Erratum: Field Test for Screening Milkweed Latex for Cardenolides

Feb 18, 1991 - G.M. Sheldrick, in: “Crystallographic. Computing 3." Ed. by G.M. Sheldrick, C. Kruger, and R. Goddard,Oxford Univer- sity Press, Oxfo...
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Journal of Natural Products

G.M. Sheldrick, “SHELXTL User’s Manual, Revision 3.” Nicolet XRD Corporation, Fremont, CA, 1981. 10. G.M. Sheldrick, in: “Crystallographic Computing 3.” Ed. by G.M. Sheldrick,C. Kruger, and R. Goddard, Oxford Univer9.



Wol. 55, No. 2

sity Press, orford, 1985, p. 175. G.M. Sheldrick. ‘SHEIX 76. Program for Crystal Structure &termination,“ Cambridge University, Cambridge, 1975.

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ERRATUM For the paper by Sady and Seiber entitled “FieldTest for Screening Milkweed Latex for Cardenolides,”J. Nat. Prod., 54,1105 (1991) entries in Table 1 should be corrected as follows:

13 Asclepias eustruoodiatu Barneby, + + ; 15

Asclepias cwdyolia (Benth.) Jepson,

16 Asclepias cryptorwas S . Wats., + .

+ 4- +;