Energetics and Mechanism for the Deamination of Lithiated Cysteine

Feb 25, 2010 - P. B. Armentrout , C. A. Austin , and M. T. Rodgers ... Tamer Shoeib , Junfang Zhao , Houssain EI Aribi , Alan C. Hopkinson , K. W. Mic...
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J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 3938–3949

Energetics and Mechanism for the Deamination of Lithiated Cysteine P. B. Armentrout,* Sha Joshua Ye, Amy Gabriel, and R. M. Moision Department of Chemistry, UniVersity of Utah, 315 S. 1400 E. Rm 2020, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112 ReceiVed: NoVember 25, 2009; ReVised Manuscript ReceiVed: February 9, 2010

Lithium cation complexes with cysteine (Cys) are collisionally activated with xenon in a guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer and observed to deaminate in addition to loss of the intact amino acid. Source conditions are found to influence the cross sections for these processes considerably, a result interpreted in terms of two isomers, Li+(Cys) and (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S). Quantum chemical calculations at the B3LYP/6311G(d,p) level are used to explore the reaction mechanism for this fragmentation process in detail. A complete reaction coordinate surface for the process is elucidated, including all intermediates and transition states. Theoretical molecular parameters for the two isomers and for the rate-limiting transition state for deamination of Li+(Cys) are then used to analyze the threshold energies in the experimental data, providing experimental measurements of the energies of the transition state and various products. These experimental energies are compared with single point energies calculated at three different levels, B3LYP, B3P86, and MP2(full), using the 6-311+G(2d,2p) basis set with geometries and zero point energies calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level, as well as with additional calculations using basis sets that include core correlation on lithium. Good agreement between experiment and theory suggests that the reaction mechanisms have been reasonably elucidated and identifies the C3H4O2S deamination product as thiirane-carboxylic acid. Introduction


In the previous paper (part I, DOI 10.1021/jp911219u),1 we examine the intrinsic properties of the pairwise interaction of alkali metal cations (Li+, Na+, K+, and Rb+) with the amino acid cysteine (Cys) by measuring the threshold collision-induced dissociation (TCID) of the M+(Cys) complexes in a guided ion beam tandem mass spectrometer. For the sodiated, potassiated, and rubidiated complexes, only loss of the intact amino acid is observed, thereby allowing straightforward interpretation of the threshold for this process in terms of the bond dissociation energy between the metal cation and cysteine. In the case of the lithiated complex, loss of the intact ligand is the entropically favored process at high energies, but because the binding energy of lithium cations to cysteine is comparable to covalent bond energies within Cys, an additional decomposition reaction is observed at lower collision energies. This process occurs not only upon collisional activation but also during association of Li+ with Cys in the source region, such that the data acquired for the lithium system is composed of two isomers, hypothesized to be Li+(Cys) and (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S), which need to be carefully deconvoluted. To fully understand this process, to identify the deamination product, and to meaningfully interpret the threshold energies, knowledge of the rate-limiting transition state is needed, which in turn requires information about the potential energy surface for these reactions. The complexity of these processes necessitates a detailed examination of a number of potential pathways, which is the focus of this paper. The C3H4O2S deamination products considered include 3-mercaptopropenoic acid (Mpa), thioacetaldehyde-2-carboxylic acid (Taca), the three-membered ring thiirane-carboxylic acid (Tica), and 3-mercapto-R-propiolactone (Mpl), Scheme 1. Ultimately, the theoretical energies of the calculated rate-limiting transition states can be compared to the experimental thresholds, thereby

providing a means of testing whether the appropriate reaction mechanism has been located and identifying the fragments formed. It can be recognized that the elucidation of such fragmentation processes is not only of fundamental interest but may also prove useful in understanding decomposition reactions observed in analytical mass spectrometry experiments that are designed to probe the sequence of peptides and proteins.2-9 As the decomposition of the side chain can compete with backbone cleavages that give sequence information, a quantitative characterization of such decompositions may prove useful in interpreting such analytical experiments. Experimental and Computational Section General Experimental Procedures. The GIBMS used to measure the cross sections for TCID of the alkali metal cation Cys complexes has been described previously in detail,10,11 as outlined briefly in part I (DOI 10.1021/jp911219u) for the present system. Here, the ions of interest are formed in a dc discharge flow tube (DC/FT) source.12 Lithium cations are generated at the cathode, a tantalum boat filled with lithium located at the head of a 1 m long flow tube, by using a continuous dc discharge with typical operating conditions of

10.1021/jp911222j  2010 American Chemical Society Published on Web 02/25/2010

Deamination of Lithiated Cysteine

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 11, 2010 3939

1.9-2.2 kV and 10-20 mA. The lithium cations are carried down the flow tube by a buffer gas (ca. 10% argon in helium) with normal operating pressures of 0.3-0.4 Torr. About 50 cm downstream from the discharge, cysteine is introduced into the flow tube using a temperature controlled probe, which is heated to either ∼120 or ∼180 °C. Complexes of interest are formed via three-body associative reactions of lithium with Cys in the flow of the He/Ar carrier gas. The complex ions are thermalized to 300 K (the temperature of the flow tube) both vibrationally and rotationally by undergoing ∼105 collisions with the buffer gases as they drift along the 1 m long flow tube.12-19 Data Analysis. The preceding paper1 (DOI 10.1021/ jp911219u) discusses the means used to analyze the data for threshold energies. For the present purposes, the data analysis requires that competitive reaction channels be explicitly considered. We accomplish this using a statistical approach that has been described in detail elsewhere20,21 and is exemplified by eq 1.

σj(E) ) (Nσ0,j /E)

∑ gi ∫E

E 0,j-Ei

[kj(E*)/ktot(E*)] × PD1(E - ε)N-1 d(ε) (1)

Here, σ0,j is an adjustable parameter for channel j that is energy independent, N is an adjustable parameter that describes the energy deposition efficiency during collision,11 E is the relative kinetic energy of the reactants, E0,j represents the CID threshold energy for channel j at 0 K, and ε is the energy transferred from translation into internal energy of the complex during the collision. E* is the internal energy of the energized molecule (EM) after the collision, i.e., E* ) ε + Ei, where Ei are the internal energies of the rovibrational states i of the reactant ion with populations gi and ∑gi ) 1. The term, PD1 ) 1 exp[-ktot(E*)τ], is the total dissociation probability of the EM where τ is the experimental time for dissociation, ∼5 × 10-4 s (as previously measured by time-of-flight studies).11 Vibrational frequencies and rotational constants of the reactant ions used to calculate Ei and gi are obtained from the quantum chemical calculations outlined below and in part I (DOI 10.1021/ jp911219u). The Beyer-Swinehart-Stein-Rabinovitch algorithm22 is used to evaluate the density of the rovibrational states, and the relative populations gi are calculated for a MaxwellBoltzmann distribution at 300 K. The term kj(E*) in eq 1 is the unimolecular rate constant for dissociation of the EM to channel j. The rate constants kj(E*) and ktot(E*) are defined by RiceRamsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM)23-25 theory in eq 2

ktot(E*) )

† (E* - E0,j)/hFVr(E*) ∑ kj(E*) ) ∑ djNj,Vr


where the summation is over all channels j, dj is the reaction † (E* degeneracy for channel j, h is the Planck’s constant, Nj,Vr E0,j) is the sum of rovibrational states of the transition state (TS) at an energy E* - E0,j for channel j, and FVr(E*) is the density of rovibrational states of the EM at the available energy, E*. To evaluate the rate constants in eq 2, vibrational frequencies and rotational constants for the EM and all TSs are required. Because the metal-ligand interactions in the complexes studied here are mainly long-range electrostatic interactions (ion-dipole, ion-quadrupole, and ion-induced dipole interactions), the most appropriate model for the TS for channels involving heterolytic cleavage of metal-ligand bonds is a loose association of the

ion and neutral ligand,15,18,26-29 even for multidentate ligands.30-33 Therefore, the TSs are treated as product-like, with TS frequencies equal to those of the dissociation products, and transitional frequencies treated as rotors in the phase space limit (PSL), as described in part I (DOI 10.1021/jp911219u) and in detail elsewhere.20,21 In the Li+(Cys) system, fragmentation to Li+ + Cys competes with a lower energy fragmentation process that occurs via a tight TS. For the latter channel, the required molecular parameters are taken from calculations of the reaction pathway, as detailed below. Competition between the two channels is naturally included in eq 1 by the branching ratio term, kj(E*)/ ktot(E*). In addition, this alternate product can dissociate at higher energies to form Li+. This process depletes the cross section of the low-energy fragmentation reaction and augments that of the Li+ cross section. This sequential dissociation process can be included in our analysis using a model that has recently been developed.34 This model makes statistical assumptions regarding the energy deposition in the products of the initial reaction. Ultimately, this model assigns a probability for further dissociation of the initial product, PD2 ) 1 - exp[-k2(E2*)τ], where E2* is the internal energy of the product ion undergoing sequential dissociation, EM2. This energy is determined by energy conservation, i.e., E2* ) E* - E0 - T1 - EL, where T1 is the translational energy of the primary products and EL is the internal energy of the neutral product. Statistical assumptions are used to assign the distributions of each of these quantities, thereby allowing calculation of the secondary dissociation rate constant, k2. In the present system, the application of the statistical model for sequential dissociation is not rigorously correct, as E2* can contain some of the energy released to EM2 after passing over the tight TS. Therefore, the application of this model may not provide quantitative interpretation of the data but should be sufficient to characterize the qualitative behavior of the sequential dissociation channel. Before comparing with the experimental data, the cross sections calculated using eq 1 are convoluted over the kinetic energy distribution of the ion beam and thermal energy distribution of the neutral collision gas (Doppler broadening), as described elsewhere.10 A nonlinear least-squares analysis is used to provide optimized values for σ0,j, E0,j, and N. The uncertainty associated with E0,j is estimated from the range of threshold values determined from different data sets with variations in the parameter N, changes in vibrational frequencies ((10% for most vibrations and a factor of 2 for the M+-Cys modes), variations in τ by a factor of 2, variations in a frequency scaling factor (see discussion below), and the uncertainty in the absolute energy scale, 0.05 eV (lab). Computational Details. All calculations were carried out using the Gaussian 03 suite of programs.35 Structures of the ground state reactant complexes and some intermediates were located using a protocol detailed elsewhere26 and outlined in part I (DOI 10.1021/jp911219u). The chiral properties of the Cys ligand were constrained throughout our calculations. For the reaction pathway calculations detailed here, transition states were generally determined by relaxed potential energy surface scans (in which a likely reaction coordinate was systematically varied while allowing all other degrees of freedom to freely optimize) at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level.36,37 Intermediate structures on either side of each TS were confirmed by the character of the potential energy surface scans and examination of the imaginary frequency. Final geometry optimizations and frequency calculations of all reactants, intermediates, and transition states were performed using density functional theory


J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 11, 2010

Armentrout et al.

(DFT) at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level. This level of theory has been shown to be adequate for accurate structural descriptions of comparable metal-ligand systems.18,26 Single point energy calculations were carried out for all structures at the B3LYP, B3P86, and MP2(full) levels using the 6-311+G(2d,2p) basis set. Zero-point vibrational energy (ZPE) corrections were determined using vibrational frequencies calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level after scaling by 0.9804.38 Basis set superposition errors (BSSEs) in calculated bond dissociation energies were estimated using the full counterpoise (cp) method.39,40 Because the present systems all include lithium, it is important to consider what effects that correlation of the core electrons on lithium might have, as recently elucidated in a comprehensive analysis of lithium cation affinities.41 Therefore, for selected species, geometries and vibrational frequencies were also calculated at the MP2(full) level of theory with the cc-pCVDZ basis set for Li+ that include core correlations42 along with cc-pVDZ43,44 on all other atoms (designated as cc-pVDZ(C-Li) below), followed by single point calculations using B3LYP, B3P86, and MP2(full) levels with the cc-pCVTZ basis set for Li+ and aug-cc-pVTZ basis set for other atoms (designated as aug-cc-pVTZ(C-Li) below). No counterpoise corrections are made to the corresponding bond energies, as these have been shown to reduce the accuracy of the MP2 computational results.41 3. Results Cross Sections for Collision-Induced Dissociation. Experimental cross sections for the interaction of Xe with Li+(C3H7O2NS) as a function of collision energy are shown in Figure 1. At high energies, the dominant dissociation process observed is the loss of the intact amino acid in reaction 3, but there are two other fragmentation products observed at lower energies resulting from reactions 4 and 5.

Li+(C3H7O2NS) + Xe f Li+ + Cys + Xe


f Li+(C3H4O2S) + NH3 + Xe (4) f Li+(NH3) + C3H4O2S + Xe (5) Deamination is a typical decomposition pathway for many protonated amino acids and the lowest energy fragmentation reaction observed for protonated cysteine.45-48 The energy dependence of these cross sections clearly shows that ammonia loss in reaction 4 is a particularly low-energy process, with the competitive loss of the C3H4O2S fragment in reaction 5 requiring much more energy. The observation of reactions 4 and 5 also suggests that reaction 3b may contribute to the lithium ion product cross section.

Li+(C3H7O2NS) + Xe f Li+ + NH3 + C3H4O2S + Xe (3b) The magnitudes of the three products observed are highly dependent on the conditions used in the DC/FT source, with the magnitudes of the cross sections for reactions 4 and 5 increasing substantially as the temperature used to vaporize Cys is increased, whereas the cross section for reaction 3 increases

Figure 1. Zero pressure extrapolated cross sections for collisioninduced dissociation of Li+(C3H7O2NS) with xenon as a function of kinetic energy in the center-of-mass frame (lower x axis) and the laboratory frame (upper x-axis). Symbols show data taken using the flow tube with higher (closed) and lower (open) temperatures used to introduce the cysteine ligand. Part b shows the same cross sections but with the higher temperature data scaled down by a factor of 8. The lines in parts a and b show the total cross sections for the higher and lower temperature data, respectively.

only modestly. It can also be seen that the cross section for reaction 4 associated with reactant ions formed at the lower temperature (open symbols) has two features in the threshold region, with apparent thresholds of about 1 and 2 eV (even more obvious when plotted on a linear scale). The lower energy feature matches the behavior of the higher temperature source conditions (solid symbols), which is demonstrated in Figure 1b, where the higher temperature data for all three channels has been scaled down (multiplied by a factor of 0.13). The presence of these two features suggests that the ions formed in the flow tube source have two distinct populations. We hypothesize that association of Li+ with Cys heated to induce efficient vaporization allows the deamination to occur in the source, forming a (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) complex having the same mass as Li+(Cys). Similar behavior has been noted in several previous alkali metal cation-amino acid systems.49,50 To a first approximation, the data taken with a high source temperature appears to be primarily composed of (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) with smaller contributions of Li+(Cys), whereas the colder source temperature inverts these relative populations. To obtain a cross section characteristic of the intact amino acid

Deamination of Lithiated Cysteine

Figure 2. Competitive analysis of the cross sections for collisioninduced dissociation of Li+(Cys); see text. Symbols indicate the experimental cross sections derived by subtracting the scaled higher temperature data from the lower temperature data, with small circles indicating the total cross section above ∼3 eV. Solid lines show the model cross sections of eq 1 convoluted over the neutral and ion kinetic and internal energies. Dashed lines show the model cross sections in the absence of experimental energy broadening for reactants with an internal energy of 0 K. The two contributions to the Li+ cross section are shown by long (reaction 3a) and short (reaction 3b) dashed lines.

complex, we subtract the scaled high-temperature data from the unscaled low-temperature data to obtain the cross sections shown in Figure 2. The hypothesis of two distinct isomers and the resultant deconvolution of the data can be tested by the modeling described below, and eventually by the comparison of the thermochemistry extracted from analysis of the data with theoretical values. Threshold Analysis and Results. Figure 2 clearly indicates that competition between the loss of the intact amino acid, reaction 3a, and the fragmentation reactions 4 and 5 is possible in the Li+(Cys) system. Despite the lower energies of reactions 4 and 5, reaction 3 is the dominant reaction at high energies, indicating that this process is entropically favored, consistent with reaction 3a. This is also indicated by the observation that the energy dependence of the Li+(C3H4O2S) cross section is influenced once reaction 3 becomes accessible. We modeled the data using eq 1 but ignored reaction 5 because the magnitude of its cross section is too small for it to appreciably affect reaction 3 or 4. Despite this simplification, analysis of these cross sections is complicated by the fact that both reactions 3a and 3b can contribute to the Li+ cross section in an unknown distribution. Therefore, the data were modeled in several ways, Table 1. First, we explicitly included the competition between reactions 3a and 4 but neglected 3b. This approach reproduces the data reasonably well until about 5 eV, at which point the experimental Li+ cross section begins to exceed the model, suggesting a contribution from reaction 3b. Second, the data were modeled considering only reactions 3b and 4. Again, the data can be reproduced reasonably well until about 5 eV, but now the decline in the Li+(C3H4O2S) cross section is too slow, suggesting that reaction 3a is needed to also compete with this reaction. Third, the data was modeled including the competition between reactions 3a and 4 along with the subsequent dissociation of the Li+(C3H4O2S) product in reaction 3b. An example of this competitive modeling for Li+(Cys) is shown in Figure 2. Now, the data for the two channels are reproduced very well

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 11, 2010 3941 from about 1 to over 7 eV using the parameters listed in Table 1. In all of these models, both reactions 3a and 3b were assumed to be controlled by loose PSL transition states, with molecular parameters taken directly from quantum calculations. For reaction 4, a detailed theoretical exploration of the pathway for the deamination reaction is conducted below. The molecular parameters of the tight transition state needed here to characterize ammonia loss were taken from these calculations, although the vibrational frequencies needed to be tightened from those calculated in order to accurately reproduce the data (an alternative to using individual scaling factors, σ0,j in eq 1, as discussed elsewhere51). Specifically, frequencies below 625 cm-1 were scaled by a factor of 1.6 ( 0.3 in the two models where reaction 3a was included and 1.3 ( 0.2 when only reaction 3b was included. (This arbitrary frequency limit is chosen in part because the output of the Gaussian program35 warns that thermodynamic functions may be in error for vibrational frequencies under 625 cm-1 ≡ 900 K, in large measure because such vibrations may no longer be treated accurately as harmonic at temperatures of interest. In the present system, at the lowest kinetic energy where deamination products are first seen in the absence of energy broadening, about 2 eV, Figure 2, the average energy available to the tight TS corresponds to a temperature of about 5200 ( 800 K.) The need for scaling frequencies 0.6 eV higher in energy than the lowest transition state, but when molecular parameters for these alternative TSs are used in eqs 1 and 2, the E0 thresholds obtained do not change appreciably, with differences 59 kJ/mol above the rate-limiting transition state shown in Figure 6. 4. Discussion Experimental Thermochemistry. From the competitive modeling of the Li+(Cys) data shown in Figure 2, which includes reactions 3a, 3b, and 4, we obtain bond energies for Li+-Cys as well as the barrier for deamination. These are listed in Table 6 along with bond energies for Li+(C3H4O2S)-NH3 and Li+(NH3)-C3H4O2S obtained experimentally from a competitive analysis of the data for decomposition of the (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) isomer, as shown in Figure 3. In addition, the difference in the latter two bond energies must equal the difference in the bond energies for Li+-C3H4O2S and Li+-NH3, such that a value for D0(Li+-C3H4O2S) can be derived by combining this difference, 0.62 ( 0.07 eV, with D0(Li+-NH3) from the literature, 159.1 ( 10.3 kJ/mol.41,58,59 This threshold difference leads to D0(Li+-C3H4O2S) ) 219.1 ( 12.1 kJ/mol. Likewise, a second somewhat independent measure of D0(Li+-C3H4O2S) comes from the difference in thresholds for formation of Li+(C3H4O2S) and Li+, 2.35 ( 0.09 eV or 226.3 ( 8.6 kJ/mol, a value in good agreement with the first approach. The validity of the thermochemistry can be assessed by comparison of the literature value for D0(Li+-NH3), 159.1 ( 10.3 kJ/mol, with the difference in the thresholds for formation of Li+(NH3) and Li+, 1.72 ( 0.09 eV or 166.3 ( 9.0 kJ/mol. The agreement in these two values illustrates the self-consistency of the relative thresholds measured here. The weighted average of the two values for D0(Li+-C3H4O2S) determined here, 223.9 ( 14.0 kJ/mol, is taken as our best value, where the uncertainty is two standard deviations of the mean. To this point, the only threshold listed in Table 1 that has not been used to derive thermodynamic information is that listed for reaction 3b, the formation of Li+ + C3H4O2S + NH3 from Li+(Cys) obtained from the model including reactions 3a, 3b, and 4. Combined with the threshold for Li+ + Cys, reaction 3a, this threshold should give an experimental measure of the relative heats of formation of Cys and its C3H4O2S + NH3 fragments, 1.19 ( 0.30 eV. Combined with the threshold for

Deamination of Lithiated Cysteine

J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 11, 2010 3947

TABLE 6: Experimental and Theoretical Binding Energies (kJ/mol) at 0 K for Lithiated Complexes theorya bond






Li -Cys

255.8 ( 11.9



159.1 ( 10.3b


109.0 ( 4.1

Tica [CO,S]tg

169.0 ( 6.2

Taca [CO,S]ttc Mpa [CO,S]ttct Mpa [CO]tctc Tica [CO,S]tg

223.9 ( 14.0

Taca [CO,S]ttc Mpa [CO,S]ttct Mpa [CO]tctc Tica [CO,S]tg

260.0* 263.8 158.1* 161.1 113.7 110.3 109.0 114.0 123.2 167.2 166.2 170.3 155.5 165.8 211.0* 212.9 218.9* 222.4 199.0* 202.6 200.8* 205.5 143.0 139.2

251.1* 254.3 154.5* 157.5 111.2 108.6 106.8 112.9 119.2 163.1 162.3 165.6 149.3 159.5 205.9* 207.6 212.7* 216.3 190.3* 194.0 194.8* 199.0 151.7 145.3

258.0 (245.7*) 255.6 155.0 (150.6*) 156.0 119.8 117.8 116.5 119.4 126.2 169.5 168.8 168.5 154.1 155.9 204.8 (195.0*) 204.5 207.0 (196.5*) 208.5 189.7 (180.0*) 191.3 184.8 (178.0*) 187.4 156.9 144.5

7.9 8.6

8.3 6.8

7.6 (11.3) 8.9




Taca [CO,S]ttc Mpa [CO,S]ttct Mpa [CO]tctc Li+(Cys)-NH3 (TS)

166.0 ( 16.9


a All structures geometry optimized and have zero point energy corrections calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) level. Final energies are taken from single point energies calculated at the levels indicated using 6-311+G(2d,2p) basis sets. Values in italics have geometries optimized and zero point energies calculated at the MP2(full)/cc-pVDZ(Li-C) level with single point energies calculated at the levels indicated using the aug-cc-pVTZ(Li-C) basis set. Values that include counterpoise (cp) corrections are noted by an asterisk. b Value from refs 41, 58, and 59. c Mean absolute deviation from all six experimental values for energies calculated assuming the Tica fragment.

Li+ + C3H4O2S + NH3 from (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S), this same threshold gives the relative energies of the Li+(Cys) and (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) complexes, 0.37 ( 0.29 eV. However, the threshold for reaction 3b is the least reliable measurement here because this onset is masked by the lower energy formation of the same product ion in reaction 3a and because the application of the statistical sequential dissociation model is not rigorously correct. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Thermochemistry: Products. Table 6 compares the experimental bond energies derived here with values calculated theoretically. It can be seen that agreement for Li+(Cys) and Li+(NH3) is very good, with all theoretical values lying well within the experimental uncertainties, although MP2(full) values with counterpoise corrections are low. Three of the bond energies in Table 6 involve the C3H4O2S fragment, for which there are several possibilities. Given the good agreement between experiment and this level of theory for Li+(Cys) and Li+(NH3), as well as many other ligands,41 which of the various possible C3H4O2S fragments might be formed in these decomposition reactions can be identified by comparison of these bond energies with theory. As noted above, the experimental thresholds obtained are insensitive to which isomer is assumed when analyzing these data, varying by less than 8 kJ/mol. Further, the theoretical bond energies listed in Table 6 presume that the C3H4O2S ligand does not convert between the different isomers upon dissociation, which seems reasonable given that calculations of the barriers for such isomerizations confirm that they are fairly high in energy, as discussed above. The experimental value for D0(Li+-C3H4O2S) is in agreement with theory for either the Tica or Taca isomers,

with the aug-cc-PVTZ(Li-C) and B3LYP results providing better agreement than other approaches. In contrast, the calculated bond energies for the Mpa isomer are too low at all levels of theory. Furthermore, the theoretical values for the Li+(C3H4O2S)-NH3 and Li+(NH3)-C3H4O2S bond energies agree nicely with the directly measured thresholds, which confirms the hypothesis that the bis-ligated (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) complex is generated in the flow tube source along with varying amounts of Li+(Cys). Note that the energy for losing ammonia is relatively insensitive to the identity of the C3H4O2S isomer, with values for different isomers at a specific level of theory agreeing within 9 kJ/mol, except for the Li+(Mpa) [CO] tctc isomer, where the calculated value is another 6-9 kJ/mol higher and outside of experimental uncertainty. The threshold measured for formation of Li+(NH3) + C3H4O2S agrees well with theory if the C3H4O2S isomer is Tica or Taca, whereas that for Mpatctc is somewhat low (except for the B3LYP value), and that for Mpa-ttct is outside experimental uncertainty. These comparisons suggest that the isomer of C3H4O2S generated is Tica or Taca but unlikely to be Mpa. Likewise, the Mpl isomer is excluded on the basis of its very high energy, Tables 2 and 3. We can also compare the relative thermochemistry derived from the threshold for reaction 3b: Cys versus C3H4O2S + NH3 and Li+(Cys) versus (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S). In the former case, the experimental threshold difference corresponds to the fragments having a heat of formation higher than Cys by 115 ( 29 kJ/mol. This is considerably higher than calculated values for Cys versus Mpa-ttcc (5-39 kJ/mol), Mpa-tctc (12-47 kJ/mol), Taca-ttt (37-64 kJ/mol), or Tica-tt (43-56 kJ/mol). Likewise, the experimental threshold for reaction 3b suggests that (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) lies higher in energy than Li+(Cys) by 36


J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 114, No. 11, 2010

( 28 kJ/mol, compared to theoretical differences listed in Table 4 that are negative for the ground state conformers of each type of C3H4O2S isomer. These discrepancies may simply be because the application of the statistical sequential dissociation model to this system is not rigorously correct; however, the sign of the discrepancies suggests that, because the loss of ammonia in reaction 4 passes over a tight transition state, the NH3 can carry away more energy than is predicted by the sequential dissociation model, such that subsequent dissociation of the Li+(C3H4O2S) product in reaction 3b is delayed to higher energies. As a consequence, we believe that the “threshold” for reaction 3b obtained from the competitive modeling including reactions 3a, 3b, and 4 can only be viewed as an upper limit to the true thermodynamic threshold, such that the thermochemistry derived from this threshold provides relative energy differences that are too large. Further support for this hypothesis comes from a comparison of the branching ratios of the Li+(C3H4O2S) and Li+(NH3) products in Figures 2 and 3. In Figure 3, the successful modeling of all three channels and their selfconsistent thermochemistry demonstrates that the dissociation of the (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) complex is statistically behaved. Compared to Figure 3, the amount of Li+(NH3) formed relative to Li+(C3H4O2S) is smaller even though the relative threshold is lower, consistent with different dynamics in this system once past the tight TS. Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Thermochemistry: Transition State. We compare our measured thresholds for ammonia loss from Li+(Cys) in reaction 4 to theoretical calculations for the lowest energy rate-limiting TS in Table 6. Theory finds that the transition state for NH3 elimination, TS[NH3 loss], lies 139-157 kJ/mol above the Li+(Cys) ground reactant complex. These calculated energies are slightly lower than our measured threshold of 166.0 ( 16.9 kJ/mol (taken from the competitive model including reactions 3a, 3b, and 4) but within experimental uncertainty. Of the alternative TSs located, the next lowest has an energy of 206-275 kJ/mol, well above the experimental value. We also considered the possibility that the threshold observed for reaction 4 should have been analyzed assuming a loose PSL TS. Such an assumption would increase the measured threshold appreciably because the looser TS would reduce the kinetic shift associated with the tight TS. However, for such an assumption to be appropriate, the derived threshold value would then correspond to the energy of the Li+(C3H4O2S) + NH3 asymptote, which is calculated to lie at 93-107 kJ/mol for Li+(Tica) [CO,S]tg, 67-120 kJ/mol for the two low- energy Li+(Mpa) isomers, and 79-113 kJ/mol for Li+(Taca) [CO,S] ttc. Thus, the assumption of a loose TS for reaction 4 leads to a discrepancy with experiment of >50 kJ/mol. Furthermore, use of a loose TS for reaction 4 would not be consistent with the extent of competition observed experimentally between this process and reaction 3a, Figure 2. The differences between the experimental and theoretical energies for the tight TS parallel those observed in a previous study of the decompositions of Li+(Ser) and Li+(Thr).49 There, we found that theoretical energies of five transition states calculated at the MP2(full) level were in particularly good agreement with experiment, with a mean absolute deviation (MAD) of 5 ( 5 kJ/mol, well within experimental uncertainty. In contrast, density functional theory (DFT) calculations were systematically lower than the experimental values by 34 ( 5 (B3LYP) and 24 ( 5 (B3P86) kJ/mol, about 10 kJ/mol larger than the discrepancies observed here. These large differences in accuracy contrast with the behavior for the noncovalent bond

Armentrout et al. energies of these and many other systems where the DFT results are much closer to the MP2(full) and experimental results.41,52,60 Overall, the agreement between the experimental threshold for reaction 4 and theoretical values for TS[NH3 loss] affirms that the product formed in the deamination of cysteine is the thiirane-carboxylic acid (Tica). As noted above, this assignment is also consistent with the bond energies obtained for NH3-Li+(Tica), (NH3)Li+-Tica, and Li+-Tica. Mean absolute deviations (MADs) between experiment and theory for all of the thermochemistry data provided in Table 6 are less than 9 kJ/mol for all levels of theory. Conclusion In addition to loss of the intact amino acid, elimination of ammonia is observed in the collision-induced dissociation of Li+(Cys). This decomposition is also observed to occur in the source region generating the isobaric (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) complex. Analysis of the experimental data requires that competition among the various products be accounted for in order to provide accurate thermochemistry. Modeling of the kinetic energy dependences of the decompositions of both complexes allows the extraction of the bond energy of lithium cations to cysteine, as well as values for NH3-Li+(Tica), (NH3)Li+-Tica, Li+-Tica, and Li+-NH3, where the latter agrees with the literature.41,58,59 Finally, the threshold observed for reaction 4 is also obtained and corresponds to a barrier along the potential energy surface for deamination of lithiated cysteine. Extensive quantum chemical calculations are performed to investigate the possible mechanisms for NH3 elimination from Li+(Cys). The lowest energy pathway located for NH3 loss involves hydrogen transfer from the carboxylic acid group to the amino group followed by backside attack of the thio group at the R carbon to induce cleavage of the C-N bond. The calculated rate-limiting tight TS has an MP2(full)/6-311+G (2d,2p)//B3LYP/6-311G(d,p) energy in good agreement with the experimental threshold for this reaction. The calculated reaction pathways identify that the C3H4O2S product formed in this reaction is likely to be the thiirane-carboxylic acid (Tica). Theoretical investigations of the isomers of C3H4O2S, Li+(C3H4O2S), and (NH3)Li+(C3H4O2S) are also conducted. The experimental BDEs for loss of NH3 and C3H4O2S from the latter complex and for Li+-C3H4O2S agree well with calculated values for the Taca and Tica isomers but not with Mpa isomers. Overall, the comparison of experiment and theory identifies the reaction pathway for deamination of Li+(Cys) and allows the conclusion that the (C3H4O2S) fragment is Tica. Acknowledgment. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation, grant CHE-0748790. A grant of computer time from the Center for High Performance Computing at the University of Utah is gratefully acknowledged. Supporting Information Available: Figure showing the various transition states for deamination described in the text. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http:// pubs.acs.org. References and Notes (1) Armentrout, P. B.; Armentrout, E. I.; Clark, A. A.; Cooper, T. E.; Stennett, E. M. S.; Carl, D. R. J. Phys. Chem. B. DOI: 10.1021/jp911219u. (2) Cody, R. B.; Amster, I. J.; McLafferty, F. W. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 1985, 82, 6367. (3) Renner, D.; Spiteller, G. Biomed. EnViron. Mass Spectrom. 1988, 15, 75. (4) Tang, X.; Ens, W.; Standing, K. G.; Westmore, J. B. Anal. Chem. 1988, 60, 1791.

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