May 29, 2012 - EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS. Cite This:Anal. Chem.195628743A-49A. Publication Date (Print):July 1, 1956. Publication History...
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For your convenience —short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Follow directions on page 51 A to obtain free information on products and services described

EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS Amplifiers. Bulletin available on in­ strument that measures low level D-C signals. A proportional instrument, it may be used as either a multi-range microvoltmeter or a null indicator. For both the laboratory and produc­ tion. Doelcam, A Div. of MinneapolisHoneywell, 1400 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. 43A Amplifiers. Bulletin available pro­ viding complete details on company's new, non-overloading linear amplifier. Model permits examination of X-ray spectrum in the presence of a high gamma ray counting rate. Atomic Instrument Co., 84 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge 39, Mass. 49A-1 Analyzers, Atmosphere. Literature available on integrated unit that records concentrations of ozone and/or other air pollutants. Especially suitable for concentrations below 1 ppm. Harold Kruger Instruments, Box 164, San Gabriel, Calif. 53A-2 Balances. Complete information available on company's 23 Torsion balances with no knife edges and 17 Christian Becker analytical balances. The Torsion Balance Co., Clifton, N. J. 15A Balances. Full details available on stainless steel triple-beam balance with 3 graduated scale levels, cobalite knife edges, and grooved agate bearings. Capacity: 111 g (201 g using auxiliary weight). Sensitive to 0.01 g or less. \V. M. Welch Scientific Co., 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago 10, 111. 31A-1 Balances. Catalog available on com­ pany's single pan, enclosed analyt­ ical balance. AH weights are built into the balance, and are operated by knobs. Substitution weighing is the principle used. Balance features pre­ cision optics and coated lenses, Brunton metal weights, aluminum alloy beam, and fast damper action. Wm. Ainsworth & Sons, Inc., 2151 Lawrence St., Denver 5, Colo. 36A V O L U M E 28, N O . 7, JULY 1 9 5 6

Balances. Circle 54A for complete file on modern Mettler balances. Mettler Instrument Corp., Hightstown, X. J. 54A

tion data, specifications, tables on chain pitch and sprocket sizes, suggestions for calculating center-to-center distance. Sierra Engineering Co., 123 E. Montecito Ave., Sierra Madre, Calif. 40A-1

Balances. Bulletin available on Mettler analytical, semimicro, and microchemical balances. Direct read­ ing, single pan balances, they are cited as providing rapid, accurate weighing in less than 30 seconds by dialing built-in weights. Constant sensitivity. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Box 779, Phila­ delphia 5, Pa. 64A

Chromatography Accessories. Lit­ erature available on chromatography jars, size 12" X 12" X 24". 4 troughs Ι Ο 1 / / long. Glass or all-stainless-steel trough assemblies. Catalog. Research Specialties Co., 2005 Hopkins St., Berkeley 7, Calif. 76A-1

Cameras, X-Ray. Various precisionbuilt X-ray cameras are available such as powder cameras, precision backreflection camera, micro camera, flat plate camera, single crystal cylindrical camera, and specialty cameras. Instru­ ments Div., North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 58Α Cells, Glass Absorption. Circle 38A2 for complete information on Klett glass absorption cells. Klett Mfg. Co., 177 E. 87 St., Ν. Υ. 38Α-2 Centrifuges. Bulletin available on angle centrifuge providing 25,000 RCFxg at full speed of 14,000 r.p.m. Protective guard, timer, fuze, variable voltage transformer and head are com­ pactly arranged in a single unit. American Instrument Co., Inc., Silver Springs, Md. 46A Centrifuges. Bulletin available on model used for both chemical and an­ alytical centrifuging. A\railable in a wide variety of heads (angle or horizon­ tal) for tube capacities up to 50 ml., at various speeds and forces for small sample analvsis. International Equip­ ment Co., '1284 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. 50A Centrifuges. Bulletin available on the Servall superspeed angle centrifuge. Rotor accommodates eight 50-ml tubes at a 35° angle. Speeds up to 15,500rpm exert 31,000 X G. Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Box 230, Norwalk, Conn. 53A-1 Chain and Sprockets. New catalog available that contains useful applica­

Chromatography Apparatus. Avail­ able is descriptive brochure on com­ pany's "Distillograph" for vapor phase chromatography. Automatic instru­ ment is a self-contained gas analysis unit with an efficiency of approximately 2000 theoretical plates. Operates on 2 to 200 milligrams of material. Research Equipment Corp., 1135 Third St., Oakland, Calif. 40A-3 Chromatography Apparatus. Bul­ letin available on company's new •'Kromo-Tog" for gas and vapor-phase chromatography in routine laboratory analysis and manufacturing process control. Bench or panel-mount. Size: 24" X 16" X 13". Burrell Corp., 2223 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 76A-2 Chromatographic Catalog. Available is company's new chromatographic catalog that lists latest equipment for chromatographic and electrophoresis work, including fraction collectors, mi­ gration chambers, densitometers, spec­ trophotometers, etc. Harshaw Scien­ tific Div., Harshaw Chemical Co., 1945 E. 97th St., Cleveland 6, Ohio 6A-3 Clamps. Bulletin available on com­ pany's 42 lightweight eastaloy clamps, holders and supports. Special alloy used has tensile strength of 47,000 psi. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 70A Colorimeter. Literature available on the "Lumetron" colorimeter for Nessler tubes. A new photoelectric instrument of high accuracy for the measurement of ( Continued on page 44 A ) 43 A

Product Capsules pale colors and faint turbidities. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., Ν. Υ. 16, NY. 44A-3 Combustion Analyses Accessories. Circle 12A for information on the fol­ lowing: copper, tin and iron chip ac­ celerators; solid sulfur gas absorbents; copper oxide catalysts or furnaces; boat pullers; oxygen baffles, dust traps; purifying trains; and oxygen valves. Laboratory Equipment Corp., St. Jo­ sephs, Mich. 12A

progress in polarography ·$( Speedy, direct or derivative operation. ^f Direct reading from scale eliminates geometrical con­ struction. •$; Greater resolution due to formation of Peaked Polarograms. •jf P o l a r o g r a m s r e p r o d u c e d every seven seconds. •^f Increased sensitivity enables accurate determinations at concentrations of fractions of a microgram per millilitre.

with the cathode ray polarograph you have the ultimate in Polarographic technique, without undue complexity of control. Suitable for research or routine, it is supplied complete with its Kleclrode Stand which includes a thermostaticallycontrolled tank, provision for simultaneous degassing of the three cells and easy means of raising and lowering the electrode in the solutions under test. Oscilloscope cameras may be obtained as extras. Write for brochure 101 and on your own problem.








sindak S&W£& -où t&searteA, iitsut-


Circle No. 44 A on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A

44 A

Conductivity Bridges. Catalog avail­ able on company's complete line of con­ ductivity instruments and cells. In­ cludes information on general-purpose conductivity bridge for electrolytic measurement of from distilled water to highly conductive acids. Industrial Instruments, Inc., 89 Commerce Rd., Cedar Grove, N. J. 77A-2 Densitometers. Bulletin available on densitometer for partition chroma­ tography and paper electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν. Υ. 44Α-2 Diffractometers, X-Ray. Company's X-ray instruments are cited as provid­ ing accurate determinations from trace elements to 100% of a given element in a matter of minutes without necessity of film or plate standardization or proc­ essing techniques. Instruments Div., North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 57A Diffractometers, X-Ray. Company's diffractometer includes the basic X-ray diffraction unit except that several de­ tection counters and electronic circuitry are used in place of or used as a supple­ ment to cameras. The basic unit is available as a four-window radiation source for the simultaneous operation of cameras and goniometers. Instru­ ments Div., North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 59A Distillation Apparatus. Bulletin available that shows how to custom assemble distillation apparatus direct from company's stock. Standard units are interchangeable from assembly to assembly. One set of controls runs up to 3 distillations. Fisher Scientific Co., 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 2nd Cover Distillation Apparatus. Suitable for batch or continuous operation, "Rotovap" is completely automatic and pro­ vides safe, rapid and efficient evapor­ ation of either dilute or concentrated solutions, company states. Distills 100 ml of aqueous solution at 55° C. in 10 to 15 minutes. Folder available. E. Machlett & Son, 220 E. 23 St., Ν. Υ. 10, NY. 19A

Electro-Analysis Apparatus. Bulle­ tin available on unit that operates from 115 or 230 volt, 60 evele ac. Size: 29V2ff Χ 1 4 1 / / X 16VV' deep. Ammeter, voltmeter, polarity reversing switch and power control knob are pro­ vided for each position. Eberbach Corp., Ann Arbor, Mich. 38A-1 Electron Tube Data. Four RCA booklets available that provide infor­ mation on hundreds of types of tubes for use in industrial electronics and lab equipment. Radio Corp. of America, Harrison, X. J. 75A Electrophoresis Apparatus. Detailed information available on the Spinco model CP continuous flow paper elec­ trophoresis apparatus. Design permits resolutions formerly requiring as much as 1500-volt operation to be made at one-third this value. Permits un­ attended runs of indefinite duration. Paper curtains are quickly removable for oven drying. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Box 779", Philadelphia 5, Pa. 34A Filter Papers. Circle 16A for complete information on Whatman filter papers cited as being readily available all over the world. H. Reeve Angel and Co., Inc., 52 Duane St., X. Y. 7, Ν. Υ. 16Α Filter Paper Sampler. Circle 71A-3 for free analytical filter paper sampler made up of several grades. Circle 71A-4 for company's "Ultra Filter" catalog. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co., Keene, Ν. Η. 71Α-83, 4 Flasks, Ground Joint. Standard laboratoryware catalog available. Lists 4,496 ground joint flasks made of pyrex brand glass. Finish eliminates leakcausing irregularities. Corning Glass Works, 72-6 Crvstal St., Corning, NY. 41 A-1 Fluidizers. Brochure available on portable fluidizer that fuses corrosion resistant plastic to metal and plastic laboratory equipment. Surfaces can be applied on-the-spot without dis­ mantling. American Agile Corp., Box 168, Bedford, Ohio 49A-3 Fluorimeters. Klett fluorimeters are cited as being designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett Mfg. Co., 179 E. 87th St., Ν. Υ. 42Α-3 Fraction Collectors. Illustrated bulle­ tin available on company's automatic fraction collectors for column chroma­ tography. Time, drop counting and special types. Drops from the column fall directly into the test tubes. Pack­ ard Instrument Co., Box 428, LaGrange, 111. 24A Freeze-Dryers. Bulletin available pro­ viding complete details on new tissue {Continued on page 46 Λ) ANALYTICAL


Product Capsules

Explosion proof

freeze-drying unit. Used for microchemical and optical studies of tissue, as well as routine preparations for sectioning. Drying time: 6 hours at - 4 0 ° C. bath temperature, - 7 8 ° C. condenser temperature. Aloe Scientific Div., A. S. Aloe Co., 5655 Kingsbury, St. Louis 12, Mo. 47A-3

laboratory Stirrers pottered by AIR

Furnaces. Bulletin available on laboratory furnace with temperature range to 2600°. Inside dimensions: 4" wide, 3" high, 7" deep. Silicon carbide heating elements. All temperature control and indicating devices are located in the furnace base. Hevi Duty Electric Co., Milwaukee 1, Wis. 31 A-2

These units a r e i d e a l f o r stirring a l l t y p e s o f solvents, l a q u e r s , p a i n t s , oils,





chemicals w h e r e d a n g e r o f e x p l o ­ sion m a y exist. The A r r o w t y p e G o r A is a c o m ­ p l e t e unit, r e a d y f o r mounting o n l a b o r a t o r y stand.

Glassware, Custom Made. Catalog "Custom-Made Laboratory Glassware" available. Contains descriptions of over 6,000 pieces of special glassware. Corning Glass Works, 69-6 Crystal St., Corning, Ν. Υ. 20Α

O n l y 2 5 t o 1 0 0 lbs. o f a i r s u p p l y is necessary. S h a f t a n d p r o p e l l e r a r e m a d e o f stainless steel. Type





Type A — 4 0 0 to 10,000.

Glassware, Laboratory. Detailed in­ formation on the Diamond D Blue Line available. Company's laboratory glass­ ware is cited as being sharply etched, accurately manufactured, and double tested. Doerr Glass Co., Vineland, N.J. 4 7 A-1

Arrow E N G I N E E R I N G CO., INC. 200 Jar


Central Avenue Hillside, N. J .

fitrther information, circle number 46 A-1 on Readers' service Card, page 51 A














O n e cubic chamber.

Insulated double w a l l s .


Temperature 200°



range t o


Sales & Service Thru Your Labo­ ratory Supply Dealer . . . or Write for New FREE Catalogue.




Η rice..








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Hoods. Available is new 24-page book "Airflow Control Fume Hoods." Gives characteristics, applications, specifica­ tions on aerodynamically designed hoods that permit lower face veloci­ ties. Kewaunee Mfg. Co., 5090 S. Center St., Adrian, Mich. 71 A-1 Instrumentation. Circle 61A for in­ formation on the complete line of Xorelco instrumentation products for research, materials control and produc­ tion. North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 61A

Instruments, Laboratory. Circle 32A-1 for complete information on the Perkin-Elmer Model 21 infrared spec­ trophotometer that provides a rapid analysis, identifies and determines con­ centrations of components. Also avail­ able is information on company's flame photometer (circle 32A-2), and vapor fractometer (circle 32A-3). PerkinElmer Corp., 800 Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 32A-1,2, 3 Instruments, Pollution Control. Circle 56A-1 for bulletin on company's universal anemometer that reads wind velocity in kilometers per hour, miles per hour, or knots. The three units can be used interchangeably. Also available are bulletins on company's current meters (circle 56A-2), and water level recorders (circle 56A-3). W. & L. E. Gurlev, 523 Fulton St., Trov, Ν. Υ. 56A-1, 2, 3

For further information, circle number 46 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A

46 A

(Continued on page 47 A) ANALYTICAL


Product Capsules Laboratory Apparatus. Bulletin available which describes in detail t h e complete line of Lindberg laboratory a p p a r a t u s . Lindberg L a b o r a t o r y Div., Lindberg Engineering Co., 2440 W. H u b b a r d St., Chicago 12, 111. 67A-3 Kjeldahl A p p a r a t u s . Full details available on t h e Labeonco kjeldahl for protein determination. Gas or electric heat, variable heat controls, timers, thermo-water controls, and hooded units. I n m a n y sizes and models. L a b o r a t o r y Construction Co., 1109 Holmes St., K a n s a s City, M o . 21A

instrument abstracts

G%m Applied


For Ultraviolet-Visible



The Cary Model 11 provides performance comparable to the finest ; cost comparable to the cheapest.

L a b w a r e , F u s e d Silica. Illustrated bulletin available on fused silica glass­ ware cited as providing chemical purity, high resistance to heat shock, unusual electrical resistivity, a n d ultraviolet transmission (in t r a n s p a r e n t q u a l i t y ) . T h e r m a l American Fused Quartz Co., Inc., 18-20 Salem St., Dover, N . J. 18A-1 M a n o s t a t s . T h e new Cartesian m a n o s t a t #9 (all-glass model for t h e labor­ atory) controls and measure absolute or differential pressure. Position of float is read on a 100 m m . scale. W h e n set, t h e corresponding pressure will be held automatically. Bulletin avail­ able. T h e Emil Greiner Co., 20-26 X . Moore St., X . Y. 13, Χ . Υ. 30Α M e r c u r y Purifiers. Catalog available on t h e motor-driven "Oxifier" t h a t separates b y air oxidation t h e dissolved base metals from t h e b o d y of con­ t a m i n a t e d mercury (2 to 4 hrs. per 25-lb. b a t c h ) . Bethlehem A p p a r a t u s Co., Inc., Hellertown, P e n n . 77A-1 Nephelometers and Accessories. Bulletin available t h a t provides com­ plete d a t a on company's photo-nephelometers a n d accessories used to meas­ ure haze and t u r b i d i t y in liquids, a t extremely low concentrations. Cole­ m a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 318 Madison St., M a y w o o d , 111. Π A Ovens, Vacuum. Circle 6A-1 for in­ formation on oven with v a c u u m cham­ ber (area: 740 cubic inches) m a d e of special Vs" welded steel with white interior, surrounded b y 2" glass wool insulation. Circle 6A-2 for informa­ tion on utility stirrer t h a t operates on 115 volts, 50 or 60 cycles a.c. H a r s h a w Scientific Co., 1945 E . 97th St., Cleve­ land 6, Ohio 6A-1, 2 p H M e t e r s . Bulletin available on com­ p a n y ' s line-operated p H m e t e r cited as being simple in operation and main­ tenance, fast and dependable, a n d fully stabilized for wide range of line voltage fluctuations. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., X . Y. 16, X . Y. 44 A-1 {Continued on page 48 A) VOLUME

2 8 , N O . 7, J U L Y

Considering t h e purchase of a recording spectrophotometer? The following comments may help you get much more for your money. Most s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r users r e g a r d t h e C a r y M o d e l 14, w i t h its 1860 À to 2.6 m u w a v e l e n g t h as t h e finest recording s p e c t r o p h o t o m e t e r available. W e h a v e b e e n s u r p r i s e d to discover that quite a few people do n o t realize t h a t t h e M o d e l 14 h a s a c o m p a n i o n i n s t r u m e n t —the Cary Model 11—which gives the s a m e h i g h q u a l i t y of t h e M o d e l 14 a t a cost c o m p a r a b l e to t h e lowestprice recording spectrophotometer. T h e difference b e t w e e n t h e M o d e l 11 a n d t h e M o d e l 14 is in w a v e l e n g t h r a n g e . Of c o u r s e , w h e r e t h e w i d e r w a v e l e n g t h r a n g e is r e q u i r e d , t h e M o d e l 14 is t h e finest i n s t r u m e n t available. H o w e v e r , for applications in t h e ultraviolet a n d visible r a n g e s

Stray Light: Less than 0.0001% over most of the range. S c a n n i n g S p e e d s : 1.0 A p e r s e c o n d (ultraviolet region) to 125 Â per second ( visible region ). Resolution: 1.0 Â or better throughout most of the range. Wavelength Accuracy: Better than 5.0 Â in the ultraviolet region and better than 10.0 Â in the visible region. Reproducibility : Better than 0.5 Â in the ultraviolet and 3.0 Â in the visible region. Photometric Reproducibility: Reproducibility better than .004 in absorbance can be achieved with the Model 11.

20,000 HOURS OF SERVICE T h e first Cary Model 11 was produced in 1947, and since then nearly every leading analytical laboratory in the United States —and many abroad —has acquired one or more Model l l ' s . T h e performance, flexibility and reliability of the Model 11 have been proved in all kinds of research and control applications. One of the first instruments to be manufactured—Serial No. 2—was recently overhauled at the factory after having been in use twelve hours per day for over six years without requiring any For further information, circle number


( 2 1 0 0 Â to 8 0 0 0 Â ) t h e C a r y M o d e l 11 p r o v i d e s t h e s a m e h i g h d e g r e e of accuracy, r u g g e d n e s s , a n d d e p e n d a bility as t h e M o d e l 14, as well as its c o n v e n i e n c e a n d flexibility, i n c l u d i n g linear w a v e l e n g t h r e c o r d i n g , s p e e d of s c a n n i n g , accessories, etc. I m p o r t a n t p e r f o r m a n c e d a t a on t h e C a r y M o d e l 11 are outlined b e l o w .

WITHOUT MAJOR REPAIRS service other than routine maintenance. This instrument has now begun a second stint of r e l i a b l e service w h i c h will undoubtedly run into additional thousands of hours.

FREE BULLETIN If your spectrophotometer applications are in the visible or ultraviolet range, investigate the many advantages of the Cary Model 11. For complete information write to Applied Physics Corporation, 362 West Colorado Street, Pasadena 1, California, for Bulletin AC-15. 47 A on Readers' Service Card, page 51 A 47 A

product Capsules Photometers, Light Scattering. Complete information available on the new Brice-Phoenix universal light scattering photometer that measures absolute turbidity, dissymmetry, and depolarization. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., 3805 N. 5th St., Philadelphia 40, Pa. 6 9 A-1 Pipe and Fittings, Glass. Complete information available on company's line of glass pipe and fittings fabricated from Pyrex brand glass tubing, especially suited for laboratory, pilot plant and semiworks projects. Fischer & Porter Co., 1566 County Line Rd., Hatboro, Pa. 79A Pipettes and Burettes. Individually retested Kimble pipettes and burettes are annealed to increase mechanical strength and are inspected in a field of polarized light. Graduation lines are fine and sharp with fused-in permanent opaque color. Kimble Glass Div., Owens-Illinois Glass Co., Toledo 1, Ohio 3-1 cover Platinum Ware. Complete descriptive literature available on company's line of platinum ware. Company manufactures all forms and sizes of platinum ware for chemical and physical purposes, either of pure platinum or platinum-rhodium allov. Baker & Co., Inc., 113 Astor St., Newark 5, N. J. 25A Porcelain Casseroles. Catalog available on porcelain casseroles resistant to chemical attack and thermal shock. Convenient for transfer of heated materials, digestions and décantations. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. 67A-2 Presses, Hydraulic. Catalog available on Carver laboratory presses. Unit is used for forming KBr pellets, dehydrating, pressing out oils, filtering thick fluids, determining fatty acids, etc. Available in 10- and 20-ton models. Fred S. Carver, Inc., 54 River Rd., Summit, N . J . 18A-2 Presses, Hydraulic. Bulletin available on press used for making KBr pellets for infrared spectroscope analysis. 20-ton capacity. Bench mounted, hand operated. Loomis Engineering & Mfg. Co., 133 So. 14th St., Newark 7, N. J. 1OA Pumps. Catalog available on pumps that use steel fingers in sequence to force liquid through plastic tubing. Pumps liquids, gases and slurries without corrosion or contamination. Sigmamotor, Inc., 500 Vernon St., Middleport, Ν. Υ. 40A-2 Pumps. Single-stage vacuum distilla­ tion pump provides guaranteed vacuum .02 mm. (20 microns) and free air ca­ pacity 33.4 liters per minute. Efficient in long, continuous service, company 48 A

states. W. M. Welch Scientific Co., 1515 Sedgwick St., Chicago 10, 111. 62A Pumps and Stirrers. Company's mid­ get pumps and laboratory stirrers are available in a variety of powers, capaci­ ties and specifications. Circle 80A-2 for midget pump and 80A-3 for labor­ atory stirrer bulletins that provide per­ formance charts, standard models, and prices. Eastern Industries, Inc., 100 Skiff St., Hamden 14, Conn. 80A-2, 3 Refractometers. Catalog available. Refractometer features: front, hori­ zontal loading; fixed prism assembly; "Duo-Speed" control knob; new in­ stant-reading scale, graduated directly to .0005; estimates to .0001. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 60906 St. Paul St., Rochester 2; Ν. Υ. 4th cover Refractometers. The new BricePhoenix differential refractometer uses a split cell to measure the difference in refractive index between a dilute solu­ tion and its solvent. Details available. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., 3805 N. 5th St., Phila. 40, Pa. 49A-2 Refractometers. Detailed literature available on the Abbe refractometer. Range of measurements: nd 1.3 to nd 1.71 and sugar percentage scale 0% to 95%. For liquids and solids by trans­ mitted and reflected light. Carl Zeiss, Inc., 485 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 17, Ν. Υ. 69A-3 Scanners. Complete information available on company's new automatic scanner for gamma-ray spectrum anal­ ysis. Instrument can scan portion of the energy spectrum 24 hours a day without operator attention, com­ pany states. Detectolab, Inc., 6540 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago 26, 111. 47A-2 Shakers. Bulletin available. Con­ tains information on reciprocal-action 3 shaker 1 4 / / wide, 12" high, 3 3 1 / / long. 260 oscillations per minute. 5 gallons or 100 pounds capacity. New York Laboratory Supply Co., Inc., 76 Varick St., N. Y. 13, Ν. Υ. 42Α-1 Sodium Peroxide Bombs. Specifi­ cation literature available on com­ pany's sodium peroxide bombs for rapid combustion reactions with Na 2 0 2 . Bombs are in 4 ml. sizes: 42, 22, 8 and 2.5. Parr Instrument Co., Moline, 111. 74A Spectrofluorometers. Bulletin avail­ able on instrument used for deter­ mining spectral distribution of fluor­ escence and the spectral efficiency of excitation of fluorescence. Available for manual operation, for recording or for oscilloscope presentation. Farrand

Optical Co., Inc., Bronx Blvd. and E. 238th St., N. Y. 70, Ν. Υ. 80Α-1 Spectrographs, X-Ray. Information available on instrument that provides for qualitative and quantitative deter­ minations (nondestructive) of elements present in a sample regardless of free or combined state. North American Philips Co., Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 60Α Spectrometers, Mass. Bulletin avail­ able on mass spectrometer cited as being flexible and simplified, needs only 115 volts and a small supply of cooling water, and is easily moved around the plant. Consolidated Electrodynamics Corp., 300 N. Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif. 8A Spectrometers, N-M-R. Circle 13A for complete information on the Varian wide-line nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer used for broad and me­ dium-line studies of metals and alloys, isotope ratio determinations, solid state investigations, and relaxation time stud­ ies in polymer physics. Varian Asso­ ciates, Palo Alto, Calif. 13A Spectrophotometers. Complete in­ formation available on the Beckman IR-4 spectrophotometer that may be operated double- or single-beam. In­ strument features a double monochromator design, and push-button control for routine work. Scientific Instru­ ments Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, Calif. 5A Spectrophotometers. Company's re­ cording spectrophotometers can deter­ mine the identification and strength of unknown colorants and help to pre­ pare a color formula to match a sample. Section 585-40, General Electric Co., Schenectady, Ν. Υ. 65Α Spectrophotometers. Booklet "Cole­ man Tools for Science" available. Con­ tains discussion of analysis with light, plus complete description of all Cole­ man instruments including the Junior Spectrophotometer now available with a choice of band-width (35 or 20 milli­ microns). Dept. A, Coleman Instru­ ments, Inc., Maywood, 111. 71A-2 Spectrophotometer Accessories. Automatic program control accessory permits repetition of a spectral span at predetermined intervals over a 24 hour period, without attention from an oper­ ator. A multiple path length cell [is designed to facilitate analysis of samples requiring a number of path lengths or dilutions. Bulletin available. Applied Physics Corp., 362 W. Colorado St., Pasadena 1, Calif. 48A Spectroscopic Electrodes and Pow­ ders. Catalog available on the new, (Continued on page 49A) ANALYTICAL


Product Capsules complete line of "National" spectro­ scopic electrodes and powders. 37 preformed sizes and shapes plus stock length and powders. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide and Carbon Corp., 30 E. 42nd St., Ν. Υ. 17, Ν. Υ. 27 A-1 Stirrers. Information available on high torque laboratory stirrers with two VV shafts that turn in opposite direc­ tions at 300 or 600 rpm. WilkensAnderson Co., 4525 W. Division St., Chicago 51, 111. 4A Stirrers. Complete information avail­ able on company's T-line laboratory stirrers. Line includes variable speed Vioo hp and Vis hp stirrers. Talboys Instrument Corp., Emerson, N. J. 14A Stirrers. Circle 26A for supplement on company's explosion proof labora­ tory air stirrers. Models for heavy duty and viscous materials or light duty service. Ace Glass Inc., Vineland, N. J. 26A Titrators, Automatic. Full informa­ tion available on company's automatic electrometric titration apparatus using second derivative method of H. V. Malmstadt. For use in all titrations usually classified as potentiometric. Push-button start, automatic shutoff. E. H. Sargent & Co., 4647 W. Foster Ave., Chicago 30, 111. 35A Tubing, Plastic. Strong, light and fully flexible, "Tygon" tubing is cited as being chemically resistant, glass clear and non-oxidizing. U. S. Stoneware Co., Akron 9, Ohio 68A

aged in shrink-proof, reinforced plastic, hinge-covered case. Ohaus Scale Corp., 1050 Commerce Ave., Union, N. J. 28A-5

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Research and reageni chemicals go hand in hand with the latest improved materials to help the technologist an­ alyze properties and create new applica­ tions.

Bromine. Bromine properties in­ clude: molecular weight, 159.83; atomic weight, 79.916; specific gravity at 20/15° C , 3.120; pounds a gallon at 20° C , 26.0; boiling point, 58.8° C ; freezing point, —7.2° C. Information on yields, processing advantages, and new product opportunities available. Michigan Chemical Corp., 516 Bankson St., St. Louis, Mich. 22A Fluorine Compounds. Company of­ fers over 75 inorganic fluorines ranging from elemental fluorine, the most reac­ tive of all chemicals, to the easily handled, inert gaseous dielectric, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical & Dye Corp., 40 Rector St., N. Y. 6, Ν. Υ. 73Α

Laboratory Chemicals. Circle indi­ cated numbers for the following Merck laboratory chemicals: Skellysolve " B " (n-hexane), 37A-1; Perchloric Acid, 37A-2; Methyl Cellosolve, 37A-3; and Phosphomolybdic Acid, 37A-4. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. 37A-1, 2, 3, 4 Nitroparaffins. Circle 9A for infor­ mation on how the nitroparaffins may aid in improving present products or in creating new products. Line includes nitromethane, nitroethane, 1-nitropropane, and 2-nitropropane. Commercial Solvents Corp., 260 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν. Υ. 9Α Organolithium Compounds. Com­ pany's fourth supplement on organ­ olithium compounds is now ready for distribution without charge to those engaged in chemical research. Contains a record of 271 abstracts of papers published during 1954 and 1955. Lith­ ium Corp. of America, Inc., 2525 Rand Tower, Minneapolis 2, Minn. 29A Reagents. Available is new catalog showing more than 4000 items including fine organics, inorganic reagents, indi­ cators and stains. Matheson, Coleman & Bell, E. Rutherford, N. J. 28A-T


Ultrasonic Equipment. Full infor­ mation available on company's com­ plete line of high-frequency ultrasonic generators and cleaners equipped with low-cost Barium Titanate transducers. McKenna Laboratories, 2503 Main St., Santa Monica, Calif. 69A-2 Vapor Fractometers. Descriptive bul­ letin available on the new P-E vapor fractometer used for quantitative and trace analysis. Employs the principles of gas chromatography in the field of gas and volatile-liquid analysis. Cited as being fast, precise, uncomplicated and less expensive. Perkin-Elmer Corp., 800 Main Ave., Norwalk, Conn. 33A Viscometers. The new portable Brookfield 8-speed viscometer can meas­ ure the viscosity of any fluid: readings down to y 5 of 1% with materials having viscosity of from 1 to 32 million centipoises. Details available. Brookfield Engineering Laboratories, Inc., Stoughton 212, Mass. ' 53A-3 Weight Sets. Informative bulletin available on weights in Bureau of Stand­ ards classes C-Q-P. Weights are pack­ V O L U M E 28, NO. 7, JULY


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