Equipment for Small Scale Fermentations

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L. A.


The Squibb Institute for Medical Research, N e w Brunswick, N. J.

Equipment for Small Scale Fermentations Small equipment i s highly desirable for developmental work, where information is the most important product b The small fermentor, normally used for initial scale-up of processes from the flask stage and for detailed study of the effect o f major variables, i s one of the most important tools available to the antibiotic industry for the development o f fermentation processes. The 50-liter stainless steel fermentor and auxiliary equipment described were built to fill those needs. Although the goals o f maximum versatility and minimum handling and maintenance requirements can b e met in other ways, this equipment has given superior performance.


FERMENTATIONS, as in many other chemical processes, small scale equipment offers a number of advantages. The quantity of information that can be obtained is roughly proportional to the number of experimental units in use, with tank size having little influence; thus the same information can be obtained from a 25-gallon fermentation as from a 1000-gallon fermentation. O n the other hand, most of the items that contribute to the cost per fermentation increase with increasing tank sizee.g., labor, original price of equipment, raw materials, maintenance, and physical space required. Consequently, for developmental work, where information

Present address, American Cyanamid Go., New York, N. Y.

Present address, Columbia University, New York, N. Y.

v Figure 1.

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Fermentor detail

is the most important product, small equipment is highly desirable; for the same dollar outlay more experimental data can be obtained. O n the other hand, small fermentors have the drawback that the percentage of the batch lost by sampling and evaporation can be appreciable, particularly when aerated vigorously over long periods of time. In addition, special problems related to contamination-free operation are often encountered. The two basic types of small fermentors in common use today are the stationary type and the battery jar or portable type. The stationary type has several distinct advantages. The first is the reduced need for human labor. This is in distinct contrast to the battery jar fermentor, which must, after each fermentation, be lifted out of the water bath. cleaned, batched, carried to the autoclave for sterilization, and returned to the water bath. The second advantage is associated closely with the first: A fermentor which is not manually lifted has much less stringent size limitation. Consequently, it is possible to operate a fermentor which has sufficient capacity so that (1) operational conditions of aeration and agitation are not drastically changed during the course of the fermentation because of loss of liquid by sampling or evaporation; and (2) sufficient material can be provided for small scale recovery and purification studies from one fermentor or from the pooled contents of several. Finally. the design of the stationary fermentor permits sterilization of the medium by steam injection, with close control over the heating and cooling cycles. This procedure allows duplication of production practice and minimizes this process scale-up problem. I n contrast, the medium in the battery jar fermentor is usually sterilized in the static state in an autoclave. The heating and cooling cycles are prolonged and there is a nonuniform heat treatment of material in the various positions in the jar, because circulation is effected only by convection. Disadvantages of the stationary fermentor are the greater problems of contamination because of the additional piping-e.g., bottom drop valve-and


the relatively greater expense. Finally, it is common practice to disassemble the stationary-type fermentor by lifting the motor, drive, fermentor top, and agitation shaft by means of a hoist. Excessive handling of this type often leads to shaft misalignment and leaking seals or stuffing boxes. This problem, to a more limited extent, is also encountered with the battery jar type. After consideration of the factors discussed above, a fermentor was designed and built to satisfy as many as possible of the features thought to be desirable in small scale equipment. This vessel, diagrammatically shown in Figure 1, is extremely versatile, yet requires a minimum of physical handling and upkeep. In the sketch the fermentor has been greatly simplified to stress the salient features of its design. Stainless steel construction, in general, satisfies the requirement for long life, chemical inertness, absence of toxic effects on the fermentation, and ease in cleaning. While the total capacity is about 50 liters, the fermentor is normally operated at 30 liters, because head room is required to accommodate increased liquid volume and foam head which might develop with aeration. Outstanding Characteristics

of Design The motor, drive, shaft, and top of the fermentor are permanently in place. Thus, as these parts are rigidly mounted to the supporting frame, shafts once aligned tend to remain in alignment. As a result, the maintenance required is considerably less than in a portable installation, where shaft couplings must be dis-

Figure 2.

Shaft seal detail

IMPROVED FERMENTATION EQUIPMENT & DESIGN connected in order to prepare for the next run. All inside attachments, including baffles, sparger, and sampling tube, are suspended from the top. T o disassemble the fermentor for cleaning, it is only necessary to remove the bolts that fasten the shell to the head, uncouple the inlet and outlet lines to the cooling jacket, and lower the shell by means of a pneumatic lift. The standard stuffing box, used to maintain the necessary close fit between tank head and shaft, has been replaced by the neoprene oil seal assembly shown in Figure 2. Although the assembly was designed for two seals, it was necessary to replace the upper one with a Teflon ring which acts as a steady bearing. With this modification the life of the neoprene seal is now about 6 months. The performance, from the standpoint of contamination-free operation, has been completely satisfactory. The removal of the bottom valve

the small fermentor is often overlooked. Each fermentor is provided with a l/Z-hp. motor and variable-speed drive, so that shaft speeds of 89 to 890 r.p.m. are obtainable. Mounted on the shaft are three turbine impellers, each with six flat blades, for providing adequate mixing and air dispersion. Aeration is achieved in the conventional manner through a ring sparger, with holes on the upper side, situated just below the bottom turbine. Compressed air of controlled humidity is filtered through sterile glass wool just prior to its introduction into the fermentor, and the flow rate, measured with a rotameter, is controlled manually. The fermentors are mounted with the bottoms 4 feet off the floor to permit removal of the shells for cleaning. They are arranged in groups of 16, two rows of eight placed back to back, with a surrounding platform from which all operations can be carried out. Service lines

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Figure 3.

Air humidification system

eliminates a major source of contamination and a maintenance problem. Samples are removed through the sampling line, a simple dip tube with its lower end at the same level as the top of the sparger, or are taken directly from the shell, when lowered a t the end of the fermentation. The sample line, which holds 80 cc. of material, is normally flushed by discarding 100 cc. of broth. I n this way only 0.33y0 of the total volume is discarded a t each sampling. (Such a percentage loss is not considered excessive.) The shell is emptied, after lowering, by removing broth with a suction hose. Cleaning is readily accomplished, as all internal parts are completely accessible. Medium is sterilized in this unit by injection of steam through the sampling line and the air sparger, the common practice in most manufacturing units. This is not a technique unusual to fermentor operation, but it is emphasized because consideration of this feature in

for steam, air, water, and electricity run between the two banks with branch lines extending to each fermentor. The batch temperature, measured with a 0' to 150' C. dial thermometer, is controlled by the flow of water through the jacket. A common reservoir, in which the water volume and temperature are regulated, supplies eight fermentors in parallel through a manifold system. Desired minor variations in the individual fermentor temperatures are obtained by throttling the flow of water into their jackets. By interconnecting the two reservoir manifold systems required for a group of 16 fermentors, either system can be used to supply all 16 if the other has to be shut down. Auxiliary Equipment In order to carry out pure culture fermentations, tank design must be the first consideration, but auxiliary equipment

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must also be considered. Some of this equipment may also prove of value in large scale design, while other equipment may be necessary only to solve a problem imposed by the size of the equipment. I n either case the versatility of the installation can be greatly enhanced by careful selection or design of the necessary items. Humidification of Process Air. Large volumes of air must be passed through the medium in the fermentor when aerobic fermentations are carried out. Loss of batch volume due to evaporation during aeration is a problem which, although not critical in operations on a production scale, is of major importance in small fermentors. With removal of water and the resulting lower batch volumes, the agitation-aeration pattern, power input per unit volume, and concentrations of both raw materials and products change markedly. ' This dependence on fermentor size is caused by the fact that small fermentors require larger volumes of air per volume of medium than do large ones, if scale-up is based on equivalent superficial linear air velocities. This air, unless previously saturated, will pick up large quantities of moisture from the broth; losses as high




VOL. 48, NO. 12

5. Feed inlet detail DECEMBER 1956

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Figure 6.

regulates both the steam valve and a three-port valve. T h e latter operates as follows: When the temperature is below the control point, water is simply recirculated back to the conditioner and heated; when the temperature of the spray water is too high, it is reduced to the proper level by adding cold water to the recirculating stream. In theory at least, it should be possible, by using this system, to adjust the humidity of the air before compression to the same level that it would normally have on leaving the fermentor. Thus: if the air is prevented from picking up or losing moisture other than in the conditioner, no evaporation from the fermentation batch should occur. I n practice, the most serious problem which was encountered in accomplishing this goal was the condensation of moisture from the air after compression. Even when the aftercooler was not utilized, the temperature of the compressed air in the lines dropped below the dew point and moisture condensed. By insulating the air lines it has been possible to maintain the process air temperature sufficiently high to eliminate condensation. Addition of Materials. The maintenance of contamination-free operations when materials are added to a fermentor is more difficult as the size of the equipment decreases. This is true particularly in the case of slurries, as the small clearances that must be maintained in small scale equipment approach the size of the particles being passed. When large tanks are involved, standard diaphragm pumps have sufficiently low rates to be satisfactory for metering sterile liquids and single additions of nutrient solution or inoculum can be made by transferring the entire contents of a vessel. However, where small quantities are involved, specialized equipment must be devised in order to maintain sufficiently low flow rates or to divide the contents of a single vessel among a number of fermentors.

Syringe Assembly

as 1070 per day have been experienced in the 50-liter tanks described. I n the system selected for correcting this condition, process air is drawn from the atmosphere through a saturator to the compressors. After compression the air is cooled, filtered, and distributed to the fermentors. Humidification is accomplished. as shown in Figure 3, by bringing the air in contact with a spray of water in the conditioner. The degree of humidification is regulated by controlling the temperature of the outlet air, based on the assumption that it is 95 to 100% saturated. The temperature of the outlet air is dependent on the temperature of the spray water, which is controlled by the addition of cold water from the water cooler or the introduction of steam into the shell side of the heat exchanger. The temperature controller




Figure 7.

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Automatic foam control



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Figure 8.

Antifoarn probe detail

A metering tank, such as shown in Figure 4, has been employed for adding relatively large quantities of liquid to small fermentors. T h e construction is simple; the reservoir is merely a section of borosilicate glass pipe. I n practice the entire unit, mounted permanently in place, is first sterilized with steam and then the piping is filled with the material to be transferred. The glass pipe is filled to a given level and the material is forced by air pressure to the receiving vessel. The advantages of this type of unit are that standard items are used for construction with the exception of the top and bottom flanges, the material being transferred can be seen, and a continuous range of quantities can be metered if the pipe is calibrated. Other systems have been devised for intermittent or continuous addition of smaller quantities of solutions. Material previously sterilized in a storage bottle is transferred through flexible rubber tubing and standard syringe fittings,mounted on each fermentor as shown in Figure 5. A long syringe needle is inserted through standard compression fittings and held in place with soft solder. The female Luer-Lok (Becton, Dickinson & Co., Rutherford, K. J.) connection a t the top permits rapid attachment of the delivery equipment. Cornwall syringes (Becton, Dickinson & Co.), used for intermittent feed, are shown in Figure 6. Two check valves ensure that the syringe barrel is filled with liquid from the reservior on the suction stroke and the contents are delivered to the fermentor on the pressure stroke. Peristaltic action pumps, which press the liquid through the tubing, have been successfully employed for continuous feed of liquids where accurate control of flow rate is unimportant. Automatic Foam Control. Foaming is a serious problem because of the individual attention required by each fermentor to prevent loss of material through the exhaust line and possible contamination of the batch. Thus a n effective means of automatically controlling the foam is desirable. The

IMPROVED FERMENTATION EQUIPMENT & DESIGN system shown in Figure 7 utilizes a n electrical relay design for pump-down operation. When foam reaches the upper probe, an electrical connection is made between the probe and the wall of the tank, causing the relay to energize a peristaltic action pump which forces defoamer from a sterile reservoir through flexible silicone tubing into the fermentor. When the foam head has been broken, and the foam falls below the level of the lower probe, the electrical circuit is opened and the pump is shut off. A check valve situated in the line just before the inlet fitting prevents the flow of exhaust gas from the fermentor during periods when no defoamer is added. The probes are constructed and installed as shown in Figure 8. A stainless steel rod is covered with a Teflon tube and the combined unit is slipped into the fermentor through a packing gland constructed of standard compression fittings. The complete insulation of the probe as described here has eliminated shorting of the electrical circuit a t the tank head, the major problem encountered in previous unsuccessful trials. Continuous Fermentation

The fermentor described has been modified slightly to permit its use for study of continuous fermentation techniques. As the flow rates involved with such small volumes are below the range of available positive-displacement pumps, intermittent hourly feed of fresh nutrient medium and withdrawal of broth were





Figure 10.

employed, with the arrangement pictured in Figure 9. Two storage tanks are necessary to ensure a constant supply of sterile medium, because several hours are required to clean, batch, and sterilize tanks. The metering tank is operated in the same way as the one shown in Figure 4 and is steamed constantly when not'in use. With the equipment shown, and with





Sight glass protector

Continuous fermentation system

proper maintenance of steam locks on all valves adjacent to the fermentor, antibiotic fermentations have been carried out without contamination for as long as 2 months. U p to the present time no tests have been made with fermentations in which no antibiotic was present, so that the sterility record may be due, in part at least, to the nature of the fermentation. I t is customary to provide fermentors with two sight glasses-one to allow entrance of light, the other to allow observation. I n continuous fermentations, particularly, the clouding of these glasses becomes a serious problem. Foam, or even occasional splashing continuing over a long period, soon results in sufficient coating of the inner surface of both glasses so that the batch cannot be seen. The problem was resolved by the in-' stallation of tubes cut on a 15' angle, so that light and vision were directed to the same spot, the liquid surface at the center of the tank, as shown in Figure 10. The angle is sufficient to protect the glasses from splashing liquid; however, satisfactory foam control procedures are required to prevent foam from rising into the tubes. The batch can be observed over the entire fermentation period, unless for some reason the foam becomes unmanageable. A small weep hole in the upper end of each tube allows steam passage during sterilization and thus eliminates the possibility of a dead space which might not be adequately sterilized.

RECEIVED for review April 13, 1956 ACCEPTEI) August 8, 1956 VOL. 48, NO. 12


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