Errata - Organometallic Acetylenes of the Main Groups III-V

ERRATA. Volume 67,1967. Organometallic Acetylenes of the Main Groups III-V. By Wenzel ... Page 89: Table XVIII. (CH3)3SiG=CCE=CCH(C2H6)OH; change to...
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ERRATA Page 90:

Volume 67, I967 Organometallic Acetylenes of the Main Groups 111-V. By Wenzel E. Davidsohn and Malcolm C. Henry Page 82:

Page 83:

Page 84:

Table XI11 (CHa)zSi[~CC(CHs)20AcJ~ was obtained from Chemical Abstracts and is incorrect. Original document cites this to be (C2Hs)zSi[~CC(CH&0Ac]~. (CH3)(GH5)Si[~CC(CH3)zOHl~; delete ref 164. (CH3)(C3H7)Si[C=CC(CH&0HJ~;delete ref 164. Table XIV c13sic=cc&; delete ref 2. (CH&Si=CCJ&; move ref 140 up one line to apply to corresponding (CH3)3SiC=CCaH7. (CH3)3SiC=CC5H9;change to (CH8)3SiC=CCaH7. (CHs)sSikCC&; delete ref 145. (GH5)3Si(C(CHs)zCH2C1; change to (GHs)&GCC(CHa)(OH)CHzCl. Table XIV CH3(GH5)zSi~CCH20CH20C4H9; change to

Table XIX

(CHZ)~[COZ(CH~)ZC=CS~(GH~)&; change to

(CHI)~[C~~(CH~)ZC~C~~(~H~)~]Z Page 103: Change ref 120, year to read 1963. Page 104: Change ref 171, authors to read: Shikhiev, I. A,, Shostakovskii, M. F., Komarov, N. V., and Kayutenko, L. A. Page 105: Reference 235 should read, Volnov, J., and Reutt, A.: Zh. Obshch. Khim., 10, 1600 (1940). Page 106: Change ref 239, journal to read Inorg. Chem. instead of J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem.

Volume 68, 1968 Electrochemical Oxidations of Organic Compounds. By N. L. Weinberg and H. R. Weinberg Page 489: Formula 117 should be


(GH6)3SikCC(CH&OOC(CH2)EOOH ; delete entire line, compounds not synthesized. (CsH5)3Sic=CCH3; delete ref 2.

(CH~)~S~CECC(CH~)(GH~)C=C(CH~)=CHZ should be


Page 85:

Page 86:

Table XIV HO(CHs)2CbCSi( Me)2CHzCHzSi(Et)2(CC(CH&OH should be the isomer HO(CH&C= (CH3)(CHzCHzSiEt2Me)C=CC(CH&OH. Table XV (CH&Si=CC(CH&OCH1CH2CN; delete ref 196. (CHs)&~CC(CH&0CH2CH2OGH~; delete entire line, compound not made. (CH&Si=CC(CH3)(CMe3)0H; change to (CH3),Si~CC(CHa)(Bu-i(t))OH. (CH3)&kCC(CH3)(CMea)OR; change to


Page 87: Page 88:

Page 89: Page 89:

(GH6)3Si=CC(CHs)zOH; delete ref 139. (GHs)~S~=CC(CH~)~OCHZCHZCN; delete ref 196. (GH&SiC=CC(CHs)(CzHa)oR; delete ref 186. Table XV

-Ny&&3 Page 469: Section B, line 9;

os04 should be 0~04.

Volume 69,1969 Recent Studies on the Fischer Indole Synthesis. By B. Robinson Page 227: The author’s address should read Department of Pharmacy rather than Department of Chemistry.

Theory of Vibrational Energy Transfer between Simple Molecules

(BU~S~CH~CHZ)(CH~)CB~)S~~CC(CH&OH; in Nonreactive Collisions. By Donald Rapp and Thomas Kassal delete ref 95 and replace with 222.

Table XVI (p-C1CJ-14)aSiC=CCH=CH~; change ref 140 to 141. (CH&(~-GOH~)S~&CCH=CHZ; change to (CH,Ma-CIoH7)SiC=CCH=CHz. .. ., Table XVii‘ Cl(CH3)2Si-CSi(CHs)C12; change to Cl(CHs)&WSi(CH&Cl. Table XVIII (CH&SiC=CCkCCH(C&Hs)OH; change to (CH&3GCC=CC(CH&OH. ( C H & ( G H , ) S i G C m C H ( G H d O H ; change to (CH&oHs)SiC%CC=CC(CH&OH.

Page 67: Page 68: Page 71: Page 74: Page 80: Page 83: Page 83: Page 84:

Two lines from bottom left-hand column; insert “of’ between variation and PIJ-,~. Equation 59, and one line below, and five lines below; replace A t ) by u(t). First line in section 3, replace quanfum by quantum. Equation 152; divide left side by 2. Two lines below eq 167; replace 7 by e. Eq 185 (reprints); replace right side by [IR(a,c;x)]. One line below eq 200; replace A’ = A by A’ E Ai Just above eq 204; replace W by
