Environmental Fate and Hazards of the Pharmaceutical Diclofenac in

Diclofenac (DCF) has been found to be rather unaffected by the treatment process and is consequently often detected in the effluents from plants and i...
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Chapter 11

Environmental Fate and Hazards of the Pharmaceutical Diclofenac in Aquatic Environments Jesper Svanfelt, Jenny-Maria Kallio, Johan Eriksson, and Leif Kronberg* Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Åbo Akademi University, FI-20500 Åbo/Turku, Finland *[email protected]

Pharmaceuticals enter the environment mainly through discharges from municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The removal efficiency of the plants varies depending on the pharmaceutical and the treatment(s) applied. Diclofenac (DCF) has been found to be rather unaffected by the treatment process and is consequently often detected in the effluents from plants and in receiving water bodies. DCF is a dichlorinated diphenylamine containing an acetic acid group as a substituent, which makes the compound rather water soluble. The compound is known to be extremely toxic to some vulture species and to readily undergo phototransformation reactions in the environment. In the following chapter, we summarize what is known about the fate of DCF in WWTPs and in the aquatic environment with emphasis on the bioavailability of the compound to fish and on its phototransformation reactions. A few studies have shown that DCF can be taken-up by fish exposed to the compound in concentrations found in the environment (1 µg L-1). Also, it has been shown that DCF even at these concentrations may impair the health status of fish and other aquatic organisms. Very recently, DCF metabolites have been identified in fish bile. Furthermore, it has been shown that the compound undergoes bioconcentration in the fish bile yielding bioconcentration factors of up to about 1000. When subjected to sunlight, DCF forms several phototransformation © 2010 American Chemical Society In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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products and recently the major products have been identified as carbazoles where one of the condensed rings has a fully conjugated diketone function (a quinone unit). The structures are of interest from a toxicological point of view and further work is needed before their significance is fully understood. All in all, DCF as well as other pharmaceuticals entering the aquatic environment should be considered as potentially harmful for the ecosystem and there is a need to assess the occurrence of the parent compounds and the transformation products, as well as their ecotoxicological impact.

Introduction Thousands of tons of pharmacologically active compounds are used each year for the treatment of human and animal illnesses. The pharmaceuticals used by humans enter the environment mainly via influents to wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), where they are partially removed or modified in the activated sludge process and thereafter released via effluents into recipient water bodies – rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Although the compounds are detected at low concentration levels (ng to µg L-1 levels) (e.g. (1–8)) they are considered potentially hazardous for the aquatic organisms and the ecosystem health (e.g. (9)). Many of the pharmaceuticals have been shown to have rather low acute toxicities (i.e. mg L-1 range) (e.g. (9–11)) towards aquatic organisms, but chronic and even life-long exposure caused by the continuous release of mixtures of pharmaceuticals and their metabolites to water bodies have to be considered as a risk not only for single species but for the whole aquatic ecosystem. However, data on chronic effects of pharmaceuticals on aquatic organisms are practically non-existing and the environmental risk assessment is mainly based on the acute toxicity data of the single compounds (9). A further complication to risk assessments is the occurrence of transformation products of pharmaceuticals, whose identities at present are largely unknown. After the first reports on the detection of pharmaceuticals in surface waters, research is now focused on their fate in the aquatic environment (e.g. (1, 12–14)) and on the possible effects on aquatic organisms (e.g. (9, 15–21)). Many pharmaceuticals are not stable in the aquatic environment and undergo, in addition to biotransformation reactions, common abiotic reactions such as hydrolysis and photolysis. It has been argued, that a major route for transformation of pharmaceuticals is photolysis (4, 22–24). This process is of main importance since the energy compounds gain from the light is used for intramolecular reactions and rearrangements. The resultant compounds often are of lower energy than the parent compound. This means that the products of photolysis can be more stable and more hydrophobic than the parent compound and thus of greater environmental concern. Examples of this are the dibenzodioxin analogue acridine and the dibenzofuran analogue carbazole produced by photolysis of carbamazepine and DCF, respectively (14). Even if the drugs themselves do not absorb UV-light, there is always a possibility that they react with, or gain 244 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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energy from some other molecule that absorbs light. The most important light absorber that may induce indirect photolytic transformation in natural water is the dissolved organic material (DOM). Since the DOM concentrations in river and lake water can become very high (up to (15–25) mg L-1 in the boreal zone), it is evident that DOM may play a significant role as the producer of transient photo oxidants in water (1O2, RO•, HO•, HO2•), especially in the summer time. A scenario involving pharmaceuticals, which has not been considered previously is the possibility that the drugs currently in daily use are transported through the food web. We have recently found that fish exposed to DCF may bioaccumulate and metabolize the drugs (25) and thus fish predators, for example birds, may be subjected to the drugs and drug metabolites. The extent and consequence of this transfer are not known. DCF is an anti-inflammatory drug in general use worldwide. The compound has been reported to be poorly eliminated during wastewater treatment (e.g. (3, 6)) and is consequently a common pollutant in water receiving discharges from treatment plants. In the environment DCF seems to readily undergo photolysis reactions and transformation products are generated. Since DCF and at least some of the phototransformation products contain chlorine, the compounds may exhibit a pronounced stability in the environment and the transformation products could possess an enhanced lipophilicity, i.e. the compounds own and acquire chemical properties that render them of concern for the environment. Therefore, the environmental fate of DCF needs to be understood. In addition, a further interest into DCF is provided by the reports showing that some vulture species are extremely sensitive to the compound (e.g. (26–29)). Therefore, from an ecotoxicological viewpoint, the logical way to proceed would be to thoroughly study the uptake, metabolism and the toxicity of DCF in fish and other aquatic organisms.

DCF in Wastewater, WWTPs, and Sediments In the influent of WWTPs, not only DCF is present, but also the DCF metabolites produced in the human body. However, the exact extent of the occurrence of the metabolites in influent water has not been determined. The main phase I human metabolites of DCF are 4′-hydroxydiclofenac (4′-OH-DCF) and 5-hydroxydiclofenac (5-OH-DCF), while the main phase II metabolites are the acyl glucuronides of the parent compound and of the phase I metabolites (e.g. (30–36)). Also sulfate conjugates of hydroxylated DCFs are formed (30, 31, 37). Several studies have shown that DCF is poorly eliminated in WWTPs, but the degree of elimination and the fate of the metabolites are poorly understood. It has been postulated that the human phase II metabolites of DCF (6, 7, 38) and also of other pharmaceuticals and of the estrogens (e.g. (3, 39)) are at least partly deconjugated to the parent compounds or to the phase I metabolites during the treatment processes. Thus the concentration of the parent compound can be higher in the effluent than in the influent water, which may result in a negative removal rate. The DCF concentration may be further enhanced through the ester hydrolysis of aceclofenac; an anti-inflammatory drug structurally related to DCF (6). Pérez 245 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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and Barcelo (6) found that 4’-OH-DCF and DCF behave differently in wastewater treatment processes. Also, Gomes et al. (40) found a clear distinction between the elimination of sulfate and glucuronide conjugates of different estrogens in the crude sewage. These findings show that the efficiency in elimination varies between the metabolites and the parent compounds. In WWTPs and in river sediments, the pharmaceuticals and their metabolites undergo microbiological transformations (e.g. (6, 40–44)). A few studies have been concerned with the microbial metabolism of DCF. Kosjek et al. (42) found 1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2one (1), [2-[(2,6-dichlorophenyl)amino]benzyl alcohol (2), and [2-[(2,6 dichlorophenyl)amino]benzyl alcohol methyl ether (3) to be products of DCF transformations taking place in the WWTP (Fig. 1). Recently, Kosjek et al. (43) reported on the formation of several additional microbiological transformation products of DCF, but their identities remain unknown. In a laboratory experiment with a microflora of sediments, Gröning et al. (44) found that DCF is converted to 5-OH-DCF, which is further rapidly oxidized to a p-benzoquinone imine (4) derivative. Although compound 4 was found to be the major biotransformation product, it is highly reactive and undergoes further transformation/degradation reactions and is also likely to be involved in adduct formations for example with proteins. (Fig. 1).

Figure 1. Microbial transformation products of diclofenac (DCF): 1-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-2H-indol-2-one (1), [2-[(2,6dichlorophenyl)amino]benzyl alcohol (2), [2-[(2,6 dichlorophenyl)amino]benzyl alcohol methyl ether (3) and p-benzoquinone imine of 5-OH-DCF (4).

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Figure 2. Diclofenac (DCF) phase I and II metabolites found in rainbow trout bile. 3′-OH-DCF and 4′,5-diOH-DCF were detected only as phase II metabolites. The ability of a compound to partition between water and organic phase and sorp to sludge is predicted by its octanol-water partitioning (Kow) and solid-water distribution (Kd) coefficients. The potential of a compound to absorb to WWTP sludge is assumed to be low with log Kow < 2.5, moderate with log Kow = 2.5−4.0 and high with log Kow > 4.1 (45). The sorption to sludge is considered as relevant elimination pathway, if the log Kd is > 2.48 (46). The log Kow of DCF is 4.51 (47), although a higher mobility of DCF than indicated by its Kow value has been suggested in many studies (e.g. (48, 49)). The log Kd values depends on the characteristics of the sludge/sediment and has been determined to be 2.7 and 1.2 in primary and secondary sludge (48), −0.27−0.67 in sediment (49) and −0.35−2.22 in soil (50). To summarize, the sorption of DCF to sludge in WWTPs 247 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

and to sediments in recipient waters may take place, but it is not believed to be an important elimination mechanism (e.g. (48, 49, 51)). This is also confirmed e.g. by Buser et al. (52), who found neglible absoption rates of DCF to lake sediments.

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Studies of Exposure of Aquatic Organisms to DCF Several exposure studies of DCF to aquatic organisms have been performed. Rainbow trout was shown to accumulate DCF in tissues when exposed to a concentration of 1 μg L-1 (15). Brown et al. (19) noticed that rainbow trout accumulates DCF in the blood plasma when exposed to the compound through sewage treatment plant effluents. On the basis of the assumption that DCF acts on the same targets in fish and humans, plasma concentrations can be used to assess the possibility of a pharmaceutical effect of the drug. Brown et al. compared human therapeutic plasma concentration of pharmaceuticals with those found in fish plasma and concluded that DCF may present a higher risk for fish than for example ibuprofen or naproxen (19). Kallio et al. (25) have recently studied the metabolism and bioaccumulation of DCF in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) exposed to DCF in aquaria at a concentration of 1.76 μg L-1. This concentration level may typically occur for example in river water downstream of WWTP discharge locations. The main metabolites found in the trout bile were acyl glucuronides of DCF and of the phase I OH-DCF metabolites (Fig. 2). The metabolites are formed through the same general metabolic pathways of DCF that are prevailing in humans, i.e. hydroxylation of the aromatic rings and the glucuronidation of the carboxylic acid group (e.g. (30–32, 34–36). In addition, one ether glucuronide and three sulfate conjugates of OH-DCFs were detected in fish bile. Also unmetabolized DCF was found in bile. These findings show that DCF is taken up by fish and strongly indicates that this happens also in fish living downstream of WWTPs (25). Since the pKa of DCF is 4.15 (47), the compound occurs primarily in the ionized form in water and in biological matrices. Due to the lower lipophilicity, deprotonated DCF is not expected to readily undergo bioaccumulation. However, Hoeger et al. (53) injected intraperitenoally 14C-labelled DCF into brown trout (Salmon trutta f. fario) and found DCF to enter the enterohepatic circulation, which results in a prolonged exposure to the fish. The longer residence time in the body promotes bioaccumulation and thus enhances the risks for toxic effects (53). Schwaiger et al. (15) exposed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) for 28 days to DCF at concentrations ranging from 1–500 µg L-1 and found the highest bioconcentration to take place at the lowest exposure concentration (1 µg L-1). At this concentration, BCFs of DCF in the liver, the kidney, the gills and the muscles were 2700, 970, 760 and 70, respectively. Brown et al. (19) reported a BCF of 5 for DCF in blood plasma of fish exposed to sewage effluent, where the DCF concentration was 2.32 μg L-1. For comparison, the BCF for ibuprofen was 18700 (19). Mehinto et al. (21) measured BCF for DCF in fish bile to be 657 when fish were exposed to 0.5 µg L-1 of DCF for 21 days. Kallio et al. (25) exposed fish for 1.7 µg L-1 DCF for 10 days and on the basis of estimated concentrations of 248 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

DCF metabolites and DCF in the bile found a total BCFs (including metabolites) of 320–950. These BCFs are much higher than the factor found in blood plasma and thus the analyses of biliary metabolites could be a useful way of monitoring fish exposure to DCF in natural waters. However, due to the sporadic emptying of the gall-bladder, the bile analyses have to be performed on a large number of fish. In summary, these studies show that DCF can be taken up by fish and that the compound and its metabolites undergo bioconcentration especially in the bile.

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Photochemical Transformation of DCF In the environment, interactions take place between organic compounds and sunlight and may ultimately result in chemical transformations, i.e. alteration of compound structures. Therefore, photochemistry plays an important role in understanding the behavior of organic pollutants in the environment. Most pharmaceuticals contain chromophores with the ability to absorb light in the solar UV region. DCF has been shown to undergo phototransformation when exposed to natural sunlight, which is considered to be the major transformation route of the drug in the aquatic environment (e.g. (22–24)). Recent studies have also shown that the ecotoxicological impact of DCF is enhanced due to phototransformation as some transformation products have been found to be more toxic to aquatic organisms than the parent compound (54). In this connection, concern has also been raised about the application of UV light to wastewater treatment, as it may provide an input of transformation products directly to the aquatic environment (55). Halogenated aromatic compounds, such as DCF, are of particular interest since chemical bonds between sp2-hybridized carbons and halogens are known to easily break in the presence of UV-light (e.g. (56)). The free radicals formed during homolysis of photolabile carbon-halogen bonds in haloarenes may react with biological substrates and cause impaired health conditions in organisms (57). An important class of photochemical reactions of aromatic compounds is nucleophilic substitution reactions, where halides often act as leaving groups. Consequently, reactions in aqueous solutions commonly involve reactions with water. However, the electronically excited state in photochemical reactions is sufficiently energetic and sufficiently different in its electron distribution and electron donor-acceptor properties, for such reactions to rarely exhibit the characteristics of ground state processes (58). As a result, the outcome of photochemical reactions is often difficult to predict. In a majority of the studies dealing with phototransformation of pharmaceuticals, mass spectrometry has been the sole tool for identification of unknown transformation products (59). Agüera et al. (13) reported 13 possible structures for transformation products of DCF on the basis of LC-MS and GC-MS analyses. Ideally, all compound structures should be confirmed by detailed structural analyses (e.g. NMR), but that is often both a very difficult and time consuming task, especially when dealing with complex, multi-component samples. Recently, however, synthetic routes to some of the previously reported transformation products of DCF have been described (60). With synthetic 249 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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standards available, the presence of anticipated transformation products in UV and MS chromatograms are easily confirmed. Also, through access to pure photoproducts transformation pathways and reaction kinetics can be studied more thoroughly. In this way, valuable information may be gained, which can prove helpful in the elucidation of reaction scenarios that are likely to take place in the environment and during wastewater treatment. The absorption spectrum of DCF (Fig. 3) has a maximum at 275 nm and shows absorption up to about 340 nm, which explains its tendency to undergo transformation in natural sunlight. The aqueous photolysis of DCF has been the subject of much research over the past decade and several papers have reported the formation of a number of transformation products upon exposure of aqueous solutions of the drug to UV-light (e.g. (13, 57)). Moore et al. (57) concluded that the primary photochemical process of DCF transformation involves intramolecular cyclization to form the carbazole (8-chloro-9H-carbazol-1-yl) acetic acid (CZ1, Fig. 4) through loss of HCl. In methanolic solution, further transformation of CZ1 was found to proceed mainly via photoreduction, i.e. replacement of the remaining chlorine with hydrogen (57). Upon aqueous photolysis of DCF, CZ1 was almost immediately formed, but the compound underwent rapid photonucleophilic reaction with water to produce the 8-hydroxy analogue (8-hydroxy-9H-carbazol-1-yl) acetic acid (CZ2), which reacted further with water to produce mainly the para-quinone CZ4 (also the ortho-analogue, CZ5, could be traced) (61). In the study of Eriksson et al. (61), the UV and MS-chromatograms also revealed a small peak with a mass equivalent to the 1,4-dihydroxy compound CZ3. Reactions carried out under both oxygenated and deaerated conditions yielded the same carbazole products, hence the additional oxygens in compounds CZ2–CZ5 originate from water. Of the transformation products, CZ4 was formed with the highest yield following 200 min of irradiation and could be isolated by LC and structurally assigned by NMR and HRMS analyses (61).

Figure 3. UV absorption spectra of diclofenac (DCF) and CZ1. The emission spectrum of the UV-lamp used in the study of Eriksson et al. (61) is also shown. 250 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.

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Figure 4. Aqueous phototransformation of diclofenac (DCF) under oxygenated and oxygen free conditions. The compound CZ1 shows very high photosensitivity due to a relatively high overall quantum yield in combination with an absorption that stretches quite far into the long wave UV-region (Fig. 3) (61). As a matter of fact, the transformation rate constant of CZ1 has been shown to be > 20 times greater than that of DCF (61). A second minor transformation route leads to the formation of the only confirmed non-carbazole product, i.e. 2-(2-chloro-phenylamino)-benzaldehyde (ALD, Fig. 4). A synthetic pathway to this compound has previously been described (60). Its photochemical formation has been proposed to involve an intramolecular mechanism, possibly including several short-lived intermediate products (61). Although the presence of dissolved oxygen has been shown to hamper its formation, this compound is the most photostabile transformation product of DCF with a half-life more than 80 times longer than that of DCF (61).

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Toxicological Effects in Aquatic Organisms In long-term aquaria studies (28 days) of Schwaiger et al. (15) and Triebskorn et al. (16, 17) it was found that DCF induces cytological alteration in the liver, kidneys and gills of rainbow trout already at concentrations of 1 to 5 μg L-1. Also, Hoeger et al (18) found subtle effects in the liver, kidneys and gills of brown trout at an exposure concentration of only 0.5 μg L-1 for 21 days and on the basis of their findings they conclude that at the concentration levels found in surface water, chronic exposure to DCF has to be considered harmful to fish populations. In green shore crab (Carcinus maenas) DCF exposure at 10−100 ng L-1 for 7 days caused impaired osmoregulatory ability (20). In a very recent work by Mehinto et al. (21) it was documented that sub µg L-1 concentrations of DCF can impair the health of rainbow trout for example through structural disruptions in the kidney and intestine. It was suggested that the damage of the intestinal tract could be caused by reactive metabolites of DCF. Hydroxylated metabolites of DCF (5-OH-DCF and N,5-diOH-DCF) have been found to show hepatotoxicity in rat and human cell lines (33). It has been proposed, that the reaction behind the toxicity is the autoxidation of hydroxylated metabolites of DCF (especially 5-OH-DCF; 4 in Fig. 1) to reactive p-benzoquinone imines and their adduct formation with proteins (36, 62–64). Besides hydroxylated phase I metabolites of DCF, its acyl glucuronides are also known to form covalent adducts with proteins (36, 65). At present, very little is known about the toxicity of the phototransformation products of DCF. However, the quinones CZ4 and CZ5 stand out as the most interesting with regards to potential toxic properties. Quinones form a class of toxicological intermediates capable of causing a variety of hazardous effects in vivo, such as acute cytotoxicity, immunotoxicity and carcinogenesis (66). As Michael acceptors, they may inflict cellular damage via alkylation of vital cellular proteins and/or DNA. In addition, the high redox activity possessed by quinones may lead to the formation of harmful reactive oxygen species (e.g. hydroxyl radicals) (66). The toxic properties of quinones are also utilized by the pesticide industry, where they are found as important structural units in many common commercial fungicides such as p-chloranil, dichlone and oxine (67). As chemicals designed to have specific biological effects, pharmaceuticals should undoubtedly be considered potentially harmful to ecosystem processes. In addition, abiotic transformation of pharmaceuticals may lead to the formation of stabile and potentially more hazardous compounds. Thus there is an increasing need to assess the occurrence and ecotoxicological impact not only of the parent compounds, but their transformation products as well. This, in turn, implies a demand for more synthetic standards for use in environmental analyses.

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255 In Contaminants of Emerging Concern in the Environment: Ecological and Human Health Considerations; Halden, R.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2010.