Call or write us for the full story. ... Santa Clara, CA 95050. CALL TOLL FREE (800) 538-7708. In Alaska ... at the Pittsburgh Conference. Stop by Boo...
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The most practical and versatile TOC analyzer.

The new Dohrmann DC-80 with automatic sampling capability. TOC analysis should be an uncomplicated, reliable procedure that anyone in the lab can easily perform. And it definitely is—when you use the Dohrmann DC-80, the superior low temperature system produced by the company most experienced in the practical application of UV-persulfate TOC instrumentation. Wide ranging capability. Operation from fractional ppm to several thousand ppm levels is readily achieved. Analyze the full range—from drinking water to industrial waste water—without accessories or instrument modifications. Analysis time is as short as 3 minutes! High reliability. The Dohrmann low temperature UV-promoted chemical oxidation analyzer is the best in the industry and eliminates the problems associated with high temperature pyrolysis. The methodology meets EPA, NPDES reporting requirements. Manual or automated. Manual operation is simply with minimal controls. An optional automatic sampler allows unattended operation. Advanced processor control does all the fussy work; you just pick up hard copy results from the DC-80 printer. Low cost. The DC-80 is priced several thousand dollars less than any other system with comparable performance, manual or automated. Call or write us for the full story.



3240 Scott Boulevard Santa Clara, CA 9 5 0 5 0 CALL TOLL FREE (800) 5 3 8 - 7 7 0 8


In Alaska, California, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, call collect (408) 249-6000.

See the DC-80 TOC Analyzer in action at the Pittsburgh Conference. Stop by Booth 812 or Seminar Room TS-2 for seminar schedule. CIRCLE 52 ON READER SERVICE CARD