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Vol. 9, N o . 9




Notices must be accompanied by a remittance in full and sent to Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 9 Advertising Department, 419 Fourth Ave,, New York, N. Y.t to reach there on the first of the month for the News Edition of the IOth ana on the IOth for the 20th. They will be inserted in the order of their receipt. Rates: Members of the American Chemical Society are entitled, during the year, to free insertion of four announcements, each limited to fifty words, address included, in either the Situations Open or Situations Wanted section. Additional insertions or extra space will be charged at the regular rate. Non-members will be charged five cents a word, with a minimum charge of two dollars for each insertion, the address counting as ten words· In printing these advertisements the Society assumes no obligations as to qualifications of prospeetioe employees or responsibility of employers. Those replying to announcements should be careful to send copies and not original documents.

In making these pages available to those seeking personnel, the AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY expects employers to make some reply to all those who answer their announcements



ASSISTANTSHIP INT PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY and i n electrochem­ istry available in a state college in the middle west. Candidate should have the M.S. degree and desire to work for the Ph.D. degree. Half time teaching or research work. Stipend $800.00 per year. Address "Box 4 7 - N - 0 5 . " care Ind. & Bng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST WANTED—One familiar in all branches of modern high explosive chemistry. Address "Austin Powder Company, Cleveland, Ohio." CHEMISTS. METALLURGISTS and EXECUTIVES: If thoroughly qualified for the position you want, without obligation, write for details regarding our confidential and effective employment service. Established 1915. H. H. Harrison. Supervisor. The National Business Bourse, Great Northern Building. Chicago. FELLOWSHIP I N ORE D R E S S I N G (flotation) available at Montana School of Mines. Stipend $750 for ten months beginning September first. Applicants should have B.S. I f appointed to a fellowship they are expected to become candidates for M.S. degree. Write full particulars including col­ lege record transcript, small unmounted photograph, and curriculum vitae to Professor A. M. Oaudin. Montana School of Mines. Butte, Montana. FOR C H E M I S T S WITH SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS try this office. We list men and women from all parts of the country. Our work is not restricted to members o f any organization. Bureau of Employment of The Chemist's Club, Inc. (Agency). 52 Bast 41st Street, N e w York. Ν. Υ. INORGANIC RESEARCH—position open for a chemist or chemical engineer of thorough training;. Industrial research experience on paper manufacturing desirable, but not essential. Applicants should state age, training and experience, salary expected, enclosing references and a small photograph. Address "Box 70—N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. OPENING FOR CELLULOSE CHEMIST preferably Ph.D. with experience in plant operation, development and research. Man of executive type capable of directing; production and development required b y leading corporation. Applications held in confidence. Address "Box 8 3 - N - 0 5 , care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST. Opening i s available in research depart­ ment of nationally known corporation for a first class research chemist hav­ ing experience and intimate knowledge of paints and inorganic fillers. Ap­ plicants should have at least four years' experience with paints and fillers and have the requisite background to immediately produce results in de­ veloping new fillers for use in paints, etc. Preference will be given to chem­ ists having a training sufficiently broad t o carry out other investigations in fillers when the development with paints has been completed. Reply giving full details of training and experience, references, recent photograph and salary requirements. Preference will be given qualified younger chem­ ists who are able t o start at a moderate salary and advance with, demon­ strated ability. Address "Box; 39-N-05.** care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST with thorough training i n organic chemistry wanted by large manufacturer of building materials. Experience i n asphalt and tar products desirable. Applications should give complete information covering age, training and experience, references, salary requirement and a small photograph. Address "Box 69-N-05,·* care Ind. 8c Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. SPECIALISTS ON T I T A N I U M pigment and litbopone. Chemical Engineers with actual experience in designing, erection, installation of equip­ ment and operation of plants for the production of Titanium Pigments and/or Lithopone. Abroad. Address "Box l l - N - 0 4 , " care Ind. 8t Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.



(A.C.S. Members)

A CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , graduating June 1931, with a B.S. in chemistry degree. Excellent education and practical experience. Desires research or plant development position. Age 2 1 , single. Best references. Address "Box 3 2 - N - 0 5 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. A CHEMIST, young, ambitious, at present chief chemist in charge of laboratory of large manufacturing plant desires position of increased re­ sponsibility and offering excellent opportunity. Experienced in conducting research directed toward solution of practical problems. Address "Box 3 8 - N - 0 5 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. A PROFESSORSHIP IN PHYSICAL or inorganic chemistry. Ph.D. in physical chemistry. Research field non-platinum catalysts and colloids. Experienced in organization of courses, equipment of laboratories, lecturing to large classes, directing undergraduate and graduate and commercial research. Past three years in commercial research. Employed. Address " B o x 8 0 - N - 0 5 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. A RESEARCH C H E M I S T (Organic) with adequate training and con­ structive expériences of pursuing and directing research, and establishing laboratories invites propositions relative t o permanent employment with a reliable organization. Family's health necessitates change of location. Remember, there is a difference in research men. Address "Box l l - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. A TEACHING OR R E S E A R C H POSITION, College, Exp. Sta.. or commercial, B.Sc., M . S c Agricultural-biochem. major. Five years' experience teaching genera], organic, physical, qualitative, quantitative, biochem., research. Three years' teaching, travel abroad. Opportunity for Ph. ID. work highly desirable. Publications. Married. Age 29. Address "Box 23—N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.» Easton, Pa.

A N ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, University graduate. 32, married, ten years' industrial experience in zinc, lead, fertilizer, heavy chemical, steel, insecticide, and other industries. Slight preference given southern location but will carefully consider all other offers. Address "Box 2 4 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. A N OPPORTUNITY in the field of plastics, synthetic resins, varnishes, solvents or related products desired by Chemical Engineer, B.S. Age 27. Only nominal starting salary required. Experience a s junior sales executive and process engineer with large corporation. Address "Box 35-ΝΓ-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, ambitious, single, 2 1 , three years' college training, high scholarship, laboratory assistant at recognized college, es­ pecially interested in metallurgy, trustworthy, highly recommended. Posi­ tion desirable in Ohio or vicinity immediately. Address "Box 72—N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. B.S., 26. single, victim of curtailment. Several years* experience in large copper smelter, also considerable ex­ perience in the analysis of manganese ores and concentrates. Address "Box 17-T-03," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.» Easton, P a . ASSISTANT PROFESSORSHIP in physical chemistry. in large institu­ tion, wanted by Ph.D., married. 29. Six years* industrial and government research experience in photochemistry, electronics and electrochemistry. At present under contract agreement, but desires opportunity of doing publishable work. Address "Box 44-N—05." care Ind. & Bng- Chem., Easton, Pa. BIOCHEMIST research position with pharmaceutical ox- medical labora­ tory wanted b y 1921 graduate. Excellent scholar» masters several lan­ guages; had practical experience in industries including animal tissues and Sroducts. antiseptics, their chemistries, colloidal phenomena, dyes, etc. ome microscopical and bacteriological experience. Ambitious. Address "Box 6 0 - N - 0 5 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa.. CELLULOSE CHEMIST. Ph.D. Research, development and plant supervision for fifteen years. Rayon (viscose process) pulp and paper and allied cellulose products. Excellently qualified for executive position mill operation or director of chemical research. Address "Box 14-T-03." care Ind. & Bng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL EDUCATOR, Ph.D., age 33. Two years' full professor, six years' successful head of department. Major training i n analytical and physical chemistry. Special teaching experience in household chemistry, food and nutrition, appreciation courses. Business and executive ability. Available for research or teaching position July 15th. Address "Box 18-T-04." care Ind. & Bng. Chem.. Kaston. Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , A.I.T., '30, employed a t ptesent, desires work in field offering opportunities for advancement. Address "Box 3 3 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Bng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , age 30, M . S . B . prominent university, six years' experience in petroleum refining including design, development, pilot plant operation and supervision of complete refinery; desires position where this background will be of value. Address "Box 61-NT—05," care Ind. & Bng. Chem., Bast on. Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER» B.S. in Chemical Engineering. Age 27, married. One year teaching, four years' experience general chemical and development research chiefly in pulp and paper. Desires position on Pacific Coast in development research or production field. Now employed. Ad­ dress "Box 41—N-05," care Ind. & Bng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R . B.S. in Chem. Eng., single, age 28 years. Five years' field and office experience in municipal and industrial water purification. Desires connection i n similar line. References. Address "Box 4 3 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , B.S., M.I.T. Fifteen years' diversified experience in pulp and paper. Excellently fitted for position a s executive, plant superintendent or technical director. Now available. Address "Box 6 2 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.. CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , S.M., M.I.T., age 2 _ , two years' research and industrial experience in petroleum and cellulose industries, desires to change position to one involving a fuller use of h i s technical and engineering abilities. Eastern location preferred. Address "Sox 62-N—04," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. __ CHEMICAL ENGINEER. S.M. from M.I.T., age 2 7 . Four years' technical, operating (as assistant manager) and sales experience in funda­ mental building material industry. Am keenly and actively interested in new materials and their development. Position desired near Boston, salary £3600. N o w employed. Address "Box 25—T-03V' care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST, A.B. Harvard, A.M. Columbia. T e n years' experience, mostly in petroleum research, desires opening i n plant development work, preferably in organic chemical industry. Skillful analyst a n d experimenter. Able to take a broad view of problems. Location near £T. Y. preferred, Age 36, married. Address "Box 3 1 - T - 0 3 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMIST A N D ENGINEER. Ph.D. Managing or research. Have remodelled a considerable number of operations and thereby changed them from red to black figures in the ledger. 'Will complete present work in May. Open thereafter. Heavy chemicals, paper a n d oil. Address "Box 63-N-05,'* care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa-

May 10, 1931


C H E M I S T A N D TECHNICAL D E V E L O P M E N T MAN", 26, married. B.S. 1928, six years' varied industrial work. T w o a n d one half years i n charge of metallurgical laboratory, good mechanic with mechanical drawing and experimental mechanical and electrical experience. Knowledge of photography. Not afraid of shop or plant work. Address "Box 14—N-04L," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Baston, Pa. C H E M I S T . B.S., age 28, married. Seven years' commercial analyst. Soaps, foods, cosmetics, fuels, pharmaceuticals,, disinfectants, oils, e t c . Research and consultation. One year cellulose esters a n d hea.vy ch.emica.ls. Desires position anywhere with progressive organization. Now located New York City. Immediately available. Address "Box 4O-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T . B.S. in chemical engineering. Three years' experience analytical and plant production of organic compounds. Desires similar position. Location immaterial. Address "Box 68-Nf—05,'* care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , Chemical Engineer; Ph.D. in ptxysical and organic, plus engineering training. Broad experience. Numerous publications. N o w professor of chemical engineering at well known technical college. Available late May for work in plant, research or teaching. Address "Box 2 9 - N - 0 5 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. CHEMIST-EXECUTIVE—Sulphonated oils a n d specialties for tannery, textile and specialty trades; h a s many years' experience, covering production, chemical control, research, selling a n d executive business; wisn.es position where initiative, ability and a very thorough knowledge of above fields would b e backed t o show decidedly remunerative results. Address "Box 2 8 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , M.S., June, 1931. Major, physical chemistry, minor, physics, desires position in research or teaching;. Expérience in electrochemistry and electrochemical research. T w o years' experience in teaching and research. Address "Box 67—N-05," care Ind- & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , M.S., '30. Has experience a s laboratory assistant (college) and is now teaching in high school. Desires teach&ing o r industrial position with future i n the Bast. Available in June. Address "Box 45—N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Baston, Pa. C H E M I S T , Ph.D., 35» single. Five years' experience in the industrial lacquer field. Two years* development of glyptol type synthetic resins and their utilization in primers, surfacers and enamels. Desires research o n resins or charge of lacquer laboratory. Address '"Box 75—N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , 37, several years' inorganic experience, wishes position of merit. Last position that of plant chemist in charge o f control works and general inspector. Available immediately. L o c a t i o n immaterial, b u t preferably eastern territory. Moderate salary. Address "Box 31—N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. COLLEGE OR J U N I O R COLLEGE T E A C H I N G position desired for fall 1931. M.A. from prominent state university. T w o years' teaching experience in same university, three years' head of department in accredited college. Advanced work toward Ph.D. Age 3 * . unmarried, Protestant. Address "Box 5 3 - N - 0 5 . " care I n d . & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. COLLEGE OR U N I V E R S I T Y TEACHING position desired fall 1931. Ph.D. from prominent southern university. Tnree years* teaching e x perience in same university, n o w research associate in physical chemistry. Age 28, married, Protestant. Excellent references. Position desired in south or west. Address "Box 3 2 - T - 0 3 , " care I n d . & Eng. Chem.» Easton, Pa. COLLEGE PROFESSOR, Ph.D., organic. Fifteen years' college and university experience. N o w engaged in teaching freshman chemistry with marked success. Wishes opportunity of directing similar work in southern or eastern institution where interest and ability £n teaching will b e appreciated. Address "Box 6 6 - N - Q 5 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a COLLEGE T R A I N E D CHEMIST with twenty years' laboratory and plant experience in varnish and paint products desires a. position calling for development or production ability in this line. Address "Box 2 9 - T - 0 4 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Baston. Pa. D E V E L O P M E N T CHEMICAL E N G I N E E R , M.S., desires connection with small concern wishing to expand and to i m p r o v e present costs and products by proper organization and use of t h e chemical department. Interested in management. Now employed. Address "Box 19—N-Oo," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. E X P E R I E N C E D T E A C H E R , M . S . degree, excellent record in high school and junior college desires new position. W o u l d consider industrial connection. Now i n high school. Age 39, singie. Address "Box 28—?0 3 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Baston, Pa. FELLOWSHIP FOR R E S E A R C H in organic cnemistry if necessary with part time teaching i n inorganic o r organic chemistry or scientific German d e sired by P h . D . t age 29, single. Present salary $1800. Address "Box 5 4 N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. F I N I S H . Paint, lacquer research position wanted b y graduated chemist, able and energetic, about ten years' practical diversified experience. Several years with dyes, pigments, finish materials, a n d some experience with lacquers and varnishes. Several languages mastered. Willing t o work. Address "Box 5 9 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Che t o . , Baston, Pa. I N D U S T R I A L CHEMIST, (M.S.), who has specialized i n flotation harma--cy, chemistry, and special courses, now employed, desires position with broad future and opportunity for research. Four years' instructor analytical chemistry. Two years in charge of pharmaceutical manufacturing o f reputable company. Age 29, married. Prefer East. Address "Box 12-N—05," ca_e Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PHOSPHATES OF SODA-CHEMICAL ENGINEER, eleven years plant chemist; acid plant foreman, chief and industrial research chemist; closest contact actual operations. Record paying improvements. Specialty developing waste products. Seeks heavy chemical manufacturer with physical, colloidal, catalyst problems. Small concerns encouraged. Address "Box 1 0 - N - 0 4 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . PHYSICAL C H E M I S T , Ph.D., large mid-western university, minor Physics. Six years' teaching experience. Publications io colloids. Desires change of teaching position. Has taught general, physical» and colloidal. Married, age 28. Present salary $2750. Address "Box 1L2-T-04," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PHYSICAL C H E M I S T , Ph.D., minor organic chemistry. Four years in industrial research, two years being on chlorinated hydrocarbons. Age 35. Married. Salary $3300. Permanent position desired as research chemist. Address "Box 7 3 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMIST, woman. Ph.D. June 1931, Illinois, wishes a position i n research, or teaching or hospital position* with research. Good training in organic chemistry, bacteriology, zoology. Excellent health, and very good references. Knows German and French. JBor further information address "Box 28-N-04," care Ind. & Eng. Cheno., Easton, Pa. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, Ph.D., Chicago* desires position with opportunity for research and for further advancement. N o w head of department, receiving $3250; would accept lower rank: in larger institution Age 36, married, protestant; specialty inorganic, physical, and atomic structure. Address "Box 18-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton, Pa. R E S E A R C H METALLURGIST, graduate of two metallurgical schools. Experienced in gravity separation, chloridizing roasting, volatilization, sintering, magnetic separation, leaching, development of analytical methods and flotation of metallic sulfides and oxides, feldspar, quartz, fluorspar, bauxite and iron ore. Formerly head of metallurgical research department, western university, now engaged in industrial work which wvill b e finished shortly. Position desired where knowledge of fundamentals o f ore bénéficiation and experience in their application are necessary. Address " Box 35— N 04," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Baston. Pa. SALES RESEARCH. Young chemical engineer with experience in organic research, process development and investigation of markets and sales possibilities desires to join progressive organization a s a m e m b e r of sales development or sales staff. Address "Box 8 6 - N - 0 o , " cane Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. S U M M E R 1931. Chemistry teacher, M.A., age 3 3 , nine years' experience in college teaching, wishes summer position. Have tiaught general, organic, qualitative, quantitative, and pandemic chemistry. Can also teach course in teaching of H. S. science. Address E. C. Buckner, IFayette, Mo. S U M M E R 1931. Chemistry teacher, M.S., five years* experience in college teaching, wishes summer position in school or industry. References will be furnished. Address "Box 17-N-05," care Ind. 8c Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. S U M M E R 1931. Chemistry teacher, Ph.D., a g e 33, mine years* experience in college and university teaching, wishes summer· position with view to regular position or solely as summer position. Four summer terms' Teachers' College experience. Research and publications. Address "Box l l - N - 0 3 . * ' care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Baston, Pa. S U M M E R 1931. Instructor in chemistry in eastern university desires instructorship in inorganic or organic chemistry for sums mer of 1931. Ph.D. (1930) in organic chemistry from prominent nxid-westzern university. Address "Box 5 8 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Baston, Pa. T E A C H I N G A N D RESEARCH, physical and inorganic c h e m i s t . P h . D . Highly qualified for a university position having an excellent education and fine record. I have published numerous papers and have bxeld a research fellowship abroad. I am 34 years old and at present assistant professor in a large university. Address "Box 3 9 - N - 0 4 , " care Ind. & Eng. Ghent.» Baston, Pa. T E A C H I N G POSITION desired b y young man of 2 6 . B , S . with honors. A.M. Columbia. Qualified to teach inorganic, analytical, physical and organic. Also studied physiological and colloidal. Excellent references. Will go anywhere. Address "Box 3 7 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. 8s. Bng. Chem.. Easton, Pa.

Vol. 9, No. 9



TEACHING POSITION desired in college or university, beginning fall 1931. Ph. D. in June 1931 with major i n organic and minors in inorganic and physical chemistry. Research opportunity desired but not essential. Lo­ cation immaterial. Age 24, single. Address "Box 55-N-05,'· care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. East on. Pa. TEACHING POSITION desired in junior college, university, teachers* college. Ph.D., major physical chemistry, minor organic chemistry. Five years' teaching experience, and four years in research. Protestant. Age 35. Married. Address "Box 7 4 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., East on. Pa. TEACHING POSITION in South or Southwest for session 1931-32. Ph.D. in organic chemistry. Age 36, married. Five years' teaching, three years* research, three years' analytical experience. Publications. Avail­ able June or September. Address "Box 20-T-03," care Ind. & Bng. Chem., Easton. Pa. TEACHING POSITION. Ph.D., 35. single. Three years' teaching experience. Seven years' industrial. Inorganic, physical and colloidal. Prefer teaching t o industrial work. Address "Box 76-N-05," care Ind. Sc Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. TO THE CONCERN THAT needs a capable chemist and has only limited means. Ph.D. situated at large college in N. Y. C. Offers part time, directing or carrying out research or control work, either a t plant or in own laboratory. Address "Box 64-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. UNIVERSITY OR COLLEGE TEACHING position desired beginning Fall 1931. Ph.D. in June 1931 from leading scientific institution, with major in physical chemistry and minor in mathematics. Teaching and industrial experience. Age 28. Married. Address "Box 40-N-04," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. WILL CONSIDER A N Y OFFER. B.Sc. 1931. Trained thoroughly in analytical and orgauic. also in the biological sciences. One and one-half years' experience as a research assistant. Publication. Philadelphia or vicinity preferred, though not essential. Available June 1. Address "Box 52-N-05." care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. YOUNG M A N , 25, attending evening college, candidate for degree in chemistry, assistant in laboratories for six years, doing metallurgical analyses wishes position in N. Y. C. a s assistant in chemical laboratory, metallurgical or any other phase of chemistry, where advancement is assured. Address "Box 51-N-05.·· care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa.




Calendar of Meetings American Association of Cereal Chemists—17th Annual Meeting» Brown Hotel, Louisville, K y . , M a y 18 to 2 1 , 1931. American Chemical Society: 82nd Meeting—Buffalo, Ν . Υ., August31 to September 4 , 1 9 3 1 . 83rd Meeting—New Orleans, La., spring of 1932. 84th Meeting—Denver, Colo., August 29 to September 2, 1932. Ninth Colloid Symposium—Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 1 1 to 13, 1931. American Gas Association—Hotel Benjamin Franklin, Philadel­ phia, Pa., MCay 2 0 to 2 2 , 1 9 3 1 . American Institute of Chemical Engineers—The N e w Ocean House, Swampscott, Mass., June 10 t o 12, 1931. American Leathter Chemists Association—Hotel Traymore. Atlantic City, N\ J., May 2 7 to 29, 1931. American Oil Chemists' Society—New Orleans, La., M a y 14 and 15, 1931. American Water Works Association—William Perm Hotel, Pitts­ burgh, Pa., M a y 2 5 t o 29, 1931. Canadian Chemists 1 Convention—Montreal, Canada, May 27 t o 29, 1931. Electrochemical Society, N e w York Section—Westinghouse Lighting Institute, Grand Central Palace, Forty-sixth St. and Lexington Ave., May 22, 1931. Meeting, 8:00 P . M . "The Chemistry of t h e Incandescent Lamp," by A. Brann; "Recent Coreless Induction Furnace Developments," b y Dudley Willcox. After the meeting, the "City of Light" of the Westinghouse Lighting Institute will be exhibited.

Local Sections

Chicago—Steuben Club, 188 West Randolph St., May 22, 1931. Informal reception, 6:30 P. M.; dinner, 7:00 P. M.; followed b y Willard Gibbs Medal Award to P. A. Levene. Cleveland—Carnegie Hall, May 14,1931. Preceded b y dinner a t Fayne's Cafeteria, 6:30 p. M. Speaker, W. N. Jones, B . F . Goodrich C o . Cornell—Baker Laboratory, Ithaca, Ν. Υ., May 14, 1931. Meeting, 8 : 1 5 P . M. " N e w Developments in the Tech­ nology of Fertilizer Manufacture," b y J. W . Turrentine. Dayton—May 1 6 , 1931. Luncheon on campus, followed b y inspection o f new Chemistry Building, Antioch College. Detroit—Hotel i*ort Shelby, M a y 14, 1931. Dinner, 6:30 p. M.; lecture, 8:00 P. M. Speaker, Hugh S. Taylor, Princeton University. East Tennessee—May 16, 1931. University of Tennessee cafe­ teria; dinner, 6:00 p. M. Election of officers. Reports o f activities of various industries within the section. Indiana—Purdue University, West Lafayette, May 16, 1931. Joint meeting with Purdue Section. Afternoon and evening. Lehigh Valley—Easton, Pa., M a y 15,1931. "Electrochemistry," b y Colin G. Fink. Louisiana—Baton Rouge, May 16 and 17, 1931. Six 15-minute papers will be presented b y t h e research workers of t h e universities and industries. Louisville—Brown Hotel, May 18, 1931. "Relation of Plant Nutrition t o Composition of Wheat," by H . R . Kraybill. Joint meeting with national session of American Association of Cereal Chemists. Montana—Anaconda, M a y 16 a n d 16, 1931. Trips t o Anaconda Copper Mining Co. o n both days. F . G. Cottrell, guest o f the section. May 15, luncheon, 12:15 p. M. ; dinner, 7 P . M . ; followed by addresses and technical papers. Philadelphia—Christian Association Building, University o f Pennsylvania, M a y 2 1 , 1931. Dinner, 6:30 P. M.; meeting, 8:00 p. M. "Pyrolysis of Hydrocarbons," by Charles D . Hurd. Pittsburgh—Bureau of Mines, M a y 21, 1931. "A Chemist's View of Aluminum," by Francis C. Frary. Rochester—Lattimore Laboratory, University of Rochester, River Boulevard, M a y 1 8 , 1931. Dinner, Todd Union, University of Rochester, 6:15 P . M. ; meeting, 7:15 P. M. "The Chemistry of Biologically Active Lipoids from Tubercle Bacilli and Other Acid-Fast Bacteria," by R. J . Improved Car-Pulling Unit Anderson. The Webster and Weller Mfg. Companies, 1856 North Kostner Sacramento—College of the Pacific, Stockton, Calif., M a y 1 5 , Ave., Chicago, 111., have developed the Weller capstan car puller. 1931. Dinner, 6:30 P . M. i n the college dining hall; meeting, This unit is compact, economical, and easily operated.· It i s built 8:00 p. M. "Modern Theories of Electrolytic Dissociation," in three sizes t o handle from one t o six 80-ton cars and is designed b y Victor K . LaMer. to pull cars a t any angle. It i s described in Bulletin 1128-GF Southeast Kansas—May 16, 1931. "Coal Mining i n Southeast issued by the companies. Kansas," o y Kenneth Spencer. "The Effect of Certain Elements a n d Salts o n t h e Potassium Ferrocyanide Titra­ tion of Zinc," b y Bruce Williams. Election of officers. T h e American Agricultural Chemical Co. is establishing a large sales office a t St. Paul, Minn., t o serve the fertilizer needs of the Toledo—Lorraine Hotel, May 15, 1931. Dinner, 6:30 P. M.; Northwest. If the sales of fertilizers warrant it, the company is meeting, 8:15 P. M. Speaker, H . S. Taylor, Princeton Uni­ prepared to expand its facilities. versity.

ABLE CHEMIST. Ph.D., organic, seeks executive position requiring seasoned man experienced directing industrial research; developing new processes from laboratory to commercial production; modernizing and standardizing products and processing methods in operation; constructively efficient technical cooperation with progressive business and sales manage­ ment. Excellent references. Address "Box 35-T-04," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL ENGINEER AND E X E C U T I V E , age 44, Cornell 1911. Over twenty years' experience in development of alkali products and their sale. Thorough knowledge of manufacture, costs and raw material relation to plant locating and finished product outlet. Desires position as technical assistant to president or sales manager of chemical or related industry. Address "Box 13-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMICAL SECRETARY—Young woman. Recent graduate of a leading university. Major chemistry and zoology. Real help to the busy scientist. Uses excellent English. Available in July. Location imma­ terial. Best references. Address "Box 15-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST available June 1st. Ph.D. from a university in New York City. Fourteen years* experience divided equally between plant operation, research and teaching. Cellulose derivatives a specialty. Address "Box 77-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. CHEMIST, B.S. Age 32. Desires change from teaching science i n high school to chemical work. Will you give me this chance? Address "Box 30-N-05." care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. CHEMIST. Ph.D. 1930 (major petroleum research), eight years' experi­ ence in analytical and research work, petroleum refining, manufacture of soaps, disinfectants, insecticides, polishes, specialties. Publications. D e ­ sires connection with good future. Address "Box 3 β - Ν - 0 δ , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. PROCESS EXECUTIVE—man with technical training and wide prac­ tical perspective. Salary $6000. Address "Box 84-N-05." care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST. B.S. a n d M.S. degree. Twelve years' ex­ perience in bio-chemical research. Developed several products o n the market today. Special training and experience in vitamin research. Address "Box 65-N-05." care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. RESEARCH CHEMIST. Twelve years' research and development ex­ perience including laminated Bakélite and mica electrical insulation, molded gears, and petroleum resins from cracked and heavy distillates. University graduate, married. Desires responsible position. Address "Box 48-N-05," care Ind. & Eng. Chem.. Easton. Pa. TECHNICAL PHOTOGRAPHER. Young man, 15 years' experience. Industrial, clinical, photomicrography and general research. Photography. Present position with large food corporation terminates M a y 1. Address "Box 2 2 - N - 0 5 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. T E X T I L E CHEMIST, M.S., woman, age 24. Two years' experience, diversified analyses, industrial laboratory. Desires research or teaching position. Address "Box 45-N-04," care Ind. & Bog. Chem.. Bastou, Pa.

May 10, 193.1


McMaster Honored at Testimonial Dinner T h e present academic year completes a quarter of a century c*f service on t h e part of LeRoy McMaster as a member o f the f a c ­ ulty of the Department of Chemistry of Washington University, St. Louis. A dinner was given at t h e University Club o f St. L o u i s on April 11 in celebration of the event, Professor and Mrs. M c ­ Master being guests of honor. Assistant Chancellor W . E . McCourt of t h e university acted a s toastmaster. T h e speakers were Chancellor George R . Throop, who conveyed the felicitation of t h e university; R . L. Shriner, o f the University of Illinois, a former undergraduate and graduate student, w h o spoke in behalf of the alumni; C . A. iNaylor, a graduate student, formerly instructor in the Department o f Chemistry, who spoke for Professor McMaster's presort students ; and T . R. Ball, who offered t h e congratulations and appreciations of t h e chemistry faculty. Professor McMaster, who has been head of the department: since 1912, outlined the growth of the department during the 2 5 years of his connection with i t . H e came in 1906 a s an instructor, after receiving the P h . D . degree from Johns Hopkins University. While there he acted as Professor Remsen's research assistant. Professor McMaster's former students n o w occupy positions in t h e great educational institutions and industrial organizations from coast to coast, as well a s abroad. A great many of t h e m who were unable t o attend t l i e dinner sent congratulatory t e l e ­ grams and letters, which gave untold pleasure and satisfaction t o the recipient. T h e guests included students, alumni, present and former m e m ­ bers of t h e faculty of t h e Department of Chemistry, and t h e deans of t h e faculties of which Professor McMaster is a . member. The occasion aiTorded a welcome opportunity for those who h a v e come in direct contact -with one o r more of the phases of P r o ­ fessor McMaster's activities a s vigorous administrator» inspiring teacher, a n d able research worker, to pay tribute to t i i s faithful devotion of those talents to Washington University and to c h e m ­ istry throughout the past twenty-five years.

Western Reserve Announces Summer Sessions Tenney L. Davis, of t h e Division of Organic Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will be t î i e special lecturer in organic chemistry for t h e forthcoming summer session of Western Reserve University. Professor D a v i s will offer t w o courses of lectures. T h e first will be on the ''MecJbanism o f Organic Reactions," in whicfa. he will emphasize particularly t h e modern theories including t h e latest development in tfa.e field o f nitrogen derivatives which a r e his own particular interest. P i e will also give a course o n "The History of Chemistry,*" showing the rise a n d development of modern chemistry. Arrangements have been made again this year to enable t h e student to obtain a full year of organic chemistry. The first half of the course is offered in t h e first six weeks' session a n d the special three weeks* session covers the second half of t h e subject and follows immediately a t the close of t h e first session . It h a s been found that this intensified work gives tfcie student a m o r e thorough knowledge of organic chemistry than t h e longer course in the winter session. This is particularly v a l u able t o students of medicine and dentistry, and is being offered because of the very decided demand for this plan. I n addition, the department will offer t h e usual courses i n inorganic, analytical, organic, and physical chemistryProfessor Cleaveland will give a n e w course on '* Chemical Conversions by Means of Microorganisms," consisting o f lectures dealing with important chemical changes brought about through the agency of bacteria, yeasts, and molds. This i s offered because of the rapidly increasing importance o f fermentation processes i n industry.

Slack Receives Westingtiouse Award for Glass Bubble C . M. Slack, research engineer of the Westixighoxase L a m p Co., Bloomfield, N . J., recently received t h e "Award for O u t standing Accomplishments" and the accompanying S500 i n cash for t h e development of a glass bubble to he used as a windowin t h e Lenard ray tube. T h i s award i s given each y e a r by t h e Westinghouse organization f o r t h e most important dianges i n either manufacturing methods or t h e design of a product m a d e by t h e company.

American Association o f Cereal Chemists "to H o l d Meeting T h e seventeenth national convention of t h e American Association of Cereal Chemists i s to he held a t Louisville, Ky-, May I S to 2 1 , 1931, with headquarters at the Brown Hotel. On M o n day, M a y 18, a t 6:30 P. M., t h e association will hold a Joint m e e t ing w i t h the Louisville Section of the AMERICAN CHEMICAJL SOCUSTYT


at the Brown Hotel, a t which H. R. Kraybill, of Purdue University, will speak o n "Relation of Plant Nutrition to Composition of Wheat." On Wednesday afternoon the American Society of Bakery Engineers will meet with the association in a joint session. In addition t o Professor Kraybill, the guest speakers will include the following: A. W. Homberger, "Chemical Industries în Louisville and Vicinity." H . T. Corson, "The Work of t h e National Food Bureau." R . C. Roark, "New Fumigatits for Destroying Insect Pests in Foodstuffs." C W. Brabender, "Experiences and Possibilities of a N e w Mechanical Method of Flour Testing a n d Mill Control."

Withrow Conducts Students o n Eastern Inspection Trip -A group of fifty-five advanced and graduate chemical engineering and industrial chemistry students from Ohio State University visrited the Thirteenth Exposition of Chemical Industries, during the week of M a y 4 t o M a y 9, under the direction of James R. Withrow, head of the Department of Chemical Engineering, the Ohio State University. Doctor Withrow has been conducting his advanced chemical engineering and industrial chemistry students on inspection trips annually for the past twenty-five years, but this is t h e first time t h a t he has invaded t h e East Coast region. T h i s year the party visited points i n Albany, Long Island City, and New York City in the State of N e w York, plants in Grasselli and Jersey City, N . J.„ and plants in Wilmington, Del., and Baltimore, Md. In addition t o visiting plants, the party spent portions of three days at the Exposition of Chemical Industries.

Rosin Made Member .of U. S. P . Revision Committee JT. Rosin has been elected a member of t h e Committee of Revision, United States Pharmacopeia X I , t o take the place made vacant by the death of Edward V. Howell, late dean of the School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina. Doctor Rosin was very active in the work of revising the two previous editions of t h e United States Pharmacopeia, and is considered an authority on pharmacopeial chemical matters, l i e has been identified with and largely instrumental in standardizing and improving the quality of reagent chemicals. H e is a member of the American Chemical Society's Committee on Reagent Analytical Chemicals. For many years Doctor Rosin wa^s the chief chemist of the Powers-Weightman-Rosengarten Co. H e is now vice president and chemical director of the successors of this company, Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N . J.

Chlorine Shipped b y Airplane T h e disastrous earthquake which destroyed the city of Managua and its water-supply system created a n urgent need for chlorine for sterilizing and disinfecting, a s well as for antitoxin. A xush call t o t h e Philadelphia office of The Mathieson Alkali Works brought a special truck delivery of chlorine in the highly concentrated powder form of Η Τ Η to t h e R e d Cross plane, which flew t o Nicaragua with the much needed chlorine and aa-feitoxin. This is probably the first time that chlorine in any form has been transported b y airplane. I n another recent earthquake disaster i n N e w Zealand, chlorine in the form of Η Τ Η was also rushed to t h e stricken areas and helped t o check the outbreak of disease.

Chieap Fertilizer Process Demonstrated at Exposition -A recent development of practical benefit to farmers and the fertilizer industry—a cheap process of combining two important plaint foods into a readily drillable fertilizer b y spraying super­ phosphate with ammonia—was demonstrated by fertilizer special­ ists of the U . S. Bureau of Chemistry and Soils by means of a miniature apparatus a t the Thirteenth Exposition of Chemical In­ dustries, held in New York the week o f May 4. -At the exposition o f t h e American Mining Congress, to be held in Cincinnati, M a y 1 1 to 15, the Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del., will feature an exhibit of explosives suited for- every condition encountered in coal mining. H . W . Foulds, assistant t o t h e president, has been placed in general charge of all sales work for Goulds Pumps, Inc., Seneca Falls, Ν . Υ. O n April 1 the Pittsburgh branch o f the C. J. Tagliabue Mfg. Co. moved into new and enlarged quarters at 1026 Park Bldg.



V o l . 9, N o . 9

EDITION scribed in Catalog 30-7, 3 6 pages. W O R K S , P. O. B o x 4 8 5 , Chicago, III.

Manufacturers* N e w Publications



Power Transmission Appliances;· A convenient, pocket-sized catalog, No. 831, contains 158 p a g e s of illustrations, price lists, and tables of power-transmission appliances a s manufactured by the SPROUT, WALDRON Co., INC., Muncy, P a .

NOTICE—Publications mentioned in this column will be sent free, unless otherwise noted, b>y thefirmsIssuing them, to readers of INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY vho r&iuest them on their business stationery. In writing it will be appreciated if you will mention INDUSTRIAL AND ENCINBBKINC CHBMIJTRY.

Agitator Drives. A new catalog, giving complete description of models T . TA, T B , and T A B N e w England fully enclosed agitator drives, is r e a d y for distribution. Complete tables showing horsepower and speed ratios are included for all the various models.

NEW ENGLAND T A N K & T O W E R C O . , Everett, Mass.

Alloy Steel Castiixgs. An 8-page booklet discussing Durimet and Durco Nirosta and their properties, with particular reference t o resistance t o corrosion,, heat, and pressure. T H B DURIRON Co., I N C . , Dayton, Ohio. Atomic Hydrogen Arc-Welding Equipment. A 4-page instruction leaflet, illustrated, issued b y M U R E X W E L D I N G PROCESSES,

LTD., Ferry Lane Works, Forest Road, London, E . 17, England. Back Stops. Bulletin 35-2 Illustrates and describes the Landahl lifetime back s t o p , built in t w o styles, and operating automatically, silently, and instantaneously. T H E FAIRFIELD E N GINEERING Co., Marion, Ohio. Dieform Compression Fittings. Bulletin 13, February, 1931, 16 pages. The booklet is ill-ustrated in t w o colors a n d discusses the fittings when used wâth copper or steel tubing for small service lines. B A I L E Y METER Co., Cleveland, Ohio. Electrical Instruments. A 12-page illustrated price list of potentiometers» Kohlrausch slides, resistance boxes, electrode vessels, conductivity cells, etc., issued b y t h e GRAY INSTRUMENT C o . , 64—70 West J o h n s o n St., Germantown, Philadelphia, P a . Extractors. A " g r o u p of bulletins" contains illustrations and specifications, including s i z e s and types, of a number of extractors, as manufactured by T H E AMERICAN LAUNDRY M A -

CHINERY Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. Gas Measurement Engineering. A new 220-page general catalog and reference book