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ENVIRONMENTAL Science & Technology

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Volume 1, Number 2 February 1967

Editor: James J. Morgan Managing Editor: Melvin J. Josephs Manager, Manuscript Reviewing: Katherine I. Biggs Manager, Manuscript Editing: Ruth Reynard Art Director: Joseph Jacobs Layout and Production: Denis Gruschin, Herbert Kuttner Production—Easton, Pa. Associate Editor: Charlotte C. Sayre Advisory Board: A. P. Altshuller, W. L. Faith, S. K. Friedlander, A. F. Gaudy, Jr., E. D. Goldberg, H. P. Gregor, T. E. Larson, G. F. Lee, J. N. Pitts, Jr., W. Stumm American Chemical Society Publications 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036 Director of Publications: Richard L. Kenyon Director of Business Operations: Joseph H. Kuney Publication Manager, Journals: David E. Gushee Executive Assistant to the Director of Publications: Rodney N. Hader Assistant to the Director of Publications: William Q. Hull Advertising Management: Reinhold Publishing Corporation For list of offices, see page 180 For list of advertisers, see page 180

Environmental Currents


Aluminum offers desalination economies


New lake evaporation studies under way


Solid wastes laboratory planned for Cincinnati by PHS 109 TVA builds plant to compost municipal waste


Discarded silt used to make inexpensive brick


Polymers prove effective in sewage and waste water treatment 111

TVA prepares seven-state water quality management program


Project seeks to halt clean air guesswork


Lead in gasoline increases hydrocarbons in exhaust


Outlook Foam separation technology promises to become an integral part of any total waste water pollution abatement system 116

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Environmental Science and Technology

Bookshelf Often unaware of the far-reaching consequences of new technologies and discoveries, man is constantly tested by new challenges 175 Contamination control is a manysided subject requiring those concerned with such problems to redirect their skills and efforts 175

Smog chamber for organic solvent vapors being built 113

Eddies . . . Indian summer. . . Car fumes . . . Ducks . . . Soot. . . Tag days 115

©Copyright 1967, by the American Chemical So­ ciety SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: All communications re­ lated to handling of subscriptions, including notifica­ tions of CHANGE OF ADDRESS, should be sent

Reverse osmosis units with 40,000g.p.d. capacities for purifying water are on the job and units with 1,000,000-g.p.d. capacities are being designed 124

Congress, reflecting public opinion, strikes a nationwide get tough posture on air pollution controls 119

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