EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION - Chemical & Engineering News Archive

Nov 4, 2010 - N. Y., to reach there not later than 10:00 A.M. on the 5th and 20th, closing dates for editions of CHEMICAL and ENGINEERING NEWS of the ...
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EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION RATES to be paid i n advance. Standard setting 5c a word, minimum charge $2.00 each; include 8 words for box address. Exceptions see >· Display, $10.00 per column inch. 2 inches maximum, larger unite at regular display unit rates. No discounts or allowances. S E N D advertisements with remittance to INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, 332 West 42nd St.. New York. N. Y., to reach there not later than 10:00 A.M. on the 5th and 20th, closing dates for editions of CHEMI­ CAL and ENGINEERING NEWS of the 25th and 10th. respectively. Inserti one made in order of receipt provided necessary remittances are com­ plete. EMPLOYERS are requested to mention in their announcements the section of the country in which the open position is located to ensure replies only from those who are geographically available. In printing these advertisements the SOCIETY assumes no obligations as to qualiBcations of prospective employees or responsibility of employers. The AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY is vitally interested in the welfare of its 11 tern here and in seeing that the chemical industry is manned with competent chemists and chemical engineers. These pages are part of our service in that connection. In addition most of the larger seotions of the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY and several of the smaller ones have aotive employment committees. Local section secretaries in your area will inform you as to any employment aids that may be available locally. An Employment Clearinghouse is operated at each national meeting of the SOCIETY for the purpose of bringing together representatives of industry looking for chemists and members and student affiliates in attendance wish-



Those announcements in which the letter "P" is part of the address key have paid in full and are not committed to acknowledge replies. The Society regards acknowledgment by employers of all applications as an act of common courtesy but can assume no responsibility for their failure lo do so. EXECUTIVES, CHEMICAL ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS with exceptional backgrounds of experience should use our confidential and in­ dividual method of contacting responsible em­ ployers. No limit to territory. We negotiate all overtures. Established 1915. The National Business Bourse, 20 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, HI. FOOD TECHNOLOGIST. Applications will be welcomed from men with outstanding records to serve as junior chemists in eastern research laboratories, engaged in essential work. Prospects for advancement excellent for men of right qualifications. Please submit record of training and experience, personal history and recent small photo. Box 76-TP-7. Ind. & Kng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST with some petroleum experience. Needed in Chicago area for development of pe­ troleum products and rust preventives. State age, draft status, degree, and salary desired in opening letter. Box 79-TP-8, Ind. A Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. WANTED—GRADUATE chemist, research experience with drying and semi-drying oils Extensive knowledge of analytical oil determina­ tions required. Box 17-NP-9, Ind. & Kng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST WANTED: preferably in the field of metallic soaps, though a broad knowledge of organic may be substituted. Should be capable of research and development. Permanent posi­ tion, aggressive concern, Ohio location. In reply state salary desired, draft status and education in detail. Box 2 0 - N - 9 . Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. MIDWESTERN CHEMICAL company has excellent opportunity for woman chemist to serve as technical secretary and librarian. Give full information and salary expected in first letter. Box 40-TP-9, Ind. ., now in class 2-Λ, in charge of small laboratory for pharmaceu­ tical manufacturer, seeks position in closer con­ nect ion with defense work. Experience in drug analysis and research, liox lit» Ν ΙΟ. Ind. & Eng_._Chem . Easton. Pa. «»!«;.-\NIC i'HKMIST. Ph Π Five yearsindustrial research and development experience in synthetic organic chemistry. Prefer position in charge of a small group with a company doing de­ fense work preferably in the field of organic chemi­ cals, or drugs, plasties ami rubber, liox 7.'* N i l ) , Ind. «fc Eng C h e m , East.m^ Pa. PNOIMCTION CHEMIST: Married, draft deferred. Ten yea·".**' industrial experience in synthetic and natural hormones, pharmaceuticals, research and development. Supervisor last three years. Responsible war work desirable. Job location immaterial, liox 74- Ν -10. Ind. & Kng. Chem., Kaston, Pa PHARMACOLOGIST: Married, draft de­ ferred, H.S., M.S., nine years' industrial experience in pharmacology, endocrinology, bio-assays, physi­ ology, pathology, bacteriology, toxicology, haematology. Last four years director and consul­ tant work. Responsible war work only, liox 75 N- 10, Ind. Λ Kng. Chem., Kaston, Pa C H E M I C A L KNG INKER. Chemist. li.Ch.Κ . M.A. organic. 7 years' experience research and plant development in cellulose, foods, petroleum, chemicals. Ape 28, married. Draft deferred. Consider chemical engineering position in petro­ leum, synthetic rubber, or synthetic organic. Location immaterial. Available immediately, liox 7l> Ν ΙΟ, Ind. Λ Kng. Chem., Kaston. Pa OIKJANIC CHEMIST. M..S. HMl. « . u i w work toward doctorate. Training in organic chemistry includes synthesis, resarch and micromethods of analysis. Desires position in research or production. Draft deferred, liox 7 7 - N - 1 0 , Ind. Λ Kng. Chem.. Easton. Pa C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R : B.S. I«J37. desires I'liemieal engineering development work in held essential to the war effort. 5 years' experience in industrial application of, and research relating to. resins and plastics. Kxtra training in plastics, colloidal and organic chemistry, and chemical engineering. Good character and personality, progrcseiye, practical, has ideas and sense of re­ sponsibility. American, white, single, age 27, draft, 2-B. Iiox 79-N-K). Ind. & Kng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PETROLEUM SPECIALTY chemist. Broad experience in the development and manufacture of such products as: soluble cutting oils, sulfurizcd oils, naphthenic acids, metallic salts of organic acids and specialty compounded oils. Box 8 0 - N - 1 0 , Ind. , married, draft classi­ fication 3-A. Box 10-N-IO, Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa SECRETARY —ASSIST executive. College graduate with 0 years' diversified experience. Knowledge of chemistry and business adminis­ tration. Box U - N - I O . Ind. &_Eng. Chem . Easton. Pa. C H K ' M I C A L ANALYST. Age 47. JO years' laboratory experience. I C.S. graduate. f)esires employment in Eastern States for duration of war. Box 13-X-lO. Ind. Λ: Eng. Chem.. Kaston. Pa CI IE λί IC A L " E N G I N E E R : experienced in maintenance and production of organic chemicals. li.Ch.E. degree. Draft deferred. Box 18-N-lO. Ind. «V. Eng. Chem . Easton, Pa YOUNG WOMAN, 2 kilos I n d i u m Metal. 5 0 0 grams Uranium Metal. "» kilos G e r m a n i u m Metal, Ground Iron 99.90. B o x «8 Ν 10. Ind. A E n g . Chem., Kaston, Pa.



No discount** or allowances

Fat Salvage T H I S Chemical Service Corp., 110 South Dearborn St., Chicago, 111., is collecting exhaust fats to be converted into glycerol, and at the same time is fircproofing and greaseproofing ducts in hotel and restau­ rant kitchens. The grease accumulated in ducts and exhaust fans is not only hazardous, but reduces their efficiency. It is estimated that the average restaurant exhaust system yields anywhere from 25 to 300 pounds of grease, depending on how long since it was cleaned. Arrange­ ments have been made with Tenderers to accept such greases to be salvaged for the war effort.

Brass Cleaner 1 υ itEMOVE corrosion, scale, or black oxide from brass surfaces, Hamico No. 480 Brass-Kleen has been developed by the Iiaas-Miller Corp. Laboratories, 4th and Bristol Streets, Philadelphia. Pcnna.

ANOTHER large expansion in factory space and production facilities has been made by the Ohmite Manufacturing Co., Chicago,



FOR S A L E : J . A . C . S . vols. 4 4 - 5 5 inch ( e x c e p t no. I, v o l . 46V. Ind. Λ Eng. C h e m . vols. 2 0 - 3 3 incl.; Anal, section Ind. it Kng. C h e m . vols. 2 - 1 2 incl. All unbound but in excellent condition. A n y reasonable offer accepted. B o x 72- Ν 10. Ind. A Eng. Chem., E a s t o n , Pa. FOR S A L E : gareharimeter*. Schmidt A H a e n s c h with double Quartz, W e d g e compensa­ t i o n , scales reading from minus 100 t o plus 100 for t u b e s t o 200 a n d 4 0 0 m m . Also o n e with single w e d g e for t u b e s to 4 0 0 mm c o m p l e t e with tubes. T h e s e h a v e been completely renewed by c o m p a n y representative in Ν . Υ. fully guaranteed. T h e Laboratory E x c h a n g e , 24 K. 2 1 s t St., N. Y . C. FOR S A L E : Pulp balances (never used». W e a r e offering high grade American made balance* of standard m a k e in tint- polished mahogany glas» cases. 150 gr. c a p a c i t y 1 mg sensitivity c o m p l e t e a n d inexpensive to s e r v e for m a n y needs in t h e laboratory, price $27.50. Immediate delivery. T h e Laboratory E x e h a n g e , 24 K. 21st St., N . Y. C FOR S A L E : Labtest hydraulic presses. 0" X 6 * platens for pressures to ΙΟ tons. C o m p l e t e w i t h self-contained hydraulic unit. Pressure gauge a d j u s t a b l e b e t w e e n platens of heavy rugged construction ready for immediate delivery. E l e c ­ t r i c heated p l a t e n s are available, also s t a n d a r d t e s t moulds. Write for complete descriptions. T h e Laboratory E x c h a n g e , 24 E . 21st St.. N . Y. C . FOR S A L E : Microscopes, binocular a n d m o n o c u l a r m o d e l s , all makes and t y p e s . Zeiss sugar ref ractometer, Valentine sugar ref ractometer, Ε A A A g a t e M o r t a r Grinder with motor» Gaertner S p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r , Leitz Projection Polaris­ i n g Microscope w i t h all attachments, H a n o v i a Ultra-violet Quartz lamps, B A L , Spencer a n d Leitz M i c r o t o m e s , rotary a n d eliding models. S t o k e s water stills, horizontal sterilizingautoelaves, single a n d double wall models, drying ovens, I n ­ c u b a t o r s , Mullen paper testers. Ball mills, Weston meters, Microscopic accessories, International centrifuges, V o l a n d assay balance and others. E d w a r d s gas D e n s i t y balance, e t c . Write for i m m e d i a t e q u o t a t i o n s o n any laboratory equip­ m e n t needed. T h e Laboratory Exchange, 24 E. 2 1 s t St., N . Y . C.




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