Erratum: Constant current power supply - Journal of Chemical

Erratum: Constant current power supply. N. C. Peterson. J. Chem. Educ. , 1965, 42 (1), p 24. DOI: 10.1021/ed042p24. Publication Date: January 1965...
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Errata It has been called to our attention by Robert Poignant that an error occurred in the caption for a figure accompanying "Constant Current Power Supply," by Harry J. Svec and Norman C. Peterson (J. CHEM.Eonc., 40, 37 (1963)). The resistor R3 in Figure 1~houldhave been listed ss 0.1 meg instead of 1meg. The circuit will operate with 1 meg for Ra if the lower end is removed from the cathode of Vnand connected to the cathode of V5instead. With this modification, the battery BA is not needed. NORMAN C . PETERSON

24 / Journol of Chemicol Education