equipment - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Coffee Diseases, Insects, and Weeds controlled by Chemicals. Use of Chemicals lor the Control of Rice. Pests. Pesticides In Banana Culture...
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a n n o u n c e s an outstanding new line line of

oil and catalyst testing equipment

No. 13 A d v a n c e s i n C h e m i s t r y Series

edited by the staff of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry

For rapid combustion analyses From Leco . . . a complete, laboratory-proved line of apparatus for analysis, by the rapid combustion method, of sulfur in oil, oil additives, coal, coke and many other hydrocarbons. Reduces analysis time to a fraction of that required by conventional methods. Be sure to write for complete technical data.

With the Leco induction furnace, you can cut combustion analysis time from the 1-6 hours usually required to just 5-10 minutes ! The most advanced model in a fast-changing field.

Leco sulfur titrators. Line includes both semi-automatic and automatic models. Titrating stopcocks replaced by push buttons for operating ease. Fast, accurate and dependable.

We have just developed a low sulfur iron accelerator for this method, too. It's Leco No. 165 and selli for $4.75 per pound bottle.

Pesticides in Tropical Agriculture 13 papers—102 p a g e s — d i s c u s s ing t h e u s e of pesticides i n tropical a g r i c u l t u r e — o n b a s i c food crops, s u g a r c a n e , c o t ton, c a c a o , rubber, coffee, rice, b a n a n a s ; i n w e e d c o n trol; o n s t o r e d p r o d u c t s .

Use of Pesticides on Basic Food Crops in the Tropics Factors Influencing the Demand for Pesticides in Tropical Agriculture Pesticides in Sugar Cane Pesticides for Cotton in the Tropical Americas

Complete catalyst activity testing unit

Chemical Control of Pests and Diseases of Cacao

Determines in one run the activity, carbon-producing and gas factors of catalysts. Operating variable, feed stocks and mixes rapidly evaluated, aids in catalyst quality control.

Control of Rubber Diseases by Chemicals Produced under license from Standard Oil Company (Ind.)

Coffee Diseases, Insects, and Weeds controlled by Chemicals Use of Chemicals for the Control of Rice Pests Pesticides in Banana Culture

To determine dissolved oxygen in liquid hydrocarbons A new method developed by the Ohio Oil Company, and employing Leco equipment.

Use of Pesticides for Stored Products in Tropical Countries Pest Control in Citrus Production in Tropical and Subtropical America Weed Control in Puerto Rico Arthropod Parasites in the African and New World Tropics

Carbon analyzer This Leco carbon detcrminator gives extreme accuracy in measuring carbon in cracking catalyst, and in determining carbon burning rates.

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Paper b o u n d . . .$2.50 per c o p y

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