ENZPACK, Review II - IBM PC version (Williams, P. A.)

Revlew 11-IBM PC version. ENZPACK is geared toward teachers, college students, and researchers to aid in teaching single substrate enzyme kinetics...
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ENZPACK can he additionally useful t o the lecturer as a means of generating plots for class handouts. C. F. Hosler, Jr. University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse Lacrosse, WI 54601 Revlew 11-IBM PC version ENZPACK is geared toward teachers, college students, and researchers t o aid in teaching single substrate enzyme kinetics. This program demonstrates t h e subtle changes caused by alterations in K, and ,,V as well as changes in the environment of the reaction. Themanual, which has a tableof contents hut no index, and the program are divided into six areas: Michaelis-Menten equation and its linear derivative plats (A), experimental error (B), inhibitors (C), inhibition by suhstrate (D), demonstration of the direct linear plot (E), and calculation of K, from experimental results (F). and V., Each section of the manual is set up as a tutorial. Some hasic theory is given, along with equations and reactions, where appropriate. The variables used for the different equations are defined in the first section (Michaelis-Menten equation and its linear derivative olotsL There are a total of 16 r x w c i s ~ sincluded rhrough