Enzymatic Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds in Fruits - American

0097-6156/92/0506-0305$06.00/0. © 1992 American ... 1. identify the major polyphenol compounds in apples, grapes, and peaches using HPLC,. 2. isolate...
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Chapter 24

Enzymatic Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds in Fruits Chang Y. Lee Department of Food Science and Technology, Cornell University, Geneva, NY 14456

Phenolic compounds are closely associated with the sensory and nutritional quality of fresh and processed plant foods. The enzymatic browning reaction of phenolic compounds, catalyzed by polyphenoloxidase, is of vital importance to fruit processing due to the formation of undesirable color and flavor and the loss of nutrients. This reaction infruitshas often been considered to be a linear function of the phenolic content and polyphenoloxidase activity. However, it was shown that individual phenolic compounds have a wide range of browning with the monomelic catechins and the dimeric procyanidins browning more intensely than other phenolics such as the acidic compounds. In model systems with polyphenol oxidase, phloretin glycosides produced the dark-brown colored reaction products, while quercetin glycosides did not produce brown- colored reaction products. Chlorogenic acid, a common phenolic constituent in most fruits, yielded a color intensity one-third that of the procyanidins. However, mixtures of chlorogenic acid and other phenolic compounds, such as catechin and phloridzin, showed some synergistic effects in that the reaction was accelerated and a dark brown color was produced. It appears that the rate of browning in fruit products is not a linear function of the total phenolic content and that browning of fruits depends on concentration and nature of polyphenol compounds that are co-present.

Polyphenol compounds present in fruits are directly related to sensory qualities such as color, astringency, bitterness, and aroma; indirectly, they participate in the oxidation reactions that occur during postharvest handling and processing of fruits. To food scientists, the major importance of polyphenol compounds is their effects on the 0097-6156/92/0506-0305$06.00/0 © 1992 American Chemical Society



sensory quality offreshand processed products, due to enzymatic oxidations. The change in color following mechanical or physiological injury of postharvest fruits is due mainly to oxidation of polyphenol compounds by polyphenol oxidase. In fruit processing, such colorchange is accentaated during preparation for storage, dehydration, freezing, and canning. Formation of a dark brown color causes the product to become unattractive and is accompanied by undesirable changes in flavor, as well as a reduction in the nutritive value of the products. Ultimately, there is a detrimental economical impact as a consequence of this enzymatic browning. The occurrence of enzyme-catalyzed oxidative browning has long been recognized ever since Lindet (7) firstreportedin 1895 that the changes in color of fresh apple cider were due to oxidation of tannin by the oxidase present in apple tissue. Since then, numerous papers that relate to oxidizing enzymes and phenolic compounds involved in browning have been published. In order to evaluate the enzymatic browning offruits,most research work has focused on the qualitative and/or quantitativerelationshipbetween oxidative enzyme (mainly o-diphenyl oxidase, o-DPO) and its substrates, total phenol. Due to the chemical complexity of polyphenol compounds, isolation and identification of individual polyphenol compounds was once difficult. Therefore, the total polyphenol content was used conveniently in the enzymatic browning reactions. However, this traditional method of using total phenols in enzymatic browning has evolved during recent years into the individual polyphenol compound approach, since today, we are able to separate individual polyphenol compounds infruitsmore easily than before; furthermore, a wide range of variations in color development among different individual polyphenol compounds is currently known. The objectives of this study were to: 1. identify the major polyphenol compounds in apples, grapes, and peaches using HPLC, 2. isolate and obtain individual polyphenol compounds in appreciable quantity by using preparative HPLC, 3. study the browning characteristics of individual polyphenol compounds and in combination in model systems, and 4. make correlations between the polyphenols and the browning intensity. Enzymatic browning in relation to polyphenol oxidase and its substrates. In the commercial practice of fruit processing, selection of cultivars that display minimum browning has been an important task. Therefore, correlations are frequently sought between browning intensity and the main parameters (polyphenol oxidase and polyphenols) that are responsible. Enzyme activity is known to be an important factor in browning of grape juice and wine, but no direct correlation has been established (2 - 5). Occasionally, we find in the literature that total polyphenol compounds are more closely correlated with browning intensity than is the enzyme (6 -12). However, the results are often contradictory and there is no simple explanation to the problem. Thus, in order to understand the nature of the problem, we made several attempts using many different cultivars of apples, grapes, and peaches.

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We analyzed 15 peach cultivars for polyphenoloxidase (PPO) activity and polyphenol compounds according to the methods published previously(13,14). We identified 5 major compounds in peaches (15): chlorogenic acid, neochlorogenic acid, procyanidin B3, catechin and caffeic acid (Table I). A large difference in polyphenol content among different cultivars was observed. Chlorogenic acids were the major phenolic compounds in most of the peach cultivars studied, followed by procyanidin B3. PPO activity also varied greatly among different cultivars.

Table I. PPO Activity, Phenolics and the Degree of Browning in Various Peach Cultivars

unit/g 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Deep Early Hale Eden Elberta Harmony Hayhaven Harken La Red Madison Newhaven Pekin Redhaven Reliance Triogem Veecling Velvet

2635 4505 2798 1793 2146 2105 2132 1923 1722 2390 2299 2361 3340 1449 3196

Degof Phenolics (ug/g) browning (6L) Chlrg Neochlr ProcB3 Catech


18.4 36.3 31.8 10.2 27.0 12.5 9.1 21.2 19.6 24.4 15.9 24.8 23.1 22.8 26.3

6 t 12 10 10 5 NA 12 6 t t t 10 11 6

NA: Not analyzed, t: Trace amount.

7 68 59 14 30 28 NA 38 14 17 41 74 42 23 25

9 50 59 15 18 13 NA 25 17 16 33 54 24 20 21

27 41 85 30 41 27 NA 9 4 24 28 18 40 11 27

15 36 35 25 29 17 NA 6 7 13 20 11 16 7 12

(Some data are from ref.15.)

When we compared the degree of actual browning of individual peach cultivars with its PPO activity, we found that peach cultivars having higher PPO activity had a higher rate of browning (e.g. Eden). Conversely, peaches low in PPO activity, such as Harmony, showed a lower rate of browning. Peach cultivars (e.g. Elberta, Eden) high in total polyphenol compounds showed a high degree of browning and those (e.g. Harken) low in total polyphenol compounds were low in the browning intensity. When we plotted browning against PPO and total polyphenol compounds, there appeared to be some close correlationship between PPO activity and browning (figure not shown), and between the degree of browning and total phenolics (Figure 1). Enzymatic browning in relation to individual polyphenol compounds. We carried out a study on grapes in the same manner as we did for peaches, but



we could not obtain any close correlation between browning and polyphenol compounds. We isolated and identified the major phenolic compounds in 15 cultivars of white grapes (16 ). We identified 12 phenolic compounds, of which iratts-caffeoyl tartaric acid ester was the major component of acidic polyphenols, while catechin, epicatechin, catechin-gallate, catechin-catechin-gallate and procyanidin B3 were the major constituents of the neutral polyphenol compounds. When we plotted the degree of browning with either enzyme activity or total polyphenol content, we found a very poor correlation (r=0.3).

Numerous attempts have been made by many scientists to correlate the browning reactions of grape juices in relation to polyphenoloxidase (4,11,14,) and polyphenol compounds (2,11,17,18,19,20). However, there is no single report that has demonstrated that any one of either enzyme or polyphenol compounds is directly correlated to the oxidative enzymatic browning of grapes.

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Therefore, an attempt was made to relate the relative browning rate of grapes in terms of individual polyphenol compounds using model systems, and to correlate it to the actual browning of grape juice. The major polyphenol compounds isolated from grapes were exposed to polyphenoloxidase individually in model systems and observedfor their rate of browning (27). Relative browning measurements of individual polyphenol compounds revealed a wide range of browning rates (Figure 2). Catechin and epicatechin had the fastest initial rates of browning, reaching a maximum within 6 hrs of the reaction, while those of procyanidin B2 and B3 were very slow at the beginning but continously increased, reaching a maximum at 48 hrs. This result indicated that the measurement of browning should be made at least after 24 hrs reaction to derive an accurate result. Procyanidin B3 showed the highest absorbance among the phenolic compounds studied. Indeed, Chey nier et al. (22,23) also found that monomelic flavan-3-ols and dimeric proanthocyanidins are potent compounds in browning. Catechin-gallate and catechin-catechin-gallate showed a relatively slow rate of browning, with maximum absorbance at 24 hrs being about 25% of that exhibited by epicatechin. The browning of all acidic polyphenol compounds, including the major component of grapes, f-caffeoyl tartrate, was the lowest among phenolics, whose contribution to the browning reactions appeared to be a minor one.



In order to establish the relationship between polyphenol compounds and the degree of browning, we identified a maximum browning value (the highest absor­ bance) for each polyphenol from Figure 2 as the browning index (BI). They were procyanidin B3, 0.96; procyanidin B2, 0.82; catechin, 0.72; epicatechin, 0.63; catechin-gallate (and catechin-catechin-gallate), 0.16; and acidic phenolics, 0.05. Based on these BI values and the content of each polyphenol compound in white grapes, the browning potential (BP) of a given grape cultivar was calculated by the following method: ΒΡ=(ΒΙρι χ Cpi) + (BIp2 x Cp2) + + (BIp x Cp ) where p i , Ρ2, Pn ' individual polyphenol compound C: concentration of phenolics in mg/100g. n


Accordingly the BP values of 15 selected white grape cultivars were calculated and compared with the observed degree of browning at 24 hrs. When the calculated BP values versus observed actual browning values were plotted, a relatively high corre­ lation (r=0.85) was noted for 12 of 15 cultivars studied. Therefore, for those cultivars that fall into this high correlation, it may be possible to predict the browning potential in grape juice or wine by analyzing for individual polyphenol compounds in fresh grape. However, the other three cultivars, Aurore, Pinot Blanc, and Ravat 34 that did not fall into the majority group appeared to have other factors that influenced the browning reactions greatly. Enzymatic browning in relation to polyphenol compounds interactions. In apples, several major polyphenol compounds from the flesh and skin were identified. They were chlorogenic acid, epicatechin, procyanidin Β3 and CI, and several quercetin and phloretin glycosides (Table II). The relative amount of polyphe­ nol compounds in the skins was much higher than that in the flesh, and quercetin glycosides were found only in the skins. When we plotted the degree of browning against polyphenol oxidase or total polyphenol compounds, we found a poor correlation. Therefore, the degree of browning for each polyphenol compound isolatedfromapples was studied individually in model systems. Catechins, procyanidins and phloretin glycosides resulted in a wide range of color development when individually subjected to polyphenol oxidase. Catechin and epicatechin turned brown rapidly, whereas procyanidins reacted slowly and needed at least 48 hrs to develop the same color intensity as achieved by catechins after 3 hrs. The browning rates of flavan polymers, B2 and C1 were much slower than monomers at the outset. However, during the prolonged reaction time, these polymers developed a full color that was equal to that of monomers in a short time. The browning rate of chlorogenic acid initially was very close to that of catechin and epicatechin, but reached a plateau very quickly within one hour, the color intensity was about one-third that of procyanidins. Chlorogenic acid alone seems to be a less significant factor in color development than flavans. The phloretin glycoside solutions turned brown

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Enzymatic Oxidation of Phenolic Compounds in Fruits

Table Π. Concentration of Polyphenol Compounds in Flesh and Skins of Apples Phenolic






(mg/100g) Skin Flesh

Quercetin arabinoside Quercetin xyloside Quercetin glucoside Quercetin galactoside Quercetin rhamnoside Phloretin glucoside Phloretin xyloglucoside


















79 100

11 11

30 23

4 4

40 43

4 7

38 18

7 7

19 14


24 16 10 36 34


37 19



20 9 13 28 19



18 14 9 50 39

60 26


23 18 20 35 32





1 2

12 12

11 19

1 3

16 7

1 1

Chlorogenic acid Epicatechin Procyanidin B2









slowly, but after 3 hrs their absorbances were intermediate between those of catechins and procyanidins, with phloretin xyloglucoside being more readily oxidized than phloretin glucoside. After 24 hrs of reaction, however, the absorbance values of the phloretin glycosides reached a value of 1.2, the highest of all compounds tested. This finding does not support the previous reports suggesting that phloretin glucoside was a poor 0-DPO substrate (24). Phloretin xyloglucoside, whose contribution to browning was not previously reported, was more readily oxidized than phloretin glucoside. However, quercetin glycosides, which were the major polyphenol compounds in apple skins did not react with polyphenol oxidase and produced no brown color. In general, flavonols and their derivatives are abundant in fruits, but they are reported to be very poor substrates for o-DPO (25,26). Since quercetin glycosides did not brown, and also some flavonoids are reported to display an antioxidant activity (27,28), it was our interest to study the role of apple quercetin and phloretin gycosides in the enzymatic browning using a model system. When five quercetin glycosides were each mixed with epicatechin and were exposed to polyphenoloxidase, the mixtures showed a minor change in color compared to those with epicatechin as the sole substrate. Quercetin galactoside apparently decreased the absorbance, whereas quercetin glucoside, xyloside, arabinoside, and rhamnoside showed a slight increase. However, a significant increase in absorbance was observed in mixtures of phloretin glycosides/epicatechin (Figure 3). Both phloretin glucoside and xyloglucoside enhanced the rate of browning drastically. Results showed that both the mixture of epicatechin/phloretin glucoside and epicatechin/ phloretin xyloglucoside after 3 hrs oxidation gave absorbance values of 1.25 and 1.21, repectively (29). These values were several-fold higher than those measured for other phenolics.





Epicat/ Phlo glu (0.2 mM each)

Time (min) Figure 3. Rate of browning of single and mixture of epicatechin and phloretin glucoside.

A similar result was obtained when a chlorogenic acid and procyanidins mixture was used. The browning rate of a chlorogenic acid/phloretin glucoside mixture was several times higher than that of chlorogenic acid alone and was very close to the browning rate of the epicatechin/phloretin glucoside mixture. The addition of

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phloretin glucoside to procyanidins also resulted in a large increase in their browning rates. This synergistic effect of phloretin glycosides on the browning reactions cannot be explained. However, we believe that this synergistic effect is a very important factor in determining browning of apple products, since those glycosides are present in significant amounts in the skin and flesh (30). Enzymatic browning in relation to the polyphenol compounds and the reaction products. There have been recent reports that the enzymatically oxidized phenolic acid 0-quinones oxidize other polyphenols, such as flavans, by a coupled oxidation reaction (37). The 0-quinone formed by enzymatic or coupled oxidation can also react with a hydroquinone to yield a condensation product (32). Dimers or oligomers are reported to be generated by condensation of hydroquinone with quinone or by condensation of quinones of phenolic acids and catechin (37). In order to study the sequence of enzymatic browning reactions among polyphenol compounds found in apples, chlorogenic acid and catechin were subjected to the enzyme in model systems and the reaction products of individual phenolic compound and the mixture of the two were monitored by HPLC. We noticed more than 7 reaction products from chlorogenic acid after a 2 hr reaction, all of which showed a maximum absorbance at or near 320 nm, a value that is significantly different from 420 nm, which is the absorbance used for brown color measurement. Enzymatic oxidation of catechin also produced several compounds that had longer elution times than that of catechin. One which had a shorter elution time appeared to be procyanidin B3. On the basis of the oxidation reaction sequence proposed by Cheynier et al. (37) and Singleton (32), enzymatic oxidation of catechin may be able to produce the dimer, procyanidin B3. All reaction products showed a maximum absorbance near420 nm and contributed more to the brown color than those produced by chlorogenic acid. Enzymatic oxidation of the catechin-chlorogenic acid mixture produced very different reaction products (9 major peaks), five of which had shorter elution times than those of chlorogenic acid and catechin. All reaction products showed maximum absorptions near 280 and 320 nm. These new compounds may correspond to the copolymers of chlorogenic acid-catechin as proposed by Cheynier et al (37) for catechin-caffeoyl tartaric acid mixtures. This confirms the recent report of Cheynier et al (33), who found that caftaric acid-catechin copolymers were formed more readily than single caftaric acid oligomers in the oxidation of the caftaric acid-catechin mixture. The participation of catechin o-quinones in copolymerization with chlorogenic acid in our experiment appeared to slow down the formation of catechin polymers. The kinetic study showed that the rate of catechin oxidation in the mixture was faster than that of catechin alone, while the rate of chlorogenic acid oxidation in the mixture was slower than that of chlorogenic acid alone. This might be due to the fact



that chlorogenic acid quinones oxidize catechin by a coupled reaction mechanism (31), so that chlorogenic acid quinones are converted back to chlorogenic acid. Conse­ quently, the degree of browning after a 2 hr reaction of the catechin-chlorogenic acid mixture was less than that of catechin alone. In a similar study of phloretin glucoside oxidation in the presence of catechin and chlorogenic acid, we found that phloretin glucoside alone produced only two major reaction products which had shorter elution times than that of phloretin glucoside. However, the mixture of phloretin glucoside and chlorogenic acid produced several reaction products that had maximum absorption at 280 nm, which were probably the copolymerization products similar to those products of the catechin-chlorogenic acid mixture described above. When the same chromatogram of phloretin glucoside was monitored at 420 nm to detect the colored products, two additional peaks were observed. The size of these two peaks from phloretin glucoside alone was small compared to that of the mixture of phloretin glucoside-chlorogenic acid mixture. A similar observation was made in the mixture of phloretin glucoside-catechin. This indicated that chlorogenic acid and catechin have a synergistic effect by accelerating oxidation of phloretin glucoside and thus produce highly brown-colored products. We also noticed that increasing the amount of chlorogenic acid added accelerated the reaction; the concentrations of colored products were proportional to the concentration of chlorogenic acid added to phloretin glucoside. The reaction products that had maximum absorption at 280 nm are probably the hydroxylation products of phloretin glucoside and the other reaction products that had maximum absorption at 420 nm are the oxidation products of hydroxylated phloretin glucoside. The hydroxylation of monophenols to odiphenols and the oxidation of odiphenols to o-quinones are commonly found with many polyphenol oxidase prepara­ tions. This hydroxylation can be explained by the lag period of the initial browning reaction of the phloretin glucoside oxidation measured at 420 nm. Table ΠΙ shows the effects of catechin and chlorogenic acid on oxidation of phloretin glucoside expressed in the lag period. The lag period observed in oxidation of phloretin glucoside alone was 54 min. Addition of chlorogenic acid or catechin to phloretin glucoside decreased the lag period from 54 min to 6 and 2 min, respectively. After 2 hrs of oxidation, phloretin glucoside showed an absorbance (A420 nm) of 0.727, catechin, 0.833 and chlorogenic acid, 0.400. However, the mixture of phloretin glucoside and catechin (1:1 mM) showed an absorbance of 1.574, and the mixture of phloretin glucoside and chlorogenic acid (1:1 mM) was 1.568. Whitaker (32) explained that when a monophenol is added alone as a substrate of polyphenol oxidase, there is a delay in the reaction and this lag period is due to the need for an o-diphenolic compound. However, this lag period can be eliminated by addition of a small amount of an 0-diphenol at the beginning of the reaction; in the absence of added odiphenol, there is a lag period until the enzyme can build up a sufficient amount of the o-diphenol to permit the re­ action to proceed. This reaction mechanism explains the rapid change in the lag period of phloretin glucoside in the presence of 0-diphenols. The synergistic effect between phloretin glucoside and chlorogenic acid or catechin confirms the earlier presentation

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Table ΙΠ. Effect of Catechin or Chlorogenic Acid Added to Phloretin Glucoside on the Lag Period and Brown Color During Enzymatic Oxidation

Phloretin glucoside (mM)

Added Cat or Chlg (mM)

Chlorogenic acid A420nm Lag (min) (after 2 h)

Catechin Lag A420nm (min) (after 2 h)







1 mM












1 mM












(Some data are from ref. 34.)

that showed a strong browning reaction in phloretin glucosides in the presence of chlorogenic acid or flavans. The oxidation rate constant of phloretin glucoside (207.6 χ 10 " mM/min) was higher than catechin (36.5 χ 10 " mM/min) and chlorogenic acid (188.5 χ 10 " mM/min). However, the mixture of phloretin glucoside and catechin or chlorogenic acid increased the oxidation rate proportionally to the increased concen­ tration of the two polyphenols. This rapid reaction of the phenolic mixture containing monomelic and dimeric flavan-3-ol and gallic acid in the presence of grape o-DPO was also reported (35) These findings clearly show that the rate of browning in apple products cannot be regarded as a linear function of the phenolic content, since the rate of browning is not an additive of particular o-DPO substrates. This may explain the difficulties in finding a correlation between total phenolic contents and the rate of browning of apple products. The synergistic effect of polyphenol compounds must be considered carefully in the study of fruit browning. 4



Conclusions As we have seen here, the enzymatic browning in fruits is complex. The rate of enzymatic oxidation of polyphenols depends on the polyphenol oxidase activity as well as on the individual polyphenol compounds that show different degrees of browning: in general, the monomelic catechins and dimeric procyanidins brown more intensely than do other polyphenol compounds. Therefore, the contribution of a given polyphenol compound to browning not only depends on its concentration but also on the nature of it and other polyphenol compounds co-present in the tissue. It is also clear



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RECEIVED November 7, 1991