t Precise alignment of collecting tubes is assured by a spiral type .... Labware, Fused Quartz. Bulletin available on. “Vitreosil” fused quartz tu...
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For your convenience —short "refreshers" on last month's ads. Follow directions on page 101 A to ob­ tain free information on products and services described

EQUIPMENT AND INSTRUMENTS Analyzers. Bulletin available on new automatic amino acid analyzer that uses the Moore-Stein technique. Builtin recorder plots color density on a chart. More than 20 amino acids can be measured on the standard instru­ ment, with an accuracy of 3 % . Spinco Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., Palo Alto, Calif. 10A Analyzers. Model 104 features non­ destructive analysis, 40-cc sample size. Results are reproducible to within parts per 1,000. Accuracy of 0.1% absolute can be maintained. Circle 26A-2 for complete information includ­ ing the latest material-study reports. Schlumberger Well Surveying Corp., Ridgefield, Conn. 26A-2 Analyzers. Circle 27A-1 for literature on the Beckman oxygen analyzer. Weight: 4 lbs. Accuracy: ± 2 % of full scale. Circle 27A-2 for informa­ tion on bench-tvpe furnace. 131/4" 7 3 deep X 4 /i6""wide X 4 / i e " high heating chamber. Circle 27A-3 for info on new colorimeter that meets new ASTM standards. Scientific Glass Ap­ paratus Co., Inc., Bloomfield, N. J.

multaneously records on one chart from 1 to 6 constituents of a gas. Cam­ bridge Instrument Co., Inc., 3540 Grand Central Terminal, N. Y. 17, Ν. Υ. 92A-1

Analyzers. Information available on model Wr electrolytic analyzer that measures moisture content better than 1 part per 1,000,000. Manufacturers Engineering & Equipment Corp., 10 Sunset Lane, Hatboro, Pa. 106A-1 Analyzers. Complete technical litera­ ture available on conductometric oxy­ gen analyzer for the determination of oxygen in steel, titanium, tungsten, and other metals and alloys. Laboratory Equipment Corp., 2009 Hilltop Rd., St. Joseph, Mich. I11A-1 Balances. Circle 8A for complete file on Mettler balances. Includes info on compact model. Size: 8 3 / 8 " X 1 3 5 / 8 " X 16". Mettler Instrument Corp., Hightstown, N. J. 8A Balances. Bulletin provides complete information on the "Thermo-Grav," a new, automatic, recording vacuum thermobalance. American Instrument Co., Inc., 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 12A


Analyzers. Circle 41A for information on 3 metal analyzers: model 912 measures oxygen, hydrogen, and nitro­ gen content; model 917 measures hy­ drogen in titanium and zirconium ; and model 916 measures hydrogen in steel. NRC Equipment Corp., Charlemont St., Newton 61, Mass. 41A Analyzers. Data available on new automatic analyzer cited as being the first apparatus developed for rapid analysis of selectable groups of ele­ ments. Analyzes either liquid, powder or solid sample forms. Instrument Div., Philips Electronics, Inc., 750 S. Fulton Ave., Mt. Vernon, Ν. Υ. 47Α Analyzers. Application literature available on the Cambridge gas ana­ lyzer that continuously analyzes and si­

Balances. Circle 26A-1 for illustrated literature on the model 722 Sauter bal­ ance available in 8 capacities. August Sauter of New York, Inc., 866 Willis Ave., Albertson, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. 26Α-1 Balances. Bulletin provides complete information on the model #117 balance. 5 kilogram capacity. Sensitivity: 0.5 gram. Ohaus Scale Corp., 1050 Com­ merce Ave., Union, N. J. 44A-2 Balances. The portable automatic, in­ frared "Moisture-Matic" balance pro­ vides quick, accurate, permanently re­ corded moisture readings. Scientific Products, Div. of American Hospital Supply Corp., 1210 Leon PL, Evanston, 111. 55A Balances. Information available on the following balances: model RX-1

(capacity: 120 gm), model IL-7 (ca­ pacity: 2 kilo), model IL-5 (capacity: 500 gm), and model LA-3 (capacity: 200 gm). The Torsion Balance Co., Clifton, N. J. 59A Balances. Information available on the Sauter "Ultra Matic" precision bal­ ance for rapid repetitive weighings. Spex Industries, Inc., Hollis 23, Ν. Υ. 62A

Balances. Reyers-Progress balances with knob-controlled fraction loader are cited as being fast and easy to use, ac­ curate to 1/100,000 of capacity, and as costing less than most analytical bal­ ances. Arthur S. LaPine and Co., 6001 S. Knox Ave., Chicago 29, 111. 65A Balances. The Sartorius "Selecta" is cited as being the only single pan bal­ ance with the unique unified operat­ ing zone at table level. C. A. Brinkman & Co., Inc., Cutter Mill Rd., Great Neck, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. 96Α-2 Baths. Circle 48A for catalog contain­ ing information on laboratory bath with range of —29 to +71° C. Constancy: ±0.005 to ±0.028° C. American In­ strument Co., Inc., 8030 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Md. 48A Baths. New "Temp-Trol" kinematic viscosity bath provides ±0.02° F. uni­ formity. Standard Scientific Supply Corp.," 808 Broadway, N. Y. 3, Ν. Υ. 58A-2

Blenders. Complete technical in­ formation and prices available on the new P-K type (LV) lab blender. 3 mixing actions: liquid-solids type, in­ tensifier type, and precision. Patterson-Kellcy, 1009 Hanson St., E. Stroudsburg, Pa. 108A-2 Burners. General purpose gas-oxygen bench burner for laboratories and glass shops. Height: 9". Base diameter: 6". Bethlehem Apparatus Co., Inc., Hellertown, Pa. 28A-1 (Continued on page 106 A) VOL. 30, NO. 10, OCTOBER 1958


105 A

Product Capsules Cell Windows. Technical bulletin available on cell windows for infrared spectrophotometers. Isomet Corp., Box 34, Palisades Park, N. J. 68A-1 Cells, Glass Absorption. Circle 68A-3 for complete information on Klett glass absorption cells. Klett Mfg. Co., 177 E. 87th St., Ν. Υ., Ν. Υ. 68Α-3 Centrifuges. Circle 63A for informa­ tion on explosion-proof centrifuge for use in Class 1, Group D atmospheres, and for details on sealed accessories for centrifuging infectious materials. In­ ternational Equipment Co., 1203 Soldiers Field Rd., Boston 35, Mass. 63A

Centrifuges. Bulletin available on centrifuge featuring push button auto­ matic controls and selective 8-tube collection with the "Szent-Gyorgi & Blum" continuous flow system. Ivan Sorvall, Inc., Norwalk, Conn. 98A Chromatographs. Circle 38A for data file on the Beckman GC-2 gas chromatograph that isolates pure com­ ponents as small as 0.0002 cc. Instru­ ment features dual column valve, pre­ cision liquid sampler, back purge kit, large-volume gas sampling assemblies and interchangeable columns. Scien­

tific Instruments Div., Beckman Instru­ ments, Inc., 2500 Fullerton Rd., Fullerton, Calif. 38A Chromatographs. Info available on gas chromatographs for the analysis of highly reactive materials, analysis of compounds boiling up to 600° C , and rapid ppm. analysis. F & M Scientific Glassware Co., 1001 Kendall Rd., Wilmington 5, Del. 58A-1 Chromatographs. Descriptive litera­ ture available on the "Chromat-O-Flex" that features dual columns switching with automatic backflush and multi­ stage connection adaptors. Loe Engi­ neering Co., 237 N. Fair Oaks, Pasa­ dena, Calif. 93A-1 Chromatography System. In pres­ surized paper chromatography column system, ready-made paper roll insert loads into pressure mantle which is inflatable by means of pressure ballast flask. Literature available. LKBProdukter Fabriksaktiebolag, Box 12220, Stockholm 12, Sweden. 81A Clamps. Detailed information avail­ able on new mechanical hand apparatus clamp in two sizes: 0 to 2 1 / 4 " and 0 to 3 1 / 4 " . New York Laboratory Sup­ ply Co., Inc., 76-78 Varick St., Ν. Υ. 13, N. Y. 100A

Tta Wed" (UWuÊL ad pwut

Classifiers. 8-page bulletin available on the microparticle classifier that de­ termines dust particle size distribution below 60 microns. 16" high X 16 V 2 " diameter. Harry W. Dietert Co., 9330 Roselawn, Detroit 4, Mich. 87A-2 Colorimeters. 8-page booklet avail­ able on the Davis-Bruning colorimeter that translates any color into a per­ manent numerical formula that can be converted back into the original color whenever an exact re-match is wanted. Fisher Scientific, 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 88A Colorimeters. Full information avail­ able on differential colorimeter that provides complete color measurements in less than 30 seconds. Manufac­ turers Engineering & Equipment Corp., 10 Sunset Lane, Hatboro, Pa. 107A-2 De-Ionizers. Laboratory size cartridge de-ionizer provides mineral-free water. Color indicator changes from purple to yellow as the resins become ex­ hausted. Illinois Water Treatment Co., 840 Cedar St., Rockford, 111. 112A-1 Densitometers. Bulletin available on photoelectric instrument for the evalua­ tion of strips and sheets of filter paper in partition chromatography and paper (Continued on page 108 A)




volume collects by * C o l l e c t i n g a c c u r a c y is assured b y s e a l e d , positive

time actuation drop counting

displacement teflon v a l v e a n d p h o t o e l e c t r i c volume measurement. N o siphons a r e used. The


v a l v e is used w i t h a l l three c o l l e c t i n g methods, t o eliminate splashing o r spilling b e t w e e n tubes. t Precise alignment o f c o l l e c t i n g tubes is assured b y a spiral t y p e reel f e e d , w h i c h eliminates the n e e d f o r diverter arms. I n t e r c h a n g e a b l e stainless steel reels a r e a v a i l a b l e , to a c c o m m o d a t e various tube sizes. SEND FOR COMPLETE DATA TO:






1834 University Avenue, Berkeley 3, California For further information, circle number 108 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A

Product Capsules electrophoresis. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν. Υ. 35Α-2 Diffraction Gratings. Information available on Farrand master diffraction gratings. Size: ruling 5" wide X 2.8" long. Lines per inch: 14,400. Far­ rand Optical Co., Inc., Bronx Blvd. & E. 238th St., N. Y. 70, Ν. Υ. 92Α-2 Dryers. Circle 24A for bulletin, "Re­ search and Pilot Plant Equipment for Drying and Calcining." The C. 0. Bartlett & Snow Co., 6210 Harvard Ave., Cleveland 5, Ohio 24A Electrodes. Samples and information available on the following preformed electrode designs for spectrochemical analysis of solutions: type 1909 molded platrode, type 1994 porous cup electrode, and type 4925 solution elec­ trode. United Carbon Products Co., Inc., P. O. Box 269, Bay City, Mich. 18A

Electrodes. Data file available on new pH electrode. Several types pro­ vide a wide range of surface and solu­ tion measurements, titrations and redox determinations. Scientific and Process Instruments Div., Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2500 Fullerton Rd., Fullerton, Calif. 30A

Electrodes. "National" brand of spec­ troscopic graphite in electrode or powder form is accompanied by a state­ ment of purity describing the trace elements present. National Carbon Co., Div. of Union Carbide Corp., 30 E. 42nd St., N. Y. 17, Ν. Υ. 57Α Electrophoresis Apparatus. Circle 14A-1 for descriptive brochure on P-E's low-cost compact model 38-A Tiselius electrophoresis apparatus. Circle 14A-2 for brochure on model 146 flame photometer. Instrument Div., PerkinElmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 14A-1,2 Filaments. High positive coefficient resistance filament for repair, experi­ ment and instruction in gas analysis by T / C , pirani gauges, and anemome­ ters. Gow-Mac Instrument Co., 100 Kings Rd., Madison, N. J. 64A-2 Filters. Circle 32A-1 for bulletin on chemical porcelain vacuum filters in several styles and in a size range from 1 gallon to 150 gallons. U. S. Stone­ ware, Akron 9, Ohio 32A-1 Fluorimeters. Klett fluorimeters are designed for the rapid and accurate determination of thiamin, riboflavin, and other substances which fluoresce in solution. Klett Manufacturing Co., 179 E. 87th St., N. Y., N. Y. 115A

Aloe-Narda Cleaning

Furnaces. Model "K" platinumwound resistance furnaces are produced in a range of sizes for maximum work­ ing temperatures of 1350° or 1500° C. Standard manual or automatic controls are available for single-phase A.C. supply. Circle 45A for full technical details. Johnson, Matthey & Co., Inc., 608 5th Ave., N. Y. 20, Ν. Υ. 45Α Furnace. Catalog available on new utility-size electric furnace. Only 30 minutes to reach 1500° F. Chamber size: 4" X 3 3 / 4 " X 4V 4 ". Thermo Electric Mfg. Co., 478 Huff St., Du­ buque, Io\va 109A-2 Glassware. Information available on filtering flasks, funnels, burets, and beakers made with "Kimax" heat-re­ sistant KG-33 glass that withstands extreme thermal shock, corrosive alka­ lies and biting acids. Kimble Glass Co., Owens-Illinois, Toledo 1, Ohio. 17A

Glassware. Circle 34A for informa­ tion on company's wide range of lab­ oratory glassware. Ace Glass Inc., Vineland/N. J. 34A Glassware. Circle 60A for booklet, "Facts About the Economics of Lab­ oratory Glassware." Doerr Glass Co., Vineland, N. J. 60A (Continued on page 110 A)



Fast I Low Cost /



T h e right generator plus the proper transducerized tank furnishes the ideal ultrasonic system for cleaning almost any­ thing you can think of . . . Glassware, hot lab apparatus, medical instruments, electronic components, optical and technical mech­ anisms . . . and so on. Whatever the problem, these ultrasonic systems can be the answer to doing it faster, cheaper, and more efficiently. Operation is simple and easy. Just plug into any 115V, 60 cycle outlet. Fill the tank. Add detergent. Flip the switch. Immediately, swift precision cleaning economies are yours. Excellent for other purposes too — like brightening, polishing, decontaminating, pickling, deburring, plating and degassing. To determine ihe exact model you need, write for prices and more details, now.

aloe s c i e n t i f i c



5655 Kingsbury · St. Louis 12, Missouri

Fully-Stocked Divisions Coast to Coast For further information, circle number 108 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A 108 A




Product Capsules Glassware. Kontes functionally de­ signed outer ground joints have heavy top beading, thick, high-strength walls, and no external ridges or bulbs. Kontes Glass Co., Vineland, N. J. 46A Handling Equipment, Remote. Bro­ chure available on remote handling equipment for safe handling of radio­ active and toxic materials. Atomic Accessories Inc., 244-02 Jamaica Ave., Bellrose 26, Ν. Υ. 50Α Hot Plates. Circle 96A-1 for copy of "Temco-Thermolyne" catalog on wide line of hot plates with stainless steel cases. Thermo Electric Mfg. Co., 478 Huff St., Dubuque, Iowa 96A-1


safe-Na 'Baker Analyzed* REAGENT safe-Na is J . T. Baker's sodium-lead alloy containing 10% sodium. safe-Na is the modern way to use sodium in safe, convenient form, for

D R Y I N G S O L V E N T S and SYNTHESIS O F ORGANIC LEAD COMPOUNDS SAFE—eliminates hazard. safe-Na saves time and effort because it is available for immediate use. You can use it right from the bottle. You avoid the tedious use of a die, often employed with metallic sodium in drying solvents. Tests show that safe-Na reduces water content of solvents satisfactorily without affecting purity. It is safe to use. There is no hazard in disposing of residues: they can be placed directly in water. safe-Na is available in 1- and 5-lb. bot­ tles from all J. T. Baker distributors. Write for a Product Data Sheet giving specifications, typical drying perform­ ance, and other helpful information. «Trademark registration pending:


J. T. Baker Chemical Co. Phillipsburg. New Jersey

Circle No. 110 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A

110 A



Immersion Heaters. "Cenco" knifetype immersion heaters are made of stainless steel to resist corrosion. 3prong plug enables safe grounding. Central Scientific Co., 1708 Irving Park Rd., Chicago 13, 111. 68A-2 Indicator-Controller. Circle 112A-2 for catalog covering complete line of conductivity cells and instruments. Includes information on self-balancing indicator-controller for measurement of electrolytic conductivity. Industrial Instruments Inc., 89 Commerce Ed., Cedar Grove, N. J. 112A-2 Laboratory Apparatus. Circle 75A for semi-micro catalog. Includes infor­ mation on aluminum head centrifuges, spatulas, hot plates, and burners. Wilkens-Anderson Co., 4525 W. Divi­ sion St., Chicago 51, 111. 75A Laboratory


Then new

Will " 7 " catalog features continuous sequence of catalog numbers, alpha­ betical page heading, and thumb-in­ dexed margin. Circle 91A for copy. Will Corp., Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. 9ΤΑ Laboratory Apparatus. Company offers laboratories national service on a local basis, supplies glassware, ap­ paratus, equipment, furniture, chemi­ cals. Harshaw Scientific, Div. of Harshaw Chemical Co., Cleveland 6, Ohio. IBC

Laboratory Equipment. Circle 3A for copy of the new expanded 12th edition of the Emil Greiner catalog. Completely indexed, conveniently grouped alphabetically. The.. Emil Greiner Co., 20-26 N. Moore St., Ν. Υ. 13, Ν. Υ. 3Α Laboratory equipment. Circle indi­ cated numbers for bulletins on the following : flash-evaporators, 23A-1 ; evaporators, 23A-2; variable speed shakers, 23A-3 ; zone electrophoresis ap­ paratus, 23A-4; and multiple dialyzer,

23A-5. Laboratory Glass & Instru­ ments Corp., 514 W. 147th St., Ν. Υ. 31, Ν. Υ. 23Α-1,2,3,4,5 Laboratory Equipment. New 180page catalog available on complete line of metal or wood laboratory equipment. Metalab Equipment Co., 252 Duffy Ave., Hicksville, L. Ι., Ν. Υ. 51Α-2 Labware, Fused Quartz. Bulletin available on "Vitreosil" fused quartz tubing, crucibles, retorts, muffles, dishes, tanks, pots, trays. Thermal American Fused Quartz Co., Inc., 18-20 Salem St., Dover, N. J. 40A Labware, Polyethylene. Circle 86A-2 for catalog on pipet rinsers, baskets and jars made of polyethylene. The Nalge Co., Inc., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 86Α-2 Labware, Porcelain. The Coors cata­ log lists 115 different styles of items in 730 separate sizes. Coors Porcelain Co., Golden, Colo. 51A-1 Meters. Stabilized R-I-E meter pro­ vides drift-free measurements of D-C voltage, current and resistance. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4906 Stent on Ave., Philadelphia 44, Pa. 108A-1 Meters. The model 727 logarithmic count rate meter is a wide-range, fivedecade instrument for use with all types of radiation detectors. Single scale range: 10 to 1,000,000 cpm. The Victoreen Instrument Co., 5802-9 Hough Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. 22A Micro Combustion Apparatus. In­ formation available on apparatus for the rapid determination of sulfur, halo­ gens and traces of metals in organic substances by simple combustion in oxygen. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St. at 3rd, Philadelphia 5, Pa. 102A Microscopes. Complete triocular microscope, or interchangeable triocular body, available in B&L "Dynoptic" laboratory and research microscope models. Circle 78A for catalog. Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., 60933 St. Paul St., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 78Α Mills. Bulletin available on the Wiley laboratory mill for preparation of a wide variety of materials for analysis. Mill features harder cutting edges, quieter operation, and baked grey enamel and chromium plated finish. Arthur H. Thomas Co., Vine St. at 3rd, Philadelphia 5, Pa. 82A N.M.R. Cells. The Wilmad N.M.R. cell is cited as providing consistently reliable results in the coaxial spinning system. Circle 99A for A.C.S. paper, "Standardization of N.M.R. High Reso­ lution Spectra." Wilmad Glass Co., Inc., Landisville, N. J. 99A (Continued on paye 111 A)

Product Capsules O v e n s . Bulletin available on forced circulation oven with temperature range 30° to 200° C. C h a m b e r : 2 0 " wide X 14" deep X 2 0 " high. N a ­ tional Appliance Co., 7634 S.W. Capitol Hwy., P o r t l a n d 19, Ore. ' 64A-1 O v e n s . Circle 69A for bulletin on new " C i r c - O - T h e r m " oven t h a t provides t e m p e r a t u r e s to 250° C. Chamber: 15" diameter X 1 3 " deep. H e v i - D u t y Electric Co., Milwaukee 1, Wise. 6 9 A O v e n s . Bulletin available on new low cost laboratory oven for drying, bak­ ing, annealing, conditioning, steriliz­ ing, evaporating and heat treating. 12" wide X 10" deep X 1 0 " high. Grieve-Hendry Co., Inc., 1413 W. Carroll Ave., Chicago 7, 111. 103A-1 Pencils, Marking. Circle 114A-1 for sample of heat resisting laboratory marker. W i t h s t a n d s t e m p e r a t u r e s u p to 300° C. 4 brilliant colors. Blaisdell Pencil Co., Bcthayres, Pa. 114A-1 pH Meters. D a t a file available on the ''Zeromatic" p H meter t h a t provides push b u t t o n ease in titrations, redox measurements and p H determinations. Accuracy of 0.1 p H and reproducibility of 0.02 p H are guaranteed. Scientific and Process I n s t r u m e n t s Div., Beckm a n I n s t r u m e n t s , Inc., 2500 FuUerton Rd., FuUerton, Calif. 31A pH Meters. Bulletin describes com­ plete line of b a t t e r y and line-operated p H meters incorporating modern elec­ tronic tubes and circuits, featuring sealed amplifier plug-in units. P h o t o volt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., Ν . Υ. 16, NY. 3 5 A-1 pH Meters. Full information available on pocket sized p H meter with ana­ lytical p H probe unit. Completely self-contained in water-proof everready case with shoulder s t r a p . An­ alytical Measurements, Inc., 585 M a i n St., C h a t h a m , N . J. 94A pH Meters. Czechoslovakian firm offers information on its p H m e t e r s and other new laboratory a p p a r a t u s . Kovo, P r a h a , Czechoslovakia 111A-3 Photochemical Equipment. Circle SOA-2 for informative 16-page b r o ­ chure, "Photosensitization," a review. E a c h subject is fully described in light of pro\'en techniques and results, with complete bibliography included. H a n ovia L a m p Div., Engelhard Industries, Inc., 100 C h e s t n u t St., N e w a r k 5, N . J. 89A-2 Photofluorometers. New bulletin available on direct-reading electronic photofluorometer with a sensitivity range capable of encompassing trace quantities and concentrates of fluoresc­

ing constituents. Coleman I n s t r u ­ ments, Inc., D e p t . Α., Maywood, 111. 53A Photometers. N e w universal light scattering p h o t o m e t e r measures abso­ lute turbidity, dissymmetry and de­ polarization. Phoenix Precision I n s t r u ­ ment Co., 3805 N . 5th St., Philadelphia 40, P a . 113A-2 Pipets. Calibrated directly in milli­ liters of distilled water, accuracy is better t h a n 1 % . Also available is 40page plastic laboratory ware catalog. Palo L a b o r a t o r y Supplies, Inc., 81 Reade St., N . Y. 7, Ν . Υ. 56Α Pipets. Circle 118A for the current " P y r e x " glass labware catalog. Con­ tains information on 4 new p i p e t s : volumetric, M o h r type, micro, and the "Accu-red." Corning Glass Works, 72-9 Crystal St., Corning, N . Y. I l 8 A


"Alconox" In the l a b o r a t o r y or hospital, just " c l e a n " isn't g o o d e n o u g h . M a k e sure your glassware a n d e q u i p m e n t a r e "Alconox-Clean."


Proven best by test* for over 2 0 years! * for wetting


* for sequestering power. 1 * for emulsifying

Pipet Fillers. Flexible bulb t y p e pipet filler eliminates risks of m o u t h pipet­ ting dangerous solutions. Holds set level indefinitely, fits any pipet, oper­ ates easily with one hand. I n s t r u m e n ­ tation Associates, 17 W. 60th St., Ν . Υ. 23, N . Y . U1A-2 Polarimeters. Detailed literature available on polarimeter with scale reading to 0.01°. Inclined observation telescope permits readings from sitting position. Carl Zeiss, Inc., 485 5th A v e , N . Y. 17, Ν . Υ. 109Α-3 Polarographic Equipment. Brochure available on the cathode-ray "Polarotrace." Provides speedy, direct or derivative operation. Direct reading from scale. Polarograms reproduced every 7 seconds. Southern I n s t r u ­ ments C o m p u t e r Div., Cnmberley, Surrey, England. 114A-2 Presses. Circle 54A-1 for catalog on t h e complete line of W a b a s h hydraulic laboratory presses. Wabash Metal Products C o , 1556 Morris S t , Wabash, Ind. S4A-1 Presses. Literature available on Carver laboratory presses. S t a n d a r d 10-ton unit is used for forming K B r pellets, dehydrating, pressing out oils, filtering thick fluids, determining fatty acids, etc. F r e d S. Carver, Inc., 54 River R d , Summit, N . J. 87A-1 Presses. Specifications available on hand-operated pellet press. P u n c h and die sets are interchangeable. 4 sizes: W, W , % " , and y 2 " dia. P a r r I n ­ s t r u m e n t C o , Moline, 111. 89A-1 Radioactivity A n a l y z e r s . W i t h com­ plete systems for proportional, scintil­ lation and geiger counting, t h e " U n i ­ versity Series" i n s t r u m e n t handles (Continued on page 112 A)

Use ALCONOX For all equipment w a s h e d by h a n d Box of 3 lbs $1.95



Case of 1 2 boxes — 3 lb. e a . . .$18.00 A v a i l a b l e in drums of 2 5 , 5 0 , 100 and 300 lbs. at a d d i t i o n a l savings! (Prices slightly higher West of the Rockies)



The World's Most Thorough Cleaner — Yet it costs up to 75 % less!

Eliminates tedious scrubbing — Penetrates irregular and inacces­ sible surfaces — Removes dirt, grease, grit, blood, tissue, etc. with amazing ease — Completely soluble and rinsable — Gentle to the skin — Use ALCOJET For a l l equipment w a s h e d by machine Box 5



Case of 6 boxes — 5 lbs. e a . . $ 1 5 . 0 0 A v a i l a b l e in drums of 2 5 , SO, 1 0 0 and 3 0 0 lbs . a t a d d i t i o n a l s.avi π g s ! {Prices slightly higher West of the Rockies) C l e a n Pipettes in one easy operation with ALCOTABS - for all p i ­ pette w a s h e r s . Box of 100 Tablets $5.00

Order from your Supplier or ask him for samples.

ALCONOX, Inc. 853 Broadway, New York 3, Ν Υ.

Circle No. 111 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A VOL. 30 NO. 10, OCTOBER 1958 · 111 A

FASTER, EASIER WAY to determine petroleum hydrocarbon types by the F-l-A method

Product Capsules alpha, beta, gamma, and x-rays. Circle 33A-1 for info. Also available is in­ formation on the Baird-Atomic KM-1 infrared recording spectrophotometer. Circle 33A-2. Baird-Atomic, Inc., 33 University Rd., Cambridge 38, Mass.

Iracer lab

33 A-1,2

Radioisotopic Instruments. Bulletin provides a technical description of pro­ cedures used in radioisotopic yield de­ termination. Circle 7A for copy. Nu­ clear-Chicago Corp., 251 W. Erie St., Chicago 10, 111. 7A


Jarrell Ash

"Chromanalyzer" U-V CHROMATOGRAPHIC ANALYZER Developed specially for the ASTM D-2 Fluorescent Indicator Adsorption Meth­ od, the Jarrell-Ash Phillips "Chromanalyzer"® enables the petroleum analyst to determine aromatic, olefinic, and saturated hydrocarbons more rapidly and conveniently than possible with existing F-l-A apparatus. • Shorter (3-foot) columns require less transit time; are less fragile, easier to fill and clean. • Operates under normal room lighting — no darkroom required. • Uniform, standardized ultraviolet illumination — twin "blacklight" tubes always at fixed distance and angle. • Boundary points mechanically recorded in ink on strip chart. • Compact, self-contained instrument occupies only 16" χ 25" of bench space. • Accommodates up to eight samples. Write for detailed literature and ASTM F-I-A method outline.



32 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. San Mateo. Calif. Costa Mesa, Calif. Detroit, Mich. Pittsburgh, Penna. Chicago, III. Atlanta. Georgia New Brunswick, N. J. CANADA: Technical Service Laboratories, Toronto Circle No. 112 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A 11 2 A




Recorders. Bulletin available on variable-response recorder for densi­ tometry in paper electrophoresis. Sen­ sitivity adjustable from 10 to 200 milli­ volts. Photovolt Corp., 95 Madison Ave., N. Y. 16, Ν. Υ. 35Α-3 Recorders. 12-page "Recordall" book­ let provides full details on versatile instrument. 11 current and potential ranges, direct reading scales, wide va­ riety of adapters and accessories. Fisher Scientific, 100 Fisher Bldg., Pittsburgh 19, Pa. 61A Recorders. Ranges easily changed by convenient plug-ins in portable (15 lbs.) thermocouple recorder. Fahren­ heit or centigrade charts and scales are available for all ranges. Instrument Div., Varian Associates, Palo Alto 4, Calif. 66A Recorders. Circle 77A for specifica­ tions on new "ElectroniK" strip chart recorder and a new continuous inte­ grator, both specially designed for gas chromatography. Recorder provides permanent record of both quantitative and qualitative results on one chart. Integrator measures the area under each curve of the spectrum and pro­ vides the answer on both a digital com­ puter and the recorder chart. Minne­ apolis-Honeywell, Wayne and Windrim Aves., Philadelphia 44, Pa. 77Λ Recorders. Bulletin provides details and specifications on dewpoint recorder for continuous, automatic monitoring of gas moisture content. Weighing & Control Components, Inc., 206-1 Lin­ coln Ave., Hatboro, Pa. 113A-3




LONGEST EXPERIENCE More than 12 years' activity in the radiochemical field puts Tracerlab in a position to help you make the most of isotopic techniques. NEWEST FACILITIES Modern laboratories in Waltham, Massachusetts, Richmond, Calif­ ornia, and Houston, Texas, are staffed by experts who are always on call to work closely with you. FASTEST DELIVERIES Convenient locations of Tracerlab laboratories assure 24-hour ship­ ment or better (on request) on all stocked compounds. MOST DIVERSIFIED LINE Tracerlab offers the largest and most comprehensive group of radiochemicals available from a single source . . . For example, available in "EQ-Paks"* for con­ venience and economy are the following: Compound

Price per 50 μι

Aniline-1-C" Benzoic Acid-Carboxyl-C'4 Benzoic A c i t M - C " 3-Amino-1,2,4-Triazole-5-C 1 4 Citric Acld-1,5-C" 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid-Z-C' 4 dl-Epinephrine-d-bitartrate-C 14 Uracil-2-C" Mevalonic Acid-2-C" DL-Tryptophan-2-C14

$55 $25 $50 $30 $75 $35 $75 $35 $75 $65

AH these compounds and many more are available in larger quantities at liberal discounts. 'Exempt Quantity Package (C) 1958 NoA.E.C License Required

Refractometers. Circle 28A-2 for bulletin describing 6 different models of new automatic process refractometer that provides end-point control through continuous stream analysis. A func­ tional block diagram and a technical description of the optical-servo system are included. Phoenix Precision Instru­ ment Co., 3805 N. 5th St., Philadelphia 40, Pa. 28A-2 Refractometers. Differential refrac­ tometer uses a split cell to measure the


For complete information on Tracerlab radiochemicals and technical services write for 3rd Edition of Radiochemical Catalog.

First in the field . . . Still the leader

Tracer lab I

1603 Trapelo Road, Waltham, Mass. 2030 Wright Avenue, Richmond, Calif.

(Continued on page 113 A) Circle No. 112 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A

Product Capsules difference in refractive index between a dilute solution and its solvent. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., 3805 N. 5th St., Philadelphia 40, Pa. 90A-1 Spectrographs. Turn of single con­ trol converts 3.4 convertible Ebert spectrograph from full-range spectrographic analysis to high speed directreading analysis of as many as 20 ele­ ments simultaneously. Jarrell-Ash Co., 32 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. 42A

Spectrometers, Mass. Bulletin avail­ able on analytical mass spectrometer for batch or continuous analysis. In­ strument analyzes individual samples as small as 0.1 standard cc of gas or 0.001 cc of liquid. Complete analysis takes less than a half hour, while measurement of single components can be made in a matter of minutes. Con­ solidated Electrodynamics, 300 N. Sierra Madre Villa, Pasadena, Calif.

Spectroscopy Equipment. New group of RCA's x-ray diffraction and spec­ troscopy instruments provides flexible line of attachments and accessories for diffractometry, including such devices as: a rotating single crystal layer line attachment, sample oscillators, pre­ ferred orientation and monochromator attachments. Circle 70A for diffrac­ tion and 71A for spectrophotometer instrument information. Radio Cor­ poration of America, Camden, N. J. 70A, 7 1 A


Here is α precision measuring instrument for both ortho­ scope and conoscopic observations, designed to meet the exacting requirements of science, education, and industry, its many features make it ideal for work in chemistry, crystallography, mineralogy and biology as well as in the technology of paper, glass, textiles and petroleum.






Note that UNITRON'S new Model MPS comes complete with optics and accessories and includes features usually associated only with much more costly models. • EYEPIECES: Micro 5X providing measurements to 0.0025mm. and cross-hair 1 OX. The eye lenses focus to produce sharp reticle images and are keyed to prevent rotation. • OBJECTIVES: 4XIN.A.0.1), 10X(N.A.0.25), 40X(N.A.0.65), achromatic, strain-free, each with centerable mount.

Spectrophotometers. A new 24-page brochure and a technical paper ("Quan­ titative Analysis Using the P-E Model 137 INFRACORD Spectrophotom­ eter.") describing features and per­ formance have just been published by P-E. Circle 37A for both. Instrument Div., Perkin-Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn. 37A Spectrophotometers. The "Universal" spectrophotometer performs precise, rapid routine analyses, uses a diffrac­ tion grating monochromator, is quickly adapted for trace determinations, fluorimetry, nephelometry, and other un­ usual analyses. Bulletin provides com­ plete information. Coleman Instru­ ments Inc., Dept. A, Maywood, 111.

New continuous dutv labo­



Spectrometers, Mass. Circle 95A for complete details on the Bendix "TimeOf-Flight" mass spectrometer. Speed: 10,000 mass spectra per second. Reso­ lution: usable adjacent mass resolu­ tion to 600 a.m.u. Cincinnati Div., Bendix Aviation Corp., Cincinnati 8, Ohio 95A

• NOSEPIECE: quick-change type for critical centering. • CONDENSER and POLARIZER: three-lens condenser with upper elements on a swing-out mounting, provides either parallel or convergent light. A dovetail-slide focusing mount and iris diaphragm insure optimum illumination and resolution. • POLAROID POLARIZER: rofatable through 300" and graduated every 45°. Plano-concave mirror. • ANALYZER: Polaroid, in sliding metal mount. • BERTRAND LENS: for the study of interfere :e figures, fixed-focus lens is centerable and mounted in slïdeway. • STAGE: diameter 115mm., revolves through 300^, graduated in degrees and reads to ό' with vernier. The top is calibrated in mms. in two directions and is drilled and tapped for an accessory mechanical stage. Stage clips.

1 Iris diaphragm 2 Polarizer

• COMPENSATORS: two compensators are included; a quarter-wave plate and first order red plate. These fit into a slot above the objective lens.

3 Swing-out lever 4 Focusing lock

• FOCUSING: coarse and micromelric fine adjustments.

5 Focusing slide

• STAND: heavy stand, arm inclines to horizontal position.


Spectrophotometers. Complete in­ formation on Cary spectrophotometers, model 11 and model 14, is contained in a bulletin available by circling 80A on the reply card. Applied Physics Corp., 362 W. Colorado St., Pasadena, Calif.

Model MPS complete as described, in fitted cabinet Quantity prices on three or more.



Accessory mechanical stage


AVAILABLE ON FREE 10 DAY TRIAL Send for complete catalog on UNITRON Microscopes.

Spectrophotometers. Bulletin avail­ able on the Beckman DK-1 and DK-2 automatic recording spectrophotom­ eters. Wavelength range: 185 m/i to 3500 τημ. Aloe Scientific, Div. of A. S. Aloe Co., 5655 Kingsbury, St. Louis 12, Mo. 104A-1

ratory stirrer provides exact speed con­ trol from 2000 rpm to 20. General Laboratory Supply Co., P. O. Box 2607, Paterson, N. J. 86A-1 Stirrers. New electronic controlled lab mixer provides variable speed at full DC torque from AC lines. Gerald K. Heller Co., 1819 Industrial Rd., Las Vegas, Nev. 93A-2 Stirrers. New model 58 "Power-Stir" provides high torque and variable speed. Eberbach Corp., P. O. Box 63, Ann Arbor, Mich. 103A-3 {Continued on page 114 A)


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°" ""



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- I


For further Information, circle number 113 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A VOL.

3 0 , N O . 1 0 , OCTOBER 1 9 5 8




Product Capsules Stirrers. Bulletin available on explo­ sion proof, variable speed laboratory stirrers powered by air. Arrow Engi­ neering Co., Inc., 200 Central Ave., Hillside, N. J. 104A-3

describes equipment so that direct com­ parison may be made with similar items. Chicago Apparatus Co., 1735 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago 22, 111.

Stirrers. Information available on new variable speed, low cost magnetic stirrer. Central Scientific Co., 1708 Irving Park Rd., Chicago 13, 111.

Titrators. The new Sargent-Malmstadt automatic titrator provides spectrophotometric and electrometric titra­ tions. Circle 83A for complete infor­ mation. E. H. Sargent Co., 4647 W. Foster, Chicago 30, 111. 83A


Stirrers. Model 69 is specifically de­ signed for general laboratory stirring applications. Speeds: 100-1200 rpm in 11 discrete steps. Gerald K. Heller Co., 1819 Industrial Rd., Las Vegas, Ne v. 111A-4 Stopcocks. Circle 72A for new catalog on "Lab-Crest" stopcock equipped burets, separatory funnels, chromatog­ raphy columns. Stopcock requires no grease. Fischer & Porter Co., 1598 County Line Rd., Hatboro, Pa. 72A Syringes. Literature available on Hamilton syringes with Chaney adap­ tors which maintain accuracy of Vio of 1% throughout a series of liquid deliveries. Hamilton Co., Inc., 1134 Whitley St., Whittier, Calif. 90A-2 Supply House.




Wash Fountains. Circle 54A-2 for detailed information on the complete Haws line of emergency facilities in­ cluding eye and face wash fountains. Haws Drinking Faucet Co., 1443 4th St., Berkeley 10, Calif. 54A-2


X-Ray Diffraction Units. New cata­ log available on the Hilger micro-focus x-ray unit that features high intensity focal spot. Jarrell-Ash Co., 32 Farwell St., Newtonville 60, Mass. 97A

Tubing, Plastic. Tygon flexible plastic tubing is glass clear, non-contaminating, non-toxic, seamless, and available in all required sizes. U. S. Stoneware, Akron 9, Ohio 32A

CHEMICALS AND MATERIALS Acid Hydrofluoric. Company pack­ ages acid hydrofluoric 48% A.R. in new polyethylene container with controlled-delivery closure. Mallinckrodt Chemical Works, 2nd & Mallinckrodt Sts., St. Louis 7, Mo. 25A

Tubing, Plastic. Catalog available on Nalgon flexible plastic tubing. 40 dif­ ferent sizes from % " ID to 2 " ID. The Nalge Co., Inc., Rochester 2, Ν. Υ. 44A-1

Viscosimeters. Circle 113A-1 for bul­ letin on the Hoeppler viscosimeter that operates on the falling ball principle and for bulletin on the Ubbelohde vis­ cosimeter that operates on the prin­ ciple of the suspended level. FishSchurman Corp., 72 Portman Rd., New Rochelle, N. Y. 113A-1

Acids, Reagent. "Baker Analyzed" reagent acids are packaged in "thro-away" bottles and cases that are easy to store, save space, require no de­ posits, no returns, no record-keeping. J. T. Baker Chemical Co., Phillipsburg, N. J. IFC (Continued on page 115 A)


WATER BATH SHAKER ADJUSTABLE SPEED . . . from 40 to 260 cycles per minute. ADJUSTABLE STROKE . . . Vi inch, 1 inch, and 11/2 inches. ADJUSTABLE RACKS . . . 9 steps at Vi inch spacing. ADJUSTABLE TEMPERATURE . . . from 5 C. above ambient to 100 C.

MODEL 2156 is engineered to provide many years of reliable, trouble-free service. Standard interchangeable trays are available for flasks of varying sizes. FOR


I N F O R M A T I O N . S E E Y O U R RSCO W R I T E F O R B U L L E T I N 2 156





For further information, circle number 114 A on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A

114 A



Product Capsules




bottles and cases

Adsorbents. A hard, porous, white granular synthetic adsorbent, produced in a variety of mesh classifications, "Florisil" is being used in difficult sepa­ rations of organic compounds. Floridin Co., Box 989, Tallahassee, Fia. 1 0 5 A Crystals. Available for immediate de­ livery a r e t h e following crystals: so­ dium iodide, sodium chloride, potas­ sium bromide, anthracene. Crystals, Inc., 123 Woodland Ave., Westwood, X. J . 103A-2 Filter Papers. Circle 21A for sampler t h a t contains assortment of quantita­ tive and qualitative grades. Also, S&S filtration chart, quick reference catalog, table of comparative filter paper grades. Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co., Keenc, Ν . Η . 21A Filter Papers. W h a t m a n filter papers are available in 3 ash weight levels: single acid washed for rough quantita­ tive analysis, double acid washed for fine gravimetric analysis a n d double acid washed-hardened for t h e finest work. H . Reeve Angel & Co., Inc., 52 D u a n e St., N . Y . 7, Ν . Υ . 43Α

5 PINT BOTTLES packed 6 to a case

Fluorine G a s . 21-page comprehensive technical bulletin "Fluorine" provides full information on gas or liquid fluo­ rine. General Chemical Div., Allied Chemical Corp., 40 Rector St., X . Y . 6, X . Y. OBC

All w i t h dripless sleeves The ultimate in packaging and handling convenience and safety is yours when you buy reagents from Fisher. Shipped in tough ICC-approved corrugated cases, these highpurity Fisher reagents are available in 1-pint, I2-to-a-case units and 5-pint, 6-to-a-case units . . . all with safety "dripless" pouring sleeves . . . all at no deposit . . . all in dispos­ able glass containers. (Even nitric acid is n o w available in 5-pint, 6-to-a-case units in a special lightweight wood Dispos-it!) glacial acetic acid

hydrochloric acid


sulfuric acid ammonium hydroxide

FISHER SCIENTIFIC IN THE U.S.A. Boston Buffalo Charleston, W. Va.

Chicago Philadelphia Cleveland Pittsburgh Detroit St. Louis New York Washington

IN CANADA Edmonton Montreal Toronto

America's Largest Manufacturer-Distributor of laboratory Appliances & Reagent Chemkah

Circle No. 115 Λ-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A

The shell of the P-K Type (LV) Lab Blender can be charged from either side by the quick removal of either of two dust- and watertight covers.

Laboratory Chemicals. Circle 49A-1 for 16-page illustrated booklet entitled, "Column Partition C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . " Circle 49A-2 for specifications on new line of reagents used to bathe transis­ tors, diodes and rectifiers. Circle 49A3 for data on ethylenediaminotetraacetic acid reagent. Circle 49A-4 for information on Schain test reagent. Merck & Co., Inc., Rahwav, X . J . 49A-1,2,3,4

Oil Distillates. Bulletin available on "Apiezon" oil distillates for high vac­ uum work. Their vapor pressures are as low as 10-6 m m . H g . James G. Biddle Co., 1316 Arch St., Philadelphia 7, Pa


Radiochemicals. Catalog available on wide range of carbon-14 and tritium (H-3) labeled compounds. XTew E n g ­ land Xuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston 18, Mass. 106A-2 Spectrogram Catalog. Information available on t h e Sadtler s t a n d a r d spec­ tra, midget edition, a collection of 13,750 usable organic compounds in­ dexed b y A S T M - I B M cards. Sadtler Research Laboratories, 1517 Vine St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. 104A-2



P-K's NEW (LV) LAB BLENDER YOU GET THESE 3 DIFFERENT MIXING ACTIONS... LIQUID-SOLIDS TYPE - To disperse and blend, uniformly, liquids of any viscosity with dry solids, just insert the wire cage liquidfeed bar assembly. Handles liquids from mi­ nute quantities up to 40% of total weight. Liquid is introduced through hollow shaft of bar. Even critical formulations blended in 5 to 10 minutes. INTENSIFIER TYPE — To get intensive mix­ ing of hard-to-blend dry solids, or to break up agglomerates, use wire cage bar assembly. Average blending time for dry formulations: 3 to 5 minutes.

FOR GENTLE PRECISION BLENDING — Simply remove wire cage bar. Unique blend­ ing action will not cause attrition or break down even the most delicate crystals. Average blending time: 3 to 5 minutes.

This new P-K Type ( L V ) L a b Blender owes its versatility to the design of the removable, spring-loaded liquid-feed bar assembly. Liquids and solids are prevented from entering the bearing housings by an exclusive, patented seal. Standard ( L V ) L a b Blenders are available in 8 and 16 quart capacities, in transparent Lucite or stainless steel. Interior of shell and stain­ less steel bar assembly can be cleaned, clin­ ically, in minutes. Operates on 115 ν AC. Units can be shipped from stock. For complete technical information and prices, write to PK's Chemical and Process Equip­ ment Division, 1010 Hanson Street, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. 16Q

Patterson-Kelley All P-K Twin-Shell Blenders are patented and the name registered Circle No. 115 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 101 A VOL. 30, NO. 10, OCTOBER 1958 · 1 1 5 A