EQUIPMENT - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - EQUIPMENT ... than conventional gas analyzers, Cyanamid's Anthony J. Andreatch said at last week's instrument conference in Pittsburgh...
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FICA Finds Trace Hydrocarbons Flame ionization analyzer pegs total hydrocarbons down to 10 p.p.b., chromatograph fractions at 1 p.p.b. Gaseous hydrocarbon concentration as low as 10 p.p.b. can be detected with a new flame ionization continuous ana­ lyzer (FICA). Developed by Ameri­ can Cyanamid, the FICA uses electron concentrations formed when a hydro­ carbon is put into a hydrogen flame. It is much simpler, smaller, more sensi­ tive, and cheaper to build than conven­ tional gas analyzers, Cyanamid's An­ thony J. Andreatch said at last week's instrument conference in Pittsburgh. Mr. Andreatch, Dr. William Innes, and Dr. Raymond Feinland have been working on catalysts for automobile exhaust systems aimed at reducing air pollution from internal-combustion engines. A year ago they began work­ ing on an instrument to analyze ex­ haust gases from a test car at the firm's Stamford, Conn., laboratories. Exist­ ing techniques—mass spectroscopy, IR, hot-wire combustion, thermal conduc­ tivity—weren't sensitive enough for the company's needs, were too expensive, and presented operational problems. And β-ray argon ionization detectors don't respond to C1 or C 2 hydrocar­ bons, Mr. Andreatch points out. Measures Electronic Flow. In the FICA, Mr. Andreatch places a plati­ num screen 7.5 mm. above a stainless steel hypodermic needle. The needle serves as the flame jet. He impresses a 300-volt potential across the needle (anode) and the screen (cathode), measures variations in field strength at the collecting screen as gaseous hydrocarbon samples enter a hydro­ gen stream below the jet opening. The gas flow rate is 60 to 100 ml. per minute. Cyanamid feels that hydrocarbons are cracked in the flame to form car­ bon radicals. The radicals in turn re­ act to give carbon nuclei. These con­ dense to create carbon particles (averaging about 50,000 carbon atoms in size) which emit electrons. This

occurs because of carbon's low therm­ ionic work function, 4.35 e.v.—low enough, says Mr. Andreatch, for elec­ tron emission at flame temperatures. These electrons flow to the positively charged jet tip, while the electric field near the screen is affected by the car­ bon activity in the flame just below. Conductivity varies with the number of carbon atoms in the sample, regard­ less of the hydrocarbon involved. In­ organic gases (like H 2 , N 2 , C 0 2 , and H 2 0 ) have high ionization potentials (12 to 16 e.v.), aren't ionized at flame temperatures. Down to 1 P.P.B. With a second stage of amplification, signals from the screen can detect total hydrocarbon concentrations of 10 p.p.b. When you insert a simple 8-in. silica gel chroma­ tographic column into the system and use nitrogen as a carrier gas, you can separate various hydrocarbon compo­ nents u p to C 8 fractions. And the FICA can peg individual compounds at concentrations as low as 2 p.p.b., ac­ cording to Mr. Andreatch. Hexane can be spotted at 1 p.p.b. "Positive type" analyzers can't discriminate at these concentration levels, he states. Besides its immediate interest in FICA for analyzing auto exhaust fumes, Cyanamid feels the highly sen­ sitive detector should be useful in air pollution analysis generally. Another vital use, the firm says: analyzing explosive vapors. Responding on a carbon atom basis, FICA can measure per cent of the explosive limit of any gas mixture containing hydrocarbons. This is important in liquid oxygen plants where trace hydrocarbons con­ taminate input air. Here the insoluble acetylene concentrates on top of the LOX to create a hazard. FICA moni­ tors total hydrocarbons to give parts per billion of acetylene. FICA can handle other low concen­ tration analyses. You can use the in­ strument to:

THIS FREE BOOK shows you how to cut light soda ash storage space by 6 0 % This booklet is loaded with facts, photos and diagrams showing three alternate unloading systems now used by many plants. These systems are coupled to a storage system based on the principle of increasing bulk density of light soda ash to save storage space. By storing light soda ash as slurry, you can often save as much as 60% of the storage space required for dry storage. Diamond's Sales and Tech­ nical Service team is anxious to assist you in your consideration of this cost-lowering method of handling soda ash in your plant. Write for this booklet today.

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NEW right-a-weigh

• Determine moisture (by reaction with calcium carbide to form acetylene). • Measure the hydrocarbon content of plant streams. • Measure vapor pressures of hydrocarbons. • Detect toxic carbon-containing gases. • Analyze cigarette smoke. • Detect alcohol on human breath. A basic FICA unit for laboratory use weighs less than 10 lb. A complete, portable one—including battery power supply and compressed gas cylinders—weighs about 25 lb. Cyanamid doesn't expect to produce or sell these instruments, but estimates they could be marketed for well under $500. Instrument firms already interested in flame ionization analyzers include Perkin-Elmer (C&EN, Jan. 18, page 54), Beckman, and Carad (Redwood City, Calif.).

one-pan analytical balance by Ainsworth

Du Pont's fibrous potassium titanate —the insulation comes in rectangular and curved pads and solids, uniform rectangular and circular pipe shapes, disks, bowls, and others. Resistotherm is a low density insulating material with low thermal conductivity to 2200° F., the company says. E2

Cupro-nickel tube with high temperature strength properties has been added to its line by Bridgeport Brass, Bridgeport, Conn. Hi-Y 531 Alloy has 3 0 ^ better yield and tensile strengths than standard 70/30 cupro-nickel, is serviceable to 750° F., the company says. E3

Variable vane pump to deliver 6 gal. per min. has been added to its line by Vickers Inc., Detroit, Mich. Follow cost machine tool drill feed uses, the new variable volume hydraulic pump delivers to system demand at preselected adjustable pressures, Vickers says. A pressure compensator can be set to operate from 200 to 500 p.s.i. E4

The original Ainsworth Right-A-Weigh, one-pan, analytical balance has been very popular for the last five years be? cause it is fast, accurate, easy-to-use, practical, and has the quality and dependability of all Ainsworth balances.

New Features of New Model SC • COMPACT smoother.




• COMPENSATED BEAM - M o r e accurate, sturdy, stable. • LIGHT, LARGE W E I G H I N G CHAMBER — Better visibility of sample. •

INDEPENDENT PAN-BRAKE pan before beam release.


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• W R A P - A R O U N D TOP - Interior better protected, more accessible. • EASY W O R K I N G DOORS Comfortable finger-grips.

TESTS EXHAUST GASES. Cyanamid's W. B. I n n e s c h e c k s e x h a u s t c a t a l y s t s w i t h h y d r o c a r b o n analyzer ( u p p e r l e f t )

Three stage filter for both hydraulic and pneumatic uses is furnished by Purolator Products, New York City. The filter consists of a nonwoven center medium sandwiched between an outer medium—a 200 by 200 coarse wire screen—to filter out the large particles and an inner medium of a resinimpregnated cellulose sheet. It can filter particles 1 micron or smaller in size, the company says. Potential uses: mist remover in air-cooling systems; filter for hydraulic and pneumatic controls for automatic systems in aircraft and missiles. E5


Two-foot, single-roll crushers to handle coke, charcoal, carbon, salt, clay, and other materials in large amounts come from Sprout, Waldron & Co., Muncy, Pa. The crusher is an addition to the company's standard line which includes 1- and V/.2-it. motor sizes. It is furnished in carbon steel or stainless steel, may be operated by direct or remote control. E1

Insulation in special forms is furnished by Resisto Chemical, Wilmington, Del. Consisting of Resistotherm made from

Instruments . . . Emission spectrophotometer is made by Land-Air's instrument and electronic division, San Leandro, Calif. Model 151 is an integrated electromechanical-optical system to detect, indicate, and record spectral radiant flux density on one continuous chart, Land-Air says. It measures flux density in absolute units from UV to IR, has a linear wavelength scale extending from 3200 to 9000 A., the company adds. E6

Instrument analyzes hydrogen i n such metals as tungsten, titanium, nickel, zirconium, niobium, and steel and its alloys. Developer: Laboratory Equipment, St. Joseph, Mich. You can check incoming material, control processing, determine the cause of failure of materials, the company says. Extraction time: three to 10 minutes, depending on the material analyzed. E7

Valves... Angle valve doubles as a basic liquid level gage valve or as an instrument valve, says developer Jerguson Gage & Valve, Burlington, Mass. It has a reciprocating, backseating stem which operates in a to-and-fro motion to go directly to or from the seat in a straight

line with no rotation. Specifications: A.S.A. rating of 1440 p.s.i. at 100° F.; commercial rating of 4000 p.s.i. E8

Flow control valve, by Syntron, Homer City, Pa., has a flexibile diaphragm which can be adjusted to various openings. For handling bulk materials from bins, hoppers, and chutes, the valve is opened or closed by an electric motor. The diaphragm is made of a resilient material which rolls the material with it in closing, the company says. E9

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