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Vol. 7, N o . 4:

EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Announcements under this beading should be sent to the A. C. S. Advertising Department, 419 Fourth Ave., N. Y. C , so that advertisement will be received ten days prior to dote of publication Members of the American Chemical Society are entitled to insert during the year four announcements, each limited to fifty words, address included, free of charge, in either the Situations Open or Situations Wanted sections in the News Edition only Insertions under this heading in the Technical Edition, or additional insertions or extra space in the News Edition, will be charged at the regular rate five cents a word. Notices will be inserted in the order of their receipt. Nonmembers will be charged at the rate of five cents a word with a minimum charge oftwodollars for each insertion, the address counting as ten words. In printing these adoertisements the Society assumes no obligation as to qualificatif ,. of prospective employees or responsibility of employers.

\cknowledge Letters of Application and Help the Chemist Seeking Employment Keep up His Spirit



P R O F E S S O R S O R INSTRUCTORS If y o u need men of these r a n k s in y o u r Chemistry Department, you will find qualified candidates by calling on t h e Bureau of Employment of T h e Chemists' Club, I n c . , (Agency) 52 East 41st St., New York, Ν. Υ. A N A L Y T I C A L C H E M I S T : G r a d u a t e of first rate technical course, ex­ perienced i n analysis of fine chemicals or a broad range of inorganic chemi­ cals providing equivalent training. Excellent opportunity for man of proper qualifications to develop into executive capacity in fine chemical manufactur­ ing field. S t a t e full details of training, experience and salary in first letterAddress " B o x 16-T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. B E L T CEMENT—Established manufacturer, well equipped for imme­ diate production, desires contact with man having thorough knowledge of the manufacture of modern waterproof Belt Cement. Send complete qualifications and record of experience in first letter. Address "Box 1 0 - T 0 1 , " care I n d . & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . P R O D U C T I O N E N G I N E E R with Chemical or Mechanical Engineering Training wanted b y an established organic Chemical manufacturer. We want a man who c a n get out required production and one who has initiative. R e p l y giving complete information concerning training, experience, age and salary. Address "Box 3 3 - N - 0 2 . " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. R E S E A R C H C H E M I S T S required preferably with training or experience in phiysics o r physical-chemical operations, t h o u g h experience n o t essential. Replies stating age, training, experience, etc., should be s e n t to "Box 20-T— 02," care I n d . & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . W A N T E D as technical assistants i n production of a large manufacturing company, young men having good chemical or chemical engineering training. Send full particulars to "Box 2 1 - T - 0 2 , " care I n d . & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : GRADUATE C H E M I S T with experience in analytical work:, microscopy a n d photography for central laboratory of large corpora­ tion. State experience a n d salary expected. Address "Box 17-T-10," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : Graduate Chemist with experience in compounding, testing and development of special varnishes, paints a n d lacquers. Experience and actual accomplishment are essential. Correspondence confidential. Address " B o x 18-N-01," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D — G r a d u a t e Chemist for research and plant control in factory making heavy inorganic chemicals. Wide experience n o t necessary. Ad­ dress "Box 1 5 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . Wanted, m a n familiar with Naphthalene Refining from Crude and Semirefined. G i v e comprehensive information relative experience, ability, etc., in first letter. Address "Box 5 1 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : Superintendent or manager of potato starch factory. Ap­ ply p r o m p t l y , stating experience. Address " B o x 18-T—02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. W A N T E D : Young male Ph.D. biochemist for part t i m e teaching and part time research in excellent chemico-medical research environment. $2500 salary with future depending on the individual. Address "Box 29-T—02," c a r e Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a .



A S S I S T A N T C H I E F C H E M I S T , employed in Research laboratory, with 1 5 years' experience in company making specialty iron and steel sheets, desires connection i n research or industrial field where b o t h research and. engineering ability c a n be utilized. American, married, Protestant. Ad­ dress "Box 2 4 - N - 0 1 , " care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, P a . C A P A B L E R E S E A R C H C H E M I S T , special biological chemistry (cholin, insulin, glycose). European doctor, knows English, French, German. Single. Desires position. Address "Box 19-T—02," care Ind. & E n g . Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R , M . I . T . graduate 1901. Thoroughly ex. perienced in supervision, control and guidance of chemical processes, plant development and operation, particularly foods a n d electrochemical processes. Another company is taking over my employer, putting in their man. Can work independently or under direction. Address "Box 34-N—0 1 , " care Ind. Sc Eng. Chem., Easton, P a .

C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R with 11 years' experience in t h e manufactur­ ing of disinfectants, insecticides, potash soaps, lubricating greases a n d re­ lated products will b e available for employment May 1st. Age 36. Grad­ uate of C. I . T. Position desired—superintendent o r assistant. Address "Box 35-N—02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . C H E M I S T , B.S., age 25, married. Three years' research experience in organic analysis, organic synthesis, and organic catalysis. Desires position in organic research. Prefer "Pittsburgh or East. N o w employed. Address "Box 14-T-Ol," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , B.S., age 28, seven years* experience in sanitation field super­ vising operation water filtration, softening and industrial wastes t r e a t m e n t plants, desires position with consulting firm, private water c o m p a n y or corporation handling products used in sanitation work. Excellent refer­ ences. Now employed. Address "Box 42-N—02," c a r e Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton. Pa. C H E M I S T , 30, P h . D . Columbia, desires research o r industrial position. Thorough training i n inorganic and organic. Six y e a r s ' teaching a n d re­ search; experience. Highest type references. Address "Box 23-T-02," care I n d . & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , 34, married, twelve years' experience with upper and fancy leather; development work i n pyroxylin, oil, and pigment coatings; tech­ nical control of factory processes, and valuation of materials. Responsible position in any location considered. Now i n N e w England. Address "Box 5 3 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , Ch.E-—Age 27, married. Four years* analytical and i n d u s ­ trial engineering experience i n inorganic field. Wide theoretical and prac­ tical knowledge of laboratory methods. Capable of taking charge of labora­ tory. Now employed. Address "Box 2 8 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. C h e m . , Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T , M.S. from large midwestern s t a t e university, desires teaching position in college or university. Well trained i n general, physical, organic, and analytical chemistry. F o u r years* teaching experience, best references, available J u n e , age 29, married. Address " B o x 15—N-02," care I n d . & Eng. Chem,, Easton, P a . C H E M I S T WANTS W I D E R O P P O R T U N I T Y — H a v e developed present job with large salt refinery t o the point where it is largely routine. Would like situation where processes are to be developed and continual re­ search t o be worked on, demanding intensive thought and work. A g e 29. Married. Degrees: B.S. a n d Ch.E. Brooklyn Polytechnic. Experience: 6 months' iron and steel analysis, 14 months rare metal refining, one year glycerine a n d shellac refining, one year tooth paste manufacture, l a s t four years with large salt plant. Laboratory and plant work, with incidental research. Address " B o x 46—N-Οί," care Ind. a n d Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. C H E M I S T with graduate training a n d several years' experience i n b o t h inorganic a n d organic fields desires position t o do Technical Information work. Abstracting, literature and p a t e n t searches, information and library management. Address "Box 1 0 - T - 0 2 , " care I n d . & Eng. Chem., E a s t o n , Pa. C O L L E G E T E A C H I N G P O S I T I O N desired by Yale Ph.D. Ten years* teaching experience, three as head of Chemistry Department of four. IMajored i n Physical and Inorganic, hobbies are Educational Research a n d P a n ­ demic Chemistry. Age 34, married, protestant, widely travelled, a n d em­ ployed. Address "Box 1 4 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . E X E C U T I V E — S . B . , M . I . T . 1920 chemical engineering, desires new con­ nection in eastern U. S . or Canada. Eight years' business experience ra the textile field, t h e past four i n executive capacity in buying, selling, a n d finance. Age 29, protestant, married. Address " B o x 10—N-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . G R A D U A T E C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R . 12 years' No. 6, flashlight and radio d r y cell experience in production, development a n d research, wants connection with company where improved quality a n d improved manufacturing methods to meet present competition will b e rewarded. Address '"Box 5 7 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . G R A D U A T E C H E M I S T , M.A., experienced in organic a n d colloidal research. Knowledge of German a n d French. Able, conscientious, a n d willing t o work hard. Seek opportunity to express myself. Prefer N e w York a n d vicinity. Address "Box 3 1 - T - 0 2 , " care I n d . & Eng. C h e m . , Eastou, Pa. P E T R O L E U M chemist. Graduate chemical engineer with excellent ex­ perience in research a n d analysis of petroleums, détonants, anti-knocks a n d related products, desires permanent connection in East. Excellent references. Address "Box 25-T—02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, P a . METALLURGICAL & GENERAL INORGANIC RESEARCH. P r o c ess development, treatment of ores and refining of metals, etc. 15 y e a r s ' experience. M a n y patents. Available now. Address "Box 60-N—02," care I n d . & E n g . Chem., Easton, Pa.

February 20, 1929



ORGANIC CHEMIST* considerable experience in vegetable and mineral oils and their products» research, synthesis, insulating compounds, desires responsible position. References. Address "Box 11-T—02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa.




Rossville Commercial Alcohol Corporation

T h e recent amalgamation of five o f tlie outstanding alcohol producers into a single corporation, known as -the Rossville Com­ ORGANIC CHEMIST, Ph.D. from Yale. Wishes research position with mercial Alcohol Corporation, has awakened interest in t h e b e ­ concern in t h e East. Age 35. Protestant. Teaching experience. Seven years' experience a s research chemist for manufacturing concerns. Member ginnings of the Rossville distillery which perpetuates its name i n American Institute of Chemists and American Chemical Society. Available that of the new corporation. "The O l d Rossville Distillery" has immediately. Address "Box 4 4 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Eastern, I been the center of t h e development o f distilling in Dearborn Pa. County, Ind., and while it has changed hands many times since PhuIX, married, ten years' experience in analytical organic and physical its erection in 1848, i t s identity has remained while numerous chemistry, bacteriology and photography as related t o production and other distilleries have been forgotten irx their xnerging. manufacture of agricultural products. Desires responsible or executive position with reputable firm or teaching and research. Address "Box J In 1796 William Ross, a native of Scotland w h o came to Amer45-N—02," care Ind. and Eng. Chem., East on. Pa. \ ica with Cornwallis during the Revolirtion, s e t t l e d in Dearborn County and began the raising of corn,, whicla. was not only t h e Ph.D. physical, analytical, inorganic industrial research in colloids and ceramics, five years' experience. Married, age 29. Now employed. De­ principal crop but, in the form of whiskey, "the medium of ex­ sires research and development position. Address "Box 47-N-02," care change. Eventually corn was to become perhaps t h e outstanding Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. wealth producer of the Indiana counties, witli Lawreneeburg a s PHYSICAL CHEMIST, Ph.D., 1928, from leading university. Physics, their central market. In what is known a s "Big Bottom," a mathematics. Experienced in high pressure work. Desires professorship or responsible research position. Employed at present, but desires a posi­ • large tract i n Dearborn County lying o n either side of Lawrenceburg between the Great Miami River artd the o i t y of Aurora, corn tion with opportunity for advancement commensurate with ability. Ad­ dress "Box 2 2 - T - 0 2 , " care Ind- & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. is almost a n exclusive crop. Fields o n these bottoms have con­ sistently produced 60 t o 100 bushels p e r acre without manuring PHYSICAX CHEMIST, Ph.D., teaching in college, desires industrial for over a century. T w o principal causes i n addition t o t h e or teaching work for summer, preferably in middle west or northwest. Address "Box 3O-T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. abundant yield of corn make I,awrerLceburg· a good distillery point. These a r e t h e transportation facilities a n d the water, R E C E N T CHEMICAX E N G I N E E R I N G GRADUATE of Eastern Uni­ which is clear, inexhaustible, and cold a very important matter versity desires position with chemical manufacturing concern. Six months* experience i n plant management of large chlorine plant. Good scholastic in t h e business. standing. Can give references. Available a t once. Address "Box 11—NT h e first distillery in Dearborn Coun-fcy of which there i s a rec­ 02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Fa. ord w a s built in 1809, and had a capacity of I barrel per weekRESEARCH o r TECHNICAL LABORATORY position desired by Later in t h e same year Dunn & Ludlow built a distillery i n LawChemist, M.A. H a s had sound training in fundamentals of Chemistry and renceburg with a capacity of 2 barrels a week:. I n 1847 o r 1848 Physics; also industrial experience in technical routine analysis and manu­ George R.oss w i t h Anthony Swartz a n d GidL Benner built t h e facturing. A t present full-time Demonstrator in Chemistry. Age 27, single. Address "Box 17—T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. Rossville distillery with a capacity of 6O0 bushiels per day, which they ran until Ross's death. The distillery w a s built in a little S U P E R I N T E N D E N T A N D TECHNICAL DIRECTOR. 42, married, settlement outside the then corporate limits of Lawrenceburg and B.Sc. in Chemistry. Years of experience in plant operation, development and research.. Seeks executive position where i t is essential t o get out known as Rossville. production and handle men. Address "Box 55-N— 02," care Ind. & Eng. In 1877 the Rossville plant was bought by N. J . Walsh, who Chem., Easton, Pa. was then gradually developing the grea.t holdings of the "Walsh TEACHER; Pn.B., Ph.D., from Prominent Eastern University, with intcrests.'' He entirely rebuilt the plant, bringing it t o such several years of commercial, consulting, research, administrative and teach­ efficiency t h a t it was known as the finest: distillery property in the ing experience desires position. Address "Box 12—T-02," care Ind. & Eng. "United States. Other distilleries whicii were flourishing a t t h e Chem., Easton, Pa. same time were bought by Walsh, nota-bly t h a t of John H . Gaff TEACHER: Ph.D. from a leading Eastern University. Nine years of college teaching; experience. Two years' experience in the coal tar in­ & Co., built in 1851 with a capacity of 9O0 busfciels per day o r 3500 gallons of spirits. About the time that N.J. "Walsh was building dustry. Major field, analytical chemistry, also qualified t o teach organic and physical chemistry. Address "Box 27-T— 02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., up h i s consolidation of distilling plants, a 19*-year-old Irish lad Easton, Pa. named Peter O'Shaughnessy landed in t h e United States. Until he w a s 29 h e taught school in Newport, during which period h e TEACHER: Ph.D. desires summer employment as teacher in summer school or as research assistant in industrial laboratories. Can teach inorganic, became acquainted with N. J. Walsh, Exially l>ecoming a member organic, and analytical chemistry. Also industrial experience. Address of t h e Walsh organization and eventually the active head of the "Box 28-T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. Rossville distillery. T E A C H I N G or industrial position desired for next year by Ph.D., Cornell In 1919 t h e Walsh interests were sold out to the O'Shaughnessy 1924, thoroughly trained in Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics. Nine interests. Peter O'Shaughnessy gave tiis three sons the oppor­ years' teaching, University research, and some industrial experience. Age Victor 29, Protestant, married. Address "Box 2 4 - N - 0 2 , " care Ind. & Eng. tunity to learn the business, beginning at t t i e bottom. Chem., Easton, Pa. O'Shaughnessy, the president of the n e w corporation, worked his way through all departments to a general managership before his TEACHING POSITION for 1929-30 wanted by Ph.D. from large father's death. William P. O'Shaughnessy specialized i n pro­ Eastern University. Major organic, also qualified to teach inorganic or analytical chemistry. Teaching and industrial experience. Publications. duction technic, and Kugene A. O'Shaxiglinessy, t h e vice presi­ Address "Box 17-N-01," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. dent, gave his attention to sales distribution a~nd marketing. Since the close of the World War the JRossville distribution has T E A C H I N G POSITION for 1929-30 wanted by woman, Ph.D., 1925, followed by two years of study and research abroad. At present National been widened extensively. A plant of large capacity a n d high Research Fellow. Address "Box 13-T-02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., efficiency w a s developed near New Orleans f o r the manufacture Easton, Fa. of molasses-base ethyl alcohol. Bonded! warehouses at strategic UNIVERSITY TEACHING in Chemical Engineering by Ph.D. with distribution points and sales and service offices from coast t o excellent scholastic record. Chemical Engineering training and five years' coast were organized. The Orange Grove Refining Co. o f Newvaried industrial experience. Up-to-date experience in high pressure re­ Orleans was built by t h e Rossville company i n 1924 for t h e pro­ search, with recognized contributions in this field. Address "Box 56-N—02," care Ind. & Eng. Chem., Easton, Pa. duction of molasses-base ethyl alcohol. Here molasses from the Cuban sugar refineries i s unloaded directly from the boats. The plant site was carefully selected for t h e proximity of fuel, rawmaterial, transportation, and water facilities. T h e key men of Rossville have been retained t o conduct the business in its future course, and the manufacturing and service policies which h a v e contributed so greatly to tine Rossville record for success -will b e continued in the new a.malga.mation.



All F o r Sale a n d Miscellaneous advertisements are charged, at t h e rate of five cents a word with a minimum charge of t w o dollars for each insertion, t h e address counting as t e n words. ATTENTION anglers: Bass, large and small-mouthed for re-stocking. Also many other varieties. The only commercial game-fish hatchery offers sportsmen a n d estate owners a consulting service backed by twenty-one years* experience. Hare and common water Lilies and Aquatic plants our specialty. "Riley's Fish Farms, Port Clinton, Ohio." CHEMICAL RESEARCH PERIODICALS. Complete sets, volumes or single back copies of CHEMICAL A N D PHYSICAL MAGAZINES FOR SALE. Please s e n d us list of Desiderata. WE BUY SCIENTIFIC MAGA­ ZINES. Address «*B. Login & Son, Inc.," 29 East 21st St., New York. FOR SALE: American Chemical Society Journals 1920 to date. A b ­ stracts bound, Journals bound, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry partly bound. Carnegie Library binding, bound in Carnegie Library Bindery. Make me an offer. Address "Chemist," 5877 Darlington Road, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

National Research Council Publications The National Research Council, 21st and Β Sts., Washington, D. C-, has recently issued the following publications : Funds Available i n the United States for the Support: and Encouragement of Research i n Science and Its Technologies. 2nd Edition. CALLIE HULL. AND CLARENCE J. WEST. Bulletin 66. 99 pages. Price, $1.00. Bibliography of Bibliographies on Psychology, 1900-1927. C . M. LOUTTIT. Bulletin 65. 1 OS pages. Price, $1.50. Doctorates Conferred i n the Sciences by Ajnerican. Universities, 1927— 1928.





J. W S S T .




Series S6. 38 pages. Price, 50 cents. Report of t h e Committee on Sedimentation, 1927-1928. W. H. TWIÎNHOPEL, Chairman. Reprint and Circular S&ries 8 5 - 83 pages. Price, $1.00.