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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ©Copyright 2000 by the American Chemical Society

EDITOR William H. Glaze, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

SENIOR ASSOCIATE E D I T O R EUROPE Alexander J. B. Zehnder, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science & Technology

ASSOCIATE EDITORS John C. Crittenden, Michigan Technological University; Walter Giger, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science & Technology (ES&T Europe Office); Ronald A. Hites, Indiana University; Steven M. Japar, Ford Motor Company; James F. Pankow, Oregon Graduate Institute; Gary S. Sayler, University of Tennessee; Jerald L. Schnoor, University of Iowa; Laura Sigg, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science & Technology (ES&!TEurope Office); Mitchell J. Small, Carnegie Mellon University; Joseph M. Suflita, University of Oklahoma

ADVISORY BOARD Paul Anastas, U.S. EPA; Karl Becker, Bergische Universitat-Gesamthochschule Wuppertal; Glen R. Cass, Georgia Institute of Technology; Stuart P. Cram, Hewlett-Packard Company; John Ehrenfeld, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Menachem Elimelech, Yale University; Janet Hering, California Institute of Technology; Michael R. Hoffmann, California Institute of Technology; Sheila Jasanoff, Harvard University; Richard M. Kamens, University of North Carolina; Michael Kavanaugh, Malcolm Pimie, Inc.; M. Granger Morgan, Carnegie Mellon University; P. H. Pritchard, Naval Research Laboratory; Dennis Schuetzle, Ford Motor Company; Rene1 Schwarzenbach, Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science & Technology; Alan T. Stone, Johns Hopkins University

EDITORIAL STAFF Managing Editor: Alan R. Newman Senior Editor: Walter M. Shaub Associate Editors: Kellyn S. Betts, Catherine M. Cooney Assistant Editors: Kris Christen, Patricia E. Dempsey, Thomas A. Lehman Contributing Editors: Janet Pelley, Rebecca Renner Program Assistant: Sally G. Pecor

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