Environmental Science & Technology - American Chemical Society

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Listen world... it's time to clean up your act

Environmental Science & Technology S H O W S W H A T CAN BE D O N E , W H A T MUST BE D O N E , A N D H O W T O D O IT! Environmental clean-up is not only a good idea — it is the law! And ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY gives you the practical, hard facts you need on pollution and control, covers techniques, feasibility, research, equipment (including products, services and supplies) as well as case histories.

NOLOGY covers a broad range of information from what is going on in research labs to how-to-put-it-to-work in the real world. Also included is up-to-date news of current and pend­ ing governmental regulations, industry trends, meeting guide, technology reports and much more!

Essential reading for businessmen, scientists, legislators, governmental executives, builders, manufacturers and the academic .world, ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECH­

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E n v i r o n m e n t a l Science & Technology, A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society 1155 S i x t e e n t h S t r e e t , N.W., Washington, D . C . 20036


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