Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Edited by Raymond E. Kirk

Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Edited by Raymond E. Kirk and Donald F. Othmer. S. C. Lind. J. Phys. Chem. , 1948, 52 (4), pp 762–762. DOI: 10...
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NEW BOOKS Oiganic Chemistry By PAULI-ear. This comprehensive work is intended to present a critical survey of the knowledge of industrial materials, methods, processes, and equipment for chemists and chemical engineers. S i n e t y contributors have collaborated in writing for the first volume, though no authorship is assigned to any of the individual subjects. .\bout one thousand subjects will be treated in the ten volumes, with suitable subdivision under each topic. The treatment is modern. well illustrated, and apparently quite adequate to the purposes for which it is intended. Both domestic and foreign chemical processes are described. One can not inspect the contents of this impressive work without appreciating the tremendous strides that have been made in chemical technology, especially in the L-nited States, since World War I . Saturally the full import of the work can not be grasped in the first volume. illany interesting subjects do not begin n.ith -i,though i t is surprising how many do. But if the first volume is a fair sample of the ones to come, the editors and authors Kill have made a valuable contribution to chemical literature and are to be congratulated on the successful initiation of this large and worthwhile undertaking. S. C. LISD. LAVISE. 162 pp. Psychronietrzc Tables and Charts. By 0. T . ZIMJIERX~S ASD IRVIN Dover, N . H.: Industrial Research Service, 1945. Price: $6.50. I n convenient form 32 tables and 22 charts present psychrometric data in English units for temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit over n-ide ranges. S. C. LISD.

T a b l e s o j Spherical Bessel Functzons. I’d. I I . Prepared by 1Iathematical Tables Project, Sational Bureau of Standards. 330 pp. S e w T o r k : Columbia Cniversity Press, 1947. Price: 67.50. The major part of the present volume is devoted t o tables of the spherical Bessel functions 4 7 2 , J , ( r ) for + Y ranging from 29/2 to 61 ’ 2 . This set of tables complements those previously published in Vol. I for + Y ranging from 112 to 2 i 2 . S. C . LIND.