Enzymatic Ring Opening Polymerization of - American Chemical Society

2 NSF Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing of Macromolecules,. Department ... catalyzed by porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) and initiated by metha...
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Chapter 27

Enzymatic Ring Opening Polymerization of ε-Capi olactone in Supercritical CO2 1


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Takahiko Nakaoki , Makoto Kitoh , and Richard A. Gross 1


Department of Materials Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Ryukoku University, Seta, Otsu, Shiga 520-2194, Japan NSF Center for Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing of Macromolecules, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Polytechnic University, 6 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 2

Ring opening polymerizations of ε-caprolactone (ε-CL) catalyzed by immobilized lipases were investigated in super critical carbon dioxide (scCO ). The polymerization using Novozyme-435 (immobilized lipase Β from Candida Antarctica) at 70 °C and 10 MPa in scCO provided more than 70 % monomer conversion within 90 min, which is as fast as the reaction in toluene. It was suggested that the reactivity concerns with the dielectric constant of scCO , which is close to that of toluene. When Novozyme-435 was used for polymerization of ε-CL after incubating over 140 °C in scCO , the reduced monomer conversion was observed. This showed that Novozyme-435 keeps enzymatic activity in scCO below 140 °C without deactivation. The temperature completely losing the enzymatic activity was estimated as 152 °C by extrapolation. This temperature is a little higher than that in toluene. The polymerization of ε-CL in scCO was studied as functions of temperature and pressure. When the temperature was varied in the range between 20 °C and 100 °C under the pressure of 10 MPa, in which the Novozyme-435 wasn't deactivated, the apparent reaction rate was the largest at 80 °C. 2






© 2005 American Chemical Society Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


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Even in non-super critical condition below 31 °C, the reaction was promoted, although it was very slow. When the pressure was changed between 1 and 18 MPa under the same condition at 70 °C, the apparent reaction rate kept constant for all pressures. Even in non-super critical state below 7.4 MPa, the reaction was promoted. These results indicate that the super critical state is not an essential factor to promote the polymerization but it depends on only the reaction temperature.

Enzymatic polymerization in organic media has been attracted for not only academic but also industrial interests over the past few years. Investigation on ring opening polymerization of lactones was performed by Kobayashi et. al. (1) Also, Knani et. al. studied ε-caprolactone (ε-CL) ring opening polymerization catalyzed by porcine pancreatic lipase (PPL) and initiated by methanol (2). After these pioneering experiments, investigations on macrolactones with larger ring size, activity of enzyme, immobilized enzyme, and so on have been carried out by many researchers (5-75). Recently Gross et. al. reported that polymerization of ε-CL catalyzed by Novozyme-435 (immobilized lipase Β from Candida Antarctica) was improved by reaction in toluene because of higher log Ρ (16). In situ *H NMR measurement in toluene-dg was employed to study the effect of reaction temperature on propagation kinetics and average molecular weight. The polymerization conducted at 90 °C gave the most rapid polymerization rate. The use of super critical fluid as nonaquous solvent for enzyme-catalyzed polymerization has been receiving increased attention as a new polymerization system. In many cases, super critical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) is the most popular supercritical fluid, because C 0 has an easily accessible critical point with a critical temperature (T ) of 31 °C and pressure (P ) of 7.4 MPa. In addition, C 0 has apparent advantages over other supercritical fluids, such as low cost, nonflammable, and nontoxicity. However, the low solubility for many reactants in scC0 is a negative character (16). While scC0 is a good solvent for most nonpolar molecules with low molecular weight, it acts as a poor solvent for most polymers under comparatively mild condition. In case of poly(methylacrylate) having the molecular weight 10 g/mol, the soluble condition of C 0 requires 200 MPa and 100 °C (17). Since enzymes are generally insoluble in organic media, the reactions were carried out through enzyme suspension and heterogeneous immobilized enzyme systems. Okahata et. al. reported that a lipid-coated enzyme soluble in organic media acts as an 2








Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

395 efficient catalyst (18). They applied this enzyme to the triglyceride synthesis in scC0 , and obtained better reactivity than organic media such as benzene. In this investigation, we compared the enzymatic polymerization of ε-CL in scC0 with that in organic media. The reactivity of Novozyme-435 was also reported as functions of reaction temperature and pressure in scC0 . 2


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Experimental Samples. ε-CL and toluene-d were purchased from Wako Co. Ltd. Novozyme-435, which is immobilized Candida Antarctica Lipase Β (CALB) on acrylic resin, was provided from Novozyme Japan. Accurel and QDE 2-3-4 immobilized CALB on polypropylene were gifts from Novo Nordisk. The characterization of these immobilizaed lipases is listed in Ref. 19. Polymerization of ε-CL in scC0 . The apparatus was specially designed to investigate reactions in scC0 in a reactor with a reaction cell volume of 1.0 ml. 0.2 mL of ε-CL and 20 mg of Novozyme-435 were introduced within the reactor. After sealing, pressure was added by pumping liquid C 0 to the desired final pressure. The reactor was thermostated in silicone oil bath. After reacted for given time, the reactions were terminated by adding an excess of chloroform and removing the enzymes by filtration. The solution was pored into methanol and the white precipitation was obtained. The precipitate was isolated by filtration and dried in a vacuum oven. Then the monomer conversion was estimated by weight. When the reactions were carried out by using Accurel and QDE 2-3-4, the same amount of CALB on matrix as Novozyme-435 which was calculated by protein content of each sample was used for the reaction. Instrumental metods. *H NMR measurements were performed on Bruker Biospin DPX 400 NMR spectrometer. The chemical shift was referenced relative to tetramethylsilane (TMS) at 0 ppm. In situ measurement was carried out as follows. Novozyme-435 (12 mg) and toluene-d (0.6 ml) were put into NMR tube and they were incubated at 70 °C. Then ε-CL was added by syringe. The measurements were carried out after every 5-7 minutes. After every measurement, the tube was taken out, shaken well, and put in the NMR probe. This procedure was quickly performed to avoid fluctuation in the reaction temperature. Infrared spectra were performed on a JASCO FT-IR 660 plus spectrometer equipped with a DTGS detector. Resolution and accumulation time were 2 cm" and 256, respectively. Water content was measured by Kyoto Electronics MKC-510N. Novozyme-435 after treating in vaccuo for 24 h included water of 2.0 wt%. 8






Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


Results and Discussion Enzymatic Activity in scC0 in Comparison with Toluene Recently lots of investigations have been reported for enzymatic reaction in scC0 instead of organic media. First the activity of Novozyme-435 for polymerization of ε-CL in scC0 was compared with that in toluene. In order to compare it in the same condition, the ratio of Novozyme-435, ε-CL, and reaction media was fixed to 0.1/1/5 (w/v/v), and the reaction temperature was adopted 70 °C. The monomer conversion was plotted against reaction temperature as shown in Figure 1. As described in previous paper, the signals of -OCH - for monomer and polymer provide the different chemical shift (7). So we can estimate the monomer conversion taking a ratio of integral intensity of monomer and polymer. The result unexpectedly provided almost the same reactivity between scC0 and toluene. One of the significant results is that Novozyme435 kept the enzymatic activity in scC0 . Secondary the activity in scC0 is as high as in toluene. So far, some investigation on esterification in scC0 of low molecular weight compounds have been carried out, and the reactivity was reported to be higher than that in organic solvent (20, 27). However our experimental result showed that the monomer conversion depending on time was comparable. A possible explanation is low solubility of polycaprolactone (PCL). With increasing reaction time, molecular chains having larger molecular weight precipitated, and as a result the propagation rate would be reduced. Gross et. al. revealed that the organic media associated with larger log Ρ tends to provide the higher monomer conversion (7). At this time, there is no report on log Ρ for scC0 so that the another parameter should be used for comparison. Catoni et. al. investigated the esterification by Pseudomonas sp. immobilized on an ACR-silica gel as functions of dielectric constant, Hildebrand solubility parameter, and log Ρ (20). They found the linear relationship between monomer conversion and log P. With respect to the dielectric constant, the smaller values less than 5 such as chloroform, toluene, benzene and so on. gave higher monomer conversion, although there is no linear relationship between dielectric constant and monomer conversion. The dielectric constant of scC0 at 70 °C and 10 MPa takes 1.13 (22), whereas that of toluene is 2.44. Both values take less than 5. Therefore, one of the reasons to promote the polymerization in scC0 is considered to take low dielectric constant of scC0 . Another reason to enhance the polymerization is perhaps due to the molecular modification of ε-CL under the condition of high pressure. Since ε-CL takes seven membered cycle, the ring is considerably strained. In Figure 2 shows infrared spectra of ε-CL in liquid state and in scC0 at 50 °C and 10 MPa. These spectra reflect the local vibrational modes because there is no molecular symmetry like solid state. As a result, the number offrequencieswas almost the same, but the peak intensity and wavenumber were different between them. 2


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Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Figure 1. Monomer conversion ofe-CL as a function of reaction time in toluene ( · ) and scCC>2 ( · )· All reaction conditions are the same except reaction media used. 9

Figure 2. Infrared spectra ofe-CL in scC0 at 50 °C and 10 MPa (a) and in liquid state (b). 2

Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

398 This indicates that ε-CL takes different molecular modification in scC0 . Perhaps the high pressure allowed the strained structure open with ease. 2

Enzymatic Activity Incubated at High Temperature in scC0 Next the enzymatic activity was investigated for Novozyme-435 incubated over 100 °C in scC0 . As we reported previously, the enzymatic activity of Novozyme-435 in xylene began to lose activity over 110 °C and then it was completely lost at 138 °C (72). The same experimental procedure was applied to the system in scC0 . After incubating the Novozyme-435 in scC0 for 2 h at given temperature, in situ *H NMR spectra were measured for polymerization of ε-CL in toluene-d . The result was shown in Figure 3. Since this type of measurements include experimental error, the measurements were repeated more than twice and error bars were added in the Figure. For Novozyme-435 incubated at high temperature, the monomer conversion was reduced with incubated temperature. In order to make clear the degree of deactivation, we adopted the relative monomer conversion normalized by the monomer conversion obtained from non-incubated Novozyme-435. In Figure 4 plotted the relative monomer conversion at reaction time of 30, 60, and 90 minutes against incubated temperature. Even for the enzyme incubated at 140 °C, the relative monomer conversion kept more than 90 %. This indicates that the enzyme wasn't deactivated at this temperature. However, the reactivity decreased rapidly above 140 °C. The temperature extrapolated to zero relative conversion, which corresponds to the temperature that the enzymatic activity was completely lost, was evaluated as 152 °C. Previously we reported 138 °C for the deactivation temperature of Novozyme-435 in xylene (19). Both the onset temperature to deactivate and the extrapolated temperature to zero reactivity in scC0 became slightly higher. This indicates that the deactivation receives little influence from high pressure, but the temperature is the main factor for deactivation. 2

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Matrix Effect for Enzymatic Activity in scC0 It has been well-known that the enzymatic activity is enhanced by immobilization on matrix and it depends on hydrophobicity of matrix. We investigated the seven different matricies for ring opening polymerization of εCL, and found that Accurel and QDE 2-3-4 immobilized on polypropylene provided higher activity than Novozyme-435 (19). The enhancement factors for QDE 2-3-4 and Accurel were 3.1 and 2.1, respectively. Therefore we applied these immobilized lipases to the polymerization in scC0 . The reaction was conducted at 70 °C and 10 MPa in scC0 and then the monomer conversion was estimated in CDCL solution by H NMR. Figure 5 shows the monomer conversion versus reaction time. The conversion after 60 min was about 70 % for Novozyme-435, whereas the conversions for QDE2-3-4 and Accurel 2





Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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30 60 Time (min)


Figure 3. Monomer conversion as a function of reaction temperature for a series ofpolymerization using Novozyme-435 incubated at different temperature. non-incubated,—


140 °Ct—




: 150


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20 1 iff, 0 120 140 160 Incubated Temperature / °C

Figure 4. Relative monomer conversion depending on incubated temperature. The relative monomer conversion was normalized by the conversion of nonincubated Novozyme-435. The relative monomer conversions were evaluated at the reaction time of30, 60, and 90 min. · ; 30 min, · ; 60 min, · : 90 min.

Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.

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Time (min) Figure 5. Monomer conversion depending on reaction time for polymerization using different immobilized CALB in scC0 at 70 °C and 10 MPa. · : Accurel · ; QDE2-3-4, and · : Novozyme-435. 2

Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


provided higher monomer conversion. This trend was the same as the reaction in toluene. When the time reached to 50 % conversion was compared among these samples, QDE 2-3-4 and Accurel were 1.6 and 1.2 times faster than Novozyme-435. The enhancement factors are not so high in comparison with the reaction in toluene. The poor solubility of PCL in scC0 would contribute to reduce the polymerization rate. Since there is no significant influence for the molecular structure of enzyme and surface structure of matrix in scC0 , the enzymatic activity would be kept at high pressure. 2

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Enzymatic Activity in scC0 under Different Conditions The enzymatic activity strongly depends on temperature. In case of reaction using Novozyme-435 in toluene, the polymerization rate of ε-CL was the fastest at 90 °C (7). Since Novozyme-435 can be used below 140 °C without deactivation in scC0 as described above section, the reactivity was investigated as a function of temperature below 100 °C. The initial slope of the percent monomer conversion versus time plots was used to calculate the apparent rate constant (k ). Figure 6 shows k depending on reaction temperature. The reaction provided the fastest rate at 80 °C, which is almost the same as the reaction in toluene. Even for the reaction condition at 20 °C lower than critical temperature, the enzyme catalyzed the polymerization of ε-CL although the reaction rate was very slow. This indicates that super critical state is not required for polymerization of ε-CL catalyzed by Novozyme-435. The dielectric constants at 10 MPa take between 1.54 and 1.12 at 10 °C and 80 °C, respectively. This range is not so wide that the reactivity wouldn't be affected. Rather the reaction temperature would be a dominant factor to enhance the polymerization. Next subject is to make clear the dependence of pressure. Figure 7 shows the values of k depending on pressure. In these experiments, the reaction temperature was fixed at 70 °C. As can be seen in the Figure, k provided almost constant value independent of pressure. Even for the pressure below 7.4 MPa, which corresponds to the critical point of C 0 , the reaction rate was almost the same as that observed over 10 MPa. This result also supported that super critical state isn't required for the polymerization of ε-CL. Since the dielecric constants at 2 and 18 MPa take between 1.02 and 1.36 at 70 °C, respectively (22), the small change of dielectric constant would be independent of reaction. From these experiments as functions of temperature and pressure in scC0 , it is concluded that the reaction temperature is the most important factor to enhance the polymerization. 2








Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


2 H I

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Temperature / °C Figure 6. Plots of apparent rate constant (k ) depending on reaction temperature in scCOi at 10 MPa. app


β i





10 Pressure / MPa


Figure 7. Plots of apparent rate constant (k^) depending on pressure in SCCO2 at 70°C.

Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.


Conclusions Enzymatic activity of immobilized CAL in scC0 was investigated by ring opening polymerization of ε-CL. When the reaction in scC0 was compared with toluene, the enzymatic activity was comparable between them. This indicates that Novozyme-435 kept enzymatic activity in scC0 . The dielectric constants of scC0 and toluene are close so that the polymerization would be promoted in a similar degree. In addition, infrared spectrum of ε-CL in scC0 is different from that in liquid state, reflecting that the different molecular modification. Perhaps high pressure allowed the strained ring structure open the lactone ring. When Novozyme-435 was incubated at 10 MPa in scC0 , the enzyme started to lose activity over 140 °C. The temperature extrapolated to conversion zero was evaluated as 152 °C. This temperature corresponds that the enzymatic activity is completely lost. Compared with the reaction in organic media such as xylene, the deactivated temperature in scC0 was a little higher. Novozyme-435 is immobilized on acrylic resin. In general, the matrix is an important factor to enhance the reactivity. Accurel and QDE 2-3-4, which are immobilized on polypropylene, provided better activity than Novozyme 435 in scC0 . This result was the same trend as the reaction in toluene. The polymerization of ε-CL in compressed and super critical C 0 was studied as a function of reaction temperature. With increasing reaction temperature, the apparent reaction rate k became larger, and then 80 °C was the most preferred reaction temperature for polymerization in scC0 . Even for the temperature below critical temperature, the reaction was promoted. This indicates that the super critical condition is not required to promote polymerization. When the pressure was varied between 1 and 18 MPa under the constant temperature at 70 °C, the reaction rate fc was unchanged at any pressures. Even at 1 MPa, which is lower than critical pressure, the reaction was promoted. From these results, it was concluded that an important factor for enzymatic polymerization of ε-CL in scC0 is not the super critical condition but the reaction temperature. 2




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Acknowledgement This work was financially supported by the High Tech Research Center at Ryukoku University.

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Cheng and Gross; Polymer Biocatalysis and Biomaterials ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2005.