Entropy and thermodynamic functions of As4(g) - American Chemical

University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. (Received May 15, 1968) ... as reviewed by Brewer andKane.6 However, evalua- tion of entropies from second-law ...
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NOTES Entropy and Thermodynamic


Table I: Thermodynamic Functions for As&) (in cal/mol)

Functions o:f Asq(g)l CP0, T,

by Robert J. Capwell, Jr., and Gerd M. Rosenblatt Department of Chemistry, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16808 (Received M a y 16, 1968)

The commonly used thermodynamic functions for Asd(g), the predominant vapor species over elemental arsenic, are thlose estimated by Stull and Sinke.2 These functions, which appear in numerous standard tabulat i o n ~ , ~are - ~based upon arsenic vapor pressure data, as reviewed by Brewer and I