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May 2, 2017 - Statistically the exam scores from all students were the same, ..... all chapters covered in General Chemistry I and include reference W...
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Engaging Participation and Promoting Active Learning through Student Usage of the Internet To Create Notes for General Chemistry in Class Renee Monica Henry* Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado 80918, United States S Supporting Information *

ABSTRACT: Reported here is a study of an interactive component to General Chemistry I and General Chemistry II where a new pedagogy for taking notes in class was developed. These notes, called key word created class notes, prompted students to locate information using the Internet guided by a key word. Reference Web sites were added to a next generation of key word creation class notes. It was shown through surveys that students felt it was easy to find the required information, and they felt confident that they located the correct information using the Internet. With the addition of the key word creation class notes, the number of students receiving grades of D or F, or withdrawing from the course, dropped 30.9%, which thus reduced attrition rates.

KEYWORDS: First-Year Undergraduate/General, Internet/Web-Based Learning, Multimedia-Based Learning, Undergraduate Research

INTRODUCTION General chemistry instructors often struggle with how best to present course content to students. Two competing approaches are to give students the completed class notes or to give them truncated notes that require students to fill in some of the content during class. Interestingly, these traditional approaches have little effect on students’ performance, with both groups having very similar quiz averages.1 With the ubiquitous nature of online access and smart devices in the classroom, there is a growing need for instructors to learn how to effectively take advantage of these resources in their classrooms, and there also exists an unprecedented opportunity for instructors to move away from the traditional lecture format and toward a method of teaching that is interactive and engaging for the students. Prior studies have examined the use of online resources to try to increase student mastery of general chemistry concepts. One such study used a flipped-classroom approach, in which the students spent time outside of class watching instructor-created online mini-lecture movies, so that most in-class instruction could be devoted to problem-solving.2 A recent study of flipped classrooms versus traditional instruction was conducted using parallel courses in the same semester with the same instructor. Statistically the exam scores from all students were the same, but analysis of the bottom third of the course showed a 56% decrease in the percentage of students receiving Ds, Fs, and withdrawals compared to the traditional format class.3 A similar study also used short online videos to try to increase student mastery of concepts, but a key difference between the studies was that students created the videos that could be viewed by © XXXX American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.

other students. By using their smartphones while in the classroom, students could access these videos and other videos embedded in course materials using 2D barcodes. The students indicated that using the 2D barcodes made accessing the information easier (59%), and the students reported that the videos helped to visualize the problems posed in class (77%).4 A third approach to incorporating online content in the classroom makes use of already available YouTube videos, and one study has analyzed the efficacy of using YouTube videos to teach solubility rules.5 However, videos are only one segment of the rich content available online, and there are a myriad of chemistry applications for smart phones available that students are already using.6,7 Studies have shown that taking advantage of online content available for studying the sciences can improve student-learning outcomes in chemistry, biology, and forensic science.8−10 Given the opportunity to move away from a traditional lecture format and incorporate smart devices into classroom instruction, the goal of this research is to examine whether using smart devices can effectively guide student lecture note creation and increase favorable learning outcomes. To date, no studies have been published that examine the usefulness of online resources for assisting students in their class note creation, so this research begins to fill that void. This study will compare the effectiveness of traditional truncated lecture notes Received: August 3, 2016 Revised: May 2, 2017


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


Figure 1. Example of the TTNs, left, and an example of the KWCCNs, right, for the gas laws chapter. For the TTNs, students copied the information in blue. For the KWCCNs, students found the required information using the keywords to search the Internet.

(TTNs), in which students fill in gaps in the material based upon the instructor’s class notes versus key word created class notes (KWCCNs), in which the note taking framework provides keywords or instructor prompts that students define using a variety of online chemistry resources. Students were also given prompts to watch YouTube videos to find mnemonics for memorizing solubility rules, to understand the history and mathematics behind quantum numbers, and to help visualize atom structure, orbitals, and multiple bond formation. This research examined the effectiveness of TTNs versus KWCCNs both quantitatively (based on students’ grades) and qualitatively (based on students’ perceptions of what they learned from each method). The interactive nature of KWCCNs for General Chemistry I and II encourages student participation during class time, which results in lower numbers of students receiving grades of D or F or withdrawing from the course.

grade of D, F, or withdrawal (DFW) were compared for the four years of this evening section. The four years were the two years prior to the study year (2012 and 2013) in which no KWCCNs were used, the study year (with a combination of TTNs and KWCCNs), and the following year (all chapters were presented in KWCCNs with reference Web sites). The grading scheme for the General Chemistry course included a letter grade of C−, which ranges from 65−70%, so students that received a D in these courses fell into the 60−64% range. General Chemistry I

For the Fall 2014 General Chemistry I course, KWCCNs were created for four chapters corresponding to the structure and stability of an atom, reactions in aqueous solutions, gases and their properties, and colligative properties. See Supporting Information for PowerPoint class notes of these chapters. All the other chapters corresponding to the first semester General Chemistry courses used TTNs (see the 2014 Schedule in Supporting Information for a listing of all the chapters). A comparison of class notes for Gas Laws in both the TTNs (used the previous semester) and the KWCCNs styles are shown in Figure 1. For the TTNs, students were not given the blue text in their set of notes, and this text was provided in-class for students to copy in their version of the notes. For the KWCCNs, students used the keywords to find the required information. In class, by using the Gases and Their Properties chapter as an example, the instructor started by defining pressure, its units, and conversions between units (see Supporting Information for the KWCCNs for this chapter that was created in PowerPoint). On the next slide, the students were asked to locate and write down the ideal gas law as well as state what each symbol stands for and its typical units using the Internet as a source of information. From here, the instructor defined standard temperature and pressure and molar volume where the students copied the definition from the PowerPoint slide. For slide 4, shown on the right in Figure 1, and slide 5, the instructor asked the students to find and write down Boyle’s, Charle’s, GayLussac’s, and Avogadro’s Laws. Students were also asked to find and write a few key facts about these scientists. The instructor guided the students to find information such as where the scientist lived, his scientific background, and anything notable such as Robert Boyle having been considered the first modern chemist. The following slide had the students, again using the Internet, find and write out the Combined Gas Law. After this, the instructor asked the students to look back over the individual gas laws to observe how these laws were used to give the Combined Gas Law and how all of this related to the Ideal


Course Design

Approval to conduct this research was given by the University’s Institutional Review Board prior to data collection. Students completed the surveys in the Blackboard Learning management system so that all responses remained anonymous. Statistical data collected from surveys were downloaded from the Blackboard system. A requirement for this course was that students had access to the Internet either by using a computer, their smart phone, or other devices. During each semester of this study, certain chapters of the General Chemistry curriculum would be presented to the students using the traditional truncated lecture notes (TTNs) format, while other chapters would be presented using the key word created class notes (KWCCNs) format. Both the TTNs and the KWCCNs were provided to the students through Blackboard. Students were encouraged to print a copy of each of these note styles to fill in during class or download to their device and fill in the notes using PowerPoint. The students were encouraged to work together to locate the information on the Internet needed for the KWCCNs. The amount of time the students could gather the information from the Internet was controlled. After a set of TTNs and a set of KWCCNs had been presented to the students, a survey was made available in Blackboard. For four years, the author taught the evening section of General Chemistry I during the fall semesters. This control allowed examination of scores between semesters to be comparable. The percentages of students that received a B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


Figure 2. (a) Slide from the rate laws KWCCNs with the included reference Web sites shown in brackets; (b−d) examples from the green chemistry KWCCNs.

that the notes included references to Web sites containing information needed to complete the set of notes. This was changed to increase student confidence that they had located the correct information. Figure 2a shows an example of the Rate Laws KWCCNs with the included reference Web sites in brackets. The KWCCNs for Rate Laws were presented in the General Chemistry II course in the same manner as described above for General Chemistry I KWCCNs. Green Chemistry KWCCNs were presented in a slightly different format that started with the history of Green Chemistry in which students were given this information in the PowerPoint slides, see Supporting Information for the Green Chemistry KWCCNs, that the instructor presented. Then the students learned about superfund sites with a short introduction from the instructor followed by two YouTube videos (“Love Canal” and “Times Beach”, see Green Chemistry KWCCNs found in Supporting Information) watched in class. After this, the students were instructed to use the Internet to find information about the Rocky Flats Plant in Boulder, Colorado and to answer the questions shown in Figure 2b. The instructor also wanted the students to understand that superfund site locations can be found across the nation so students were instructed to find a superfund site that meant something important to them individually and answer the questions shown in Figure 2c. This slide was turned in to the instructor at the end of class and counted as extra credit on the examination that contained this information. The instructor then discussed superfund mega sites with the Hudson River and Bhopal: The Worst Industrial Disaster used as examples. Then the students were instructed to use the EPA and the ACS Web sites to list the 12 principles of green chemistry, including a short definition of each principle, as shown in Figure 2d. The instructor finished the topic of

Gas Law. Several of the following slides contained multiplechoice questions that the students answered using the i > clicker polling system that gave the instructor immediate feedback on student comprehension of the material (slides 7− 12). The rest of this chapter and the chapters Structure and Stability of an Atom, Reactions in Aqueous Solutions, and Colligative Properties KWCCNs were presented in a similar fashion with some noteworthy additions. The additions to Reactions in Aqueous Solutions included students using the Internet to locate and copy simple images such as the representation of a double displacement reaction. Students were also asked to find and watch YouTube videos for mnemonics on the solubility rules and write a version of the mnemonic they liked that included all the solubility rules listed in their notes. Similar types of additions were also included in the Colligative Properties KWCCNs. Students completed four surveys during the fall semester. Survey 1 was a comparison of the presentation of Structure and Stability of an Atom (KWCCNs) versus the following chapter on the Energy of the Atom and Quantum Numbers (TTNs). Survey questions can be found in the Supporting Information. General Chemistry II

For the second semester of General Chemistry, two sets of notes corresponding to Rate Laws and Green Chemistry were presented using the KWCCNs format. Green Chemistry was not a subject covered in the textbook used for this course, but it was a topic included in all second semester General Chemistry sections at UCCS. These notes emphasized the locations of and contaminants found at Superfund Sites and the 12 principles of Green Chemistry. Students were referred to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and American Chemical Society (ACS) webpages for reading material. The KWCCNs format was modified from the first semester to the second semester so C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


Figure 3. Survey results for four selected questions from survey 3 given in General Chemistry I.

daily and 75% of students used the Internet inside class equal to or more in General Chemistry than in other courses, students chose to locate information and learn course material from the Internet inside of class over the textbook. From author’s observations, the clear majority of students used the Internet and not their textbooks to locate and write down the items presented in the KWCCNs. Overwhelmingly, the General Chemistry I student responses to the open-ended questions requested reference Web sites to locate information. Two example comments were “I think having a certain website to find the answers would help” and “I do not know if what I am finding on the Internet is the answer the instructor wants or not”. These comments were addressed for General Chemistry II and for the following fall semester of General Chemistry I. KWCCNs have now been developed for all chapters covered in General Chemistry I and include reference Web sites.

green chemistry with an example of each type of the 12 principles of green chemistry that the students found and listed in the KWCCNs.


Student Perceptions of KWCCNs: General Chemistry I

Of the 72 students that completed General Chemistry I, 65 students completed survey one, 62 students completed survey two, 61 students completed survey three, and 61 students completed survey four. Four survey questions were selected for discussion here and are shown in Figure 3. Similar student perception percentages were found for each of the four surveys, so the results of only survey three are presented in Figure 3. Of the students that completed survey three, 45% of the students used the Internet more in this course as compared to their other college courses. Of the students who used technology the most (at least 3 h a day, 70. %), 68% of them indicated they found it very easy or somewhat easy to find the information using the Internet from the key word prompts, and 72% felt confident, mostly confident, or somewhat confident that they found the correct information using the Internet. A total of 94% of students, see Figure 3, used the Internet at least 1 h each day, which indicated that the students in General Chemistry I have the ability to locate and learn information from the Internet. This indicated that the KWCCNs can be easily implemented into general chemistry courses at other universities as a clear majority of students are on the Internet each day. In comparing this course to other college courses that the students had taken that used the Internet frequently, 75% of the students reported that they used the Internet inside of class about the same amount of time or more for this General Chemistry I course. Since 94% of students used the technology

D, F, and Withdrawal Rates

The D, F, and withdrawal percentages (DFW%) were compared for four consecutive years of General Chemistry I. All four of these years were taught during the evening with the author as the instructor. The only difference between the four years was the addition of the interactive KWCCNs for the last two years. Table 1 summarizes the D, F, and W rates for the two years without the use of the KWCCNs and the following two years in which the instructor used the KWCCNs. The DFW rates for the two years using KWCCNs were an average of 32.2%, a significant drop from 52.6% and 40.6% from the previous two years where only the TTNs were used. This average of 32.2% is an absolute decrease of 20.4%, a relative decrease of 38.8% compared to 2012 (overall DFW rate was 52.6%) and an absolute decrease of 8.4%, and a relative D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


From survey two, 84.4% indicated that they used three or more hours of technology each day, and 35.3% stated they used the Internet more in this class compared to other classes they have taken previously. Figure 4 shows the survey results for four selected questions relating to the topic areas of green chemistry and rate laws. The clear majority of students indicated they found it easy to find the required information and they felt confident they found the correct information with the addition of the reference Web sites. Two sample quotes from the student surveys for Rate Laws, with reference Web sites, were, “Like the set up and over all feel of the KWCCN notes this year much more than the ones that we did in Gen Chem 1. I would say that these ones were leaps and bounds better than last semester,” and “KWCCN with reference websites are much better”. Comments from students for the Green Chemistry topics included, “The benefits of KWCCNs were more noticeable in this chapter”, “I really liked using the KWCCN for this set of notes, because all of the information came from outside the book anyway. I thought it was really helpful to look up what happened at each superfund site then do one ourselves, because I liked looking at the website to find and apply that kind of information”, and “For Green Chemistry, it was fairly easy to find information and I felt confident in finding the correct information because it came from a government website which should be accurate.” The last two comments in the previous sentence is a strong indicator that students prefer to find the required information in the KWCCNs using the Internet over the textbook and the KWCCNs notes are more engaging and interactive than doing a simple textbook scavenger hunt. Survey results indicated that 100% of the students used the Internet for at least 1 h each day

Table 1. Comparison of Student Performance in General Chemistry I over Four Consecutive Years Year of Fall General Chemistry I Course

Note Style

2012 2013 2014 2015



Number of Students with DFWb Grades/Total Students in Course

DFW,b %

60/114 52/128 33/105 35/106

52.6 40.6 31.4 33.0


TTNs refers to traditional truncated notes from lecture; KWCCNs refers to key word creation of class notes. bDFW refers to students who have a grade of D or F or who have withdrawn from the course.

decrease of 20.7% drop compared to 2013 (DFW rate of 40.6%). This gives an average relative decrease of 30.9% in DFW rates when using KWCCNs versus TTNs. The results of a t test analysis of the %D, %F, and %W data for four years (variable 1 mean were the two years where the KWCCNs were not used and variable 2 mean were the two years where KWCCNs notes were used) were t (2) = 2.9, p = 0.049 with variable 1 mean = 16.5 and variable 2 mean = 11.1. A p value less than or equal to 0.05 indicates a statistical difference between the DFW% when TTNs versus KWCCNs were used. DFW% rates could not be compared in General Chemistry II since the author did not teach the night section during all four of these years. Student Perceptions of KWCCNs: General Chemistry II

Fifty-nine students completed General Chemistry II in the spring semester of 2015. Two surveys were given; 45 students completed survey one, and 45 students completed survey two.

Figure 4. Survey results, from General Chemistry II, for two selected questions from the Green Chemistry (online material only) versus Rate Laws chapters. E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


variation in the student population will lead to variations in student responses to survey questions and quiz scores. It was shown in the surveys for General Chemistry I that students who were much more comfortable using the Internet had an easier time and felt more confident with the KWCCNs.

and 76% of the students used the Internet inside of class equal to or more in General Chemistry II than in any other course also demonstrated that students prefer to find the required information in the KWCCNs using the Internet over the textbook. Anecdotally, some students had never heard of Superfund sites, as indicated in this quote, “I’ve told everyone I know about the superfund sites. I’m still flabbergasted that I only just learned about them,” and “I learned a lot about things I didn’t know what was happening.”

IMPLICATIONS It has been demonstrated that students achieve higher grades and better concept understanding in courses that include a high degree of active learning.11−14 The failure rate for lecture only pedagogy in science, technology, engineering, and math increases by 55% over active learning measures.15 Introduced here is another example of active learning through the key word created class notes (KWCCNs). KWCCNs replace the traditional truncated note taking style, where students take notes from an instructor’s lecture only. Here students were required to participate in finding required information using keywords presented in class notes. Included in the KWCCNs were reference Web sites that students could use to find the correct information to create a complete set of class notes. Students indicated through surveys that they preferred the KWCCNs with the reference Web sites. Overall, students felt that finding the information was easily done using the keywords and the Internet. Students also felt confident they found the correct information. In the evening section of General Chemistry I at UCCS, the D, F, and withdrawal rates are often higher than the General Chemistry I sections taught during the day. Many of the students in the evening section enroll in this section due to fulltime jobs, children, or military obligations, which make time management even more important. In the two years before this study, for the General Chemistry I course taught in the evenings showed DFW% of 52.6% and 40.6%. For the study year, where four chapters were presented in the KWCCNs style and the following year where all topics were presented using the KWCCNs showed DFW% of 31.4% and 33.0%. Comparisons of the averages of DFW% with (32.2%) and without (46.6%) the use of KWCCNs gives an absolute value of 14.4% (relative 30.9% change) improvement in attrition rates.

CONCLUSIONS Reported here is a year-long study investigating the efficacy of a new note-taking pedagogy. Key word creation of class notes (KWCCNs) is a style of truncated class notes in which students are guided to locate information using the Internet in General Chemistry I and II courses in succession. Survey results from General Chemistry I showed that the students using the Internet three or more hours a day found it easier, compared to those who are less facile with the Internet, to find the information required for the KWCCNs and felt more confident that they found the correct information. Overwhelmingly, students indicated that they wanted reference Web sites where the correct information could be located. The KWCCNs for General Chemistry II included reference Web sites for the rate laws and green chemistry topic areas. The survey results for this semester indicated that students felt it was very easy or somewhat easy to find the information (91.1% rate laws and 86.7% green chemistry) and felt confident, mostly confident, or somewhat confident that they found the correct information (93.3% rate laws and 97.7% green chemistry). The effectiveness of the interactive class note style, KWCCNs, was shown with a comparison of the DFW% in General Chemistry I. Comparisons of the average DFW% of the two years with the use of KWCCNs, 32.2%, with the DFW% of 52.6% and 40.6% for the previous two years, shows a statistically significant improvement in attrition rates. On average, this is a relative drop of DFW% of 30.9% with the use of the KWCCNs pedagogy.

LIMITATIONS Inherently, comparison of quiz scores always has its limitations due to student demographics and differences in quiz questions, but the quiz scores discussed below were all collected during the same evening sections over four years. Comparison of quizzes given in General Chemistry I for the previous year (2013) to the study year (2014) show no difference in quiz averages. A prior study reported an improvement in the quiz averages for the lowest one-third of quiz scores when comparing a section, which worked in the flipped style class to a traditional format that was taught during the same semester with the same instructor.3 For the two years mentioned above, there was not a statistically significant difference in the overall averages, nor in the lowest one-third of quiz scores. The length of time that students had in-class to locate the information using the Internet and copy the information for the KWCCNs and the KWCCNs with reference Web sites was controlled. This creates limitations for students that need more time using the Internet and more time to process the information. Students were instructed to work on the KWCCNs using the Internet at home if all the information could not be located, copied, or processed within time limits, and the students could work with KWCCNs on their computer using PowerPoint or a printed copy they brought to class. This


S Supporting Information *

The Supporting Information is available on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588. Stability of an atom KWCCNs (PDF) Reactions in aqueous solutions KWCCNs (PDF) Gases and their properties KWCCNs (PDF) Colligative properties KWCCNs (PDF) Green Chemistry KWCCNs (PDF) Survey questions General Chemistry I (PDF, DOCX) Survey questions General Chemistry II (PDF, DOCX)


Corresponding Author

*E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

Renee Monica Henry: 0000-0003-0182-7715 Notes

The author declares no competing financial interest. F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical Education


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the University of Colorado Presidents Teaching and Learning Collaborative (PTLC). Special thanks is given to Sonja Braun-Sand as the faculty mentor to the author in the PTLC program.


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b00588 J. Chem. Educ. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX