EQUIPMENT - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 5, 2010 - Two units are suspended in solotion. Each unit can be removed individually by simply disconnecting cold water supply and return unions E...
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EQUIPMENT pression created in the vane accommodates the heating element and provides a flat surface with conveniently located holes for easy mounting. Heater and vane are joined by copper brazing. Unit is available in lengths ranging from 20 to 100 in., 500 to 2 5 0 0 watts, for either 115 or 230 volts. E7 • Laboratory press, hand-operated, cam-driven, b y Parr Instrument, cornpresses granular or powdered materials into pellet form. A force of 4 0 lb. on the lever develops approximately 2000 lb. on the punch. Interchangeable stainless punch and die sets are offered 1 3 for making / 4 -, / 8 - , and 1 / 2 -iri. diam^ eter pellets up to V 2 in. thick. E8

Replaceable H e a t Transfer Units A r e Low Cost Tranter Mfg.'s heat transfer units, called Platecoils, are two sheets of embossed metal, welded together to form channels for passage of heating or cooling media. Units are used to cool slurry. Company says advantage is ease of replacement

Platccoil units used to heat caustic solution fozr cleaning paint tanks at a SherwinWilliams plaxit. Two units are suspended in solotion. Each unit can be removed individually by simply disconnecting cold water supply and return unions E 1

• Liquid level measuring system, by

pressure differential as great as 10"* mm. Gland allows free, easy rotation of stirrer and virtually eliminates possibility of contamination and freezing, says company. E5

Jordan Electronic, uses Neher-White ionization chamber and radioactive source to permit high accuracy indication miles from point of measurement. Two connecting wires are required between measuring point and indicating station. Inexpensive mercury batteries provide continuous power for one year without replacement. System does not require contact with liquid. E2

• EIectroan0 -hp. induction motor by Bodine. E3

• Sedimentation basin, by Graves, rotates aboxit an axis located at the center of the basin. Designated the Roto-Rake sludge scraper, unit concentrates the sludge in a central sump from which it i s removed by pump or hydrostatic pressure. E6 • Header, vane-type for air and surface heatinrg, has been developed by General Electric. Unit is manufactured by pressing a 0.315-in. steel sheath Calrod heater against the center of a steel vane Vm in. thick. U-shaped de-

• Portable roll grinder, b y Quality Industries, is said to grind rolls efficiently and at lower cost while they remain in the machine. Unit is designed to operate with ininimurn supervision; the complete operating cycle is automatically controlled by a push button control and a two-way micro switch. E9

• Centrifugal w e t mill (size N o . 2 ) , by Sargent, combines grinding, comminuting, mixing, extracting, dissolving, and homogenizing of sample particles in solid form, as well as fluid and solid mixtures. Company says unit is particularly applicable to the reduction of oil bearing seeds for the analytical determination of oil content. There are no gaskets or bearings through which (Continued on page 3564) For further information on any item mentioned here, see coupon on page 3558

Rubber-Plastic Valve Body Has L a r g e C a p a c i t y It's U". S, Rubber's styrene copolymer, Uscolite, adapted to a 3-inch diameter diaphragm valve (left) by company's mechanical goods division in cooperation with Hills-McCarma, Rubber diaphragm is shown (center), and valve bonnet (right). U. S. Hubber says units make possible corrosion-resistant and noncontaminating piping systems of greater capacity than ever before for the handling of food products, sensitive chemical solutions, and acids quickly destructive to ordinary pipe Ell

• Magnetic grate, model P, by Eriez Magnetic, consists of a series of stainless tubes, covering Alnico magnetic elements, spaced and held in position by thin welded stainless strips. Parallel with the magnetic tubes and centered between them are 1/2-in.~ square steel grid bars. In operation, the grid bars act as baffles to deflect material onto the magnetic tubes where iron contamination is held. E4 • Teflon stirring rod gland, by Asco 1 Engineering, accommodates /4-in. diameter rods and seals them against 3556








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"Labeled" with C-14 on the alpha methylene carbon atom, to give greatest stability, this Versene is an important new research tool for the study of food, enzymes, metabolism, reaction rates, metallic activation, deactivation, etc. Physical, chemical and biological stability permit it to follow the course of metals or trace metals whenever their study in fluid systems or solutions may be required. For added identification, the new C-14 Versene may be "doubly labeled" with most metallic ions. Tagged iron-55, iron-59, copper-64 and zinc-63 can be incorporated into the molecule. Abbott Laboratories synthesize the new product according to Bersworth procedures. Supplies may be obtained direct from Abbott in North Chicago at $400.00 per millicurie (far below processing cost) upon presentation of the proper A. E. C. allocation. Minimum shipments are r A millicurie.

solvents may escape, a n d all immersed elements are made of 18-8 stainless. Samples can b e ground to any desired fineness with a limit of 300 mesh. E 10 • Four-way v a l v e , b y Airmatic Valve, is hand-and-foot operated a n d h a s built-in, full-capacity, flow control meters of the Venturi type. Unit is an air and low-pressure hydraulic valve, specifically designed for t h e control of double acting air or hydraulic cylinders, says company. Valve is available in four pipe sizes— 1 / 4 , 3 / 8 , 1 3 / 2 , and / 4 in., for air, oil, or water in pressure range 0 to 150 lb. EH • Spray-tray utility deaerating h e a t e r , b y Graver, combines principles of spray and tray deaeration. Inlet water, regulated by air operated control valve, first passes through the internal vent condenser or spray section, which consists of a cluster of stainless, selfadjusting spray valves. Units have parabolic plugs and a Venturi type seat which company says give excellent spray characteristics under all load conditions. W a t e r is sprayed into a n atmosphere of steam a n d t h e n falls onto stainless trays. E 12 • Electronic flowmeter, b y Hastings, for instantaneous direct readings of gas flow in 5 0 to 10,000 ml./min., range from an indicator ( 2 7 oz.) small enough t o b e held in t h e palm of t h e hand. T h e palm-size unit is for such applications as process control a n d quick line checks. Response time; 1 /2 second; accuracy, 2%. E 13


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• W e t dust collector, centrifugal, b y

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Pangborn, is designed for dust control problems which cannot b e solved b y the use of cloth type collectors. Collector is of counter-current design a n d of tower type construction. It consists of multiple wet vane sections and a final water entrainment vane section. The water supply enters above the t o p wet vane section a n d flows downward or counter t o the u p w a r d flowing air, which enters the collector through t h e lower tangential inlet. Water a n d d u s t are discharged as sludge from t h e lower cone a n d the clean air from t h e air outlet at top. After clarification in settling tanks, the water may b e recirculated since no spray nozzles are used, t h e water inlet being a n o p e n end pipe. E 14 CHEMICAL


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