Epoxy Has Long Pot Life And Short Curing Time - C&EN Global

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Epoxy Has Long Pot Life And Short Curing Time

trifluoro ethano Source of CF3 CH2 0 (trifluoroethoxy) group for modifying drugs, specialty vinyls and acrylics. Stocked in 2, 11, 55 and 600 lb. containers PRODUCERS OF INDUSTRIAL FLUORO ORGANIGS



Court, Hackensack,

N. J.

Permanently durable surface %

can be scrubbed, scoured or honed without harming the surface

Minnesota Mining & Mfg. has added a one-part, long pot-life, liquid resin to its line of epoxy systems. The company says its Scotchcast Resin No. 291 is the first system to combine short curing time with such a long pot life and long shelf life without refrigeration. Scotchcast Resin No. 291 is a medium viscosity, filled epoxy resin with a ready-mixed, noncorrosive hardener of the latent type. Scotchcast Resin No. 260, an earlier product, is also a one-part system, but it is a powder. No. 291, 3M's first liquid one-part system, pours easily. Thus fine wires and small parts can be easily impregnated during casting. The convenience of the one-part system is increased by a proprietary formulation that prevents the filler from settling out of solution. No mixing is required, according to 3M. The company says the pot life of seven days at 65° C. is exceptional in a system that still cures in three to four hours at 150° C. At 125° C , cure takes 16 hr. Shelf life, without refrigeration but at less than 75° F., is one year. The cured, semiflexible resin has good all-around physical and electrical properties for encapsulating electric motors and protecting other electrical parts, 3M says. It resists thermal shock, surviving 10 cycles between - 5 5 ° C. and 130° C. without failure. The resin also resists mechanical shock, exerts only slight strain during curing ( 1 % linear shrinkage). At 23° C , its dielectric strength is 4.9 at 100 cycles and volume resistivity is 4.0 X 10 13 ohms per cm. Prices for resin No. 291 range from $1.62 per lb. in 55-gal. drums to $1.98 per lb. in gallon cans. C1



for 75 years the only permanently satisfactory material for chemical laboratory table tops, shelving, sinks, splash backs, drain boards and fume hoods. Prompt delivery. ALBERENE STONE-A DIVISION OF THE GEORGIA MARBLE COMPANY. For FREE literature and technical assistance address: THE ALBERMAR COMPANY, 386 PARK AVE. SOUTH, NEW YORK 16, N. Y.f DEPT. N.






Climate-controlled polyether intermediate for urethane foam has been developed by Union Carbide Chemicals Co., New York, N.Y. Ambient temperature and humidity changes during curing do not affect physical properties of flexible foam made with Niax triol L-56, Carbide says. C2

Granulated weed killer that can be applied dry or as a spray when dissolved in water has been introduced

by U.S. Borax Co., Los Angeles, Calif. The company claims that MonoborChlorate is especially useful for control of such weedy grasses as Johnson grass on noncropped land. When properly used, the product is harmless to people or pets, the firm adds. C3

claims superior salt tolerance and stability to strong acids and alkalies for Larsynol 600, 700, and 800. They are recommended as detergents, solubilizers, or emulsifiers in either household or industrial products. C5

Water-white lactic acid is available from Henley & Co., New York, N.Y. This grade is edible, heat-resistant, and highly concentrated, the firm says. Packed in polyethylene square containers for convenient storage and handling, it is intended for use in white or colorless end products. C4

available from Union Carbide Plastics Co., New York, N.Y. It is intended for molding premium items. The new product has 50% higher impact strength than do previously available high-impact polypropylenes. C6


Three new anionic surfactants have been developed by Apex Chemical Co., Elizabethport, N.J. The firm



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safety that moves with the




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PORTABLE DRENCH S H O W E R model 8 8 7 8 M o v e it w h e r e it's n e e d e d , to deliver a flooding spray from 1 6 - F U L L J E T nozzles and 4 foot sprays a c t u a t e d b y PushType ball valve. Platform is easily m o v a b l e on r u b b e r - t i r e d casters: it's instant first aid for b o d y c o n t a m i n a t i o n . Separate eye/face spray fountain rounds out the complete safety station. Functional parts are corrosionresistant red brass. See all the specs: write to Haws Drinking Faucet Company, 1443 Fourth Street, Berkeley 10, California. Since 1909


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