ERIC K. RIDEAL (1890- ) Ph sical chemists of all countries admire the achievements of Eric &deal, who since 1930 has been Pmfessor qf Colloid Science at Camhridae. He was horn in London, A ~ r d11. 1890, and received hisGhemical training at Cambridgeana Bonn. He holds the degrees, M.A Cantab.), Ph.D. (Bonn), and DSc. (London). I n 1913hevisidEcaada, .t theinvitation of the overnment. to give expert advice regardin the sanitation o f ,to and Guyaquil. In collaboration wi& Samuel Rideal he%s published the books, 'Water Supplies" (1915) and "Disinfection and Disinfectants" reat W a r he served as Captain of the Royal During the ggZ2). Engineers, was invalided from France to the Munitions Invenlions Board and did research for the Department of the Fixation of Atmospheric NitroIn 191%20 he was visiting Professor of Physical Chemtst at Illinois. He has also served as lecturer m University Zllege, London, and as H. 0. Jones Lecturer, University of Cambridge.
Though his chief interests have been catal sis and surface in most of the chemistry, he and his co-workers have fields of ~ h v s ~ cchemistrv al and have nuhlished numerous naners in Eum and Americin journals. His hooks include *'li!Iee tmmetaflurgy" (1919); "Ozone" (1920); "An Introduction to Surface Chemistry" (nmud edition, 1 7 ; 3 Some A l p d . of Adso tion" (1933). He is m-author wxth H. S. Taylor) of " c a t 3 sis in Theory and Practice" (second edition, 1927). ~ m & s o r Rideal is a member of chemical societies at home and ahmad. He has been President of the Faraday Society, and Vice-president of the Chemical Society (London). Election to the Royal Society came to him in 1930. He received the Gold Medal of the Society of Engineers in 1913: the overnment has recognized his arrom lishments by conferring t t e order of the British Empire (M.B.E.)
(Confributcd b,y R. E. Oc~pcr,Univcrsify of Cineinnnti)