Environmental Controls: The Impact on Industry. Robert A. Leone, Ed

Research for the book was done under. Contract No. ... political inadequacies. He also notes that a survey of the past ... 41 1 pages. Printing and ...
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Environmental Controls: The Impact on Industry. Robert A. Leone, Ed. xvi 129 pages. Lexington Books, D.C. Heath & Co., Lexington, MA 02173. 1976. $14, hard cover. The 1972 water laws have had, and will continue to have, an impact on costs of manufacturing, refining oil, and other activities of industry. This book presents an analysis of these costs and impending costs. The analysis methodology is presented so that the authors can critique their own practices where necessary. Research for the book was done under Contract No. WQ4ACO14 granted by the National Commission on Water Quality.


Mankind and Mother Earth. Arnold Toynbee. xi 641 pages. Oxford University Press, 200 Madison Ave., New York; NY 10016. 1976. $19.50, hard cover. This is the last book Toynbee wrote before he died. He writes frankly about the age-old discrepancy between human technological progress and moral and political inadequacies. He also notes that a survey of the past with a view to gaining greater insight into the present is all the more important because man has acquired the potential of destroying the whole environment, and all life with it.


Air Pollution and the Lung. E. F. Aharonson, et al, Eds. xii 313 pages. Halsted Press, 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1976. $42.50, hard cover. How air pollutants interact with the lung is a many-faceted subject covered in this volume. There is an evaluation of air pollution effects, along with actual interactions between pollutants and the lung, and ways in which pollutantspenetratethe lung, and might be cleared out. Papers in this volume were given at the 20th “OHOLO” Conference on Air Pollution and the Lung, held at Ma’alot, Israel, in March 1975.



Vapor-Phase Organic Pollutants. xiii 41 1 pages. Printing and Publishing Office, National Academy of Sciences, 2102 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, DC 20418. 1976. $13, paper. Principally, this work deals with volatile hydrocarbons and their oxidation products. It discusses how oxygenated organic compounds probably form in the air, covers organic reactions with SO,, NO, hydroxyl radicals, and oxygen atoms, and goes into mammalian metabolism, biological effects, and epidemiology of these compounds. Monitoring and toxicity data

are also included. The NAS Committee on Medical and Biologic Effects of Environmental Pollutants prepared this book. Environmental Biogeochemistry.Jerome 0. Nriagu, Ed. Vol. 1, xv 423 pages; Vol. 2, xv 350 pages. Ann Arbor Science Publishers Inc., P.O. Box 1425, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. 1976. $29.50 per volume, hard cover. Volume 1 discusses carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, selenium, and sulfur cycles, while Volume 2 covers metals transfer and ecological mass balances. These volumes are the first published attempt to fit biogeochemistry into environmental science. They contain papers given at the Second International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry, held at Hamilton, Ont., Canada, in April 1975.



Environmental Law and the Siting of Facilities: Issues in Land Use and Coastal Zone Management. Michael S. Baram. x 255 pages. Ballinger Publishing Co., 17 Dunster St., Cambridge, MA 02138. 1976. $16.50, hard cover. Environmental law developments have converged on the facility siting process to the point that the subject is now controversial. These developments in this law are essential elements of the local, state, and federal decision-making process needed before facilities can be built. This book fully analyzes these developments and offers recommendationsfor resolving critical issues involved in this decisionmaking.


Herbicides: Chemistry, Degradation, and Mode of Action, Volume 2. Donald B. Kaufman and Phiiip C. Kearney, Eds. xi 1036, pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. 1976. $37.50, hard cover. This work is a continuation of subject matter that appeared in Volume 1 (fS&T, March 1976, p 292). Material presented includes benzoic acid herbicides, acylanilides, diquat and paraquat, organoarsenicals, phenols, and other types. Volatility and photodecomposition are also covered.


Energy and Food Production. Gerald Leach. vi 138 pages. IPC Science and Technology Press Ltd. (Books Department), 32 High St., Guildford, Surrey GU1 3EW, England. 1976. €5.50 ($lo),hard cover. An enormous range of energy inputs is required to produce different kinds of food in this world, from gathering by hunters to


“synthetic” protein production. This book provides a solid discussion of how energy is used in all phases of food production, and points out opportunities to conserve fuel. Forest Assessment. D. Heinsdijk. 349 pages. International Scholarly Book Services, Inc. 10300 S.W. Allen Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005. 1976. $29.50, hard cover. This book discusses evaluation of forest lands and stands, and their general management. It covers soil, ecology, topography, climate, timber economics, and social functions, including recreation. Temperate, subtropical, and tropical forests are dealt with. Water Use Terminology. 375 pages. Map Division IV, Mail Stop 5096, Madison, WI 53705. 1976. $13, hard cover. Hundreds of terms are defined in this dictionary of scientific and engineering terms, and colloquialisms relating to water and water use. All terms are given easily understood in-depth meanings. Ask for Stock NO.66-21407. Proceedings of the Fifth Mineral Waste Utilization Symposium. IIT Research Institute, P.O. Box 4963, Chicago, IL 60680. 1976. $22.50, hard cover. This work contains over 40 papers presented at the symposium, which IlTRl and the U S . Bureau of Mines cosponsored and held at Chicago in April. It covers industrial wastes, scrap metals, mining wastes, and municipal reuse. The book should be of interest to government agencies, trade associations, companies, and reasearch groups engaged in developing solutions to solid waste problems. Unacceptable Risk: The Nuclear Power Controversy. McKinley C. Olson. 320 pages. Bantam Books, 666 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10019. 1976. $2.25, paper. This book is meant to be the first comprehensive, easy-to-read overview of the nuclear power controversy, and examines that controversy from all sides. Specially emphasized is the subject of nuclear safety. The book tells how nuclear technology works, and discusses political/legal battles over nuclear power. Relationships between low-level radiation and cancer are covered, and recommendations for the future are given. Volume 10, Number 10, October 1976 1061

Air Pollutlon, Volume 1, Air Pollutants, Their Transformation and Transport. Arthur C. Stern, Ed. 752 pages. Academic Press, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003. 1976. $39.50, hard cover. This book is a collection of articles that tell how various air pollutants got there, and took the form that they did. Stack effluents, gases, and particulates, as well as climate considerations are discussed. One of the contributing authors is Morton Corn, now Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA. SPECTRUM: An Alternate Technology Equipment Directory. 64 pages. Alternate Sources of Energy, Inc., Route 2 Box 90A, Milaca, MN 56353. 1976. $2, paper. SPECTRUM is a catalog of over 400 special items of equipment from almost all fields of alternate energy technology. It covers conservation, solar, energysaving architecture, organic fuels, wast disposal, wind, hydro, and others. Product descriptions, specifications, uses, and suppliers are given.

community has to assess potentially deleterious effects on human health of energy production. This work presents formal papers and discussions on that important subject.

fiber. Investment costs and operating costs for virgin and secondary paper and paperboard installations are discussed in depth, as are estimates of potential waste paper usage by 1983.

1976 Proceedings of the Fourth Intersociety Conference on Transportation. 706 pages. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 345 E. 47th St., New York, NY 10017. 1976. $40, paper. Papers in this volume emphasize legislative and regulatory impact on transportation, energy and fuel, operation, and other pertinent topics. They cover air cargo, mass transit, environmental impact, pipelines, energy considerations, and many related matters.

Steel Production: Processes, Products, and Residuals. Clifford S. Russell and William J. Vaughan. xx 4- 328 pages. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD 21218. 1976. $16.50, hard cover. Steel is a very basic industry, and its nature is fully analyzed in this Resources For The Future (Washington, D.C.) book. The technology of steel-making is gone into fully, as are matters of particulate emission control, residuals generation and discharge, and new directions for the industry.

Analysis of Demand and Supply for Secondary Flbers In the US. Paper and Paperboard Industry. Prepared by EPA and Arthur D. Little, Inc. 3 volumes, about 325 pages each. National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. 1976. Volume I (PB 250 798), $10.75; Volume II (PB 250 905), $9; Volume 111 (Appendices, PB 250 802), $1 1; microfiche, $2.25/volume. This report makes an exhaustive study of the pulp and paper industry. It analyzes cost and availability of major waste paper grades by major geographic regions, as well as substitution of secondary for virgin

Impact of Energy Production on Human Health: An Evaluatlon of Means for Assessment. 152 pages. NationalTechnical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. 1976. $6.75 ($9.25, foreign), paper. ERDA held a symposium aimed at evaluating means that the scientific

Selected Methods of Measuring Air Pollutants. 112 pages. Q Corporation, 49 Sheridan Ave., Albany, NY 12210. 1976. $8. This work was published under joint sponsorship of the United Nations Environment Program and the World Health Organization. It is intended to be of practical use to laboratory workers monitoring air quality in urban and industrial areas. The manual covers suspended particulates, SO2, carbon monoxide, NO,, and oxidants. It also has a guide for processing and reporting air monitoring data.



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