Equilibrium distributions of the dimethylethylbenzene and

Publication Date: January 1967. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:J. Chem. Eng. Data 1967, 12, 1, 118-122. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this is the artic...
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LITERATURE CITED Awbery, J.H., Phil. Mag. 26, 776 (1938). Awbery, J.H., Griffiths, E., Pmc. Phys. SOC.(London) 38, 378 (1926). Evans, W.H., Jacobson, R., Munson, T.R., Wagman, D.D., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standards 55, 83 (1955). 63, 1897 Giauque, W.F., Meads, P.F., J . Am. Chem. SOC. (1941). Glaser, F., Metallurgie 1 (7), 121 (1904). Griffiths, E.H., Griffiths, E., Proc. Roy. SOC.(Landon) WA, 557 (1914). Hultgren, R., Orr, R.L., Anderson, P.D., Kelley, K.K., “Selected Values of Thermodynamic Properties of Metals and Alloys,” Wiley, New York, 1963. Kelley, K.K., U. S. Bur. Mines Bull. 584 (1960). Kubaschewski, O., Brizgys, P., Huchler, O., Jauch, R., Reinartz, K., 2. Electrochem. 54, 275 (1950). Laemmel, R., Ann. Physik 16, 551 (1905). Maier, C.G., Anderson, C.T., J . Chem. Phys. 2, 513 (1934). McDonald, R.A., Stull, D.R., J. CHEM.ENG. DATA6, 609 (1961). McDonald, R.A., Stull, D.R., J . Phys. Chem. 65, 1918 (1961). Mezaki, R., Tilleux, E.W., Barnes, D.W., M.S. thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1961.

(15) Oelsen, W.,Oelsen, O., Thiel, D., 2. Metallk. 46, 555 (1955). (16) Oelsen, W.,Rieskamp, K.H., Oelsen, O., Arch. EisenhLttenw. 26,253 (1955). (17) Osment, D., Southern Res. Inst. Tech. Documentary Rept. No. ASD-TDR-62-675 (Jan. 1963). (18) Pochapsky, T.E., Acta Met. 1, 747 (1953). (19) Seekamp, H., Z.anorg. Chem. 195,345 (1931). (20) Shomate, C.H., J. Phys. Chem. 58,368 (1954). (21) Speros, D.M., Woodhouse, R.L., Nature 197, 1261 (1963). (22) Stimson, H.F., J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards 65A, 139 (1961). (23) Stull, D.R., Sinke, G.C., “Thermcdyamic Properties of the Elements,” American Chemical Society Monograph No. 18, Washington, D. C., 1956. (24) Umino, S., Sci.Repts. T6hoku Imp. Unio. First Ser. 15, 597 (1926). (25) Walker, B.E., Ewing, C.T., Miller, R.R., J . Phys. Chem. 61, 1682 (1957). (26) Wittig, F.E., 2. Metallk. 43, 158 (1952). (27) Wust, F., Meuthen, A., Durrer, R., Forsch. Arb. Ver. Deut. Ing. No. 204 (1918). RECEIVEDfor review July 8, 1966. Accepted October 13, 1966. This work supported by the Advanced Research Project Agency under Air Force Contract No. AF04 (611)-7554(4).

Equilibrium Distributions of the Dimethylethylbenzene and Methyldiethylbenzene Isomers SIGMUND M. CSICSERY Chevron Research Company, Richmond, Calif. Data on the equilibrium distribution of the dimethylethylbenzene and methyldiethylbenzene isomers are not available. Based on known equilibrium distributions of other polyalkylbenzenes, these equilibrium distributions may be predicted. Disproportionation of methylethylbenzene can produce these isomers. Disproportionation runs were made at different temperatures at varying space velocities to various degrees of equilibration. Under conditions where the methylethylbenzenes approach equilibrium, the trialkylbenzenes are at equilibrium, also. Thermodynamic equilibria were calculated from these data at two different temperatures. The experimental equilibrium data were in good agreement with the theoretical estimates.


on the equilibrium distributions of the dimethylethylbenzene and methyldiethylbenzene isomers are not available. They were estimated from the equilibrium distributions (Table I) of similar compounds. However, the ethyl group creates some steric hindrance. The effect of the steric hindrance on the equilibrium distribution can be approximated if one compares the ortho/ para ratios of xylenes and methylethylbenzenes. A t 327” C. these ratios are 0.96 and 0.49. T h e author applied this factor (0.5) for the corresponding dimethylethylbenzenes and methyldiethylbenzenes. Estimated equilibrium distributions are shown in Table 11. These distributions may be established experimentally by isomeriydtion of the dimethylethylbenzene and methyldiethylbenzene isomers. However, these trialkylbenzenes are not readily available in pure form. In this paper, the author shows a new and simple method t o obtain the equilibrium distribution of the dimethylethylbenzene and methyldiethylbenzene isomers using methylethylbenzenes which are readily available in pure form. Disproportionation of the methylethylbenzenes gives 118

Table I. Equilibrium Concentrations”of CSand CS Alkylbenzenes in the Ideal Gas State a t 327”C. Xylenes, Mole % Ortho 22.9 Meta 53.3 Para 23.8 Ortho/ Para 0.96 Methylethylbenzenes, Mole Yo Ortho 16.3 Meta 50.3 Para 33.4 OrthoiPara 0.49 Trimethyibenzenes, Mole YO 1,2,3-(Hemimellitene) 13.7 1,2,4-(Pseudocumene) 62.2 1,3,5-(Mesitylene) 24.1 Calculated from data taken from reference (7).


Table II. Estimated Equilibrium Concentrations of Dimethylethylbenzenesand Methyldiethylbenzenes Trimethylbenzenes Mole % at 327" C. Corresponding dimethylethylbenzenes Factor of steric hindrance caused by ethyl groups" Estimated equilibrium distribution'







1.0 29.3




0.25 2.4









1.0 34.1

Corresponding methyldiethylbenzenes 1-3,5

0.12 0.25 Factor of steric hindrance caused by ethyl groups" 0.5 0.5 0.25 1.o Estimated equilibrium distribution* 1.5 3 20 20 10 46 "The factor was derived from the difference between the orthoipara ratios of xylenes and methylethylbenzenes. See text. * Distributions were estimated by dividing the equilibrium concentration of the corresponding trimethylbenzene with the number of possible related structures (2 for 1,2,3-1'MB; 3 for 1,2,4-TMB; and 1 for 1,3,5-TMB); multiplying the results with the steric hindrance factor, and normalizing to 100%. Example: l-Methyl-2,4-diethylbenzene = 0.5 x 62.213 = 10.4; Normalized = 20%. lower and higher molecular weight products. Two types of disproportionation are possible: Methyl transfer, giving dimethylethylbenzenes and ethylbenzene:

The situation is similar with the six possible dimethylethylbenzene isomers.



Ethyl transfer, giving methyldiethylbenzenes and toluene:


Here we observed all four group A' isomers. The isomers which cannot be formed directly from l-methyl-2ethylbenzene by disproportionation through methyl transfer (group B') are 1,2-dimethyl-4-ethylbenzeneand 1,3-dimethyl-5-ethylbenzene. DISCUSSION

The reactions are catalyzed by Friedel-Craft type catalysts. The mechanism most probably involves 1,ldiphenylalkane intermediates. Evidence for this mechanism was presented by Streitwieser and Reif ( 8 ) . FORMATION OF ISOMERS There are six methyldiethylbenzene isomers.





The isomers in group A can be formed directly from 1-methyl-2-ethylbenzene by disproportionation through ethyl transfer. In practice, however, 1-methyl-2,3diethylbenzene and l-methyl-2,6-diethylbenzenewere not observed in the reaction product. (Substitution of an ethyl group next to two other alkyl groups is sterically hindered.) The isomers in group B (l-methyl-3,4-diethylbenzene and l-methyl-3,5-diethylbenzene) require either isomerization of 1-methyl-2-ethylbenzene before the ethyl transfer or isomerization of an isomer fiom group A. Such isomerization reactions are well known and usually catalyzed by acids ( 4 , 5 , 6). The reaction probably proceeds by protonation of the aromatic ring (I, 3 ) . VOL. 12, No. 1, JANUARY 1967

One aspect of any equilibrium study is to make sure that equilibrium conditions have been achieved. This work is concerned with the isomers which cannot be formed directly from 1-methyl-2-ethylbenzene by disproportionation (groups B and B'). If the isomerization which is needed to produce these isomers is faster than the rate of methylethylbenzene equilibration, and if conditions are chosen sufficient for the methylethylbenzenes to approach equilibrium, then the trialkylbenzenes will be a t equilibrium, too. The author reacted 1-methyl-2-ethylbenzene over commercially available silica-alumina cracking catalysts. Reaction conditions and catalysts were varied to ensure different levels of conversion (Table 111). The reaction products contained the methylethylbenzene isomers, toluene, ethylbenzene, the dimethylethylbenzene, and the methyldiethylbenzene isomers. The product was analyzed by vapor phase chromatography. The relative amount of the methyldiethylbenzene isomers which cannot be formed directly from l-methyl-2ethylbenzene (group B) was related to the extent of methylethylbenzene isomerization-Table IV and Figure 1. The same relationship was found with the dimethylethylbenzenes-Table IV and Figure 2. Alkyl migration-type isomerization of the dimethylethylbenzenes and methyldiethylbenzenes was faster than that of the methylethylbenzenes. Initial isomerization rates were determined graphically from Figures 1 and 2. Relative initial 119


m o ~ o m c . 1


T9-196" * * N W 3 0 N

3 m N


.. .. .. .. . . . . . . . .

2 m 3

i N

o m o m N N d *

3 i


g 4 N



:: 2 2 ti

2 2




isomerization rates of methylethylbenzenes, dimethylethylbenzenes, and methyldiethylbenzenes are in the ratio of 1 to 2.5 to 5. This difference in rates may be due to statistical factors-there are three alkyl groups which can move instead of two-or to the difference between the stabilities of protonated trialkylbenzenes and dialkylbenzenes. This type of isomerization is believed to be catalyzed by Brdnsted acid sites. The first step of the reaction is the protonation of the aromatic ring. The stability of the benzonium ion increases with increasing number of alkyl substitutents owing to hyperconjugation. Thus, ring protonation of trialkylbenzenes is easier than that of the dialkylbenzenes. The faster isomerization rate of the methyldiethylbenzenes relative to the dimethylethylbenzenes may be explained by the greater mobility of the ethyl groups than that of the methyl groups.

-LI Oo










RESULTS Calculated (7) equilibrium compositions of the methylethylbenzene isomers are:

Figure 1 . Distributions of methyldiethylbenzene isomers

315°C. 400°C. Ortho Meta Para

15.7 50.3 34.0

17.7 50.2 32.1

I n several of our experiments equilibration of the methylethylbenzenes was complete, or nearly complete. I n these experiments (Table IV) , we should expect equilibrium distributions of the dimethylethylbenzene and methyldiethylbenzene isomers, also. T h e estimated equilibrium distribution patterns are in good agreement with the average experimental isomer distributions, especially in the case of the methyldiethylbenzenes (Table V). The 315"C. data are averages of eight experiments; the 400" C. data are averages of four experiments. From these experimental equilibrium compositions one can calculate the relative free energies of the various isomers (Table V). Free energies were given relative to the most stable isomer-i.e., 1,3-dirnethyl-5-ethylbenzenefor the dimethylethylbenzenes, and l-methyl-3,5-diethylbenzenefor the methyldiethylbenzenes. 0










Figure 2. Distributions of dimethylethylbenzene isomers

EXPERIMENTAL 1-Methyl-2-ethylbenzene was purchased from Columbia Organic Chemicals Co., Columbia, S.C. Purity = 99.77 mole

Table V. Equilibrium Distribution of the Dimethylethylbenzene and Methyldiethylbenzene Isomers

Temperature, C. 1,2-Dimethyl-3-ethylbenzene

1,2-Dimethyl 4-ethylbenzene 1,3-Dimethy1-2-ethylbenzene

1,3-DimethyI 4-ethylbenzene 1,3-Dimethy1-5-ethylbenzene 1,4-Dimethyl-2-ethylbenzene l-Methyl-2,3-diethylbenzene 1-Methyl-2,4-diethylbenzene

l-Methyl-2,5-diethylbenzene 1-Methyl-2,6-diethylbenzene l-Methyl-3,4-diethylbenzene l-Methyl-3,5-diethylbenzene

VOL. 12, No. 1, JANUARY 1967

Equilibrium Distribution Relative Free Energy, Observed Estimated Kca1.i Mole 315 400 327 315 400 Dimethylethylbenzenes, % 3.2 4.4 4.8 2.75 2.64 20.9 24.9 29.3 0.56 0.32 1.9 2.1 2.4 3.36 3.62 16.4 16.9 14.7 0.84 0.83 34.1 33.7 31.5 0 0 14.7 23.9 20.2 0.40 0.59 Methyldiethylbenzenes, % ... ... 1.5 ... ... 20.7 21.6 20 0.98 0.94 20 21.6 23.3 0.93 0.84 ... ... 3 ... ... 10.0 11.4 10 1.83 1.80 47.7 43.7 46 0 0


76 1-methyl-?-ethylbenzene, 0.15% 1-methyl-3-ethylbenzene, 0.08% xylenes, and other light hydrocarbons. Sulfur content was 0.3 p.p.m. Disproportionation Reaction. The author used a continuous flow-type tubular reactor, consisting of a 50-cm. long, 0.635cm. O.D. stainless steel tube. The tube held 0 . 5 . d . of 100 to 200 mesh catalyst. The catalyst used in most of the experiments was a commercial synthetic silica-alumina cracking catalyst. The catalyst contained 10 weight % alumina, 90 weight 76 silica, and 0.1 weight 7% Na2O. The B.E.T. nitrogen surface area of the catalyst was 340 m.* per gram. The experiments were carried out at atmospheric pressure with a hydrogen diluent at a hydrogen-tomethylethylbenzene mole ratio of 3. Liquid feed rate was varied to obtain different conversion levels. The author collected the reaction products in an acetone-dry ice-cooled condenser. Reaction periods were 65 minutes long. Product Analysis. A 300-foot long, 0.02-inch I.D. capillary column was used for the analyses of the liquid products. The column was packed with Ucon LB550-X polypropylene glycol. Sample sizes were between 2 and 5 pl. The analytical procedure is described in detail by Baumann and Csicsery (2).


The author thanks Chevron Research Company for permission to publish this work. LITERATURE CITED

Baddeley, G., Holt, G., Vow, D., J . C k m . Soc. 1952, p. 100. Baumann, F., Csicsery, S.M., J . Chromatog., to be published. Condon, F.E., in "Catalysis," P.H. Emmett, Ed., Vol. VI, Chap. 2, Reinhold, Baltimore, Md., 1958. Holm, V.C.F., Clark A., J . Catalysis 2, 16 (1963). MacIver, D.S., Wilmost, W.H., Bridges, J.M., Ibid., 3, 502 (1964). Myers, C.G., Sibbett, D.J., Ciapetta, F.G., J. Phys. Chem. 63,1032 (1959). Romini, F.D., Zwolinaki, B.J., Canjar, L.N., Ries, H.J., Bitler, L.P., Ken, J.T., Beery, W.T., Dunlap, A.B., "Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds," API Project 44, Camegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1959. Streitwieser, A., Jr., Reif, L., J . Am. C h m . SOC.82, 5003 (1960).

RECEIVEDfor review July 11, 1966. Accepted October 17, 1966.

Enthalpies of Solution and Formation of Some Uranium Oxides GEORGE C. FITZGIBBON, D. PAVONE, and CHARLES E. HOLLEY, Jr. University of California, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N. M. The enthalpies of formation of U 4 0 9 , P - U 3 0 7 , and ' y - U O 3 have been determined to be AH, 1 9 8 , 1 5 ~ K , = -1078.1 f 3.6, -818.4 f 2.8, and -292.3 f 1.4 kcal. per mole, respectively. The method uged consisted of combining the known enthalpies of formation of U 0 ~ 0 2 8 and u 3 o a with data obtained from enthalpy of solution measurements of samples of U 4 0 9 , U 3 0 7 , and u 3 o a and of mixtures of U 0 2 . 0 2 8 and U 0 2 . 9 9 3 of corresponding compositions. An aqueous 0.057M C e ( S 0 4 ) ~ 1 . 5 MH ~ O soluI tion was used as the solvent.

manv oxides. including UO?, U 4 0 9 . and u o 3 , of which several mayexist in more than one polymorphic form. In addition, wide homogeneity ranges exist for some of these oxides a t moderately elevated temperatures. The enthalpies of formation of the uranium oxides are of considerable practical and theoretical interest. This paper presents the results of some work on the measurement of the enthalpies of solution of several uranium oxides, and oxide mixtures, in aqueous Ce(S04)rH2S04solutions, from which, given the enthalpies of formation of UOz and u 3 0 8 , the enthalpies of formation of U 4 0 9 , u 3 0 7 , and u o 3 , can be calculated. A review of the phase diagram and the enthalpies of formation of the uranium oxides, as of 1962, has been given by Rand and Kubaschewski (9). Table I lists their assessed values along with some recently determined experimental values, including the results reported here.

u 3 0 7 ,

u 3 0 8 ,


The method involved measurement in a solution calorimeter of the differences in the enthalpies of solution obtained when U 4 0 9 , U30i, or u 3 0 8 was dissolved in 1.5M H2S04 which was also 0.057M in Ce(S04)*and the enthalpy change obtained when corresponding mixtures of U 0 ~ 0 2 8and U 0 2 . 9 9 3 were dissolved in the same solvent. The details of the solution calorimeter, its operation, and the procedures have 122

been described ( 5 ) . Briefly, the calorimeter is an isothermal solution calorimeter whose environmental temperature may be kept constant at any setting between 23" and 33" to within 0.001" in an 800-liter thermostatically controlled bath. The vacuum-jacketed, silver-bodied, platinum-lined calorimeter reaction vessel has a volume of -450 cc., a thermal leak modulus of 0.005 per minute, and a heat capacity of 420 cal. per degree. Within the reaction chamber are a heater, a thermistor, a borosilicate glass rod to which is attached a platinum stirrer, and a glass sample bulb. The heater consists of a 15.24-cm. length of 0.64-cm. O.D. platinum tubing, the lower end gold soldered, the upper end sealed to glass tubing which extends through the calorimeter lid and carries the heater leads. The platinum tubing contains 23 ohms of bifilarly wound, helically coiled, silk-covered manganin wire with leads to measure the voltage drop, located at the solution level. A Fenwal 2300-ohm thermistor is used as the sensing element to measure temperature differences up to 1.6" to within O.OO01". A Brown recorder was modified to an automatic-changing, multiscale, self-balancing Wheatstone bridge, whose arm position is an indication of the resistance of the thermistor. The energy equivalent is determined by pasging a current from a precision voltage-regulated supply through the calorimeter heater and a 0.1-ohm standard resistor in series and measuring the voltage drops using a Rubicon Type JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA