equipment and instruments - ACS Publications

motor, 71/,2 foot 3 conductor ground .... For further Information, circle numbers 64 A-1, 64 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A ..... 64-page man...
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For your convenience — short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Follow directions on page 77 A to ob­ tain free information on products and services described

EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS Balances. Complete information avail­ able on the following Sartorius balances : Selecta, Projecta, DP 2 and DP 3, SM 10 Semi Micro Projection Balance, Micro Balance MPR 5, Microtor. C. A. Brinkmann & Co., 378-380 Great Neck Rd., Great Neck, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. 6A

Blenders. Specifications and applica­ tions data available on the gallon-sized Waring commercial "Blendor" cited as being ideal for pilot and experimental runs. Unit has multi-speed P/2 h.p. foot 3 conductor ground motor, cord, stainless steel container. Waring Products Corp., 25 West 43rd St.. Ν. Υ. 36, Ν. Υ. 69Α-2

Balances. Circle 10A for complete file on modern Mettler balances cited as being based on the principle of weighing by substitution. Mettler Instrument Corp., Hightstown, N. J. 10A

Carbon Determinators. 16-page cata­ log illustrates company's carbon determinator cited as providing an accurate 2minute carbon analysis. Harry W. Dietert Co., 9330 Roselawn, Detroit 4. Mich. 22A

Balances. Bulletin available on Troemner precision balance Model W-33. Capacity: 120 gm. Sensitivity: 2 mg. Sensitivity reciprocal: 6.5 mg. Henry Troemner, Inc., 911 Arch St., Phila. 7, Pa. 29A-4

Cells, Glass Absorption. Circle 89A4 for complete information on Klett glass absorption cells. Klett Manu­ facturing Co., 177 East 87th St., Ν. Υ., Ν. Υ. 89Α-4

Balances. Brochure available provid­ ing complete information on company's triple beam balance. Capacity: 311 gram. Sensitivity: 1 centigram. Bal­ ance has a pre weigher to speed results. Ohaus Scale Corp., 1050 Commerce Ave., Union, N. J. 32A Balances. Catalog available on com­ pany's balances and weights. Weights are of rhodium plated bronze, brunton metal, or stainless steel. Classes M, S and S-l. Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc., 2151 Lawrence St., Denver 5. Colo. 35A Balances. Complete information avail­ able on company's 23 Torsion balances with no knife edges and 17 Christian Becker analytical balances. The Tor­ sion Balance Co., Clifton, N. J. 51A Blenders. New catalog available on twin-shell blenders. Yoke model is cited as being ideal for small scale batch blending. Yoke arrangement fits stand­ ard 4 or 8 quart blender frame, permits two different blends at once. The Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc., 2340 Hanson St., East Stroudsburg, Pa. 28A

Centrifuges. Bulletin available on company's new high-speed angle centri­ fuge, a fully enclosed table model with speeds up to 17,000 r.p.m., forces up to 34,390 G and capacity of 400 ml. In­ strumentation includes electric tachom­ eter, ammeter, automatic timer, and autotransformer. International Equip­ ment Co., 1284 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. 44A Centrifuges. Bulletin available on superspced refrigerated centrifuge with dual automatic temperature and hold­ ing control. 16,000 rpm (32,700 X G). Capacities: From 400 ml. or less at superspeed, to 2,000 ml. at lower speeds. Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Norwalk, Conn. 68 A-1 Chromatographs. 8-page bulletin available on the Fisher-Gulf "Partitioner" for gas-liquid partition chroma­ tography. Completely automatic, it is cited as providing fast, precise quantita­ tive and qualitative analyses of volatile materials. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher BIdg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 48A

Chromatographs. Bulletin available on company's "Kromo-Tog" for gas and vapor phase chromatography in plant or laboratory. Model K-2 accommodates two separate columns. Burrell Corp., 2223 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 75A-1 Chromatographs. Descriptive folder and details available on chromatograph cited as being ideal for school or industry, research or control. Boiling range: 20°-400° C. Temperate in­ crease rate: 2° C./min. Temperature maintained within 1° C. Uses 1.1 sq. ft. bench space. Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc., Acheson BIdg.. Berkeley 4, Calif. 90A-1 Chromatography Cells. Circle 86A-4 for catalog on "Gow-Mac" gas chroma­ tography cells. Catalog contains in­ formation on thermal conductivity cells for 225° C. operation, temperature regu­ lated cell for operation at room tempera­ ture or 200° C. and power supply and control unit. Gow-Mac Instrument Co., 100 Kings Rd., Madison, N. J. 86A-4 Colorimeters. Catalog available on company's "Spectronic 20" colorimeter cited as providing accurate readings at any wavelength in the 340 ηΐμ-950 ταμ range. Instant-acting meter gives ex­ act percent transmission or optical den­ sity. Band pass: 20 ηΐμ. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 60916 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 4th Cover Combustion Apparatus. Detailed information available on company's Van Slyke-Folch micro combustion ap­ paratus. Uses magnetic stirring. For rapid quantitative mierodetermination of carbon in organic compounds by a wet combustion method. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St. at Third, Phila. 5, Pa. 78A Comparators. Handbook, "Modern pH and Chlorine Control," available. Gives theory and application of pH con­ trol; illustrates and describes full (Continued on page 64 A) VOL. 29, NO. 5, MAY 1957


63 A

Product Capsules


Specify STEELAB! IMbk^-^' -

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National Aniline Research and Engineering Center Steelab, top choice of this leading company, was used to fully eauip the center's general and special research labs in its huge building in Buffalo, N . Y .

W h e n

y O M p l a i t your new modernization program — consider the many practical benefits of advanced design S T E E L A B equipment. S T E E L A B provides the perfect arrangement of work and storage facilities, so necessary to the needs of scientific progress. More than 50,000 installations testify to its dependability. Let us show you how you can satisfy your budget . . for a S T E E L A B custom laboratory or ready-built units. Our local field engineer will gladly consult with you. WRITE OR CALL TODAY FOR THESE VALUABLE PLANNING AIDS They're FREE!

"STEELAB," Revised Edition. H u n d r e d s of i d e a s f o r laboratory furniture layouts. "FUMÉ HOODS" No. 56H. Most complete fume control prospectus in the industry.


Over 35 Years of Specialized Service to



For further information, circle numbers 64 A-1, 64 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A · ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY

Taylor line. Contains information on comparators used to maintain uniform pH, chlorine levels in processing. W. A. Taylor and Co., 7306 York Rd., Baltimore 4, Md. 29A-I Crucibles. Coorscruciblesare available in a complete variety of sizes and styles and are resistant to chemical attack and thermal shock. Complete information available. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. 86A-2 Densitometers. Bulletin available on company's photoelectric instrument for the rapid and convenient evaluation of strips and sheets of filter paper in partition chromatography and paper electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν. Υ. 53Α-2 Drying and Calcining Equipment. Circle 88A for bulletin "Research and Pilot Plant Equipment for Drying and Calcining." Contains information on gas fired rotary continuous combination calciner and cooler that heats to 2000° F. and cools to between 150-200° F . 3' 6" wide, 9 ' 6" long, 4 ' high. The C. O. Bartlett & Snow Co., 6210 Har­ vard Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio. 88A Electrometers. Circle 74A for bulletin on the Curtiss-Wright dynamic capaci­ tor electrometer. Provides direct read­ ings as low as 10~16 ampere. Drift: less than ± 1 mv per day. Accuracy: ±2%. Electronics Div., CurtissWright Corp., Carlstadt, N. J. 7 4 A Electrophoresis Apparatus. Folder available on the Spinco Model CP con­ tinuous-flow curtain electrophoresis unit that prepares volumes of pure fractions from any mixture which can be sepa­ rated by paper electrophoresis. Spinco Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., Stan-· ford Park, Palo Alto, Calif. 80A Fluorometers. Bulletin available on instrument used to determine the opti­ mum wavelength for activating organic compounds and the optimum wave­ length for measuring their emitted fluorescence spectra. For manual op­ eration, for recording or for oscilloscope presentation. Farrand Optical Co., Inc., Bronx Blvd. & E. 238th St., Ν. Υ. 70, Ν. Υ. 56Α-2 Fluorometers. Klett fluorometers are designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin, and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett Manufacturing Co., 179 East 87th St., Ν. Υ., Ν. Υ. 39Α-3 Fluorometers. Bulletin available on line-operated multiplier fluorescence meter possessing high-sensitivity for measurement of low concentrations. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 15, Ν. Υ. 53Α-3 ( Continued on page 66 A )

Product Capsules Freeze-Drying A p p a r a t u s . Circle 38A for details on company's new "Centri-Freeze" cited as being a com­ plete freeze-drying laboratory on wheels. Stainless steel cart is 40" long, 28" wide, and 35" high. Lucite v a c u u m d r u m is 17" high, 12" in diameter. Arthur S. LaPine and Co., 6001 So. Knox Ave., Chicago 29, 111. 38A Funnels, Separotory. Company's fun­ nels are heavy walled y e t have little thermal stress because they are made of Pyrex glass. Seals between bulb and stopcock, and stopcock and outlet t u b ­ ing are re-enforced. Tip is fire-polished. Corning Glass Works, 72-4 Crystal St., Corning, Ν . Υ . 34Α Furnaces. Complete d a t a available on furnace for general lab work and process control. Chamber size: 4" X 3 3 / 4 " or 9". Variable temperature control from 350° F . to 1800° F . Welded steel construction, embedded element plates. Thermo Electric Manufacturing Co., 478 Huff St., Dubuque, Iowa 90A-2 Furnaces. Bulletin available onlaboratory muffle furnace with temperature range to 2300 ° F . All temperature con­ trol and indicating devices are located in t h e furnace pyramid base. Hevi D u t y

Electric Co., Milwaukee 1, Wis. 41A-2 Furnaces. Bulletin available on com­ p a n y ' s compact laboratory box furnaces cited as being ideal for heat treating small parts, ash determinations, fusions, ignitions, assaying, and dry precipitates. Laboratory E q u i p m e n t Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W. H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 86A-T Furnaces. Bulletin available on com­ p a n y ' s tube t y p e laboratory furnace cited as being ideal for annealing, brazing, heat treatment, hardening, sintering, reducing metal powders, silver soldering, and nitriding. Laboratory E q u i p m e n t Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W. H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 89A-3 G l a s s A p p a r a t u s . Circle 67A for copy of special a p p a r a t u s catalog, ''Custom Made Laboratory Glassware." Con­ tains hundreds of special pieces of laboratory glassware. Corning Glass AVorks, 69-4 Crystal St., Corning, Ν . Υ. 67A Heating T a p e s . Company's new flex­ ible electrothermal pipe heaters are waterproof and acid and alkali resistant.

Available in 12.5', 2 5 ' or 5 0 ' lengths. Consistant temperatures u p to 100° C. E . Machlett & Son, 220 E a s t 23rd St., X . Y. 10, Χ . Υ. 91Α-1 Laboratory A p p a r a t u s . Circle 69A-1 for catalog on company's scientific instruments and apparatus. Catalog includes information on weighing fun­ nels, polyethylene wash bottles, and filter bells. New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., 76 Varick St., Ν . Υ. 13, N. Y . 69A-1 Laboratory Furniture. Circle 24A-1 for copy of "Steelab." Contains hun­ dreds of ideas for laboratory furniture layouts. Circle 24A-2 for copy of " F u m e H o o d s , " a complete fume control prospectus. Laboratory F u r ­ niture Co., Inc., Mineola, L. L, Ν . Υ. 24A-1, 2 Laboratory Furniture. Brochure available on " M o d u l i n e " unitized steel fur­ niture cited as being flexible in function and arrangement, permanent in its allwelded construction, and economical in initial cost and upkeep. Aloe Scientific, Div. of A. S. Aloe Co., 5655 Kingsbury, St. Louis 12, M o . 56A-1 (Continued on page 67 A)

Safeguarding the Purity of the Purest Water —


VENTGARD Bottle Pump Pumps out distilled water while permitting only purified air to enter. Prevents air-borne contamination of distilled water and standardized solutions. Scientific tests show that it effectively filters particulate matter as small as 0.2 micron from the air before it enters the container. Bacteria, bacilli, organic vapors, alkali and acid gases, and COj are effectively removed by the efficient filter unit. Cost for this protection is low . . . filter unit need only be replaced after 1000 gallons have been pumped. The Barnstead Bottle Pump with Ventgard is easily affixed to carboy or bottle. WRITE FOR BULLETIN NO. 136


Makers of Water Stills and Demineralizers for Every Pure Water Need

The Cambridge Research Model p H Meter measures p H and millivolt values where extreme precision and reliability are required Although originally designed for biological and physiological use, the instrument is particularly useful in the Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Process Industries. The combination of features is not to be found in any other similar instrument. CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT C O M P A N Y , INC. 3 5 1 4 Grand Central Terminal, N e w York 17, Ν . Υ.

9 Lanesville Terrace, Boston 3 1 , Mass. PIONEER MANUFACTURERS OF PRECISION INSTRUMENTS Circle No. 66 A 1 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A 66 A



Circle No. 66 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 77 A

Product Capsules Laboratory Instruments. Circle indi­ cated n u m b e r s for complete information on t h e following : new vapor f ractometer t h a t separates a n d analyzes fuel gas components in less t h a n one hour, 42A-1 ; model 21 infrared spectrophotometer, 42A-2; t h e "Spectracord 4000" spectro­ photometer, 42A-3; a n d a q u a r t e r l y publication, " I n s t r u m e n t N e w s , " 42A-4. I n s t r u m e n t D i v . , Perkin-Elmer Corp., 800 M a i n Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 4 2 A - 1 to 4 Melting Point Apparatus. Details available on c o m p a n y ' s micro cold stage for micro fusion studies over t h e range - 1 0 0 ° C. t o + 7 0 ° C. T h o m a s M c C r o n e t h e r m o m e t e r reading model. A r t h u r H . T h o m a s Co., Vine St. a t 3rd. Phila., P a . 54A-1 Mercury C l e a n e r s . Catalog available. Includes information on motor-driven oxifier t h a t separates b y air oxidation t h e dissolved base metals from t h e b o d y of contaminated mercury. 2 t o 4 hrs. ] >er 25-lb. b a t c h . Bethlehem A p p a r a t u s Co., 810 F r o n t St., Hellertown, P a . 66 A-1 Mercury Ejectors. Circle 52A-2 for bulletin on Leybold mercury ejectors a n d diffusion p u m p s . Circle 52A-1 for bulletin on Apiezon oil distillates for



high v a c u u m work. J a m e s G. Biddle Co., 1316 Arch St., Phila, 7, P a . 52A-1, 2 M e r c u r y V a p o r Detectors. Informa­ tion available on portable, ultraviolet p h o t o m e t e r t h a t measures toxic mercury vapors. W e i g h t : 7 lbs. Size: 13" X 8 1 / / X 4 l A " . Harold Kruger I n s t r u ­ m e n t s , Box 164, S a n Gabriel, Calif. 86A-3 M e t a l l o g r a p h i c Equipment. 16-page bulletin available t h a t catalogs t h e a p p a r a t u s a n d instruments needed for metallographic analysis. Circle 83A for copy. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., P i t t s b u r g h 19, P a . 83A M i x e r s . Illustrated laboratory mixer bulletin available. Contains informa­ tion on electric or air driven u n i t s , single or variable speeds, explosionproof m o t o r s , accessories. Circle 33A for copy. Mixing E q u i p m e n t Co.. Inc., 160-d M t . R e a d Blvd., Rochester 11, Ν . Υ . 33A Nephelometers. 64-page m a n u a l , " C o l e m a n Tools for Science," available. Contains information on company's complete line of nephelometers. D e p t . A, Coleman I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc.. M a v wood, 111. 85 A-1

N u c l e a r Instruments. Catalog avail­ able. Contains full information on c o m p a n y ' s complete line of nuclear in­ s t r u m e n t s , including complete propor­ tional counting system a n d proportional counter converter. Nuclear Measure­ m e n t s Corp., 2460 N . Arlington Ave., Indianapolis 18, I n d . 75A-2 Oil & Catalyst Testing Equipment. Catalog available. Contains informa­ tion on company's complete line of a p ­ p a r a t u s for analysis, by t h e rapid com­ bustion method, of sulfur in oil, oil ad­ ditives, coal, coke a n d m a n y other h y ­ drocarbons. Laboratory Equipment Corp., 3C04 Hilltop Rd-, St. Joseph, Mich. O v e n s . Bulletin available on com­ p a n y ' s new rectangular oven. H y ­ draulic-type t h e r m o s t a t provides pre­ cise control of temperatures from 60° to 250°. Design insures constant, thor­ ough circulation, company states. Cen­ tral Scientific Co., 1708 Irving P a r k Rd., Chicago 13, 111. 20A p H Meters. Detailed information available on t h e following B e c k m a n p H m e t e r s : pocket, " Z e r o m a t i c , " model N - l , model GS, model G, a n d model N-2. H a r s h a w Scientific, 1945 E a s t 97th St., Cleveland 6, Ohio 16A {Continued on page 68A)


Safeguarding the Purity of the Purest Water —



Designed for many diversi­ fied uses in the laboratory. Especially c o n v e n i e n t f o r t r a n s f e r o f heated mater­ ials, digestions a n d décantations. A v a i l a b l e in various styles with porcelain or w o o d h a n d l e s a n d w i t h or w i t h o u t covers

PIPING FITTING . VALVES FAUCETS for Distilled Distribution

Water Systems

With over 75 years of experience in manufacturing water stills an