Equilibrium Vapor Pressures: Comparing Pressures Obtained Using a Classical Method with Those from a Laboratory-Computer Interface. L. H. Berka, N. K...
L. H. Berka, N. K. Kildahl, S. J. Bergin, and D. S. Burns. J. Chem. Educ. , 1994, 71 (5), p 441. DOI: 10.1021/ed071p441. Publication Date: May 1994. Cite this:J.
Haven, CT 06512; purchased from Electronic Marketing Co., 1092. Johnson Road ..... is a cylinder/piston ana- log to examples given in textbooks/lectures.
School of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Received ... stopper was then turned to seal off the vessel, and the cell tilted to drop the.
when compared with the pentene in mixture with C,Cl,F,. The volume change on mixing of the two chlorofluorocar- bons (system B) seems to be abnormally large. The ratio of the B-values (by Equation 1) for the C4C1,F7 in systems. D and E is 1 to 5, and
VAPOR PRESSURES BY GLC. Determination of Vapor Pressures of. Some Phenoxyacetic Herbicides by. Gas-Liquid Chromatography. DAVID J. JENSEN and.
The millimeter scale for this manometer was calibrated ... pressures are expressed in centimeters of mercury at 0°C. and a gravita- tional acceleration of 980.665 ...
William C. Laughlin, and Norman W. Gregory. J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1975, 20 (2), pp 137â140. DOI: 10.1021/je60065a014. Publication Date: April 1975.
effect in concentrations up to 0.1 X ; fluoride at this same concentration depressed the apparent wave height by 20%; while tellurite at a concen- tration of 0.1 ...
COSMO solvation model. Thermodynamic perturbation theory for hard-core molecules is used for the cavity term, and the dispersion term is modeled using a ...
as in conjugated systems excited structures alone may leadto as much as 20% double bond charac- ter; it is probable that the maximum carbon- carbon bond ...