Enhanced NMR with Optical Pumping Yields 75As Signals Selectively

Mar 3, 2017 - Department of Chemistry, Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri 63130, United States. ‡ School of Electrical Engineering and Com...
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Enhanced NMR with Optical Pumping (OPNMR) Yields As Signals Selectively from a Buried GaAs Interface 75

Matthew M. Willmering, Zayd L. Ma, Melanie A. Jenkins, John F. Conley, and Sophia E. Hayes J. Am. Chem. Soc., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b08970 • Publication Date (Web): 03 Mar 2017 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on March 3, 2017

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Journal of the American Chemical Society

Enhanced NMR with Optical Pumping (OPNMR) Yields Selectively from a Buried GaAs Interface Matthew M. Willmering,

Zayd L. Ma,

Melanie A. Jenkins,


As Signals ‡

John F. Conley, Jr.,

and Sophia

∗, †

E. Hayes

†Department ‡School

of Chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, 63130

of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331 E-mail: [email protected]

and spatial distribution throughout the sample determines Abstract:

the portion of the sample being detected.

of single-crystal semi-insulating GaAs that has been coated

75 The nuclear isotope studied here is quadrupolar, As (nu3 clear spin quantum number, I = ), which couples to any 2 electric eld gradient (EFG) present, resulting in a splitting

We have measured with optically-pumped NMR 75 (OPNMR) the As signals arising from the interface region and passivated with an aluminum oxide lm deposited by


atomic layer deposition (ALD). Using wavelength-selective op-

of the NMR resonance.


from which

from perfect cubic symmetry through bond distortions, thus,

Here, OPNMR signals were

lattice strain can be detected from the amount a quadrupo-


the laser


(OP)NMR signals are collected.

the volume


Stress perturbs structures away

obtained from the interface region and distinguished from sig-

lar resonance is split.

nals arising from the bulk. The interface region is highlighted

previously by OPNMR (and ODNMR) methods to determine nuclear spin temperatures,

by interactions that disrupt the cubic symmetry of the GaAs

I =

lattice, resulting in quadrupolar satellites for nuclear

Strain in GaAs has been studied

3 2

isotopes, whereas NMR of the bulk lattice is nominally unsplit. Quadrupolar splitting at the interface arises from strain

spatial inhomogeneities of strain, tion mechanisms. A

400 µm




bandstructure eects,


and dominant polariza-

bulk semi-insulating single crystal of GaAs

 from lattice mismatch between the GaAs and ALD-deposited

(ITME, grown along [100], lot 2137, polished on one side)

aluminum oxide, due to their dierent coecients of thermal

was used as a substrate. A thin lm of amorphous alumina,

expansion. Such spectroscopic evidence of strain can be useful

hereafter denoted Al 2 O 3 , was deposited using atomic layer

for measuring lattice distortions at heterojunction boundaries

deposition (ALD) on the polished side of the GaAs . The de◦ position temperature was 300 C. Four pulses of tri-methyl

and interfaces.

aluminum were used to remove the native oxides on the surface of the GaAs substrate Semiconductor heterojunctions are created in solid-state electronic devices when two materials with dissimilar band gap energies are chemically bonded to one another.


To cre-


prior to ALD growth.

nal thickness of the Al 2 O 3 lm was

11.2 nm


and is shown

schematically in Figure S1. The experimental procedures for OPNMR have been de-


ate higher performing electronic devices, a better under-

scribed previously, with critical parameters noted:

standing of the interface at a heterojunction is necessary.

nal magnetic eld ( B0 ) of 4.7 T, B1 excitation strengths were ≈20 kHz, σ + polarization and laser power held constant at

The heterojunction studied here (Al 2 O 3 /GaAs) has been proposed for MOSFETs, sivation layer for GaAs.



MOS capacitors,


and as a pas-

By determining the interfacial

100 mW,

sample irradiated for a time period of


τL (90 s) afτD ) was

ter the saturation sequence, a short period of time (

structure in heterojunctions, manipulation of growth and

inserted where the laser was shuttered (

synthetic procedures can be followed for their aect on the

spectra were then acquired by a quadrupolar echo

electronic performance of devices.

sequence (using a 55 ° pulses) while the laser was shuttered

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has been used to study inorganic semiconductors;


however, conven-

≈ 1 s), and the NMR 22


(Figure S2). 55 ° tip angles were used to observe the asymmetry of the satellites and refocus the dipolar and quadrupolar


tional NMR techniques are usually incapable of measuring 16 spectra from interfaces due to the limit of ≈ 10 spins

ences 23,24 results in symmetric satellites, which does not

for detection.

properly depict the spin temperature. The



allows a lower detection

threshold for NMR spectroscopy of such samples. Optical pumping in direct gap semiconductors uses laser excitation to form polarized conduction electrons. By using circularly polarized light, optical absorption selection rules



90° − τ − 64°

pulse sequence of refer-

55° − τ − 55°


quence represents the best (approximate) tradeo between optimal refocusing of the central transition and the satellites 25 3 for a spinnucleus. 2 The spatial regions where the light is absorbed determine

create non-equilibrium electron spin populations within the

the portion of the sample that can be observed. The size of

conduction band; which are subsequently captured at de-

such regions is governed by the beam diameter, the position

fect sites. Hyperne interactions between captured electrons

of the laser on the sample, and the penetration depth of the

and proximate nuclei result in the transfer of electron spin

light. The size of these regions have been used to previously

polarization to the nuclei.

model the photon energy dependence of OPNMR spectra.



Optically-pumped NMR (OP-

detects the nuclear magnetization with traditional

radio-frequency NMR methods.

The OPNMR signals are


In this study, all photon energies used were much smaller than the band gap of the Al 2 O 3 (at

≈ 9 eV 26 ),

allowing the

photon energy dependent, and vary as a function of the laser

laser to pass through the ALD lm to the GaAs substrate

penetration depth since the laser-excited electrons are the


origin of the hyperpolarization.


The laser intensity then decays exponentially

Thus, the laser intensity

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with depth


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into the GaAs. At high optical absorption val-

ues, the laser excites conduction electrons in only the interfacial region, where strain is present. The minimal penetration depth of the laser is estimated as