Encyclopedia of industrial chemical analysis. Volume 1, general

Techniques, A-E. Edited by Foster Dee Snell and Cliffolrl. 1,. Hilton. Interseienee Publishers (a division of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.),. Kew York, 1...
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others. There are no pictures, diagrams, e t c , nor are there any mabhematical equations. The text is designed for slow thoughtful reading with freqnent pauses for reflection. There is no need to analyze the contents of t,he book. I t deals with the advances in our knowledge and idem ahout t,he fundamental forces t h a t underly chemical and physical changes, largely considered from t,he standpoint. of the men and their expelimenta and thought responsihle for these advances. The final chapter is devoted to, Encouragement and DiRusion of Science, i.e., to an essay an the teaching centers and learned societies of France, Germany, England, and Scotland. The book is highly recommended for rollatersl reading, infmnation, and serious entel; tainment..

RALPHE. OESPER University of Cincinmli Cincinnali, Ohio

Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemical Analysis. Volume 1, General Techniques, A-E Edited by Foster Dee Snell and Cliffolrl 1,. Hilton. Interseienee Publishers (a division of John Wiley and Sons, Inc.), Kew York, 1966. xv i 6 3 pp. Figs. xrld tables. 18.5 X 26 cm. Q4.5, single copy; $35, subscription.


This encyclopedia is intended to cover most aspects of industrial analytical chemistr.y. The first three voh~meswill cover instnunentation, techniqnes, and proredure-. Subsequent volumes will deal with the analysis of specific materials, products, eompoundu, and elements. A p proximately 12 valnmes are planned to appear a t a rate of three a year. Volume 1 begins with a 28-page survey of absorption and emission spectroscopy which includes a bibliography of 28 sdditiorla1 general references to the field. Brief pmeednreri for t,he d e t e r m i n a h n of ammonia by UI' and hydroxyl number by near I R methods are included. The last article of \i,lume 1 is the evaluatiou of annlvticxl data 116 oaeesl. This r:ont,rihu-

istry and contains sections on the methods of reporting precisiw and accuracy, eontrr,l charts, evaluslion of analytical pmeedures, interlnhoratoly comparisons, and sampling error. These artides are typical of those one m q expect i n Yalnmes 1 t.hlmugh 3.