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Nucleic Acids — by P. A. Levene and Lawrence W. Bass. 4.50 ... Organic Arsenical Compounds — by George W. Raiziss and Joseph L. Gavron. 6.75...
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ORGANIC C H E M I S T R Y Organic Derivatives of Antimony — by Walter G. Christiansen. $ 3.50 Glycerol aad the Glycols — by James W. Lawrie. 7.25 Nucleic Acids - bv P. A. Levene and Lawrence W. Bass. " 4.50 The Catalytic Oxidation of Organic Compounds in the Vapor Phase— by L. F. Marek and Dorothy A. Halm. 9.00 Carotinoids and Related Pigments: The Chromolipoids — by Leroy S. Palmer. 4.50 The Ring Index — by Austin M. Patterson and Leonard T. Capell. 8.00 Organic Arsenical Compounds — by George W\ Raiziss and Joseph L. Gavron. 6.75 The Mechanism of Homogeneous Organic Reactions from the Physical Chemical Standpoint — by Francis Owen Rice. 3.75 Anhydrous Aluminum Chloride in Organic Chemistry — by Charles A. Thomas. 15.00 The Reactions of Pure Hydrocarbons — bv Gustav Kgloff. * 16.75 Physical Constants of Hydrocarbons — by Gust a v " Kgloff. Volume I, Paraffins, Olefins, Acetylenes, and Other Aliphatic Hydrocarbons. 9.00 Volume II, Cyclancs, Cyelenes, Cyclynes, and Other Alieyclic Hydrocarbons. 12.00 Pyrolysis of Carbon Compounds — by Charles Dewitt Hurd. 9.50 Chemical Refining of Petroleum, 2nd Ed. — by Vladimir A. Kalichevsky and Bert Allen Stagner. 7.50 Modern Methods of Refining Lubricating Oils — by Vladimir A. Kalichevsky. 6.00 Isomerization of Pure Hydrocarbons — by G ust a v Egloff, V. Komarewsky and George Huila. 9.00 INORGANIC C H E M I S T R Y Diatomaceous Earth — by Robert Calvert. $ 4.00 Fixed Nitrogen — Edited b y Harry A. Curtis. 12.00 Equilibria in Saturated Salt Solutions—bv \V. C. Blasdale. * 3.50 Sulfuric Acid Manufacture — by Andrew M . Fairlie. 9.75 Nitrogen System of Compounds — by Edward Curtis Franklin. 7.50 Manufacture of Soda, 2nd Ed. — by Te-Pang Hou. 9.50 Solubility of Non-Electrolytes, 2nd Ed. — by Joel H. Hildebrand. 4.50 Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Sulfate — by N . A. Laury. 3.00 The Properties of Glass — by George W. Morey. 12.50 The Properties of Silica — by Robert B. Sosman. 9.50 The Industrial Development of Searles Lake Brines, with Equilibrium Data — by John E. Teeple. 2.25

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