Epichlorohydrin in drums and tank cars - C&EN Global Enterprise

Nov 5, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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in drums a n d t a n k cars IPICHIOROHYDRIM

(New Technical Book... describes h o w useful glycerol a n d glycidyl derivatives are produced from this intermediate Epichlorohydrin provides a quick, direct route to the production of a great variety of com­ pounds and end products.



T h e m a n y possible reactions of Epichlorohy drin suggest its use in the production of: plasticizers surface active agents stabilizers pharmaceuticals solvents resins dyestuff intermediates

A copy of the new technical book giving properties, reactions and uses of Epichlorohydrin will be mailed on receipt of your letterhead request. Samples of Epichlorohydrin are available for evaluation.

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