Mountainside, N. J. Montreal. Santa Clara. Somerville, Mass. Toronto. Los Angeles. Birmingham, Ala. Ottawa. Vancouver. Houston. Cenco S.A., Breda, The...
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Modernize your laboratory with Cenco

QUALITY EQUIPMENT HOT PLATE MAGNETIC STIRRER Combines an electric hot plate and magnetic stirrer which can operate independently or simul­ taneously. Variable speed stirring is powerful enough to stir 250 ml beaker of pure glycerin. Heat con­ trolled thermostatically. Top plate is 7%" of cast aluminum. No. 16632


CYLINDRICAL OVEN A n all-purpose, econom­ ical, three-shelved oven for

the new HITACHI HU-11

incubation, drying, sterili­ zation or baking. Precise control of


Hitachi's guaranteed 8-10 Angstrom Unit resolution allows you to probe the very basic structure of matter—making full use of the HU-1 l's 250,OOOx direct magnification.

from 37D to 200°C, with var­ iations as slight as 0.25° sensed by built-in thermoregulator. Chamber dimen­ sions are 14%" diameter, \\V%" depth. Specify either


115 or 230 volts. No.



This precise, utility sup­ port


adju sts

through an elevation range of seven inches and will support 100 pounds. Par­ ticularly useful for support­ ing hot plates, oil baths, and for accurate position­ ing of ground glass joints. A removable auxiliary plat­

The standard Hitachi HU-11, without acces­ sories, serves as a highly efficient electron diffraction apparatus for use with opaque or transparent specimens. With such ac­ cessories as a low temperature stage, a high temperature stage, a reflection microscopy attachment and a X-Ray shadow camera, the Hitachi HU-11 allows investigations into every field of research.

form, eight inches square, increases work area. Comes with 17%" support rod. No.



For further information on Cenco's complete line of laboratory equipment, teaching aids and scientific apparatus, contact your nearest Cenco salesman, or write.

cenco Quality since 1 S 8 9



A Division of Cenco Instruments Corporation 7 7 0 8 Irving Park Road · Chicago 1 3 , Illinois Mountainside, N. J. Montreal Santa Clara Somerville, Mass. Toronto Los Angeles Birmingham, Ala. Ottawa Vancouver Houston Cenco S.A., Breda, The Netherlands Tulsa

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LEASE TERMS ARE NOW AVAILABLE For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n , c o n t a c t

ERB & GRAY SCIENTIFIC, Inc. Exclusive Hitachi


for the U.S.

8 5 4 S. F i g u e r o a St., Los A n g e l e s 1 7 , C a l i f . 5 9 2 7 Riverdale A v e . , N e w York 7 1 , Ν . Υ.

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