EPA targets hydrofluorocarbons - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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Congress questions Syngenta, ChemChina deal U.S. senators seek review of acquisition’s effects on food safety, national security A planned $43 billion takeover of the agThis review process, which the Treasury rochemical firm Syngenta by ChemChina, Department leads, is voluntary, but both one of China’s biggest chemical companies, companies have opted to proceed with it. could have negative effects on U.S. national FDA and USDA—the two agencies with jusecurity and food safety, U.S. senators say. risdiction over food safety in the U.S.—are Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), Debbie not typically involved in such reviews. Stabenow (D-Mich.), Joni Ernst (R-Iowa), “The food and agriculture sectors are and Sherrod Brown part of the nation’s crit(D-Ohio) are urging the ical infrastructure, and Treasury Department to this merger raises quesseek input from the Food tions about national se& Drug Administration curity because of the need and the Department of to ensure a safe food supAgriculture as part of a ply,” Grassley says. USDA review of the pending and FDA “are the experts deal by the interagency on the food system, so Committee on Foreign it’s a natural fit for them Investment in the U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, to be a part of any CFIUS (CFIUS). (R-Iowa) review,” he adds.

“This merger raises questions about national security because of the need to ensure a safe food supply.”

USDA officials previously raised red flags about ChemChina’s proposal to buy Syngenta. “I have a watchful eye on all of this and continue to be extremely concerned about the way in which biotechnology and innovation is being treated and impeded by a system in China that is often times not based on science and appears to be more based on politics,” USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in February when news of the takeover was announced. Syngenta and ChemChina are welcoming a review of the proposed deal by U.S. federal agencies. The companies do not believe the acquisition poses a threat to U.S. food safety or national security. “Our vision is not confined to our mutual interests, but will also respond to and maximize the interests of farmers and consumers around the world,” says Ren Jianxin, chairman of ChemChina.—BRITT ERICKSON


EPA targets hydrofluorocarbons emissions of methylene chloride from multiple industrial sources have been increasing.” This could impact the ozone layer (Nat. Geosci. 2015, DOI: 10.1038/ngeo2363). The Environmental Protection Agency is HFC-134a. HFO-1234yf has less than one Under the proposal, EPA would also alclearing the way for additional chemicals thousandth of the global warming potential low use of 2-bromo-3,3,3-trifluoropropene to replace hydrofluorocarbons of HFC-134a. The proposal would (2-BTP) in fire suppression equipment on (HFCs), potent greenhouse gases allow use of the HFO-1234yf in aircraft that previously relied on halon 1211 F F that are used as refrigerants. heavy-duty pickup trucks and vans or halon 1301. Both halons have high potenAn EPA proposal released in sold in the U.S. tials for global warming and stratospheric F F late March “would reduce the use EPA’s proposal would halt the ozone depletion. According to the proposHFO-1234yf and emissions of some of the most use of HFCs and methylene chloal, 2-BTP has very low global warming and harmful HFCs, which are thousands of ride for blowing plastic into cerozone depletion potentials. times more potent than carbon dioxide,” in tain types of closed-cell foams. In addition, EPA would allow F Br terms of their global warming potential, says The move is intended to dissuade use of propane as a refrigerant in agency Administrator Gina McCarthy. As companies from considering new commercial ice machines, F F part of its effort to combat human-caused methylene chloride as an alterna2-Bromo-3,3,3- water coolers, and very low climate change, the Obama Administration tive when they switch away from temperature equipment. The trifluoropropene is promoting a global phaseout of HFCs. HFCs, the agency says. proposal, however, would restrict EPA’s proposal would also allow use of Methylene chloride, which EPA regulates other hydrocarbon refrigerants. For examsafer, more climate-friendly alternatives to as a toxic air pollutant, has a low global ple, EPA would halt the use of propylene HFCs. For instance, it would clear the way warming potential. The agency says its and refrigerant-443A, which is a blend of for more uses of hydrofluoroolefin-1234yf, potential for depleting stratospheric ozone propylene, propane, and isobutane, in new a substance gaining popularity in automois “considered negligibly small.” However, residential heat pumps and air conditioning bile air conditioners as an alternative for EPA adds, “Recent research indicates that systems.—CHERYL HOGUE


C&EN | CEN.ACS.ORG | APRIL 4, 2016


Proposal would eliminate some uses of substances, allow more applications of alternatives