Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing - American Chemical Society

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Chapter 20

Purification and Characterization of Laccase from a Newly Isolated Wood-Decaying Fungus

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M. Luisa F. C. Gonçalves and W. Steiner "SFB-Biokatalyse" Institute of Biotechnology, Technical University of Graz, Petersgasse 12/I, A-8010 Graz, Austria

Laccases are widespread in nature, being found in many plants and fungal species. Enzymatic pulp bleaching by the action of laccases can be enhanced by mediators. The search for organisms producing extremely stable enzymes that are compatible with conditions necessary in such processes, led to the isolation of a Polyporus sp. strain growing on an apple tree during winter. In addition to high laccase, traces of mannanase and xylanase activities were also detected. The laccases produced are not denatured by SDS, and were isolated by electrophoresis in the presence of this detergent. The main laccase was further purified and partially characterized with respect to pI (3.5), molecular mass (45 kDa) and optimum pH (4.5) and temperature (25°C).

Laccases (benzenediol:oxygen oxidoreductases, E C are either mono- or multimeric copper-containing enzymes which use molecular oxygen as a terminal electron acceptor. Laccase catalyses the removal of a hydrogen atom from the hydroxyl group of orto and para mono- and poly-phenolic substrates and from aromatic amines, to form free radicals, capable of undergoing further depolymerization or polymerization, demethylation or quinone formation. This rather broad substrate specificity of laccases may be additionally expanded by addition of redox mediators in their reaction mixtures (1). Laccase mediator systems oxidize nonphenolic compounds that are otherwise not attacked, and are able to degrade lignin in kraft pulps (2). Laccases have widespread applications, ranging from effluent decoloration and detoxification to pulp bleaching, removal of phenolics from wines and dye transfer blocking functions in detergents and washing powders, many of which have been

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In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.

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Purification & Characterization ofLaccase


patented. Fungal laccases are of interest in synthetic chemistry and medicine, oxidizing steroid hormones and transforming antibiotics and alkaloids (3). The importance of these enzymes for biotechnology, results also from their considerable retention of activity in organic solvents with applications in organic synthesis, and their participation in biosensors and immunoenzyme assays (4-7). Laccases in nature can be of plant, fungal, insect and bacterial origin. The first literature reference to the enzyme was made by Yoshida in 1883 (8), by reporting a "diastase-like" activity requiring air, for the polymerization of Rhus vernicifera extracts. The biological functions of laccases have not been completely understood, since they are involved in many distinct processes such as lignification in plants, and sporulation, rhizomorph formation, lignin degradation and pigment formation in fungi (9-14). Laccase mediates for example the synthesis of melanin in Cryptococcus neoformans, melanin production being the major virulence factor for this organism that causes life-threatening infections in about 10% of AIDS patients (15). At various stages of development in fungi laccase activity has been observed intra- and/or extracellularly, sugesting that synthesis of the enzyme is developmentally regulated (16). In recent years, the extracellular fungal laccases of Trametes (Coriolus, Polyporus) versiclor (17), Polyporus sanguineus (18) and P. anceps (3), Pleurotus ostreatus (19), Agaricus bisporus (20), Arctium lappa (21), Botrytis cinerea (1), Cerrena unicolor (22), Curvularia sp. (23), Ceriporiopsis subvermispora (2), Cryphonectria parasitica (24), Cryptococcus neoformans (15), Heterobasidion annosun (Fomes annosus) (25), Lentinus edodes (26), L. tigrinus IBR 101 (27), Neurospora crassa (28), Pycnoporus coccineus (29), Phanerochaete chrysosporium (30), Pholiota mutabiiis, Podospora anserina and Rhizoctonia paticola (31), Trichoderma sp(32), Aspergillus nidulans (33), and Schizophyllum commune (34) have been isolated, purified using various methods and partially characterized. Many of the studied fungi produced more than one laccase form. In some basidiomycetes, the enzyme production could be induced by addition of small amounts of distinct protein synthesis inhibitors like xylidine, gallic acid or /7-dianisine to culture medium (35). In most cases the constitutive and induced forms of laccase are distinguishable. General characteristics of the fungal laccases studied are a molecular mass ranging from 46.5 (P. chrysosporium) to 80 (P. anserina) kDa, the most frequently molecular mass value found being 66 kDa (five of the above mentioned fungi). The optimum pH for activity was generally situated in the acidic region, between 3 and 5 depending on the substrate, with the exception of R. praticola, that had an enzyme with pH optimum in the neutral region. The isoelectric points vary from 2.9 (P. ostreatus) to 4.8 (C. subvermispora). The optimum temperature range was usually between 50 and 60°C. Some genes for laccases from wood-rotting fungi have been sequenced totally or partially, and vectors for cloning of laccase genes have been constructed and expressed for the commercial production of the enzyme (36-37). Recently (38) laccases were also identified in enzyme systems from marine fungi, alone or in conjunction with xylanases and mannanases. In our work, screening for laccase-producing fungi isolated and identified a wild-type strain of a white-rot fungus with high levels of laccase production. The objective was to search for a laccase producer whose enzymes are stable and

In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



compatible with the conditions necessary in industrial processes, namely in enzymatic pulp bleaching and effluent treatments.

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Materials and Methods Organisms. Samples of wood, living trees and soil from Austrian forests were screened for laccase producing fungi. Polyporus sp., from an apple tree, was isolated in our laboratory and identified by Central Bureau Voor Schimmelcultures, Baarn, Netherlands. The fungus was deposited in our culture collection under Polyporus H7 and fungal mycelium was used for weekly transfes to new Saboraud plates. Culture Conditions. Organisms being screened were inoculated onto Petri dishes containing potato dextrose or Saboraud's agar and 0.02% of a laccase substrate. The coloration effect produced by the different fungi was always compared with the one produced by Pleurotus ostreatus, SL known laccase producer. For laccase production a modification of the bran-based media described elsewhere (2) was used. The medium contained (per liter) wheat bran flakes (45g) and yeast extract (15g). The sterilized medium had a pH of 6.5, unless buffered with citrate-phosphate to pH 4.5. The effect of addition of 2,5-xylidine to medium after 4 days of incubation, to give a final concentration of 0.4 mM, monitoring the laccase activity on the following 6 days, was examined as described in results. Fermentations were incubated at 25°C on a rotary shaker (150rpm) in 300ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100ml of media. Enzyme Purification and Characterization. Cultures were harvested after the peak of laccase activity was achieved, filtered through a sieve to separate the bran flakes and centrifuged (10 000 rpm, 20 minutes) to remove the mycelia. The supernatant was frozen, defrosted and filtered, for removal of precipitated polysaccharide. The next step was a concentration of at least six-fold in a 30 kDa Ultrafiltration Filtron unit. Preparative SDS-PAGE on 12% gels was then performed by the method of Laemmli (39). The samples were treated with 1% SDS and incubated at 37°C for 15 minutes. Laccase was recovered from gels by elution or by using GenElute Agarose spin columns (Sigma). The laccase so obtained gave a single band in SDS-PAGE. The laccase pH optimum and pH stability were assayed as described in the results. Optimum pH was determined using syringaldazine as a substrate with 50 m M citrate buffer in the range 3 to 6 an with phosphate buffer of the same molarity in the range 4.5 to 6.9. Molecular mass was estimated by SDS-PAGE (with NO V E X Markl2™ wide range molecular weight standards). The isoelectric point value was determined by analytical isoelectric focusing PAGE, with a pH gradient of 3 to 9 using markers for pH (from Bio-Rad Laboratories) in this range. The effect of temperature on activity was determined by incubating samples at temperatures between 15 and 90°C for 15 minutes and measuring immediately the remaining activity using the standard procedure. The concentration of dissolved oxygen was kept constant, since its solubility is also a function of the temperature.

In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Purification & Characterization of Laccase


The effect of temperature on enzyme activity is then determined only by the balance between the effects of temperature on rates of reaction and inactivation of the enzyme. Enzyme Assay. Quantitatively, laccase activity was assayed colorimetrically with syringaldazine as substrate as reported elsewhere (40), but using 50 m M citrate buffer (pH 4,5) at 37°C The activity was calculated in the international units nkat/1, using the molecular adsorption coefficient 8= 65,000 M cm" for monitoring the oxidation of syringaldazine. Qualitatively, laccase activity was visualized on plates containing 0,02% (w/v) of either guaiacol, ABTS (2,2'-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6sulfonate)) or catechol. A direct detection of laccase activity in polyacrylamide gels was achieved by staining with 2 m M guaiacol or 5 m M syringaldazine in citrate buffer (pH4.5).

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Kinetic Studies. Michaelis constant ( K ) and maximum reaction velocity ( V ) were calculated for the reaction of laccase with syringaldazine from Lineweaver-Burk plots using substrate concentrations between 250 and 1000 μΜ at pH 4.5 and 25°C. m


Results and Discussion Isolation and Cultivation of the Laccase Producing Fungus. From all isolates, the most promising laccase producer was chosen and identified as Polyporus sp.. Early studies showed that the presence of glucose in medium repressed laccase production by this organism (data not shown), in a similar manner as in Trichoderma sp. (32). The basidiomycete Polyporus sp., cultivated on bran-based media, gave a peak of laccase activity after 8 days of cultivation. The appearance of laccase coincided with decrease of total protein content in medium. The kinetic profile for a Polyporus sp. incubation is shown in Figure 1, and it agrees with that of P. anceps (3). Traces of xylanase and mannanase activities were detected from the fourth day onwards, remaining constant during the entire period of fermentation. Cellulase activity reached a maximum of one filter paper unit after one week, only when the fungus was grown on sulfite pulp (Kappa 43) supplemented with 1% (w/v) yeast extract, and was not detected otherwise (data not shown). When a potential inducer of laccase, 2,5-xylidine, was added to cultures of Polyporus sp., no detectable increase of the laccase activity was observed, in contrast to the results reported previously for Polyporus versicolor (17), Folyporus anceps (3) and other basidiomycetes (57), but in agreement to results obtained with Basidiomycete PM1 (41) and Rhizoctonia praticola (42). Other possible inducers gallic acid, 2,6-dimethoxyphenol, organosolv lignin and guaiacol also did not increase laccase levels. The activity detected on Polyporus sp. culture filtrate after eight days of cultivation was at least twice as high as that detected after 10 days of non-induced cultivation of Trametes versicolor and ten times higher than for Fomes annosus (42) and Polyporus anceps (3) cultivated under the same conditions.

In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.




τ 14

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500 +

400 +

300 +


100 +










Fermentation time (days) -Activity nkat/1 -B-Biommass g/1 -rlr-Protein g/1 — p H Figure 1. Kinetic profile of Polyporus sp. fermentation.

Table 1. Purification of the extracellular laccase from Polyporus sp. Purification Step

Activity (nkatals / ml)

Culture Filtrate (9 days) Diafiltration 6x cone. Preparative SDS-PAGE

13.35 43.13 26.64

Protein (mg/ml) 3.02 6.40 0.09

Specific Acti. (nkatals / mg)

Yield (% protein)

4.42 6.73 296

100 21 14

In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.



Purification & Characterization of Laccase


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The results obtained with the enzyme purification sequence are summarized in Table 1. When the most abundant laccase form produced by the organism was purified to apparent electrophoretic homogeneity, a protein of 45 kDa molcular mass was obtained. After several months storage at 4°C., further electrophoretic analysis revealed a second weaker band at aproximately 90 kDa. This result indicates the laccase protein from Polyporus sp. is a dimeric protein (two subunits of 45 kDa each). Enzyme Size and Isoelectric Point Determination. SDS-PAGE estimated a molecular mass of 45 kDa for the main band with laccase activity, which is about the same size as the one from P. chrysosporium (46.5 kDa). At least two minor protein bands with larger size also showed laccase activity. The samples remained active after electrophoresis in the presence of SDS, and allowed a direct detection of laccase activity by staining. Activity staining was also possible after protein staining with Coomasssie brilliant blue dye. This fact agrees with what has been reported for B. cinerea, whose laccase tolerates SDS concentrations up to 4% (7). Analytical isoelectric focusing PAGE of the main laccase band gave an isoelectric point value of 3.5 using Biorad standards. Estimates of Laccase pH Optimum. The pH activity profile is in accordance to that expected with the substrate employed, see Figure 2. Activity is detectable from pH 3 until about pH 7, reaching a maximum at the pH value of 4. The differences in activity values caused from changing the type of buffer were within the range of the experimental error (inferior to 1%), and in contradiction to what was reported for P. anceps and P. sanguineus. For these organisms, pH optimum and activity differ when the buffer is changed. Using catechol as substrate, the Polyporus sp. laccase was also active in the same pH range from 3 to 7 (data not shown). Effect of Temperature on Laccase Activity. Retention of activity after exposure to different temperatures gave the results presented in Figure 3. The laccase shows a higher activity at room temperature, 25°C: Inactivation of Laccase by Solvents and Inhibitors. Retention of activity when inhibitors or organic solvents are present in standard assay medium is given in Table 2. The results corroborate those reported for the inducible form of laccase from Trametes versicolor(40) except for sodium azide. For this compound, the laccase from Polyporus sp. still exhibits a 20% activity at 30 m M , while the one from Trametes is completely inhibited. The enzyme remained active in concentrations of up to 80% ethanol and 40% methanol for several days at room temperature (data not shown). Enzyme Kinetics. Enzyme activity versus substrate concentration for syringaldazine, using 10μ1 of purified laccase (2.7 nkat) was measured. From Lineweaver-Burk plots the K (0.5μΜ) and the V (21μΜ min" ) values were estimated by extrapolation. 1


m a x

Conclusions. The main laccase produced by Polyporus sp. possesses general characteristics of the laccases of basisdiomycetes already studied, within respect to

In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


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Table 2 Influence of Solvents and Inhbitors on the Polyporus sp. laccase activity Substance

Concentration in reaction mixture Ethanol 50% Methanol 50% Acetone 50% Sodium Azide 0.03 M

Remaining activity (%) 80 40 67 20

In Enzymes for Pulp and Paper Processing; Jeffries, T., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1996.


Purification & Characterization of Laccase


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molecular mass, isoelectric point and pH behavior. The optimum temperature for this laccase of 25°C., lower than the value for laccases previously studied is probably related to the characteristics of the organism. Our enzyme tolerates relatively high concentrations of SDS and retains its activity in ethanol and methanol solutions. Further studies will follow with the objective of optimizing enzyme production for obtaining a more competitive product for commercial use in bleaching and effluent treatments.

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