ES Books - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Jun 1, 1981 - ES Books. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1981, 15 (6), pp 645–646. DOI: 10.1021/es00088a602. Publication Date: June 1981. ACS Legacy Archive...
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Alternative Energy Sources 11. Vols. 1-9. T. Nejat Veziroglu, Ed. xxi 41 7 1 pages. Hemisphere Publishing, 1025 Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005. 1981. $595/set. This set of books covers many aspects of direct and indirect solar energy, geothermal, nuclear, hydrocarbon conversion, hydrogen, conservation, economics, and policy. Papers are from contributors worldwide. Of the nine volumes, four are devoted to solar energy.


Pollution and Water Resources: Columbia University Seminar Series. Vol. XIII, Parts 1-3. George J. HalasiKun, Ed. vii 203, 187, 205 pages, respectively. Pergamon Press, Maxwell House, Fairview Park, Elmsford, N . Y . 10523. 1981. $60/set. These volumes cover a range of topics, including New York Metropolitan area studies, agricultural runoff effects, stream ecology and aquatic biology, hydrology of dry and wet areas, water laws, and pollution studies of surface and groundwater. A portion of the papers are from the American Academy of Ocean Sciences.


Environmental Pollution. H. M. Dix. x 286 pages. John Wiley & Sons, 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1981. $44.50, hard cover. This work discusses general aspects, atmosphere, land, water, noise, and legislation. It offers comprehensive coverage with an objective and nonextreme treatment of the topics of pollution. It is aimed at “filling a niche” between the popular and the academic.


Clean Coal/Dirty Air. Bruce A. Ackerman, William T. Hassler. x 193 pages. Yale University Press, 92A Yale Station, New Haven, Conn. 06520. 1981. $5.95, paper. The authors point up what they believe to be major flaws in the Clean Air Act and pursuant regulations, and call for a virtually complete overhaul of the law. They advocate specifying clean air targets and leaving implementation up to technical experts. One approach they felt was questionable was requiring stack scrubbers for coal-


burning power plants (for new plants only), rather than cleaning coal or using low-sulfur coal.

The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. 3, Part A, Anthropogenic Compounds. 0.Huntzinger, Ed. Springer-Verlag New York, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. 1980. $70.80, hard cover. Many, and sometimes hazardous, are the environmental chemicals of human origin. This book considers chemistry, analysis, fate/transport, and other aspects of mercury, cadmium, organic and inorganic dyes and pigments, polynuclear aromatic and heteroaromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated compounds, radionuclides, and many other anthropogenic materials that escape into the environment. Biochemical Indicators of Subsurface Pollution. Otis C. Dermer et al. xii 203 pages. Ann Arbor Science, Box 1425, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48106. 1980. $24, hard cover. This book discusses the uses of biochemistry and biochemical analysis techniques to assess soil and groundwater pollution. Among topics covered are “specific” enzymes, macromolecules, analytical biochemical principles, and metabolic products usable for detection of pollutants in low concentrations.


Principles of Desalination, Parts A and B. 2nd ed. K. S. Spiegler, A. D. K. Laird, Eds. xiii 821 pages. Academic Press, 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003.1980. Part A, $41; Part B, $52, hard cover. Desalination may become a significant water supply source for the future, given the proper technical and economic picture. These books examine that field with respect to thermoeconomics, distillation, electrodialysis, freezing methods, hyperfiltration (reverse osmosis), and solar techniques. Scale countermeasures, costs, and seawater properties are also considered.


Guide to Chemical Education in the U S . for Foreign Students. xi 106 pages. Special Issue Sales, American Chemical Society, 1155 16th St.,


N.W., Washington,D.C. 20036. 1981. $7.50, paper. This guide was prepared by the ACS Committee on International Activities. Generally, it discusses the U S . education system, course content that students should complete before coming to the U S . or that they can take in the US., and other pertinent topics. Representative chemical texts are listed in bibliographies, as appropriate, and sample examination questions are offered.

The Self-Managing Environment. Alan Roberts. 189 pages. Rowman and Littlefield, 81 Adams Dr., Totowa, N.J. 07512. 1980. $15, hard cover. This work assesses environmental dilemmas in their social context. Technical and financial problems of nuclear power are examined, as are the “falsely posed” oppositions between the “consumer society” and technological retrogression. The author proposes that neither the randomness of the free market nor Soviet-type planning can keep up with the constantly increasing complexity and scale of environmental tasks. He also explains how a fully “self-managed society” might be able to do so. Trace substances wall chart. 22 in. X 34 in. Environmental Sciences Associates, 45 Wiggins Ave., Bedford, Mass. 01730. 1981. First copy free; $3.50 each in quantities from two to 49. Includes editorial on toxic and trace metals. The chart and accompanying publication cover routes of entry, preventive measures, and toxic metals. OSHA, EPA, and threshold limit values and standards are included. Environmental Policies in New Zealand. OECD report. 82 pages. OECD Publications and Information Center, Ste. 1207, 1750 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006. 1981. Inquire as to price. New Zealand is one of the least polluted and congested countries of OECD’s 24 member nations; this report explains why. Many environmental areas, as well as expected present and future developmental impacts are discussed. Volume 15, Number 6, June 1981 645

Infrared Spectra Handbook of Priority Pollutants and Toxic Chemicals. Sadtler Research Laboratories, 33 16 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 1981. $210 (10% discount until July 15). This work contains more than 500 condensed- and vapor-phase spectra of pollutants and other chemicals of concern. Many are included in the “EPA Priority Pollutants List,” or in the “OSHA Category I List of Carcinogenic Substances.” There is also a list of hazardous compounds common in industry and subject to interstate transportation regulations.


Project SEED summer program gave me a chance to learn about research

The Ignis Fatuus of Biogas. SmallScale Anaerobic Digesters. J . van Brakel. viii 141 pages. Delft University Press, Mijnbouwplein 11,2628 RT Delft, The Netherlands. 1980. About $16, paper. This book critically reviews the pre- 1970 literature; newer developments are discussed elsewhere or, according to the author, what is seemingly new is actually a “reinvention.” Anaerobic systems worldwide are covered, as are the inner workings of systems and the applications of their products.


This summer, thanks to Project S E E D , over 130 economically disadvantaged high school students like Angela Odom had a chance to work and learn in a number of academic research labs throughout the U.S.

Fundamental and Applied Toxicology. Periodical, bimonthly. Society of Toxicology, 475 Wolf Ledges Pkwy., Akron, Ohio 44311. Inquire as to subscription price; free to Society of Toxicology members. This journal is directed to the practicing toxicologist. It covers aquatic/ environmental toxicology, risk assessment, regulatory controls, safety evaluation for specific purposes, and other germane topics.

Your contributions, which are used 100% for student stipends, are needed for SEED to continue helping students prepare for making vitally important decisions about their future education and work. IImmIDDmmmI

Project SEED ACS, 1155 16th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036

Yes, I’d like to help these students learn what is required for success as college students.


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Environmental Science & Technology

Climate Change and Society: Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. William W. Kellogg, Robert Schware. Westview Press, 5500 Central Ave., Boulder, Colo. 80301, 198 1. Inquire as to price. Will nations take action to avert increasing COz quantities in the air? Probably not, say the authors. The idea, then, is to adopt long-term strategies that will increase human societies’ resiliency if climate changes occur. The authors list several such strategies that would be beneficial, even if the worst does not come about. Interim Performance Criteria for Photovoltaic Energy Systems. 225 pages. National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, Va. 22161. 1981. $9.50.

This document establishes a technical base for qualification/evaluation of photovoltaic systems and items. It also offers guidance for designers, producers, marketers, and operators of PV systems, as well as a basis for developing consensus standards in the private sector.

Chromatographic Methods in Inorganic Analysis. 226 pages. Dr. Alfred Huthig Verlag GmbH, Postfach 10 28 69,6900 Heidelberg 1, West Germany. 1981. $38. This book gives an overview of various chromatographic methods to separate inorganics, organometallics, and metal chelates. Detection and trace analysis are also featured. Environmental and toxicological applications are among subjects addressed. Trace-Element Geochemistry of Coal Resource Development Related to Environmental Quality and Health. xi 153 pages. National Academy Press, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 1980. $1 1, paper. Coal may contain many trace elements, such as uranium, iron, cadmium, and numerous others. They can enter the environment through mining, coal cleaning, storage, and combustion, and synfuel processes. This book examines that problem in detail.


Small is Possible. George McRobie. xv 3 11 pages. Harper & Row, 10 East 53rd St., New York, N.Y. 10022. 1981. $14.95, cloth; $5.95, paper. This book gives an overview of a “countereconomy” in the US., U.K., and Canada, including small-scale aquaculture, waste metal and sewage recycling, alternative energy systems, and biological pest control. Numerous concrete examples of this countereconomy in practice are listed and described in detail.


Biomonitoring Air Pollutants With Plants. William J . Manning, William 142 pages. Applied A. Feder. x Science Publishers, ?2 Rippleside Commercial Estate, Ripple Road, Barking, Essex IG11 OSA, U.K. 1980. $26, hard cover. Numerous annual and perennial plants make quite reliable monitors for air pollutants. For example, they can confirm results otherwise obtained, and extend monitoring networks. This book tells how various plants can monitor ozone, peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN), NO,, SO,, heavy metals, dusts, and ethylene. Problems and progress in this field are discussed.
