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Journal of Natural Products

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ERRATUM The authors have requested the following correction for the paper entitled “Sesterterpenes from a Pacific Sponge, Cartwiospongia &be//gwa,” J . Nat. Prod., 51, 745 (1988). The corrected structure of compound 3 is as follows:

Me 3

ERRATUM The authors have requested the following corrections for the paper entitled “Prenylated 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid Derivatives from Piper marginaturn, J . Nat. Prod., 51, 370 (1988). The corrected uv data for compound 1 should be uv (MeOH) A max 25 5,2 16 nm (E 11000, 16200), and those for compound 2 should read uv (MeOH) A max 254,2 15 nm (10200, 17 100). ”