMETIC CHEMIST—Experienced, for d e ­ velopment work. Knowledge soaps, synthetic detergents, hair dyes, general formulation. Reply in detail. Duart Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 984 Folsom Street. San Francisco.

AEROJET ENGINEERING CORPORATION WORLD'S LARGEST ROCKET PLANT NEEDS Physical Chemists, Polymer Chemists, Chemical and Mechanical Engineers ior research and development work on rockets and rocket projpellante. Give experience, education, age, work references, personal history, salary received and salary expected. A l l inquiries will be considered promptly and kept confidential. ΑΕΚ0ΓΕΤ ENGINEERING CORPORATION P . O . Box 29$, A i w a , California SENIOR CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R : Medium sized progressive chemical concern has opening for B.S. or M.S. engineer with five or more years* experience in handling technical respon­ sibilities and in directing work of others. Or­ ganic experience desired. Liberal retirement, hospitalization nncl insurance program. Excellent opportunity for advancement into management, ranks. Detroit aorea. Give full details in first letter. Box 21-H-12, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa.


to top TJ. S. and Canadian industry. Usual pension and other benefits. Excellent op­ portunities; fast-growing engineering or­ ganization. Write complete qualifications.


29, N O .

Consultants i n Fire Protection Engineering

Box 2 4 - L - U , C. Sc Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a .

Engineers with, background in engineering -thermodynamics, heat transfer and combustion desirable. Engineers τ/vith. some experience in resins and plastics for solid pro· pellant development. Send resuine including education, scholastic record., experience and references to


. . after training at full-time pay . . . as

CHEMIST OR CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R : Recent graduate for work in electroplating de­ velopment laboratory in Connecticut. Experi­ ence desirable but less important than intelligence and initiative. State personal data, experience, education and salary requirements in first letter. Box 22-L-12. C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa.

PHYSICAL AND ORGANIC CHEMISTS For positions as project leaders in re­ search, and development with leading petrochemical company. Opportunity for chemists of proven calibre — Ph.D. or equivalent — to get on ground floor of an expanding organization. LOCATION Moderately large university city in the deep South. BENEFITS A N D OPPORTUNITIES Permanent position with security benefits provided by well established progressive company. Research minded management provides ample opportunity for advance­ ment based on capabilities. Bo» 2 2 - J - 1 2 , C. & Ε . Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . WOMAN WITH B.S. OR M.S. I N CHEM­ ISTRY or one of the biological or medical sciences, for medical secretarial work including literature research and medical writing. Must be able to organize work, and work independ­ ently; salary will be commensurate with pre­ vious experience. Box 24-J-12. C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa.

Physical or Inorganic PH.D. CHEMISTS 0*1 Year Experience Excellent opportunities in the research and development department of well-known chemical corporation. West Virginia, California and East Coast. Bo» 17-L-12, C. * Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . EXPERIENCED SPECTROSCOPIST: Stan­ ford Research Institute is establishing a com­ plete emission spectrograph ic laboratory. An excellent opportunity exists for a man with an advanced degree and experience in industrial applications of emission spectroscopy. The right man will be expected to conceive research pro­ grams in addition to directing the work of the laboratory. Address communications to L. M. Richards, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Stanford Research In­ stitute, Stanford, California.


2 4, 1 9 5 1

ORGANIC CHEMIST: Ph.D. with minimum of t w o years industrial experience, age 28 to 35. Must be capable, industrious, pleasant. For product development on fatty esters, oil ad­ ditives, synthetics. Attractive salary, pleasant surroundings, responsibility. Carlisle Chemical Works, Inc., Cincinnati 15, Ohio.


of growing, established chemical company requires Physical, Inorganic, Analytical Pbi.D. chemists with 0 - 2 years experience fox industrial chemical research and de­ velopment. Ideal working conditions in Now Jersey metropolitan area. B o x 1 6 - L - 1 2 , C. St Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . I N D U S T R I A L E N A M E L FORMULATORS— ( T w o ) wanted for new division of old estab­ lished concern in the Boston area. Minimum of two years' industrial formulation experience re­ quired. Positions available immediately. Our employees know of this ad. Box 26 .1—12, C. & Ε . Ν . , Easton, Pa.


Established organization desires aggressive individual with extensive experience in the field of Latex Compounds. Technical back­ ground desirable but not essential. Please give details of education, experience and salary requirements. Location in New York Area. B o x 4 5 - J - 1 0 , C. Sc Ε. Ν . , E a s t o n , P a . C H E M I S T for evaluating quality of auch products as household cleaning materials, inks, pens, waxes; capable of selecting criteria and appropriate test methods, performing tests, eval­ uating results with minimum supervision. Salary open. New York City. Box 30-J-12, C. & Ε . Ν . , Easton, Pa.



To supervise inorganic analytical work in research department. Must have good Background in inorganic analytical chemis­ try. Address qualifications and salary re­ quirements to Director of Research L i n d s a y Light Sc C h e m i c a l C o m p a n y West C h i c a g o , Illinois

Academic Positions G R A D U A T E ASSISTANTSHIP: Part-time teaching, graduate work leading to master's de­ gree in chemical engineering. $1250 for the aca­ demic year: remission of fees.and tuition. Start first of March. Department of Chemical Engineering, Drexel Institute of Technology, Philadelphia 4, Pa. G R A D U A T E RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS in biochemistry—February and September. $1,200. Biochemistry Department, University of Mary­ land, Si-hool of Medicine, Baltimore. T H E UNIV. OF TEXAS OFFERS HALFT I M E RESEARCH IN GASEOUS ELECTROS Y X T H E S I S to M.S. in chemical engineering with substantial professional experience. Salary up to $252 a month continuously to June 1, 1953. Address: K. P. Schoch. The University of Texas, Austin. G R A D U A T E ASSISTANTSHIPS—Human n u ­ trition, animal nutrition, and related biochemical problems. Starting February or July. Send transcripts and have references write to Department of Agricultural Biochemistry, West Vn-ginia University, Morgantown, West Vir­ ginia. W A N T E D : Organic chemist for research in high polymers on University laboratory staff. East. Box 23-F-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa.

( C o n t i n u e d o n page 5492) 5491

SITUATIONS WANTEO (A.C.S. MEMBEKS) RADIOCHEMIST: Ph.D. early 1952. A^ge 28, married, veteran. Thesis on high energy, nuclea.· reactions. Two years teaching experi­ ence. Training in ins* mmental analysis. Ppedoctoral research fellowship. Desires position in research. Box 300-L-12. C & Ε. N., Easton, Pa. SALES OR MERCHANDISING: B.S. in chemistry, 1948; age 28; single, veteran, M . S . credits. More than 3 years diversified experi­ ence as analytical chemist; emphasis on spectro­ photometry. Desire to leave laboratory aaid strike out in sales Held. Metropolitan N«w York residence. Box 301-L-12, C. 4_E. N\. Easton, Pa. CHEMIST: M.S. 1952. Four years medical research. Cancer chemotherapy. Good back­ ground organic synthesis. Publications. Γ**»eire position in research or development. Metro­ politan N.Y. Box 302-L-12, C. ά £ . N. t Easton, Pa. SECTION HEAD: Ph.D. organic.™Excellent background high polymers including phenolic, vii.yl and polycondensation. Synthesis of mono­ mers, synthetic fiber intermediates. High presssure hydrogenation, precision fractionation, pilot plant operation. Age 36. Desire position direc­ tor of research small company, section head large tonipan·. East preferred. Box 303-L-12, 0_ ά E _ N . , Easton._Pa. SPECTROGRAPHER: B.S. in chemistry '48. Experience in inorganic analysis and emission spectrography. some absorption. Married, veteran. Available immediately. Box 304-L-12, C. & Ε. N., Easton, Pa. PATENT TRAINEE: B.s". chemistry 1949; anticipate LL.B. Sept. 1952 (evening student). Desires any type patent work. Two years government administrative employe*. Age 23, single, draft deferred. Metropolitan New Yo»xk City preferred. Box 305-L-12. C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST: B . S c , M.S. equiv-alent graduate work, 8 years analytical and r e ­ search experience: paper pulps, dyes, inorganic chemicals, metals «Sc alloys, rare chemicals. Age 29. Knowledge German. French. Excellent a c a ­ demic record and industrial references. Desires analytical or research position where conscientious work is appreciated. Available immediately. Box 306-L-12, C . & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST: M.S. 1951. Age 29. Married veteran. Modest experience in organic synthesis and steel analysis. Desire work in organic synthesis. Salary of secondary impor­ tance. Southwest location preferred. Available immediately. References* Box 307-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST AND P R O DUCTION. MANAGER: 23 years of diversified experience in all phases of drug, cosmetic and proprietary manufacturing, analysis, formulation, manufacturing, packaging, administrative. Ex­ tensive knowledge government specifications. Prefer metropolitan New York area, but will relocate. Box 308-L-12. C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton, Pa. GENERAL OR ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY TEACHER: Graduate study beyond master's. Five years teaching experience. Can handle other under-graduate courses but prefer general and analytical. Available on relatively short notice. Prefer midwestern or southern location in city of 25,000 or less. Will consider othier locations. Box 309-L-12. C. & E. N„ Easton, Pa. PATENT CHEMIST TRAINEE^Chemist, 24. Passed examination o f U.S. Patent Office. D e ­ sires training in industrial patent chemistry, preferably N.Y. area for school reasons. Box 310-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST: P h . D T ~ Ä g e ~ l i I years teaching and research, 3 years industrial research. High temperature thermodynamics, low temperature surface chemistry as well as experience in chemical kinetics and quantum and statistical mechanics. Desire research position with opportunity to publish, teaching c c n sidered. Box 311-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. POSITION I N ENGLAND: Chemical engineer, 5 years research in plastics and plasticizers. 5 years Army Engineer Officer. Box 312-JJ-12, C. & Ε . Ν., Easton, Pa. ΒΙΟ-ORGANIC CHEMIST—Experienced aaid widely published, desires university post. Box 313-L-12, C. & E. N., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL CHEMIST: M.S., δ years varied experience principally in soap and detergent field—formulations, basic research, development of test methods. Patents pending. High d e ­ gree of initiative, capability, creativeness. F e ­ male. Box 314-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν.. Easton, Pa.


ACADEMIC* POSITION with research oppor­ tunities desired by young organic chemist, Ph.D. Prefer West roast, particularly Southern Cali­ fornia. Three years teaching experience as graduate assistant. Several publications. Now employed industrial research East. Box 315-L-12, C. & E. N. t Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST: Ph.D. Desires aca­ demic position with research possibilities. Teaching experience. Publication. Married. Age 2S. Prefer western location. Available June 1952. Box 316-L-12, C. Α Ε. .Ν., Easton, Pa. TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE: Organic chemist with 22 years experience in antibiotics, pharma­ ceuticals and synthetic organics. Eleven years experience organizing and supervising projects through research, pilot plant and into full scale production. Seven years supervisory ex­ perience in all phases of antibiotic research, proc­ ess, product development and manufacture. Familiar with fermentation. Qualified for re­ sponsible administrative position. Age 44. New York City area preferred. Available immediately. Box 317-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. INORGANIC CHEMIST :~~M.S. '48. 3 years experience in process development, design and operation of high vacuum glass apparatus, sorp­ tion of gases on metals. Publications. Age 30, family, veteran. Desires position in research or development. Prefers Rocky Mountain-West Coast areas. Box 318-L-12, C. & Ε. Ν., Easton, Pa. ORGANIC CHEMIST: Ph.D. Five years ex­ perience in synthesis of industrial organic chemi­ cals and pharmacologically active compounds. Excellent references. AXE. EX. Married, family. Available on reasonable short notice. Box 319-L-12, C.