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Nov 5, 2010 - The Conaform has a double conical construction. As the unit rotates, surface layers of materials constantly fall downward. Result is a f...
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EQUIPMENT available in 10 different sizes. Work­ ing capacities range from 1 cu. ft. to 235 cu. ft. Speed variation units can also b e in­ cluded with the Conaform, allowing the dryer to serve as a blender prior to drying. Ε1 As Conaform rotates, rapid mixing of en­ tire batch brings every particle in positive contact with the heated metal

Drying the Rotary W a y It looks like a blender but it's a dryer of double con­ ical construction . . . Surface layers of materials fall down­ w a r d as unit rotates - P A T T E R S O N Foundry & Machine has ·*• designed a rotating vacuum dryer for temperature sensitive and easily oxidizable materials. Called the Patterson Conaform, the unit employs no internal moving parts or flat shelves and trays for heat penetration through the mate­ rial. Company claims that Conaform design is such that complete, fast heat transfer to the entire batch is assured. The Conaform has a double conical construction. As the unit rotates, sur­ face layers of materials constantly fall downward. Result is a free falling, over riding, cascading of material without breaking or deforming crystals, com­ p a n y says. Since no portion of the dryer is perpendicular to the axis, the cascade pattern changes constantly so n o groups of particles take parallel paths. T h e particles constantly are de­ flected from the cone walls to the center of the batch. Conaform is designed for full vacuum, which is applied by a standp i p e through a trunnion which remains stationary as the dryer revolves. Unit is completely jacketed and designed for 3 0 lb./sq. in., jacket vapor pressure. H e a t transfer fluid, such as hot water, steam, or vapor may b e circulated. H e a t transfer fluid or vapor passes in through the main gudgeon of the dryer a n d is discharged by a separate line through t h e same main gudgeon. Operating temperature range for the Conaform, using steam, is from 0° to 270° F. Using Dowtherm, higher tem­ peratures may be obtained. Drying time is variable depending upon par­ ticular characteristics of each material 2148

being dried and size of dryer used. Company says their test results show drying times of 30 min. on some m a ­ terials and u p to 5 hr. on others. Horsepower requirements are «di­ rectly proportional to t h e density of t h e product and the optimum r.p.m. of t h e dryer. Only after making laboratory tests on each particular material a n d conditions are horsepower and r.p.m. determined, according to Patterson Foundry. T h e Conaform can b e built out of any of the weldable materials; it is High Speed Roll Mills f o r Fixed or Floating C e n t e r Use Charles Boss & Son's #52TC high speed roll mills can be converted for use with either fixed or floating center roll opera­ tion. When differences in pressure be­ tween feed and takeoff rolls are desired, center roll is in fixed position. Conver­ sion to floating center roll can be done within minutes without tools. Apron is adjustable for raising or lowering knife contact point or varying apron angle on front roll. Mills are available for large scale production and also for laboratory and pilot plant usage

Pfaudler Designs Flexible Standard Columns T o meet a variety of operating specifications, Pfaudler has designed custom-constructed columns with standard inter­ changeable parts. Standard diameters have been estab­ lished ( 2 in. to 48 in.) b u t length of the packed section, number of support and distributor plates, type of packing, and n u m ­ ber, size, and loca­ tion of opening are entirely flexible. Columns are rated for 25 lb./sq. in. internal pressure and full vacuum. Columns are con­ structed with steel and lined with Pfaudler's acid-alkali resisting glass. Glass is resistant to all acids except hydrofluoric and is suit­ able for alkaline solutions up to ρ Η 12 and 212° F . Two different types of standard con­ struction are used, one for columns from 12 in. to 4 8 in. internal diameter and another for those from 2 in. to 8 in. Larger sizes are assembled b y clamping standard heads and shell sec­ tions together and welding on either a skirt support or side supports. Any de­ sired height of packed section can b e supplied by assembling shell sections in standard lengths up to * ft. Smaller columns are m a û u p from standard glassed steel pipe and fittings. Glassed steel tees are inserted to provide openings. Flexibility in size of openings is secured with a selection of reducing flanges. Joints are connected with bolted flanges. Columns can also b e fabricated of stainless, Hastelloy, nickel, and other alloys. Units can b e custpm built for higher pressures; intermediate and larger diameters are also available on a custom-built basis. Ε2

t Drop counter, by Microchemical Specialties, is said to eliminate need for attendant in fraction collection. CounCHEMICAL




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EQUIPMENT. ter with a photoelectric cell connected to a timer counts drojps from 1 to 400 at each setting. Drops- fall directly from glass tip into collecting t u b e without touching any p a r t of c o u n t e r assembly. Timer automatically indexes collector to next position aftex- set number of drops has been deliver-ed into tube. Ion exchange or chromatographic columns may be used by employing stopcock to control flow rate. Ε3 t Strainer, by S c h u t t e & Koertting, is for steam and ^boiler feed pressures above 900 lb. Unit incorporates forged steel or forged alloy ~fc>ody and a pres­ sure seal joint. Oaslcets a r e coated to provide soft surfacesa_mdalso tapered to a sharp angle. Blow—down connection has been brought -through side of strainer wall. Ε4 • W a t e r and coolanrt system filters/

small units, have been redesigned by Cuno Engineering. Units n o w incorpo­ rate a top feed, balanced backwash noz­ zle. Units have capacity u p to 1275 g.p.m. and a raiïge o£ degree of filtration from 0.002S in. -to 0.O30 in. (230 to 25 mesh ). Ε5 • Liquid fill a n d w i t h d r a w a l


(combined unit) for anhydrous am­ monia has been designed b y S & L Mfg. Unit is hand opeTatedL, made from steel forgings, and ha.s J/_- in. NPT outlet. Unit includes easy grip h a n d wheel, Teflon seats, artel positive leak proof packing. Ε6

Automatic SuHur f i t r a t o r f o r Iron and Steel Analyses Laboratory Equipment's automatic sulfur titrator is an iodometrfc titration unit for analysis of sulfur in iron and steel by the combustion method, A^s sulfur gases reach the titration vessel, original blue color of the solution begins t o fade. Electronic device immediately registers change in color, and a solenoid valve admits the titer, potassium iodatre, to restore the blue color Ε7

• Integral s t r a i n e r t r a p , model # 8 8 2 , by Armstrong Machine Works, is said to cost less than standard trap plus separate Y-type strainer and fewer fit­ tings are required to install it. Stain­ less strainer screen is in body casting at trap bottom. Unit has horizontal and opposite pipe connections of 1 / 2 - i n . or 3 / 4 - i n . size. Capacity ranges from 1300 to 2200 lb. condensate/hr. Maxi­ mum operating pressure is 250 lb./sq. in. gage. Ε8 • Compression pipe coupling for con­ necting small pipe has been designed by Utility Clamp & Equipment. Unit eliminates need for thread cutting or exact pipe fitting. Installer inserts pipe ends into factory assembled couplings and tightens compression nuts. Units are available in l/2-, V-r» 1-» l1/-*-» l 1 / ^ - , and 2-in. internal pipe sizes. Ε 9 • Radiation g a g e , b y Industrial Nu­ cleonics, measures continuously density of liquids moving through a pipe. In applications, gage, model D 3 , has shown density changes in magnitude of .0003 g m / m l . while measuring com­ p o u n d with a density range of .08 g m . / m l . to 0.12 g m . / m l . Liquid enters cast metal housing of gage through an entry pipe interposed between radio­ active sources and detector unit. A change in density i? detected immedi­ ately by rays which -gnal meter or re­ corder. Ε 10 • Dual p r e s e t counter, by Beckman In­ struments, is a high speed counting instrument for output information at any two counts within maximum ca­ pacity of the unit. Physical changes represented by a changing voltage can be counted. Transducers, such as photocells, magnetic pickups, and switches are used to operate the coun­ ter. Physical change may occur at rates between d.c. and 40,000 times/sec. Presetting counter is done by rotating two switches adjacent to each decade. Ε 11 • Direct





Hays Mfg., has built-in protective strainer with automatic on and off flow control of water, air, or gas lines. Unit is for use on small flow volume applica­ tions. Optional feature is flow volume control, which will maintain one set rate of flow regardless of variable pres­ sure. Units are produced with 1 / 4 in. inlet and 3 / s in. outlet. Bushings of V4 in. are available for outlet. Both inlet and outlet are 1 / 4 in. when used with volume control. Ε 12 • Tubing joint, by Marman Products, is said to be low cost and quick to as­ semble. Unit is offered in either stain­ less or cold rolled steel. Ε 13 2150


• Filters by Mechanical Industries for control of fumes, dust, and smoke, em­ ploy a moving granule principle. Called the Dorfan Impingo filter, gases are passed horizontally through two or more cells containing moving granules. Cells are arranged in parallel or in series and rate of flow in each cell is con­ trolled by a rotary discharge valve. As gases pass through the cells, solid mat­ ter impinges against the granules and adheres. Clean gases then pass through labyrinths in granules to exhaust sys­ tem beyond the cells. Ε 14 • Magnetic s t i r r e r , by Scientific Glass Apparatus, can agitate liquids u p to a consistency of glycerin. According to manufacturer, design is unique in that magnetic field is located above vessel proper, leaving t h e underside entirely free for application of heat or cold. Stirrer consists of an upper Alnico V magnet with motor shaft for insertion in the motor chuck. Upper magnet is lo­ cated entirely outside of the vessel. Lower Teflon covered Alnico V magnet is mounted in a well at top of a borosilicate glass adapter which, in turn, fits into the neck of t h e flask. Two models are available. Vacuum and/or pressure model has a side connection; atmos­ pheric model does not. Either model may be provided with 6-pole or 8-pole dual magnets. Ε 15 • Test t u b e r a c k s , by New Brunswick Scientific, are coated with black vinyl plastisol and are equipped with pierced ears for attachment to any and all types of shaking and laboratory apparatus. Racks are available in three styles: T-13—capacity of 48-size 13-mm. test tubes, T20—capacity of 33-size 20-mm. test tubes, and T25—capacity of 2 1 size 25-mm. test tubes. Ε 16 • Oven t a b l e , b y Fisher Scientific, is bench high (36 in.) so that a heavy oven can be slid on and off without lift­ ing. Unit holds 200 lb. Oven can b e used directly on a table when it has been rolled to t h e spot where it is needed. A lower shelf holds desicca­ tors, evaporating dishes, and other equipment. Shelves are 20 X 26 in. and can be used either as supports or trays. Ε 17 • Slide r u l e , 8-in. diameter circular of durable laminated plastic, has been added to the slide rule line of Alle­ gheny Plastics. Instrument is equiva­ lent to s straight type slide rule over 20 in. in length. Unit is priced at $3.00 postpaid. Ε 18

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