May 23, 2012 - crucibles last longer and are ... 113 Astor Street, Newark, New Jersey 07114. Circle No. .... West Long Branch, New Jersey07764. Circle...
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New Platinum lab ware from ENGELHARD Engelhard is constantly updating its platinum, iridium and rhodium lab ware to keep up with technological advances—offering you the most complete selection of lab ware, and also the most advanced. Take Engelhard Crucibles for example: Trilay® constructionis a new platinum metal composite material for crucibles. It inhibits formation of large crystalscrucibles last longer and are stiffer and easier to clean. Polygon form—have flat gripping surfaces for more secure handling... have built-in pouring spouts and flat bottoms.


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Standard form crucibles—have an Engelhard exclusive... All are hand hammered minimizing fatigue and stress cracking.

Platinum 3 V i % Rhodiumrecommended for high temperature fusions and ignitions.

Pure Iridium and Pure Rhodium Crucibles —suggested for melting and other high temperature applications where platinum or platinum alloys cannot be used.

Other Engelhard platinum implements and equipment for the laboratory include: dishes, beakers, trays, tongs, and special apparatus to order. For complete information, including catalog and data sheets, write Baker Platinum Division.
















113 Astor Street, Newark, New Jersey 0 7 1 1 4

Circle No. 172 on Readers' Service Card 44 A





large amount of d a t a would neces­ sarily be automatically gathered and presented for immediate use by the physician. I t is clear t h a t the production of such large amounts of d a t a , how­ ever useful, will produce a problem of storage. I n addition, the p h y ­ sician will need assistance if this mass of d a t a is to be used intelli­ gently. I t seems unavoidable t h a t a means of automatic d a t a storage will be adopted which can be used to print out complete summaries of a patient's record upon demand. The development of such a mecha­ nism will allow the physician to recognize changes in body constit­ uents which occur over a period of time. Eventually it will print life­ time health records so t h a t an in­ dividual's chemistry m a y be evalu­ ated on the basis of his own original normal values. At the present time, there are cer­ tain diseases which can be diag­ nosed simply upon the basis of lab­ oratory determinations. The list of such diseases will grow as our biochemical knowledge increases. Eventually our laboratory data as well as information gained from X ray, history, and physical examina­ tion m a y be entered into a com­ puter from which not only s u m m a r y sheets, but the patient's diagnosis will be produced. The development of multiple au­ tomatic methods of analysis and the associated mechanisms of d a t a handling will m a k e very severe de­ m a n d s upon laboratory personnel. T h e amount of routine work for relatively unskilled persons will di­ minish, while there will be a great need for those with an intimate knowledge of instruments and elec­ tronics. I n addition, our need for understanding biochemistry will not diminish, but will grow immensely. The development of laboratory per­ sonnel with these qualifications is one of the largest problems of the future. Multiple analysis will give the physician an opportunity to visual­ ize and understand his patients in dimensions not known today, and it will allow earlier and more ac­ curate diagnosis and t r e a t m e n t of diseases. END •

SEE THE EAI PACE SYSTEM IN ACTION Watch the PACE system proc­ ess gas chromatograph signals automatically. In your area: Houston, San Francisco, Chi­ cago. Participate in the demonstra­ tion yourself. Select from a number of sam­ ples. Inject the sample into either of two g.c.'s. Press the start button. The PACE sys­ tem automatically calculates areas, identifies peaks, de­ termines composition and prints the final reports. So don't miss the PACE dem­ onstration. And make sure you bring a friend. Preferably your systems expert. Visit the EAI booth at any of these shows. May 11-13 12 National ISA Analysis Instrumentation Symposium & Exhibit Houston, Texas Shamrock-Hilton Hotel May 23-25 7th National Chemical & Petroleum Instrumentation Symposium San Francisco, Calif. Sheraton-Palace Hotel June 13-17 5th National Meeting Society for Applied Spectroscopy Chicago, III. Sheraton-Chicago

If you'd like a private showing of the PACE system, write or call Vance Elkins at 201229-1100. For more information on the PACE system capability see page 149A.

EAI ELECTRONIC ASSOCIATES, INC. West Long Branch, New Jersey 07764

Circle No. 153 on Readers' Service Card Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card •