Equilibrium between Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulphide

7-75. 60.0. 35.7. 1.44. 5 ·4. 35-6. 1.92. 68.2. 39·9. 0.89. 39-6. 39-8. 1.35. 53-7. Temp. 10.1° ... (1) The vapor-pressure of the pure compound NH4...
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When ammonia and hydrogen sulphide are brought together in a vacuum, no reaction occurs if the pressure is below a certain value, depending on the temperature. A t or above this pressure combination occurs and transparent needleshaped crystals of NH,SH are deposited on the walls of the containing vessel. If the pressure is still further increased more crystals will deposit, or if the pressure is reduced crystals will decompose, until a pressure is reached which is definite for each temperature. When the two gases are present in equivalent masses ,this pressure is termed the dissociation pressure of the solid. As we have here a vapor phase of the same composition as the solid with which it is in equilibrium, the system is univariant and we should have a definite pressure for each temperature. This is shown in the following data obtained by Isambert. TABLE I Temp.

Pressure cm

Pressure cm

Temp. 1



13.2 14.2

7.9 9.5

15.9 17.5

12.00 15.0


2 1 25.I


21.2 25.9 32.2 41.0 50.I

When, however, we alter the composition of the vapor phase by adding ammonia or hydrogen sulphide, we pass from a one-component t o a two-component system, and for each temperature we should have a series of pressures, or for each pressure a series of temperatures, at which the system is in equilibrium. On varying the concentration of one of the components at a given temperature, the concentration of the Comptes rendus, 92, 919(1881).

J. P.MagnzIssO12


other component as well as the total pressure of the system will vary, and the functional relation connecting these quantities is given by the mass law which was first applied by Horstmann' to the system CO, zNH, = NH,CO,NH,. In the system



+ H,S = NH,SH

if C, and C, are the mass concentrations of the two gases then by the mass law C,C, = constant


for a given temperature, as the active mass of the undecomposed compound is constant so long as the solid phase is present. Since, by Boyle's law, the pressure of a gas is proportional to its mass concentration, we may write


PIP2= constant,



where p 1 and p , are the partial pressures of the ammonia and hydrogen sulphide respectively. Now when ammonia and hydrogen sulphide are present in equivalent amounts, i. e., when the solid NH,SH is allowed t o dissociate in a vacuum, then

p 1 = p 2= II - and 2


then becomes TI2

pip, = constant = 4


where II is the vapor pressure of the solid sulphydrate. This is true when the concentration of the undissociated ammonium hydrosulphide in the vapor-phase is negligible. Or log p ,

+ log p, =



II -


= constant


which is the equation of a straight line cutting the axes at an angle of 4.5'. The data in Table I1 are taken from Ostwald's tabulation2 of Isambert's results. The pressures are given in centimeters of mercury. I n the column for the products of the partial pressures, p1 denotes ammonia and p , hydrogen sulphide. Liebig's Ann., 187,48 (1877). 2 , 11, 517. Comptes rendus, 93, 595, 730 (1881); 94, 958 (1882).

' Lehrbuch allg. Chernie,

bet wee it


Am iizoiiin, Etc.


TABLE I1 Temp. 7.0~ P1

0.68 2.02

6.3 35.7 -39.9

40.0 16.5 6.3 1.44 0.89 Temp.

1.80 4.68 9.2 35.3 39.4

x P2

27.3 33.8 39.7 51.4 39.6

1.36 3.36 7.75 35.6 39.8

40.0 16.9




72.0 81.0 84.4 96.3 85.0


1.92 , 1.35


39.9 17.3 9.2 2.73 2.16


2.50 5.93 10.6 36.3


40.3 18.6 10.6 3.47 2.87


54.5 56.8 60.0 68.2 53.7




101 I IO II2 I 26 I 16

Temp. 17.3'

3.91 8.22 12.95 38.1 41.3

40.3 i8.6 12-95 5.59 4.46


162 165 168 213 184 Temp.

Temp. 1 9 . 3 ~

6.42 12.6 17.45 40.7 44.3

43.3 25.5 20.5 10.8 IO. I


291 304 306 314

9.05 20.5 40.7 44.3

Temp. 23.1~ 11.4


19.9 22.5 40.5 43.9



12.4 1.8



15.9 1

43.3 25.5 20.5 10.8 10.1


5'0 487 506 503 518

13.8 20.8 25-05 41.7 45.3



392 406 420 439 447


45.8 29.4 25.05 14.0 14.3

632 607 627 608 648

Owing t o the lack of information as to the experimental conditions under which these results were obtained, the limited range of pressures as well as the not inconsiderable variation in the product p , p2, it seemed desirable to make

experiments over a greater range of pressures and under more exact experimental conditions. Isambert's work was largely qualitative and no definite conclusion can be drawn from it in support of the above equation. The original plan was to study the reaction over a wide range of pressures for a number of temperatures, but this was finally abandoned and the following data are taken a t one The experimental steps were : temperature only, namely 20'. ( I ) The vapor-pressure of the pure compound NH,SH was determined in a vacuum. ( 2 ) A known excess of ammonia was added, the pressures of this system determined over a range of volumes, and the partial pressures of the ammonia and hydrogen sulphide calculated. ( 3 ) Similarly, with a known excess of hydrogen sulphide. The logarithms of the partial pressures thus obtained were plotted on co-ordinate paper in order to show any deviation from the theoretical values. One of the chief sources of error in work of this kind has been the variations of the temperature in the measuring tube. Reference to Table I shows that a variation of I' in temperature corresponds t o a variation of 2.4 cm in the vaporpressure of the compound. This is about 6 percent of the lowest pressure in these experiments. It thus became necessary to limit the possible temperature variation to within to.05' in order to keep the possible pressure variation below I percent. For this purpose the measuring tube was enclosed in a water jacket and the temperature of this regulated by means of an electric heating arrangement as shown in Fig. I . T is the measuring tube graduated to 0.1cc and fixed in position in the glass casing J by means of a stout rubber stopper. Surrounding the bottom of the tube is the heating coil N of No. 24 nickel wire. This is connected up with a I I O volt alternating current source, a block of incandescent lamps, I,, and a current interrupter, R, operated by a single dry cell, B. The terminals from this are connected with a mercury coil immersed in the water jacket. As the water

Eqz~iZibrizinrbetweeiz Aitzazoizia, Etc.


in the bath is heated by the coil N the mercury in M expands and finally makes contact with the platinum point a t C. This closes the interrupter circuit, attracting the iron bar at P

.M T





Fig. I

and thus breaks the heating circuit. As the bath cools, the contraction of the mercury in M breaks the contact at C, thus again throwing in the heating circuit, and so on. On account of the heating produced by the stirring, it is necessary to keep the surrounding temperature a t least 2 O lower than that of the bath. Under these circumstances the lanips I, light up about once every minute. A m a l l incandescent lamp is shunted across C to prevent sparking when the contact is broken. When this is allowed to happen the mercury surface oxidizes and this greatly impairs the delicacy of the regulation. The bath is stirred by means of a current of air through S from two gasometers. By means of this arrangement a Beckmann thermometer could be held constant, if the stirring was con-



stant and if the surrounding temperature did not vary much. The greatest variation of the temperature of the bath during the entire course of these experiments was +o.o05O as is seen by referring t o the following tables. Efficiency and. general convenience of operating commend this form of thermoregulator for general laboratory purposes. The glass casing was enclosed in a metal jacket and the interstices filled with cotton wool t o minimize heat conduction. Two oblong openings in this jacket permitted the mercury level in the enclosed tube to be read. The mercury levels in the tube T and the leveling tube D were read by means of a cathetometer placed at a distance of about five feet from the apparatus. In order to bring out a clean-cut edge of the mercury meniscus, a metal strip was clamped on the leveling tube as well as on the metal jacket. When this is moved down close to the mercury surface, the meniscus edge comes out sharp against a white background and can be read accurately. The gases were measured in from small Hempel burettes graduated t o 0.1cc and surrounded by water jackets. At each reading this water was stirred and its temperature read on a thermometer inserted at the top. The levels in these burettes were also read by means of the cathetometer so as t o avoid parallax. The burettes and jacketed -tube were calibrated by means of a side-arm pipette whose volume was calculated from the weight of water contained as follows : Weight of crucible ( a ) . . . . . . . . . . . 12.0085grams Weight of crucible and water. . . . I 3.9900

( b ) 9.1700grams 11.1520

1.9820 Weight of water. ... . . . . . . . . . .... 1.9815 Density of water at 20.5' = 0.998126 1.9817 Therefore volume of pipette = 0.998126 ___ = 1.9856cc.

The calibrations and corrections for the jacketed tube and burettes were as follows :

Equilibrizi 111 betwec i z Am moizia , Etc.


TABLE I11 Calibration of Burettes Jacketed tube Obs. cc

Calc. cc

NH, burette __ Cor. Obs. Calc. cc cc cc

H,S burette




Cor. cc

Obs. cc

Calc. cc

3.97 7.94 11.91 15.90 19.89 23.89 27.88 31.83 35.79 39.76 43.73

3.57 7.94 11.91 15.88 19.86 23.82 27.80 31.77 35.74 39.71 43.70

Cor. cc



4.03 6.03 8.02 10.01 12.01

I 4 .oo

15.99 17.97 19.94 2 1 -95 23.95 25-93 27.90 29.89 31.88 33.87 35.86 37.85 39.84

1.99 3.97 5.96 7.94 9.92 11-91 13.90 15.88 17.87 19.86 21.84 23.83 25.81 27.79 29.78 31.77 33.75 35.74 37.73 39.7'

-0.03 3.98 3.97 0.06 7.92 7.94 0.07 11.90 [ I ,g1 0.08 15.90 r5.88 0.09 19.89 r9.86 13.82 0. I O 2337 0.10 27.83 27.80 0.11 31.79 51.77 0. I O 35.78 55.74 0.08 39.75 19.71 0.1 I 13.73 13.70

-0.01 tO.02

0.01 -0.02

0.03 0.05 0.03 0.02

0.04 0.04 0.03


0.00 0.00 --0.02

0.03 0.07 0.08 0.06 0.05 0.05


0.12 0.12 0.1 I 0.1 I 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.12


The volume of the portion of the measuring tube from the glass stop-cock to the o mark was determined by measuring in a known volume of dry air, calculating its new volume from the existing pressure and temperature and subtracting the volume as read on the tube corrected by above calibration. The data and results are given in Table IV, L being the mercury level in the measuring tube and R the mercury level in the leveling tube. The accuracy of the cathetometer adjustment is shown by the table below. Four different positions of the mercury in the leveling tube were read, each three times. In this and in other readings in this work the meniscus was always approached from above and the position read where the lower edge of the middle point of the horizontal cross-hair seemed





. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.48 14.62





Volunie taken . . . . . . . . . 7.86 cc Temp. 20' Bar., 74.00 cm '( calc . . . . . . . . . . . 8.27 " I, R P read . . . . . . . . . . 6.26 " 61.43 57.72 70.29 cm 1 '


t o o mark.. ...

1 (B)








Burette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.48 13.50


Volume t a k e n . . . . . . . . 8.98 cc Temp. 20' Bar. 73.98 cm calc . . . . . . . . . . 9.28 '' P L R ( r read.. ........ 7.28 " 60.57 58.18 7 1.59 cm 1 '



to o mark .....








............... 22.50 12.59


Volume taken. . . . . . . . 9.91 cc Temp. 20' Bar. 73.98 cm I' L R P calc.. . . . . . . . . 10.36 '6 read.. ........ 8.35 " 59.68 56.44 70.74 cm ( '


( ' to o mark .... 2 . 0 1 Therefore volume to o mark = 2.01 cc. TABLE V ( (


Readings. . . . . . .


I- I'










83.36 Limit of error..

__. - -~-

- -~






60.49 60.50 60.50 0.005 cm




-___ 0.005 cm 31.38


4.47 4.19 4.48




just t o touch the highest point of the mercury meniscus. It should also be said that the scale engraved on the cathetometer was found t o match accurately with a metal scale belonging t o the department. The ammonia gas used in these experiments was prepared by heating concentrated ammonia water, and drying the gas through a train consisting of two ten-inch soda-lime cylinders, two eight-inch U-tubes filled with crushed KOH sticks and finally a six-inch U-tube filled with fine shavings of metallic sodium. After the displacement of air from the apparatus as shown by the absorption of the escaping g a s h an acid solution, the gas was slowly collected over mercuryllin a small gasometer of about 300 cc capacity. It should be said that the gas thus obtained would not completely absorb in acids even after prolonged passing. A small residue always remained which, however, did not amount t o more than 0.5 percent of the total volume of gas evolved. The hydrogen sulphide was prepared by the method described by Divers and Shimidzu.l About 50 grams of magnesia were suspended in a liter of water and hydrogen sulphide from a Kipp generator passed in under pressure for several hours, allowing the impurities to escape through a side tube dipping into an alkaline liquid. On heating the magnesium hydrosulphide thus obtained, a regular evolution of hydrogen sulphide takes place at 60'. According t o these authors the gas thus obtained is free from hydrogen and arsine. A small residue was, however, always left over on absorption in ammonium hydroxide solution, but the volume percent of this was not greater than in the case of the ammonia. The gas was then passed through a series of calciumchloride tubes and finally through a U-tube of phosphorus pentoxide. The mercury used in these experiments was purified by prolonged contact with concentrated sulphuric acid and mercurous sulphate, after which it was heated t o 200°, allowed to cool and filtered through a small opening in a filter until no Jour. Chem. SOC.,45, 699 (1884).



J. P.Magmtsson

oxide was left on the paper. It was then stored in a Hempel desiccator containing a few sticks of caustic potash. The gases stored over mercury purified in this way did not tarnish the mercury surface on long standing. When the two gases were brought together in the measuring tube a slight film of sulphide formed on the mercury surface and this adhered to the walls of the tube, but after the excess of gas had been expelled no more film was formed, and the readings could be made accurately. At first the microscopic crystals of the salt formed an opaque coating on the walls of the tube, but on long standing or by slowly moving the leveling tube up and down, these small crystals disappeared and large transparent ones were formed so that readings could be made. On mixing equal volumes of the two gases it was found that an excess of uncombined gas always remained even at high pressures. On expelling this from the tube its odor indicated that it was hydrogen sulphide. Walker and I,unisden,l in their work on the alkyl hydrosulphides, noticed the same phenomenon. This is what would be expected as the two gases would combine by equal volumes only in case they both obeyed Boyle’s law or deviated from it in the same way. Another and probably more important reason for this will be brought out later on in this paper. After this excess of gas had been expelled the leveling tube was lowered until a portion of the sulphydrate was vaporized and pressure readings taken as indicated in the following table. The notation in the following tables is as follows: ‘r, reading on the Beckmann thermometer ; V, volume corrected from the reading on measuring tube; I,, cathetometer reading for mercury level in measuring tube; R, cathetometer reading for mercury level in leveling tube; P, observed pressure; P’, calculated pressure ; p,, partial pressure of ammonia; p,, partial pressure of hydrogen sulphide ; TI, vapor-pressure of the compound in vacuum; Bar., barometer reading; Temp., temperature of the gas in the burette before it is run into the measuring tube. Jour. Chem. Soc.,


428 (1897).

. EpiZibrizim belween A M m o n i a , Etc.


TABLE VI Vapor-pressure of NH,SH at



74.14 74.14 74.14 74.14

2.61 15-65 22.57 34.95

73-95 73.94 73.93 73.93

11.59 2 I .48 33.06


27.18 16.49 I I .04 1.30

66.38 57.89 50.70 40.09

27.94 19-48 12.28 1.33

P cm

35.47 35.53 35.50 35.48


35.51 35.52 35.52 35.18 --

Therefore vapor-pressure of NH,SH = 35.51 cm=II. The vapor-pressure of the compound is thus seen to be independent of the volume or of the amount of solid present. A value obtained by Isambert at a somewhat lower temperature, 1g.3', is 34.9 cm. Assuming that the compound dissociates on vaporization into equal volumes of ammonia and hydrogen sulphide,

On increasing the concentration of one of the gases, that of the other will have to decrease in order that the equation C,C, = constant

shall hold. This can only take place by the increase of the mass of the solid phase at the expense of equal volumes of the two gases. This was expressed by Isambert by saying t h a t the vapor-pressure of the solid in the presence of an excess of one of the constituent gases is less than in a vacuum. At equilibrium, then, the total pressure of the system is made up of the pressure of the gas added, the pressure of the dissociated vapor of the solid and a slight pressure due to the undissociated vapor. If this latter is neglected, the partial

pressures of the two constituents may be calculated by subtracting the pressure of the added gas, P’, calculated as if the gas occupied the entire volume read, from the total observed pressure, and dividing the difference by two. This gives the partial pressure of the gas not in excess, while the total minus this is, of course, the partial pressure of the excess constituent. Or expressed in synibols p =---+p” P - P’ 2

P - P‘ P





where the letters have the meaning given them above. P, was calculated in the following way:

where V, is the excess volume added under “ Bar ” cm pressure and “ Temp. ” 273’ absolute temperature, the other letters having the meaning given them above. Three runs were made with each gas, one with about 5 cc, one with I O cc, and one with 15 cc in excess. In this way a wide range of pressures was covered and more points were obtained on the curve. Following are the data and results: TABLE VI1


Ammonia in excess ( I ) (A) Data:


Burette. . . . . . . . . Volume NH,.



36.05 30.88


5 . 1 7 ~ ~ Temp. 16.6’ C


Bar 74.81 ciii

_ _ _ _ ~ ~~

T I .498O I .498O I.498O I .498O I .498 O

1.498O 1.498O

Bar cm

V cc

74.81 74.79 74.79 74.80 74.78 74.78 74.78

4.02 4.35 5.04 5.88 7.85 16.23 25.43



62.14 61.91 1 61.32 1 60.59 I

88.55 82.20 71.30 60.78

84.77 74.99 61.16 42.28 37.01

77 -64 66.55 49.85 24.1 I 15-29



(B) Calculated results : ~

-~~ ~


- ~-

PI 99.28 92.52 81.20 70.77

1-94 2.56 3.56 4.22



33.19 26.10





192.6 236.9 289.1 298.6 313.5 301.4 282.2

2.2817 2.3745 2.4610 2.4752


2.4791 2.4505


TABLE VI11 Ammonia in excess (2) ( A_)_ Data: _ ___--___-



Burette. . . . . . . . . Volume NH,.

. ..


- -~ - -

. ~ ~






1.505 1.500 1.491 1.491 1


7.48 I 8.09 9.63 1 11.38

74.57 1 74.60 1 74.60 74.62




7.78 8.72


- -I

1 Temp. 18.9' C L



Bar 74.62 cm P' cm

R -




1 $;!!

1.505 1 74.55 1 29.11 (B) Calculated results :

40.59 34.48



29.91 19.90

x P:!




100.25 92.68 77.86 65.88 45.12 32.81 25.76

88.90 82.17 68.04 56.22 35.02 20.74 10.65

2.4994 2.4781

315.8 300 7


J. P.Magmsso?z



.. . . . . . . 1




Volume NH,.. -~ --___

T 1.510

1.510 1.510 1.510 1.510

1.510 1.510




~ _ _

15.60 cc __

~. _


Bar cm


74.52 74.52 74.53 74.55 74.49 74.49 74.52

I 1.42 12.51


18.01 23.80 28.90 33.38


Temp. 18.7' C


! 1


Bar 74.55 cm





l R


56.09 55.24 5 3.49 50.77 46.15 42.1 I 38.58


1 I



88.67 80. I O 66.63 50.54 33.83 2 I .60 13.86

102.29 93.38 80.07 64.86 . 49.08 40.42 35.00

(B) Calculated res' It:

104.69 96.38 83.87 69.59 55.12 47.20 42-40

2.40 3.00 3.80 4.73 6.04 6.78 7.40

2.400 I 2.461 I


2.5174 2.5223 2.5052 2.4966

329.2 333.0 320.0 313.8


ITz - = 315.0 4

Epu iZiBrizi m Bet weeiz A ?ni n o?zia, Etc.


TABLE X Hydrogen in excess ( I )

(A) Data: ~







41.48 36.48



1 ________ I :E

Volume H,S.. . . __

__ _ __ ~ ~~~ _~_ _ _ _ ~ ~ _ _ _ _


Burette. . . . . . . . /




74.33 74.49 74.30 74 32 1 74.42




1.490 74.44 1 25.84 ( B ) Calculated results :

P cni


P' cm




62.27 61.97 61.53 60.87 58.75 52.68 44.61

3.98 4.29 4.89 5.73 8.24

Bar 74.28 cm









1.497 1.497 1 1.497 1.497 1.497

17.8" C

5 . 0 0 ~ ~I Temp. ~

88.18 81.17 71.48 60.91 42.18

84.25 74.36 57.85 42.77 37.69



76.53 65.31 45.41 23.84 '4.48





3.00 3.36 3.86 4.52 6.22 9.46 11.60

97.24 90.59 80.39 69.83 51.63 33.30 26.08

2.4918 2.4992 2.5067 2.4983 2.4808

310.3 3 15.6 321.1 315.0 302.5 -


TABLE XI Hydrogen sulphide in excess (2) ( A ) Data: ~



Burette ......... 1




~ I

- _.

1.501 1.501 1.501 1.504 1.504 1.504



1 I









I Temp. 20.6' L R





Bar 73.79 ~-





98.79 87.5 1 73.36 57.95 43.58 39.77

9 1.98 79.94 64.04 37.44 25.09 I 7.80


73.79 ~

10.28 cc








.. I





Volume H,S..



73.78 73.78 73.79

8.23 9.47 11.82 20.22

30.17 42.53

59.47 52.65 44.86 35.11

59.04 30.81 14.66 I .og

TABLE XI- (Contiiiued) (B) Calculated results : ~




HZS (Ps) cxn


x P2

_____.. .

3.40 3.78 4.66 7.25 9.24


95.38 83.72 68.70 44.69 34.33 28.78

316.9 316.5 320. I

324.0 317.2 l




rI2 __ 4

= 315.0



. ... ... I I

20.08 4.50


P/ cm ~

1.490 1.490 1.490 1.490

73.82 73.82 73.86 73.86

17.80 25.51 33.60 47-31

54.55 48.40 42.15 31.39

55.04 32.49 17.85 0.53

102.56 87.06 74.31 57.91 49.56 43.00 ~-~~ .~

3.27 3.96 4.70 6.29 7.57 9.28

99.29 83.09 69.61 51.61 41.98 33.7'

I -

2.5114 2.5172 2 .j 148 2.5114 2.5021 2.4953 Mean, r12

324.6 329.0 327.1 324.6 317.8 312.9 321.0

96.02 79.13 64.9 1 45.32 .34.41 24.43

Eq ab iZibrizi

be t weea A nz ?uon ia, Etc.


With log p 1 as abscissas and log p , as ordinates the accompanying graph Fig. z was obtained. To distinguish between the different runs the points on the curve are marked as shown, representing the smaller volume, 8 the next larger and 0 the largest. The large circle on the center of the curve is’ the value for the vapor-pressure of the pure compound. The dotted line shows the prolongation of the straight line.









An examination of the different series of points on the curve brings out the following facts: ( I ) The values for the smaller volumes show an unmistakable bend with the concave side toward the origin. This also appears in the values for the larger volumes of ammonia. (2) The points on the ammonia end are more scattered than those on the hydrogen sulphide end, and at the ends of the curve they bend sharply downward toward the abscissa axis. This can hardly be due to experimental error, for, by actual calculation, an error of 0.01 cc in V corresponds t o a change of 0.07 cm in P’and of 2.9in PI p , while it shifts the corresponding point on the curve onehalf of a small division. While this and the possible corresponding errors in the pressure readings are sufficient to account for the minor irregularities along the curve, yet this will not explain the deviations at the ammonia end.

In calculating the results the assumption was made that the two gases combine volume for volume, i. e., that one-half the vapor-pressure of the pure compound is due to ammonia and one-half to hydrogen sulphide, an assumption which is probably not justifiable for reasons given. Secondly, it was assumed that the gases obey Boyle’s law which we know they do not, the only question.being whether the deviation is great enough to account for the above results. Furthermore, it was noticed, especially in the case of ammonia, that on lowering the pressure in a burette which had been filled with the gas for some time, large bubbles appeared between the mercury and the glass, showing that considerable quantities of the gas had been adsorbed on the glass surface. This would make P’ too high as calculated and consequently p1 and p 2 as well as p , p , too low. This is seen to be the case, especially a t the end of the curve where the pressure was high and consequently where more adsorption would result. Thus a deviation from Boyle’s law and an adsorption of gas on the walls of the tube would both tend to produce a bend in the curve as observed. To determine the effect on the value of P’ from these two causes, the following runs were made with the pure gases, P’ being calculated as stated above. TABLE XI11 ~


__ I I


Adsorption of ammonia (4.89 cc) ~.





I .500 I .SO0 I .49S

I .498




74.36 74,36 74.36 74.3 5 74.37 74.37 74.37

3.78 4.06 4.21 4 89 7.54 11.66

74.37 74.37 74.37 74-37 74.4‘ 74.41 74.43

7.48 7.94 8..94 9.94 13.35 17-95 22.70


66.22 66.01 65.83 65.32 63.12 59.67

63.15 62.77 61.89 61.09 58.31 54.52 70 5



’1 8S.17 ----I



_ __ _-__ _


Bar cin -



81.17 77.60 65.44 37.32 16.70

88.12 8 I .66 70.50 61.25 39.72 21.70


, 1

______ 96.31 89.51 86.13 74.47 48.58 31.40

99.34 93.26 82.98 74,53 55.85 41.59 32.90

96.34 89.69 86.50


48.30 31.23 99.04 83.30 82.87


- 0.0; 0.18 0.37


+ 0.28 0.17 0.4 I

+ 0.30

- 0.04

+ o.rr


5549 41-27 32.63

0.36 0.32 0.27


Eyziilibvizinz between Anznioizia, Etc.

TABLEXIV Adsorption of hydrogen sulphide (5.09 cc) ~


Bar cm

V cc






cm .~

I. 502 I. 500 I. 5.00

1.500 I . 500

I. 502 I . 502

1.505 1.510 I . 506 1.504

74.74 74.73 74.73 74.73 74.73

87-70 83.64 73.08 65.24 45-03

39 ~ _ _ _ Correction


0.13 96.57 96.44 92.69 - 0.06 92.63 0.01 82.49 82.48 4-63 75.03 5-09 56.28 56.24 0.04 6.79 10.96 60.07 20.12 34-80 34.84 - 0.04 55.92 5.36 0.29 15.99 24-17 23.88 Adsorption of hydro 3n sulphide (15.51 cc) I I. 13 88.09 102.91 102.82 0.09 59.96 80.18 95.68 0.02 74-75 I 1.96 59.25 95.70 8 5. I O 0. 19 74.75 13-48 58.03 68-43 84.91 74.75 73.80 15-51 56.32 55.37 38.12 0.27 74.77 59.61 19.29 53.28 59.34 j0.06 0.10 74.77 24.37 49.08 23.37 48.98 28.07 0.19 74.78 12.54 40.97 40.7 8 46.35





+ +

Tl-se dat show hat wl le thei- are a,preciable differences between the values of P and P’ yet these show no regularity and,’ furthermore, most of them are within the limit of experimental error. They are insufficient to explain the bend in the curve. When casting about further for an explanation it was suggested that, if the discrepancy is due t o adsorption of gases on the walls of the tube, this effect would be increased by the deposition of a solid on the walls of the tube, thus hereasing the exposed surface. This was of course the condition of affairs in the above measurements; the crystals of the sulphydrate accumulate rapidly as the pressure is increased, thus exposing a larger and larger surface.’ An attempt was made to duplicate this condition by causing HC1 gas and NH, to combine in the upper part of the measuring tube. The opaque deposit of ammonium chloride crystals was made transparent by washing a few times with a mixture of alcohol and ether. This can only be an adsorption phenornenon. If a compound were formed, NH,SH.xNH,, there would be all interval over which t h e pressure would be constant, and nothing of this sort is to he noticed.

Enough of the salt was dissolved out so that the layer seemed to be of about the same thickness as that of the sulphydrate at the higher pressures. Runs were then made first with pure, hydrogen sulphide, then with pure ammonia, similar to those given in Tables XI11 and XIV. Two runs were made with hydrogen sulphide with different initial volumes, and three with ammonia. The results are given in Tables XIV, XV, XVI, XVII and XVIII.

TABLE XV Adsorption of hydrogen sulphide (A) Small volume '_ _ _ _ ("$1 ~






.. -

1 1

V cc

in tube) _ _










.~ ~~

73.79 1.501 , 73.77 1.501 73.77 1.501 73.78 1.501 73.78 1.501 73.78 1.501

5."9 5.62 6.20 7.58 10.89 16.30

61.52 61.08



Bar crn

V cc


1.503 1.504 1,504 1.506 1.501 1.498 1.498 1.498

73.22 73.22 73.24 73.24 73.22 73.18 73-18 73.18

3-51 3-73 4.26 4.79 5.97 7.79 10.82 '4.40


1.500 1.500 1.500

1.500 1.500


.._ -~

73.84 73.84 73.84 73.84 73.80 73.80 73.80


68.83 61.24


60.28 42.08 28.22

5S.82 58.16 57.33 56.05 53.69



+ 0.35 0.33

86.75 77.49 67.81 56.08 39.79


0. 19 60.47 0.01 42.09 28.12 - 0.10

101.77 1 93.17 1 84.32 73.87 59-90 1

101.40 93.06 84.40

P cni

P' cni

, ~



+ 0.37 0.11









Correction ___

37.81 32.60 73.04 53.47 t9.16 34.88 20.07


95.97 90.98

99-32 - 3.35 2.48 93.46 0.97




1.71 2.08 2.30

TABLE XVII Adsorption of ammonia (9.70 cc) __


(NH,C1 i n tube)




P cm ~-

1.510 1.510

1.510 1 1.510 1

1.500 1 1.500 1.501 ’



6.98 62.05 7.75 ’ 61.45 8.74 I 60.66 9.70 1 59-85 12.25 57.74 16.32 1 54.43 20.88 50.74



88-44 99-59 101.88 - 2.29 78.42 I 90.17 91.76 1-59 68.25 80.79 81.36 0.57 73.31 59.96 58.05 0.68 58.73 43.25 1 26.21 45.00 43-58 i 1.42 35.83 13.33 34.06 1-77 TABLE XVIII Adsorption of ammonia 15.27 CC (NH,C1 iu tube)

73.20 73.20 73.20 73.20 73.22 73.22 73.24

Bar cni


P’ cm

1 I

cc ‘

1 ,







P m



l c n i

Correc. tion

103.08 105.19 - 2.1 I 1.66 96.64 94.98 85.62 0.66 86.28 73.73 0.81 61-75 60.94 1.20 51.15 49.95 44.58 43-24 1-34







As before, no considerable deviation is noticed in the values for P and P’ for hydrogen sulphide, which was to be expected from the excess runs; but ammonia deviates considerably at the higher and lower pressures and furthermore the deviation is in the right direction, i. e . , P’, the calculated pressure, is too high as stated’above. These corrections were plotted as follows: Abscissas are volumes and ordinates are the corresponding pressure corrections, the positive values being above and the negative values below a zero line in the middle of the paper. From the curve thus obtained (Fig. 3 ) corrections were applied to the values of P’ in the previous excess runs, Tables VII, VI11 and IX. The corresponding corrected partial pressures and their products are given in Table XIX. The third column shows that the corrections

are too great, i. e . , the bend of the curve on the ammonia end is turned in the other direction. A thinner layer of ammonium chloride crystals was then deposited on the tube and correction measurements made, but it seemed impossible to get the

Fig. 3

TABLE XIX Corrected partial pressures, ammonia in excess

97.03 90.52 '30.35 70.7 7 56.18 34.37 27.40

406.6 412.7 354.3 298.6 279.7

4.19 4.56 4-41 4.22 4.98 7.91 9.61



j.27 cc)

102.69 94.88 83.19 69.59 55.67 47.87 43.10

4-40 4.50 4.47 4.73 5.49 6. I O



4.513 426.9 380. I 329-2 305.6 292.0 284.5

crystals of the right size and number to give the desired correction. The values were either too small or too large. The reason for this is obvious. The exact conditions in the measuring tube can not be exactly duplicated in this way as I

the sulphydrate crystals accumulate at the higher pressures and disappear at the lower pressures, so that the exposed surface varies greatly. But the result does show that the deviation of ammonia from the theoretical value is due to the adsorption of the gas on the exposed surface, so that so far as the actual p,revailing pressures are concerned, the mass law holds. For the purpose of comparison the numerical results of the above experiments are summarized in Table XX. TABLE XX Sunimary of Results Teuiperature, 112


Vapor-pressure (IT) of NH,SH--35.52


Ammonia in excess R L I -~ Ia~, 5.17 cc NH, in excess _ _ - -



95.08 84.77 74.99 61.16 42.28 37-01 104.19 97.97 85. I O 74.72 57.71 48.37 43.2' 107.10 99.38 87.67 74.32 61.17 53.98 49.80











.. .

= 315.0




99-28 92.52 81.20 70.77 5 5.44 33- 19 26. I O Run 6, 10.01 cc NH,

1.94 2.56 3.56 4.22 5-65 9.08 10.81 in excess


95.32 81.48 70.30 4.42 51.41 6.29 40.59 7.78 34.48 8.72 Run c, 15.60 cc NH, in excess 104.69 2.40 3.00 96.38 3.80 83.87 69.59 4.73 6.04 55. ' 2 6.78 47-20 42.40 7-40


x Pz

192.6 236.9 289. I 298.6 313.5 303.4 282.2 201.4 251.6 294.9 310.8 323.3 315.8 300.7 2j1.3 289.2 318.7 329.2 333.0 320.0 313.8




J. P.Mnglzzkssolz

TABLE XX- (Coufinned) 3. Hydrogen sulphide in excess 100.24 93.96 84.25 74.36 57.85 42.77 37.69 98-79 87.51 73.36 57.95 43.58 39.77

Run a , 5.00 cc H,S in excess 3.00 97.24 3-36 90.59 3.86 80.39 4.52 69.83 6.22 51-63 9.46 33-30 I 1.60 26.08

3.78 4.66 7.25 9.24 10.98

83-72 68.70 44.69 34.33 28.78

102.56 87.06 74-31 57-91 49.56 43-00

In order to render the above table more convenient for reference the three separate runs under ( 2 ) were brought together in Table X X I by taking the mean of the three corresponding total pressures in the three runs as the total pressure, and the mean of the three corresponding partial pressures of each gas as the partial pressure. Thus the last value in column I , 104.17, is the mean of 101.22, 104.19, and 107.10; the last figure in column 2 , 102.06, is the mean of 99.28, 102.22, and 104.96; and so on. Siniilarly for (3). In column 4 are given the products of these new partial pressures. In calculating the mean value of these products the figures marked (*) were omitted. These last values would also coiiicide if the proper correction were made for the adsorption. Tables XI11 and XIV show that under the conditions of the experiment ammonia and hydrogen sulphide obey Boyle's law over the range of pressures measured and with no solid deposited on the inside glass surface of the measuring tube.



Total pressure cm

100.53 86.2 7 74.01 55.90 45.30 40.15 43.34 48.21 60.01 74-68 8j.84 97.47 104.17






Partial pressure 1




3.22 3.87 4.63 6.59 8.76 10.62 34.34 40.33 54.01 70.2 2 82. I 8


Partial pressure (PI)H2S

94.74 102.06



' ~

97:30 82.40 69-38 . . 49.31 36.54 29-52 8.99 7.88 5.99 4-46 3.66 2.73

313.3 318.8 321.2 325.0 320.1 313.5 308.8 3'7.7 323.5 313.2 300.8 2j8.6" 2 14.3" Mean, 314.0

2. I O

II2 -



= 315.0

During these experiments it was noticed that if readings were taken a t once after each adjustment of the leveling tube, more concordant results were obtained for the calculated and observed pressures than when some time elapsed before readings were taken. In the measurements given in the following table readings were taken fifteen minutes after adjustment. V is the observed volume, P the observed pressure, and P' the calculated pressure as before. TABLE XXII V cc I 0.84

11-73 15.01 17.82 23-27 27.58



P cm

101.98 94.32 73.80 62.42 47.77 40.44

P' cm 102.20



-0.22 0.12

62.26 47.60 40.16

+0.16 0.17 0.28




At pressures above atmospheric the values of P' are distinctly higher than those of P, while at lower pressures P' is too low. In another experiment 4.49 cc ammonia were

allowed to stand for two hours under a pressure of 88.78 cm. The calculated pressure was 89.44 cm. For another volume, 13.69 cc allowed t o stand for the same length of time P = 8 3 . 0 2 cm and P’ 83.38 cm. This, together with the values of P and P’ in Table XIII, indicates that the difference between the observed and calculated pressures depends on the length of time the gas is allowed to remain under a given pressure, i. e . , that the apparent deviation from Boylc’s law is due, not to a too great compressibility of the gas, but to a gradual adsorption of the gas on the walls of the containing vessel. It also explains the excess of hydrogen sulphide remaining on mixing equal volumes of the two gases as noted at the beginning of this paper. Of course, the above data are too meager to warrant any general conclusion on this point ; but the question is of special interest in connection with our conception of the so-called imperfect gases, and therefore offers an interesting problem for further study. Briefly stated the results of these experiments are as follows : (I) The equilibrium between ammonia and hydrogen sulphide has been studied at one temperature, namely 20°, and over a range of 95 cm partial pressures. ( 2 ) The mass law describes the relation between the partial pressures of the ammonia and hydrogen sulphide over the pressure range studied when corrections are made for adsorption. (3) The deviations observed when ammonia is present in excess are due t o adsorption of the gas on the surfaces with which it is in contact, chiefly on the solid ammonium hydrosulphide. (4) The deviations from Boyle’s law in the case of ammonia have been shown to depend on a time factor, thus showing an interesting bearing of the above experiments on our conception of the so-called imperfect gases. In conclusion, I desire to thank Professor Bancroft for his kindly interest and many valuable suggestions during the course of this work. Cornell University, June, 1906.