Enjay serves industry with a complete line of petrochemicals. Prompt deliveries are made from conveniently located distribution points. 24 A. INDUSTRI...
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M E T H Y L ETHYL K E T O N E To m a k e n e w finishes t h a t t a k e a shine to old cars Methyl Ethyl Ketone is an important ingredient in solvents for acrylic lacquers. The good-looking finishes of these lacquers have won the prefer­ ence of old-car fanciers and manufacturers of today's automobiles. Water and dirt slide off their remarkable jewel-smooth surfaces—so lustrous and durable they last up to three times longer than conventional finishes. Versa­ tile Methyl Ethyl Ketone is also excellent for use in handsome lasting finishes for fine furniture. Can this high quality petrochemical help you make better products? Find out today.

Enjay serves industry with a complete line of petrochemicals. Prompt deliveries are made from conveniently located distribution points.

ENJAY EXCITING N E W PRODUCTS THROUGH PETRO-CHEMISTRY E N J A Y C O M P A N Y , INC. 15 West 51st Street, New York 19, Ν. Y. Akron · Boston · Charlotte · Chicago · Detroit · Los Angeles · New Orleans · Tulsa Circle No. 11 on Readers' Service Card

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