Errata. The Walk ID Number Revisited - Journal of Chemical

Qingyou Zhang , Chengcheng Wu , Fangfang Zheng , Tanfeng Zhao , Yanmei Zhou , and Lu Xu. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2015 55 (7), ...
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J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci., Vol. 33, No. 5, 1993 797


BOOK REVIEWS Text Information Retrieval Systems. By Charles T. Meadow. AcademicPress: San Diego, CA. 1992. 302 pp. $45.00. ISBN 0-12-487410-X. Text Information RetrieualSystemsis a book that presents the process of information retrieval (text, abstracts, etc.) from databases by using computers. The level of presentation is basic enough that the material is accessible to all potential users. The book is well organized, and the fact that it has a separate bibliography at the end of each chapter makes it easier for the reader to look for further information about specific topics. The author begins by presenting a broad definition of information in the more general context of communication. He then examines the representation of information, treats in depth the process of search and retrieval of text (natural language text, abstract text, library catalogue, sound, and graphics), and finally

includes a chapter dedicated tomeasurement and evaluationof the retrieval process in terms of relevance, value, and utility. Chapters 7-10 consider the process of retrieval in a very systematic and pragmatic way that allowsthe reader to understand easily the complex proms of text retrieval. The use of computer languages is not emphasized, but a small portion of mathematical material is presented and discussed. As a result, the book may fall short from a computer scienceperspectiveof the information retrieval proms. On the other hand, it is a good choice as a textbook for information retrieval courses in library and information science programs, and as a suggested reading in courses dealing with on-line searching. This volume is a very good addition to any information science library.

Diana Hernandez-Szczurek Indiana University

ERRATA Correlations between Chemical Structure and Normal Boiling Points of Halogenated Alkanes Cl-c4 [ J . Chem. I n ! COmPut. SCi. 32,233-237 (199211 BY Alexandru T. Ba1aban,' Nikhil Joshi, LemOnt B. Kier,' and Lowell H. Hall * Organic Chemistry Department, Polytechnic Institute Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 3 13, 77206 Bucharest, Romania, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, virginia 23298-0540, and Department of Chemistry, Eastern Nazarene College, Quincy, Massachusetts 02170

The Walk ID Number Revisited [J. Chem. Znf. Comput. Sci. 33, 231-233 (1992)l By Wolfgang R. Mtiller, Klaus Szymanski, Jan V. b o p , Zlatko MihaliC, and Nenad Trinajstib', The Computer Centre, The Hreimich Heine University, D-4000 Dfisseldorf, The Federal Republic of G ~ Faculty~ of science ~ and ~ Mathematics, ~ ~ The University of Zagreb, HR-41001 Zagreb, The Republic of Croatia, and The Rugjer BoikoviC Institute, HR-41001 Zagreb, The Republic of Croatia

Page 235. In Table I, F~IC-CHIFshould be replaced by F2IC-CH2Cl.

Page 231. In the first column, the end of the second paragraph should read as follows: "... and the BID number is unique for alkane trees with up to at least 20 vertices."

Correlations between Chemical Structure and Normal Boiling Points of Acyclic Ethers, Peroxides, Acetals, and Their Sulfur Analogues [ J . Chem. ZnJ Comput. Sci. 32, 237-244 (1992)l By Alexandru T. Balaban,' Lemont B. Kier,' and Nikhil Joshi. Organic Chemistry Department, Polytechnic Institute Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 313, 77206 Bucharest, Romania, and Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Medical College of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia 23298-0540 Page 239. In Table 11, entry no. 51: 2-methylbutyl should be replaced by l-methylbutyl. For entry no. 52 in the same table, the res value should be -7.1 instead of -71.4.

Page 232. In the first column, eq 5 (near the bottom) should read as follows: (5) matrix powers

W, = I,W' = W, ...,wN-'

Page 233. In the first column, the first equation should read as follows:

CWk=I+Ww k