Nov 12, 2010 - The Environmental Protection Agency and the manufacturers of chlorpyrifos have agreed to eliminate nearly all household applications of...
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n e w s of t h e w e e k feet brain development because hu­ mans seem to be as sensitive or more sensitive to the compound than rodents. Furthermore, EPA estimates that chlorpyrifos accounted for 800 uninten­ tional poisonings last year and says it is highly persistent in the environment. Dow AgroSciences, the primary sup­ plier of chlorpyrifos in the U.S., says there are wide margins of safety for the chemical if it is used as directed. Garry Hamlin, a spokesman for the company, he Environmental Protection rological system development, accord­ says more than 3,600 studies show chlorpyrifos is safe when applied ac­ Agency and the manufacturers of ing to recent studies. chlorpyrifos have agreed to elimi­ The 1996 Food Quality Protection cording to label directions. nate nearly all household applications of Act (FQPA) requires EPA to conduct a But passage of FQPA "has funda­ the insecticide. Known by the trade review of pesticides that pose the most mentally changed the way in which pes­ names Dursban and Lorsban, chlor­ ticides are regulated in the United pyrifos is the most widely used States," says Elin D. Miller, vice household pesticide product in the president of Dow AgroSciences' ur­ U.S. ban pest business. "We ultimately felt that we had to reach an agree­ Chlorpyrifos, an organophosment with EPA for the use of these phate, is used in homes to kill ter­ products in the U.S., but this does mites, cockroaches, ants, and fleas, not change our conviction on the as well as in gardens to kill a variety of insects. It is the most common in­ safety of chlorpyrifos for all labeled secticide exterminators use to kill uses." cockroaches and termites, and it is On June 7, Consumers Union re­ applied to a wide variety of fruits and leased a study showing that some vegetables. It is the active ingredi­ foods, such as winter squash, peach­ ent in about 800 products. About es, apples, and grapes, contain unac­ 20 million lb of chlorpyrifos is manu­ ceptable residues of chlorpyrifos. factured each year in the U.S. Under Jay Feldman, executive director of the agreement, production will be Beyond Pesticides/National Coali­ cut to 10 million lb. tion Against the Misuse of Pesti­ According to the agreement, the cides, says that because chlorpyri­ use of chlorpyrifos on tomatoes Browner: protecting children is key fos is found in so many foods, all ag­ will be eliminated and use on ricultural uses must be banned. grapes and apples cut back, although danger to human health to make sure From recent studies, he says, "the only other agricultural uses of the pesticide they meet new safety standards specifi­ conclusion EPA can reach is that chlor­ will still be allowed. Professional appli­ cally designed to protect children. The pyrifos causes unreasonable effects on cators may still use Dursban on golf review of chlorpyrifos, which is a cho- human health and the environment." courses and in ship holds and office linesterase inhibitor, is part of that According to Browner, alternative in­ buildings. But the agreement requires process. secticides for chlorpest exterminator companies to phase — pyrifos are avail­ EPA based its out all use of chlorpyrifos in areas decision on several able. One is a bio­ where children could be exposed, in­ factors. The most logical pesticide CH 3 CH 2 O x cluding schools, daycare centers, important are new called Spinosad, P—Ο parks, stores, and malls, by the end of studies that show also manufactured CH 3 CH 2 0 / / 1l the year. by Dow, which the chlorpyrifos, a neufirm expects can be 'Today's action is a major step in rotoxicant, causes Chlorpyrifos used on virtually the Clinton-Gore Administration's on­ brain damage in fe­ all crops. Synthetic going efforts to better protect public tal rats when preg­ pyrethroids, nicohealth, especially the health of chil­ nant rats are given dren," said EPA Administrator Carol the compound. In newborn rodents, tinoids, and a triazamate are other M. Browner. "Now that we have com­ chlorpyrifos causes persistent changes alternatives. pleted the most extensive scientific in brain chemistry, decreased levels of Last August, EPA restricted uses of evaluation ever conducted on the po­ DNA synthesis, and persistent changes the organophosphates methyl parathion tential health hazards from a pesticide, in the thickness of certain parts of the and azinphos methyl. EPA plans to re­ it is clear the time has come to take ac­ brain in females. EPA concludes from view the remainder of the 45 organo­ tion to protect our children from expo­ these studies that human exposure to phosphates by the end of the year, sure to this chemical." Exposure to low levels of chlorpyrifos in the womb Browner says. chlorpyrifos can adversely affect neu­ or in early childhood may adversely afBette Hileman


Nearly all household uses of chlorpyrifos are banned, mostfarm applications to continue


JUNE 12,2000 C&EN