EQUIPMENT - Filter Designers Feature Fittings Improvements

Owens-Corning Fiberglass Gorp. has developed a new glass fiber cartridge filter (shown below) which permits lower cost for filtration, longer cartridg...
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FILTER DESIGNERS FEATURE FITTINGS IMPROVEMENTS Recent improvements in the design of equipment for separation of solids from fluids have made possible reductions in operating costs as well as enhanced performance. Filter cartridges have longer life, equipment designs are more flexible, replacement parts are more durable, units take up less space, and over-all designs are modernized. Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp. has developed a new glass fiber cartridge filter (shown below) which permits lower cost for filtration, longer cartridge life, and throughputs increased by 20 to 1 0 0 ~ o . T h e new cartridge consists of glass fibers molded under high compression in a tubular shape with grooved configurations on the outer surface, which increase the filtering area and 201 prolongs effective life.

A new filter-separator element designed expressly for removing finely dispersed oil mist aerosols from compressed air, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, and other gases has been developed by American Felt Co. This new filter cartridge is made of interlocked wool felt cogs on a perforated metal tube. Integral end gaskets and seals make installation fast and relatively simple, and the cartridge is inert to petroleum products contained in common gases. I n usual operation, gas coming from a compressor passes first through a mechanical type separator which removes oil particles of 50 microns and larger. Then the cartridge causes coalescence of the smaller particles onto the felt and the formation of larger oil particles. These larger particles settle by felt wicking and drain out of the felt to a collection sump. 202

collector, may be installed in any location adjacent to or remote from the main dust collector. The Dustkop unit is available with either exposed tubes or with totally enclosed tubes, and with side or end inlet to the top chamber. Hopper and bintype bottom chambers are available with either manual or automatic shakers to drop dust from the collection tubes. 203 For industrial drum filters, Peterson Filters & Engineering Co. has developed a new plastic grid that fits any such unit. The new grid is injection molded of polypropylene to provide good resistance to both acid and alkaline conditions. Its physical form withstands at operating temperatures up to 200" F., and for higher temperatures glass fiber-filled filters are available. An exclusive edge-lock feature keeps the joints between the grid flush and smooth even with temperature change and, thus, extends grid life. The edge lock also provides a trim edge with no sharp protrusions that 204 need sanding.

Schrader fittings are a feature of Alco Valve Co.'s replaceable blocktype filter-dryer. Each fitting is mounted in the flange cover to permit a check of pressure drop through the filter-dryer unit. I t may also be used as a low side charging connector. 205 Standard Products Division of Michigan-Dynamics, Inc., is offering a new low-cost series of sump filters with cleanable wire cloth and with flow ratings ranging from 0 to 10 gallons per minute. These units are designed for suction line filtration in fluid power lubrication, fuel and related systems. Over-all diameters of the units are 1.62 inches. 206 A new dual filter that permits continuous filtration of oil or other liquids even during servicing is now available from Dollinner Filter Corp. Redundant capability is provided by two independent filters and a special valve that allows shift from one filter unit to the other without interruption of operation. Units are available with capacities from 20 to 400 gallons per minute. 207

Aget Manufacturing Co. has developed a new, flexible design, cloth tube after-filter for dust collection from gases. T h e new tube, intended for use in Aget's Dustkop dust VOL. 5 8

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For removal of solids and water from insulating fluids, the Hilliard Corp. makes available a new line of compact Hilco dryer filters. Filter cartridges remove suspended solids and water from liquids, and units have capacities from 4 to 150 gallons per minute. Available accessories include flexible oil-resistant hose, portable bases, hose reels, flowmeiers, 208 and discharge relief valves. An innovation in sand filter design is embodied in De Lava1 Separator Co.’s Immedium up-flow sand filter. In this unit, the liquid to be filtered flows upward from the bottom, larger sand particles in the filter bottom function as prefilter, and the finer particles at the top serve as polishers. This way the bulk of the turbidity is absorbed in the coarse sand layers which have the greatest 1 209 H A S dirt-holding capacity.






VISIBLE CALIBRATED SCAlE 316 STAINLESS STEEL OR BRASS PRESSURE ELEMENTS Pointers Show Actual Values In PSI Of Pressure Difference At Which Control Has Been Set To Operate.

No Tools Or Gauges Required To Set Pressure Differences.


Xew high-pressure bleeder valve with leakproof elastomeric seals on the stem has been developed primarily to bleed air from hydraulic systems. Leakproof feature renders it useful for handling flammable, toxic, and corrosive fluids. I t is designed for operating pressures u p to 3500 p.s.i., with proof pressure at 7000 p.s.i. hlaterial of construction is 300 series stainless steel, fully annealed and passivated according to applicable h l I L specifications. 210 Fluid Regulators Corp. PUMPING SYSTEM

OPERATIWG RANGES 30” hg. vat. to 50 psi, 100 psi and 300 psi, with minimum sensitivity from 6 01. to 3.5 psig, depending upon type selected.


ClRCUlTS SP-ST, SP-DT or with over 40 variations of multiple circuit arrangements.





Kew self-contained, corrosion-resistant pumping system is available with capacities up to 3500 gallons per minute and for heads up to 450 feet. Heavy wall construction of the new system adapts it for use u p to 5000 p.s.i., and it may be used with fluid temperatures u p to 1200 F. System includes a heat exchanger and a built-in circulator on the pump shaft to circulate the fluid to the heat exchanger eliminating the need for a separate heat exchanger 211 pump. R. S. Corcoran Co.


M’ater-powered proportioning pump facilitates dispensing of constituent streams into water without the need for batch preparation in tanks. For the chemical and food processing industries these pumps are of great utility in the mixing of corrosive materials Mith water. Some such materials are chlorine, iodine-bearing products, phosphoric acid, wetting agents, or hypochlorites. 213 Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.


Gyro-Whip Sifter. Bulletin describes a sifter equipped with a dynamically balanced drive which eliminates vibration, for the most part, and, therefore, eliminates the effects of internal and external leakage. Gyro-Whips use from two to 1 0 sieves and are capable of making up to six separations. In this unit as much as 47.5 square feet of free sifting area is provided. Sprout, M i d dron & Co. 214 Sludge Collectors. Booklet describes Straightline reciprocating (or traveling bridge) sludge collectors used in primary settling tanks, sewage and industrial waste treatment plants. This unit travels in one direction with the sludge scraper in the down position collecting sludge from the settling tank bottom and delivering same to a hopper at the influent end of the tank. Because all machinery parts are above water, maintenance costs are relatively low. Link-Belt Co. 215


Corrosion-Resistant Equipment. Catalog describes a full line of corrosionresistant processing equipment including Knightware jars, filters, pipe fittings, towers, protective linings for steel and concrete, glass fiber resin, corrosionproof mortars, and complete processing units (such as chlorine drying and HCI synthesis units). %I.A. Knight Co. 216

Laboratory size liquid-solid batch extractor, displayed at the recent Exposition of the Chemical Industries, features a concentrator capacity of 1 gallon of extract, and a percolator jvhich is interconnected and mounted on trunnions to permit easy tilting

Airlock Valves. Booklet covers a complete line of airlock valves including illustrations, drawings, specifications, and design and application information. Systems Engineering and h4anufacturing c o. 217

Circle No. 39 on Readers’ Service Card 60

for discharge of spent solids. T h e unit is designed to operate over a pressure range of vacuum to 15 p.s.i. Package units and individual parts are available. Brighton Corp. 212


Flex Tube Filtration. The inherent self-cleaning ability of the flexible tube septum in pressure-type filters is the subject of a booklet available from the manufacturer of the described equipment. Photographs and drawings show how the flexing action of the tube is used to bump off filter aid cake and how the cake is put into slurry and is then redeposited to re-establish cake on the tube walls. Filtomor, Inc. 218

Select 300 mesh to 10 micron sizes accurately ................

Mixers. Bulletin describes a line of mixers which utilize three vertical agitators to provide “full diameter” mixing by overlapping and intermeshing to produce an intense shearing, tearing, and kneading action. J. H. Day Co. 219 Materials Transfer. General equipment bulletin describes a line of fans, exhausters, blowers, and pumps, as well as conveyors and dust control equipment. Fuller Co., General American Transportation Corp. 220

Have you explored the many facets of these intermediates in dyestuffs, pharmacauticals, textiles and plastics? Reactions are typical of aromatic carboxylic acids.



98% O r t h o isomer content. Often used as chain stoppers for alkyd and polyester resins. Also available

m -TOLUIC ACID. 3-Methylbenzoic acid. Meta acid content 95.0%. Reacts with sulphur a t 262-267OC t o give 3, 3’-stilbenedicarboxylic acid. p-TOLUIC ACID. 4-Methylbenzoic acid. 98% minimum Para isomer content. Reacts with sulphur at 262-267T to give 4, 4‘ stilbenedicarboxylic acid.

Thin-Layer Chromatography. Apparatus, accessories, and chemicals €or thinlayer chromatography are the subject of a new catalog made available by the supplier. Featured in the catalog are new lines of chemical adsorbents and fluorescing phosphors. Kensington Scientific Corp. 221 Globe Valves. Four-page brochure describes high-pressure globe valves for gaseous and liquid operation up to 10,000 p.s.i. Schematic diagrams illustrate the balanced type of operation which results from the unique valve design described. Calmec Manufacturing 222 Corp. Membrane Filters. Sixteen-page booklet gives a full description of membrane filters used for separation and enrichment in ultrafiltration, microbiology, medicine, chemistry, and the industrial field. Physical and chemical properties of available membranes are given. 223 Carl Schleicher & Schuell Co. Nickel-Copper Tubes. New line of nickel-copper tubing is described in a four-page technical brochure available from the supplier. The new tubing is made from a new alloy designated Bronel 400, which exhibits good corrosion resistance over a wide range of environmental conditions and high strength at elevated temperatures. Bridgeport Brass co. 224 (Contznued on page 63)

Sturtevant Superfine Air Separators Cutaway shows special Superfine selector vanes. External control on this 20-inch laboratory unit gives accurate selection of fines at rates UP to 500 pounds/hour.

Highly accurate selection and separation of fines from larger material, especially in the 300 mesh t o 10 micron fine product range, is easily and efficiently accomplished with the Superfine versions c f the famous Sturtevant Whirlwind Centrifugal Air Separators. External adjustment control permits accurate selection and rapid change of desired particle size, even while operating. Rugged design and “Open-Door’’ Construction’;‘ of Superfine Air Separators give long, efficient service and simplicity of cleaning and maintenance. Capacities to 5 tons/hour are available with three models of Superfine Air Separators. 20-inch, 36-inch and 72-inch designs meet most requirements for laboratories, small and large scale production applications. For full information on Sturtevant Superfine Air Separators, write, phone or wire today t o Sturtevant Mill Company, 15 Sturtevant Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02122. Phone (617) 825-6500. Cable EMERYSTONE Boston.



T h e interiors of S t u r t e v a n t m a c h i n e s a r e accessible “By O n e M a n In O n e M i n u t e ” for f a s t , e a s y i n s p e c t i o n , cleanout, adjustment a n d maintenance.


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D r y Process E q u i p m e n t For Reducing/Classifying/Blending Sturtevant engineers and fabricates a full line of dry processlng equipment: air separators, fluid energy mills, impact mills, blenders and mixers, conveyors, crushers and grinders. Circle NO. 1 on Readers’ Service Card

VOL. 5 8

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Looking for product improvement ideas? try these new Armour beta-amine derivatives These new cationic chemicals have The beta-amine derivatives are soluble in many common solvents. Saturation of unique structures and advantages that the n-alkyl chain gives them good heat can help improve your products and processes. and color stability. All are biodegradable surface-active agents. are electroAll are derivatives of long-chain betaattracted to most natural and amines. Included are two A R M E E N ~chemically ~ dimethyl tertiary beta-amines, two synthetic surfaces. A R Q U A Dquaternized ~~ beta- amines, ARMEEN tertiary beta-amines are effiN~ betathree E T H O M E Eethoxylated cient alkaline intermediates yield amines, and an J?IHODUOMEEN@ ethoxyhighly concentrated reaction products due to their high solubility. ARQUAD lated beta-diamine. beta-compounds are strongly substanThese developmental chemicals offer several advantages over the corresponding alpha-amine derivatives. Let us help p u t Armour Idea - e

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Advantages. Although completely saturated, they're liquids with low melt and cloud points ...are easy to use at low ambient temperatures.

Chemicals fo work for you

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tive are good emulsifiers...kill bacteria, algae and fungi. The ethoxylated betaamines are excellent wetting agents and emulsifiers, Lower cost. When in volume production, prices are expected to be 5 to 35 % lower than prices of the corresponding alpha-amine derivatives. Write for literature. For more detailed information on these unique new chemicals, write today to Department IE for Bulletin Number 8-24.

NO. 36 on Readers' Service Card